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2020年高考英语模拟卷(新课标卷)09(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhat is Strengths FinderDo you have the opportunity to do best every day?Chances are you dont. All too often, our natural talents go undeveloped. We devote more time to fixing our disadvantages than to developing our advantages.In 1998, the Father of Strengths Psychology, Donald O. Clifton, Ph. D. (19242003), along with Tom Rath and a team of scientists at The Gallup Organization, created the online Strenghths Finder assessment (评估).To help people develop their talents, in 2001, Gallup introduced the first online assessment, Strengths Finder, which led to a global conversation and helped millions to discover their top five talents. In 2004, the assessments name was formally changed to Clifton Strengths Finder in honor of its designer.In 2007, Rath and Gallup scientists released (发行) a new edition (版本) of the assessment called Strengths Finder 2.0. Rooted (扎根) in more than 40 years of research, this assessment has continued to help millions discover and develop their natural talents.In its latest national bestseller, Strengths Finder 2,0, Gallup releases the new and improves its popular assessment and much more. While you can read this book, youll use it as a reference for decades.With hundreds of ways to apply your strengths, the new book and website will change the way you look at yourselfand the world around youforever.Available in Strengths Finder 2.0*A popular price: $ 20*A special price: Save 20% for studentsYou can know about its information on www.gallup.com/press/176429/strengthsfinder.aspx.1. When was the first strengths Finder online assessment introduced?A. In 1998.B. In 2001.C. In 2004.D. In 2007.2. How much should a student pay for the two books strengths Finder 2.0?A. 16 dollars.B. 20 dollars.C. 32 dollars.D. 40 dollars.3. Why did Gallup introduce strengths Finder?A. To help People develop their natural talents.B. To tell People to find out their disadvantages.C. To help People discover their interests.D. To tell people to realize their dreams.【答案】1. B2. C3. A【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Strengths Finder的起源、目的以及它的最新版本的书。1. 【解析】细节理解题。由第四段首句“To help people develop their talents, in 2001, Gallup introduced the first online assessment, Strengths Finder,(为了帮人们挖掘他们的潜力,2001年,Gallup介绍了他第一版的在线测评,Strengths Finder)”可知,第一版的在线优势测评是在2001年发布的。故选B。2. 【解析】细节理解题。根据文中的“A special price: Save 20% for student(学生价格节省20%)”可知学生买一本书的价格为16元,那么买两本书的价格就是32元。故选C。3. 【解析】细节理解题。由第四段首句“To help people develop their talents, in 2001, Gallup introduced the first online assessment, Strengths Finder,(为了帮人们挖掘他们的潜力,2001年,Gallup介绍了他第一版的在线测评,Strengths Finder)”可知,Gallup介绍strengths Finder是为了挖掘人们的潜力。故选A。B I work as the reception manager at my hotel.A booking came in a few weeks ago with a note attached that a guest would be travelling with her deaf father. This note helped us in preparing for their arrival. As they would be here for a number of days, his daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as smooth as possible.Upon seeing this note and knowing I would be the one to check them in, I decided to learn some very basic sign language. I greeted the guest in my usual fashion, asking for the surname on the booking. Once I heard the name,I immediately realized who was standing in front of me.I had been learning for two weeks how to say: “Welcome to Ireland. My sign language is terrible, but please, if you need anything during your stay, just let me know and we will help you.”I smiled at the father and daughter in front of me. Turning to the father, I greeted him in ASL (American Sign Language) and began the bit I had learned for him. His daughter broke down crying and told me I was sweet. But the father just smiled and was so happy. Honestly, seeing his reaction was enough for me. It was absolutely worth the last few weeks of learning basic