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课程名称:英语教学法 考试类型:正常考试课程性质:必修 使用范围:考试时间: 考试方式:闭卷学号 年级专业 班级 学生姓名 题号TOTAL得分 Be sure to write your answers on the Answer Sheet! Answers written elsewhere will be considered invalid! 得分阅卷Part I: Multiple-choice Questions. (15 points)1. Which of the following belongs to the communicative approach?A. focus on accuracy B. focus on fluency C. focus on strategies2. Which of the following is characteristic of acquisition?A. form-focused B. accuracy-oriented C. meaning-focused3. Which of the following activities is most likely interactive?A. mimicking B. role play C. problem solving4. When a reader tries to guess the meaning of a new word based on the contextual clue, which one of the following approaches is he using?A. Bottom-up Approach B. Top-down Approach C. Interactive Approach.5. When a researcher reads an academic paper to see if it is relevant to his field of interest, which one of the reading skills is he using?A. Skimming B. Scanning C. Inferring6. Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?A. re-arranging the materialsB. brainstorming the topic C. writing a summary of the text7. What does “locating the specific information” help to train?A. scanning B. skimming C. inferring8. For a teacher who teaches young learners English pronunciation, which principle is he suggested following?A. Maximum quantity of spoken input.B. Conscious effort.C. Tolerance of errors in continuous speech.9. The grammar rules are often given first and explained to the students and then the students have to apply the rules to given situations. This approach is called_.A. deductive grammar teachingB. inductive grammar teachingC. prescriptive grammar teaching10. To cultivate communicative competence, what should correction focus on?A. linguistic forms B. communicative strategies C. grammatical rules11. For better classroom management, what should the teacher do while the students are doing activities?A. participate in a groupB. prepare for the next procedureC. circulate around the class to monitor, prompt and help12. In Malinowskis view, “the meaning of any single word is to a very high degree dependent on its _.” A. form B. context C. content D. format13. The Audiolingual Method largely developed in _ during the Second World War. A. the United States B. Europe C. Latin America D. Asia14. Which type of grammar tends to teach you how the grammar is used by the people rather than how it should be used?A. Descriptive grammar B. Prescriptive grammar C. Traditional grammar15. In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the chance to use the new language freely and incorporate it into their existing language?A. Presentation Stage B. Practice Stage C. Production Stage得分阅卷Part II: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. (10 points)1. Making errors will lead to bad habit formation, so we should correct them whenever they occur. 2. Knowledge of a language includes a knowledge of the appropriateness and the functional value of the language. 3. Students have to grasp the relationships between communicative functions and sentences structures so as to communicate properly in real life.4. It is true that inappropriately used expressions can produce more harm than structurally poor sentences. 5. As a learner of English, you will be forgiven for errors of inappropriateness if you can speak good English. 6. Language processing involves far more than the literal meaning of a text or a speech. 7. By saying that the teacher is a controller, we mean that he control not only what the students do, but when they speak and what language they use. 8. Good learners never use linguistic knowledge of their mother tongue to help learn a foreign language.9. If you first identify the topic, purpose and structure of the text and then make guesses, predictions during reading, you are using the “ bottom-up” approach. 10. In lesson planning the teaching objectives should be described on the teachers part. 得分阅卷Part III: Problem solving (30 points) Directions: Below are three situations in the classroom. Each has a problem or problems. First, identify the problem(s), Second provide your solution(s) according to the CLT principles. You just need to find out one problem and elaborate on it with your solution properly. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. In a grammar class, the teacher teaches the use of “forget” and “remember” in the following way:A. Explains the rules of their usage,B. Provides some examples to illustrate the usage of the two words,C. Ask the students to do pattern dills,D. Ask the students to apply the rules to given situations.2. When teaching a new reading passage, the teacher writes all the new words on the blackboard and asks the students to look them up in dictionaries. Then the teacher explains the meaning of these new words in simple English usually by providing some examples of their usage. Sometimes, the teacher may provide the Chinese versions for these words. After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher will then shift their focus to the reading passage and explain the passage paragraph by paragraph.3. This is a typical and traditional classroom in China for foreign language teaching and learning. The students desks are arranged neatly in rows and columns, while the teachers desk is placed in the front of the classroom on a platform. The teacher comes into the classroom. All students stand up to greet the teacher and the teacher greets back. Then the teacher starts to teach and the students start to take notes. From time to time, the teacher will ask some questions to the whole class, and those students who know the answers will respond in chaos. At other times, the teacher will point at an individual student and asks a question. The teacher also asks the students to do some readings or exercises quietly in class. As the students finish their job, the teacher collects their work and tells them that they will get feedback over the next week.