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变压器常用术语TECHNICAL TERMS COMMONLY USED FOR TRANSFORMERPART 1产品名称及类型1.1电力变压器 Power transformer1.2芯式变压器 core type transformer内铁式变压器 core-form transformer1.3壳式变压器 shell-form transformer 外铁式变压器 shell-form transformer1.4 密封式变压器 sealed transformer1.5 有载调压电力变压器 power transformer with OLTC1.6 无载调压电力变压器 power transformer with off-circuit tap-changer1.7 配电变压器 distribution transformer1.8 自耦变压器 auto-transformer1.9 联络变压器 interconnecting transformer1.10升压变压器 step-up transformer1.11降压变压器 step-down transformer1.12 增压变压器 booster transformer串联变压器 1.13 发电机变压器 generator transformer1.14 电站用变压器 substation transformer1.15 交流变压器 converter transformer1.16 分裂变压器 split-winding type transformer1.17 厂用变压器 power plant transformer1.18 所用变压器 electric substation transformer1.19 单相变压器 single-phase transformer1.20 三相变压器 three-phase transformer1.21 多相变压器 polyphase transformer1.22 单相变压器组成的三相组 three-phase banks with separate single-phase transformer1.23 三相接地变压器 three-phase earthing transformer1.24 三线圈变压器 three-winding transformer1.25 两线圈变压器 two-winding transformer1.26 双线圈变压器 double-winding transformer1.27 多线圈变压器 multi-winding transformer1.28 油浸式变压器 oil-immersed type transformer1.29 浸难燃油变压器 noninflammable medium impregnated transformer1.30 干式变压器 dry type transformer1.31 树脂浇注式变压器 resin-casting type transformer1.32 H级绝缘变压器 transformer with H class insulation1.33 气体绝缘变压器 gas insulated transformer1.34 电炉变压器 furnace transformer1.35 整流变压器 rectifier transformer1.36 列车牵引变压器 traction transformer, locomotive transformer1.37 矿用变压器 mining transformer1.38 防爆变压器 explosion-proof transformer flame-proof transformer1.39 隔离变压器 isolation transformer1.40 试验变压器 testing transformer1.41 串级式试验变压器 cascade testing transformer1.42 串联变压器 series transformer1.43 增压变压器 booster transformer1.44 灯丝变压器 filament transformer1.45 电焊变压器 welding transformer1.46 钎焊变压器 brazing transformer1.47 船用变压器 marine transformer1.48 起动自耦变压器 starting autotransformer1.49 起动变压器 starting transformer1.50 移动变压器 movable substation1.51 移动式 movable type1.52 成套变电站 complete substation1.53 全自动保护单相变压器 complete self-protected single-phase transformer(CSP)1.54 互感器 instrument transformer1.55 测量用互感器 measurement current/voltage TR1.56 保护用互感器 protective current/voltage transformer1.57 电流互感器 current transformer(CT)1.58 电压互感器 voltage transformer potential transformer(PT)1.59 全绝缘电流互感器 fully insulated current transformer1.60 母线式电流互感器 bus-type current transformer1.61 绕线式电流互感器 wound primary type current transformer 1.62 瓷箱式电流互感器 porcelain type current transformer1.63 套管用电流互感器 bushing-type current transformer1.64 电容式电流互感器 capacitor type current transformer1.65 支持式电流互感器 support-type current transformer1.66 倒立式电流互感器 reverse type current transformer1.67 塑料浇注式电流互感器 cast resin current transformer1.68 钳式电流互感器 split-core type current transformer1.69 速饱和电流互感器 rapid-saturable current transformer1.70 串级式电流互感器 cascade-type current transformer1.71 剩余电流互感器 residual current transformer1.72 电容式电压互感器 capacitor type voltage transformer1.73 接地电压互感器 earthed voltage transformer1.74 不接地电压互感器 unearthed voltage transformer1.75 组合式互感器 combined instrument transformer1.76 剩余电压互感器 residual voltage transformer1.77 移圈调压器 moving-coil voltage transformer1.78 动线圈 moving winding1.79 自耦调压器 autoformer regulator1.80 接触调压器 variac1.81 感应调压器 induction voltage regulator1.82 磁饱和调压器 magnetic saturation voltage regulator1.83 电抗器 reactor1.84 并联电抗器 shunt reactor1.85 串联电抗器 series reactor1.86 饱和电抗器 saturable