ASL.Sadly, I wasnt working the day they checked out, but they left a gift for me, a small box with some chocolates and a book on ASL. Inside was a note saying: “Thank you very much for what you did. My father has been in amazing spirits from the time you checked us in and insisted we get you a gift before we left. You have no idea how much this meant to my father and me, and we cant thank you enough. Youve made his trip very special with one simple gesture.”I cried for a solid five minutes when I came into work the next day and found this gift in my locker.4. The daughter left a note when booking the hotel in order to _.A. ask for special service for herselfB. give some useful advice to the hotelC. express gratitude to the hotel managerD. make her fathers trip more comfortable5. The daughter cried when they checked in because _.A. the authors sign language was really terribleB. her father was unwilling to live in that hotelC. she appreciated what the author had done for her fatherD. the author wouldnt be working when they checked out6. Seeing the fathers reaction during check-in, the author probably felt _.A. thankfulB. satisfiedC. disappointedD. regretful7. From this passage, we can know that _.A. the author made the daughters check-out smoothB. the author was deeply moved by an unexpected giftC. the daughter cried for five minutes before they leftD. the daughter asked the author to learn sign language【答案】4. D5. C6. B7. B【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。本文作者回忆了接待一对父女来爱尔兰旅游,帮助他们登记的故事,因为那位父亲是个聋哑人,执着专门学了手势语欢迎来爱尔兰,结果那位父亲对于作者的接待很满意,走得时候还送给作者礼物,并给经理写信,希望给作者加薪。4. 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句As they would be here for a number of days, his daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as smooth as possible.(由于他们要在这里呆几天,他的女儿想让他的爱尔兰之行尽可能顺利。)可知,女儿在预订旅馆时留下了一张便条,以便让父亲的旅行更舒适。故选D。5. 【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段His daughter broke down crying and told me I was sweet. But the father just smiled and was so happy.可知当他们登记入住时,女儿哭了,女儿情绪失控的原因是作者的细心体贴感动了她,这让她的爸爸很开心。故选C。6. 【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段Honestly, seeing his reaction was enough for me. It was absolutely worth the last few weeks of learning basic ASL.(老实说,看到他的反应就足够了。最后几周的ASL基础学习绝对值得。)可知,看到这位爸爸很开心,作者感到了他的付出是很值得的;因此看到父亲在入住时的反应,作者可能感到很满足。故选B。7. 【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段I cried for a solid five minutes when I came into work the next day and found this gift in my locker.(第二天上班时,我在储物柜里发现了这件礼物,哭了整整五分钟。)可知,作者受到这份特殊的礼物后很感动;故选B。C In 1992, Teen Talk Barbie was released with the controversial voice fragment, “Math class is hard.” While the toys release met with strong public reaction, this underlying assumption persists, spreading the myth that women do not thrive in science, technology, engineering and mathematic (STEM) fields due to biological inadequacies in math aptitude. However, in 2019 Jessica Cantlon at Carnegie Mellon University led a research team that comprehensively examined the brain development of young boys and girls and found no gender difference in brain function or math ability.Cantlon and her team conducted the first neuroimaging study to evaluate biological gender differences in math aptitude of young children. Her team used functional MRI(核磁共振)to measure the brain activity in 104 young children (3-to-10-year-old; 55 girls) while watching an educational video covering early math topics, like counting and addition. The researchers compared scans from the boys and girls to evaluate brain similarity. In addition, the team examined brain maturity by comparing the childrens scans to those taken from a group of adults (63 adults; 25 women) who watched the same math videos.After numerous statistical comparisons, Cantlon and her team found no difference in the brain development of girls and boys. In addition, the researchers found no difference in how boys and girls processed math skills and