得分阅卷 Section IV:Lesson plans (45 points)A: Mini-lesson Plan (15 points)Directions:Read the following abstract of a piece of writing Fish in the Sea and design a mini-teaching plan.In these oceans live huge numbers of a small fish just 5 cm long. These fish swim together, often in a group that may be 4 or 5 meters thick and hundreds of meters long. There may be 63,000 fish per cubic meter. These fish provide the main food for whales. A whale may eat a ton 0f them at a time, and may enjoy four meals a day.B: Design a reading lesson plan at three stages as required. (30 points)Directions:Suppose that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class, think about the pre-reading activities, while-reading activities and post-reading activities you might design for it and write them down on the answer sheet. Age is a relative concept. Each of us will know that people in their sixties who regard themselves as “old”, are therefore seen as old by everyone else. We will also know people in their seventies, eighties or even nineties who remain very much part of society and who are mentally if not physically agile. “Old” also varies from country to country and place to place. The Vilcabamba Valley in Ecuador, for example, is known locally as the “Valley of Old Age” or the “Island of Immunity” where many people live to be over 100. No one really knows why, but a number of factors have been suggested, including the altitude, a mainly vegetable diet with little fat, reasonable work conditions, comparatively little stress, the beneficial effects of a certain kind of tree which recycles airand the relative isolation of the valley. Further down in South America, in Potosi in Bolivia, life expectancy is at the other extremepeople dont expect to live beyond their 40th birthday. Mining is the main occupation. The miners and their families suffer from harsh conditions, poverty, overwork, accidents, silicosis and other forms of lung poisoning. Therefore, in Vilcabamba, you may not be considered “old” until you are 90. But in Potosi, you might be “old” at 30. So if we cant even really generalize about the meaning of “old”, can we say that there is an “aging crisis”? Under current conditions and in the light of todays population predictions, I think the answer must be “yes”. As more and more people live longer and their numbers increase both in actual numbers and relative to the general population, there will be fewer people to care for them if and when they need it. The dependency ratio, as it is called, is also affected by the increasing financial pressures put on families, particularly in the Third World. More and more women everywhere are working. Because women form the vast majority of careers, this also affects the number of people able to support elderly members of the family. As governments reduce spending on pensions and health systems in an attempt to keep taxes low or to conform to the “structural adjustment” policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund, it is old people who are likely to suffer most. For example, one of the main reasons the people in Africa or Asia or South America give for having large numbers of children is to “provide security” in old age. If people know that they could remain independent and yet be supported in their old age, then they would not feel the need to have so many children. Nor would they feel the isolation from society that arises from not having children. As it is, “old” peopleboth in the North and the Southhave been increasingly isolated from the rest of society in retirement homes which were seen as the model of how to deal with old age. Another model which claims to help people to live more independently is “care in the community”. What it usually means is “care in the family” and in most cases it comes from the need to find a cheap solution to the problem of caring for the old. This is all very well, but it puts the burden of caring very much back into the familyusually the women. While families can in some cases provide the support needed, the breakdown of the extended family and the squeezing of household resources have often led to neglect of, rather than succor for, the elderly. When resources are stretched, the old are likely to be the ones who go without. It is precisely for this reason that in most of the world, “old” people continue to work until they die. They have no choice. They need to earn an incomehowever smallor they dont eat. Indeed, people may even have to work harder as they get old, taking on the manual labor that younger people do not want to do. Many have to uproot themselvesold women who outlive their husbands are forced to leave their villages to seek work in the cities. In most Third World countries, older people figure as part of the huge informal economy, selling vegetables on the streets or recycling garbage. The World Bank has suggested a “three-pillar” approach to financing the old which is based entirely on pensions. But even according to the World Bank, an estimated 60 % of the worlds labor force and 70% of old people, are part of the informal economythey have no pension plan and are unlikely to save. Kasturi Sen, a specialist on aging and policy issues, has quite a different strategy towards this problem. She calls it the “life-cycle” approach. The circumstances that people find themselves in when they are older, she says, is simply a continuation to the situation that they have been in throughout their lives. If you are poor, overworked and in ill-health when you are young, these conditions are likely to be the same or worse when you are old. She argues that in order to improve the quality of peoples lives-and especially the lives of women, who in most societies live longerpolicies should aim at improving education in earlier life, helping people to move in and out of the labor market, and enabling women to take out financial credit and buy land. Better nutrition and access to contraception would improve health. These things, she says, would do more than anything else to “reduce the possibilities of acute vulnerability in later stages of life.”


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