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西餐点餐英语口语情景对话.-Good morning,afternoon,evening, sir,madorm. A table for two?早上好,下午好,晚上好,先生,女士,两位吗?-Yes, by the window, please.是的,请给我靠窗户的。-This way, please.这边请。-Thank you.谢谢-Good evening, please take your seats, gentlemen. Here are the menus. Would you like to drink something first?晚上好,请坐,先生,这里是我们的菜单。你要先来点喝的吗?-Ill have a coke cola with ice. What about you?我想要可乐,你呢?-A n apple juice, please.苹果汁-Thank you. Here we are.Coke cola with ice and apple juice . Are you ready to order now, gentlemen?谢谢,请忙用,可乐和苹果汁。你准备好点菜了吗?先生-No, we are still looking at the menu. Maybe you should recommend something for the main course?没有,我们仍然在看菜单。你可以给我们推荐下主菜吗?-Certainly. The T-bone steak is very good. I would suggest that you try this.当然可以。T-骨牛扒很好,我建议你试下这个主菜。-Thats a good idea. I love beef steak, Ill have the T-bone steak.好主意,我喜欢吃牛扒,我就点他了。-How would you like it cooked?/How would you like you steak done? 你想要你的牛扒怎么做?/你想要你的牛扒几成熟?-Rare ,Medium,Medium well,Well done.三成,五成,七成,全熟-Mushrooms and Carrots蘑菇和胡萝卜-And what would you like for your appetizer?你想要什么餐前菜呢?-Ill have salad and the baked salmon.我们有沙拉和烤三文鱼。-Thank you, sir. What about you, sir?谢谢,你呢先生?-I want salad.我要沙拉。-What is this ?这是什么?-Its lamb cooked with herbs and served with spaghetti.它是羊扒,配香草和意粉-That sounds very interesting, Ill try that.听起来很不错啊!我试试-Mashed potato, boiled potato or baked potato or pasta or rice?你是要土豆泥,煮土豆还是烤土豆,意大利面,米饭?-Mashed.土豆泥-Which sauce would you like ,we have black pepper sauce ,red wine sauce,onion sauce,vanilla sauce ,BBQ sauce,mushroom sauce?你想要什么汁呢?我们有黑胡椒汁,红酒汁,洋葱汁,香草汁,烧汁,蘑菇汁?-Good Evening, gentleman! Your wine list.晚上好,这是就水单。-Thank you. Lets see what theyre got for us.谢谢,让我看看我们要喝什么酒?-I can recommend this red wine, sir. Its very popular.我给你们推荐一款红酒,很流行-OK, One bottle of this wine. How about you, Jim?好的,来一瓶。你呢?吉姆-Bring me some mineral water, please.请给我一些矿泉水-Certainly, sir


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