were equally engaged while watching the educational videos. Finally, boys and girls brain maturity were statistically equivalent when compared to either men or women in the adult group.Cantlon said she thinks society and culture are likely steering girls and young women away from math and STEM fields, as previous studies show that families spend more time with young boys in play that involves spatial cognition(空间认知). “Typical socialization can make worse small differences between boys and girls that can snowball into how we treat them in science and math,” Cantlon said. “We need to be aware of these origins to ensure we arent the ones causing the gender inequities.”However, this project is focused on early childhood development using a limited set of math tasks. Cantlon wants to continue this work using a broader scope of math skills, such as spatial processing and memory, and follow the children over many years.8. What can we infer about the toys release?A. It has raised a storm of applause.B. Girls perform no worse than boys in math.C. Math is a subject difficult to every one of us.D. Women are born with insufficient math abilities.9. What can we learn from the study conducted by Cantlon?A. Boys process math skills more quickly than girls.B. Boys and girls have similar brain in math abilities.C. Boys and girls have similar interest in math.D. Adults have better brain than children in math.10. What will Cantlon most likely agree with?A. Parents should lengthen the time spent with girls.B. Society is causing a greater gender difference in math abilities.C. Culture plays a leading role in childrens brain development.D. We should cultivate boys and girls math abilities equally.11. How will Cantlon further her research?A. By using a wider range of math skills.B. By involving a broader scope of subjects.C. By increasing the complexity of math tasks.D. By following the children until their adulthood.【答案】8. D9. B10. D11. A【语篇解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章讲述了在1992年,青少年谈话芭比娃娃发布了数学课很难这一有争议的声音片段,传播了“女性由于生物学缺陷,无法在STEM领域茁壮成长”的没有事实根据的理论。2019年,卡内基梅隆大学的杰西卡坎特隆带领一个研究小组,经过研究和比对,发现了不管是成年人还是儿童,不同性别在学习数学技能方面没有差别。8. 【解析】推理判断题。第一段中的 “spreading the myth that women do not thrive in science, technology, engineering and mathematic (STEM) fields due to biological inadequacies in math aptitude. (传播了“女性由于生物学缺陷,无法在STEM领域茁壮成长”的没有事实根据的理论。)”与D选项“女人天生数学能力不足。”相呼应,故选D选。9. 【解析】推理判断题。第一段中的“and found no gender difference in brain function or math ability.(发现大脑功能或数学能力没有性别差异。)”与B选项“Boys and girls have similar brain in math abilities.(男孩和女孩在数学能力上有相似的大脑。)”意思相近。故选B项。10. 【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段坎特隆所说的话“Typical socialization can make worse small differences between boys and girls that can snowball into how we treat them in science and math,(典型的社会化会让男孩和女孩之间的小差异变得更严重,这些小差异会像滚雪球一样影响我们对待他们的科学和数学,)”和“We need to be aware of these origins to ensure we arent the ones causing the gender inequities. 我们需要意识到这些根源,以确保我们不是那个导致性别不平等的人。”可知,坎特隆认为,人们不应该有意识地区别对待男孩和女孩在科学和数学领域的发展。与D项“我们应该平等地培养男孩和女孩的数学能力。”意思相符。故选D项。11. 【解析】推理判断题。题目的意思是“坎特伦将如何推进她的研究?”根据文章最后一段中的“Cantlon wants to continue this work using a broader scope of math skills, such as spatial processing and memory, and follow the children over many years.(坎特隆希望通过使用更广泛的数学技能继续这项工作,如空间处理和记忆,并将跟踪儿童多年。)”与A选项的“By using a wider range of math skills.(通过使用更广泛的数学技能。)”意思相符,B选项的“subjects”表述不准确。故选A项。