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考研英语作文范文素材1、正宗拉面Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文:As is shown in the cartoon, with the rapid development of market economy, many people cannot wait to make a fortune, and will even do so at the cost of giving up occupational ethics. Take the two vendors in the cartoon for example. Both of them claim that their food is more genuine than the other, which poses such a great dilemma to the tourist that he cannot decide which restaurant to choose.This phenomenon commonly appears in our daily life. Nowadays, many enterprises fail to aggregate their profit by concentrating on the quality of products and services. Instead, they only try their best to force customers to buy their products while refusing to consider the latters benefits and feelings. Such deeds not only harm customer confidence and social welfare, but also destroy the enterprises own images and decrease their market share in the long run.Therefore, it is of great significance to take actions to change this phenomenon. First and foremost, every business and industry should build a wholesome system of occupational ethics emphasizing the quality of honesty. In addition, the market should bolster fair competition regulated by standards, so that all businesses bear in mind that customers come first and are entitled to respect. These steps can help guarantee a solid economic order and a harmonious society.译文:就像图中画的那样,在迅速发展的市场经济中,许多人都不惜以牺牲职业道德为代价来赚钱。以图中的这两个卖主为例,他们都声称自己的产品比对手更加正宗,这使得游客不知所措、不知该选择哪一家餐馆。这种现象在我们的日常生活中普遍存在。现在很多企业都不是通过集中精力改进产品和服务来取得更高的利润。相反,他们试图逼迫消费者购买他们的产品,而拒绝考虑后者的利益和感受。这些做法不仅伤害了消费者的信心和社会利益,同时也损害了企业自己的形象、在长期会减少它们的市场份额。因此,采取措施来改变这一现象具有十分重要的意义。首先,工商业应该建立健康的职业道德系统,强调诚信这一品质。此外,市场应该通过标准和规定来支持公平竞争,让商业界牢记顾客是上帝,他们有资格得到尊重。所有这些措施都能够保证我们有一个良好的经济秩序和和谐的社会。闪光词汇及词组:make a fortune: 发财at the cost of: 以为代价occupational: adj. 职业的vendor: n. 卖主genuine: adj. 真实的,正宗的dilemma: n. 两难境地aggregate: v. 聚集,集合,合计market share: 市场份额bolster: v. 支持be entitled to: 有的权利、资格万能句型:Take in the cartoon for example.This phenomenon commonly appears in our daily life.Therefore, it is of great significance to take actions to change this phenomenon.These steps can help guarantee a solid economic order and a harmonious society.2、分秒必争Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文:Traditional wisdom has it that slow and careful work yields perfect results. But nowadays many companies force workers to finish their tasks as fast as they can, even by lengthening the working hours. As is shown in the picture, workers in a construction site have to keep on working until midnight.Such a practice is very harmful. First, it cannot ensure the quality of the project. Overworking makes workers feel exhausted, some of whom might be absent-minded and fail to fulfill their tasks with adequate energy. Second, workers are not provided with satisfying working conditions. In the picture we find no lights or other facilities for lighting, and the workers work by the moonlight and thus are very likely to have accident. Thirdly, it goes against Chinas Labor Code which prohibits employers from forcing workers to work more than eight hours per day without overtime pay.Therefore, we have every reason to take immediate measures against this negative practice. The government should strictly enforce the Labor Code, as well as take workers rights into serious consideration. Working conditions should also be improved so as to prevent workers getting physical injuries or harm. Only by these means can we avoid producing poor-quality products and maintain worker health.译文:老人们经常说,慢工出细活。但是现在很多公司都迫使工人尽快完成他们的任务,即使是通过延长工作时间来完成。就像这幅图中所显示的那样,一个建筑工地的工人们不得不工作到深夜。这种做法是非常有害的。首先,这不能保证工程的质量。过度的工作量使工人们精疲力竭,他们可能变得工作时心不在焉、无法用足够的精力来完成任务。第二,工人们也没有得到令人满意的工作环境。在图中还没任何灯光和其他照明设施,工人们就着月光工作,因此很容易发生危险。第三,这种做法也违反了中国的劳动法,该法律禁止雇主迫使工人工作超过八小时而不支付加班费。因此,我们有足够的理由尽快采取措施来治理这种不好的做法。一方面,政府应该严格执行劳动法,并认真考虑工人们的权利。另一方面,应该通过改进工作环境防止对工人们造成身体上的伤害。只有通过这些方式,我们才能防止造成低质量的工程,并保持工人们的健康。闪光词汇及词组:lengthen: v. 延长,使变长construction site: 建筑工地exhausted: adj. 精疲力竭的absent-minded: adj. 心不在焉的adequate: adj. 适当的,足够的be likely to: 很可能prohibit: v. 禁止overtime pay: 加班费means: n. 方式,方法万能句型:Traditional wisdom has it that slow and careful work yields perfect results.Such a practice is very harmful.Therefore, we have every reason to take immediate measures against this negative practice.3、金钱豹的伤痛Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文:We can see from the picture that a leopard, with his right hand bleeding, went into a clinic. Having received some treatment, he came out with his hand bound up, but his beautiful speckles have disappeared.If the leopard could speak out his mind, he would surely express how anguished he felt for the loss of his speckles. There are three reasons why the loss happened to the leopard. Firstly, the doctor did not give the leopard a very careful examination before the treatment, which resulted from the lack of a sense of responsibility. These doctors have no enthusiasm for their job, nor patience or affection for their patients. Secondly, though currently there are many clinics, the number of the qualified doctors is very limited. Some clinics are run by those who do not have the required doctors qualification, which poses potential danger for patients. Thirdly, some clinics impose on patients unnecessary treatment or examination sheerly for profit.I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon. Firstly, we need to advocate social responsibility and professional ethics in each field. Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society. Only through the combined efforts of government and society can we eliminate this “tumor” forcefully and completely.译文:从图中我们可以看到一只美洲豹带着流血的右爪走进了一家诊所。在接受了一番治疗之后,他带着绑着绷带的右爪走出了诊所,而他身上漂亮的斑点也消失了如果这只美洲豹可以说出他心里的想法,他一定会表达失去了斑点的苦恼。发生在这只美洲豹身上的事情可以通过三个原因来解释。第一,诊所的医生在开始治疗之前没有给美洲豹进行细致的检查,这主要归咎于医生的不负责任。这些医生对他们的工作没有任何热情,对于病人也没有耐心和同情。第二,尽管现在有很多的诊所,但是却没有很多达到医疗资格的医生。因此,许多诊所是由那些没有行医资格的人经营的,这给病人们带来了很大的潜在危险。第三,一些诊所为了牟利而强加给病人各种不必要的检查和治疗。我认为必须采取有效的措施来结束这种现象。首先,我们应该在各行各业内大力宣扬社会责任和职业道德。其次,应该制定和执行严格的规定,从而创造一个和谐和有序的社会。只有通过这些综合的努力,我们才能够把这个社会“毒瘤”彻底清除掉。闪光词汇及词组:bounded up: 绑着的speckle: n. 斑点speak out: 大声说出anguished: adj. 痛苦的,苦恼的enthusiasm: n. 热心,积极性affection: n. 友爱,感情impose: v. 强加tumor: n. 毒瘤万能句型:We can see from the picture thatI maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon.Strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society.


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