DSome of the most powerful companies in the world have co-founders. For example, Google(Sergey Brin and Larry Page),Apple(Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs),and Microsoft(Bill Gates and Paul Allen)and so on. Having partners can help to deal with the pressure and the failures that come with running a business. No matter how down on your luck you feel they may provide emotional support. They may have extra skills, and be on hand to help out with the day-to-day problems. And an alternate point of view may help to broaden your mind and aid the risk of mistakes being overlooked.Everybody knows Samsungs Galaxy Note 7.When the phone was launched in 2016,customers praised it for its storage, design and usability, and it may well have been a hit if it werent for the fact that it occasionally caught fire and exploded. It was soon banned immediately from flights, and Samsung had no choice but to recall the entire model. The shortcoming reportedly cost the company $1 billion, and a further $17 billion in lost sales. But remember, based on the lesson, the Galaxy Note 8 and the Galaxy Note 9 are well received in the world! Now we know that failing is part of business success.One thing that all great companies have in common is that they have failed many timesand luckily, they bounced back. Take Sarah Blakely, founder of shapewear brand Spanx for example. She credits her business success specifically to her failures. “Id get kicked out of buildings all day long, “she remembered. “People would tear up my business card in my face. But my friends and I knew I could sell and I knew I wanted to sell something I had created. I learned that no doesnt always mean no ,and that you may get 30 nos before you get the one yes. People told me no with Spanx for two years. “Spanx is worth just over $1 billionit was a company that Blakely who took a degree in a law school started with just $5 000!12. What can we learn from the examples in Paragraph 1?A. Two heads are better than one.B. Constant dropping wears the stone.C. God helps those who help themselves.D. All things are difficult before they are easy.13. Why does the author mention Samsungs Galaxy Note 7,8 and 9?A. To suggest customers should follow the new trends.B. To prove Samsung is responsible for customers.C. To show Samsung paid for its product failure.D. To explain that failures dont spell the end.14. What mainly contributed to Sarah Blakelys success?A. Her friendshelp.B. Her will power.C. Her good luck.D. Her education background.15. How does the author develop the passage?A. By making contrast.B. By making classification.C. By giving examples.D. By giving numbers.【答案】12. A13. D14. B15. C【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要通过列举大公司的事例来说明商业上的一些经验,如列举世界上一些拥有合作伙伴的大公司,来说明拥有合作伙伴可以帮助处理经营企业带来的压力和失败;以及用三星盖乐世Note 7手机为例,说明了失败是商业成功的一部分和最后以Sarah Blakely为例,说明了伟大的公司都是经历过许多次失败的。12. 【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段中“Having partners can help to deal with the pressure and the failures that come with running a business. No matter how down on your luck you feel they may provide emotional support. They may have extra skills, and be on hand to help out with the day-to-day problems. And an alternate point of view may help to broaden your mind and aid the risk of mistakes being overlooked.”(有合作伙伴可以帮助处理经营企业带来的压力和失败。不管你的运气有多差,他们可能会给你情感上的支持。他们可能有额外的技能,可以随时帮助解决日常问题。而另一种观点可能有助于开阔你的思路,帮助你避免犯被忽视的错误。)可知第一段举出了世界上一些最强大的公司都有联合创始人,强调是因为这些合作伙伴能够互相帮助,用自身优势来解决问题,所以从第一段的例子中能学到“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”。故选A。13. 【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段中But remember, based on the lesson, the Galaxy Note 8 and the Galaxy Note 9 are well received in the world! Now we know that failing is part of business success.(但请记住,基于这一教训,Galaxy Note 8和Galaxy Note 9在世界上很受欢迎!现在我们知道失败是商业成功的一部分。)可知作者提到三星的Galaxy Note 7、8和9是为了解释失败并不意味着终结。故选D。14. 【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Id get kicked out of buildings all day long, “she remembered. “People would tear up my business card in my face. But my friends and I knew I could sell and I knew I wanted to sell something I had created. I learned that no doesnt always mean no, and that you may get 30 nos before you get the one yes.(“我整天都会被赶出大楼,”她回忆道。“人们会当着我的面撕毁我的名片。但是我的朋友和我知道我可以卖掉,我知道我想卖我创造的东西。我明白了“不”并不总是意味着“不”,而且你可能会在得到一个“是”之前得到30个“不”。)可知Sarah Blakely虽然被拒绝了很多次,但是凭借顽强的意志力不断尝试,最终获得成功。故她成功的原因是因为她顽强的意志力。故选B。15. 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章的第二段以三星的盖乐世Note 7手机为例,说明了失败是商业成功的一部分;第三段以Sarah Blakely为例,说明了伟大的公司都是经历过许多次失败的。可知作者主要通过举例来展开这篇文章的。故选C。第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Green: More than just a colourGreen is an important colour in nature.It is the colour of grass and the leaves on trees.16. .Sometimes,the word green means young. fresh and growing. Sometimes, it describes something that is not yet ripe or finished.17. A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well. You might say that woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains.18. The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.19. The greeneyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space.It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play Othello.In most places in the world,a green light is a sign to move ahead.20. In everyday speech,agreen lightmeans approval to continue with a project.We want you to know we have a green light to continue this series next week.A. For example,a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation.B. Someone is also the colour used to describe the powerful emotion, jealousy.C. Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb.D. A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on.E.The new plants produced much larger cropsF.It is also the colour of most growing plants.G.About one hundred years ago,having a green thumb was a popular expression in the American west.【答案】16. F17. C18. E19. B20. D【语篇解读】绿色是自然界中一种重要的颜色。它是树叶和青草的颜色。这也是大多数生长中的植物的颜色。有时,绿色意思是年轻的,新鲜和成长。有时,它也描述了一些尚未完成的或不成熟的植物。16. 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前句意:绿色是自然界重要的颜色。它是草和树叶的颜色。这里F(它也是大部分生长的植物的颜色。)符合上下文,故选F。17. 考查对上下文语境的理解。空后句意:一个有绿色拇指的人似乎有魔术手法可以使植物生长的又快又好。这里C(有能力使植物生长好的人被说成有绿色拇指。)符合句意,故选C。18. 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前句意:多年前,人们把新品种的水稻和其他谷物的发展称作绿色革命。空后句意:绿色革命是有绿色拇指的农业科学家们努力的结果。这里E(新的品种产量更大。)符合句意,故选E。19. 考查对上下文语境的理解。空后句意:绿眼怪物并不是来自外星球的可怕生物。它是大约四百年前英国作家莎士比亚在他的话剧奥赛罗中所用的表达,这里B(绿色也被使用来描述那些有强烈嫉妒心的人。)符合句意,故选B。20. 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前句意:在世界上的大部分地区,绿灯是前进的标志。空后句意:在日常演讲中,绿灯意味着赞成继续一个项目。这里D(交通信号的绿灯意味着你的车可以继续前进。)符合句意,故选D。第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was New Years night. An aged man was standing at the window. The days of his youth appeared like dream before him, and he 21 the serious moment when his father placed him at the 22 of the two roads: one leading to a peaceful, sunny place 23 with flowers, fruits and resounding with soft, sweet songs, and the other leading to a deep dark cave which was 24 , and where poison flowed and snakes crawled.He looked towards the sky and cried 25 Oh youth, return! Oh, my father, place me once more at the entrance to life and Ill 26 the better way! But both his father and the days of his youth had 27 .He saw the lights flowing away in the darkness, and these were the days of his wasted life. He saw a star 28 from the sky and disappeared, and this was the 29 of himself. His 30 , which was like a sharp arrow, struck deeply into his heart. Then he remembered his friends in his childhood, which entered life together with him. But they had made their way to 31 and were now 32 and happy on this New Years night.The clock in the high church tower struck and the sound made him remember his parents early 33 for him. They had taught him and prayed to God for his good. But he chose the wrong way with 34 and grief so that he dared no longer to look towards the 35 where his father lived. His 36 eyes were full of tears, and with a despairing(绝望的)effort, he burst out a cry: Come back, my early days! Come back!And his youth did 37 ,for all this was only a dream which he had on New Years night. He was still young though his faults were real. He had not yet entered the deep dark cave, and he was 38 free to walk on the road which leads to the peaceful and sunny land.Those who still linger on(徘徊)the entrance of life 39 to


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