reactor1.87 铁心电抗器 iron core reactor1.88 空心电抗器 air core reactor1.89 水泥电抗器 concrete(cement) reactor1.90 三相中性点接地电抗器 three-phase neutral reactor1.92 单相中性点接地电抗器 single-phase neutral earthing reactor1.93 起动电抗器 starting reactor1.94 平衡电抗器 smoothing /interphase reactor1.95 调幅电抗器 modulation reactor1.96 消弧电抗器 arc-suppression reactor1.97 消弧线圈 arc-suppression coil1.98 阻波器,阻波线圈 wave trap coil1.99 镇流器 ballast1.100 密闭式 sealed type1.101 包封式 enclosed type1.102 户外式 outdoor type1.103 户内式 indoor type1.104 柱上式 pole mounting type1.105 移动式 movable type1.106 列车式 trailer mounted type1.107 自冷 natural cooling (ONAN)1.108 风冷 forced-air cooling (ONAF)1.109 强油风冷 forced-oil forced-air cooling(ONAF)1.110 强油水冷 forced-oil forced-water cooling (ONWF)1.111 强油导向冷却 forced-directed oil cooling (OFAN)1.112 强油导向风冷却 forced-directed forced-air oil cooling(ODAF)1.113 恒磁通调压 constant flux voltage variation(CFVV)1.114 变磁通调压 variable flux voltage variation(VFVV)1.115 混合调压 combined voltage variation(CbVV)PART2 基础词汇2.1 千瓦 kilowatt(kw)2.2 兆瓦 megawatt(MW)2.3 京瓦 gigawatt(GW)2.4 千伏 kilovolt(kV)2.5 兆伏 megavolt(MV)2.6 京电子伏 giga-electron-volt(GEV)2.7 千伏安 KVA2.8 兆伏安 MVA2.9 京伏安 GVA2.10 千乏 kilovar(kVAr)2.11 兆乏 megavar(MVAr)2.12 京乏 gigavar(GVAr)2.13 产品代号symbol of product2.14 产品型号 type of product2.15 额定电压 rated voltage2.16 额定容量 rated power2.17 额定电流 rated current2.18 连接组标号 connection symbol, symbol of connection2.19 阻抗电压 impedance voltage2.20 额定频率 rated frequency2.21 空载损耗 no-load loss2.22 涡流损耗 eddy-current loss2.23 磁滞损耗 hysteresis loss2.24 空载电流 no-load current2.25 激磁电流 exciting current2.26 负载损耗 load loss2.27 附加损耗 additional losses, supplementary load loss2.28 杂散损耗 stray losses2.29 总损耗 total losses2.30 损耗比 loss ratio2.31 冷却方式 type of cooling2.32 介质损耗 dielectric loss2.33 介损角正切值 loss tangent2.34 电压组合 voltage combination2.35 电抗电压 reactance voltage2.36 额定电压比 rated voltage ratio2.37 电阻电压 resistance voltage2.38 电压调整率 voltage regulation2.39 相位差 phase displacement2.40 相位差校验 phase displacement verification2.41 零序阻抗 zero-sequence impedance2.42 短路阻抗 short-circuit impedance2.43 磁通密度 flux density2.44 电流密度 current density2.45 安匝数 number of ampere-turns2.46 轴向漏磁通 axial leakage flux2.47 径向漏磁通 radial leakage flux2.48 循环电流 circulating current2.49 热点 hot spot2.50 最热点 hottest spot 2.51 局部过热 local overheat2.52 有功输出 active output2.53 满容量分接 fully-power tapping2.54 额定级电压 rated step voltage2.55 最大额定电压 maximum rated voltage2.56 最大额定电流 maximum rated through-current2.57 绕组额定电压 rated voltage of a winding 2.58 额定短时电流 rated short time current2.59 额定短时热电流 rated short thermal current2.60 额定连续热电流 rated continuous current2.61 额定动稳定电流 rated dynamic current2.62 一次电流/电压 primary current/voltage2.63 二次电流/电压 secondary current/voltage2.64 实际电流比 actual transformation ratio of a current transformer2.65 实际电压比 actual transformation ratio of a voltage transformer2.66 二次极限感应电动势 secondary limiting e.m.f.2.67 互感器的二次回顾路 secondary circuit of CT and PT2.68 定额 rating2.69 铁心噪声 noise of core2.70 背境噪声 background noise2.71 噪声水平 noise level2.72 声级 sound level2.73 声功率级 sound power level2.74 声级试验 sound level test2.75 声级测量 sound level measurement2.76水平加速度 horizontal acceleration2.77 垂直加速度 vertical acceleration2.78 地震 seism, earthquake2.79 地震烈度 earthquake intensity2.80 工频 power-frequency2.81 中频 medium frequency2.82 高频 high frequency2.83 振荡频率 oscillating frequency2.84 谐振频率 resonance frequency2.85 自振频率 natural frequency of vibration 2.86 频率响应 frequency response2.87 谐波测量 harmonics measurement2.88 绝缘水平 insulation level2.89 绝缘强度 insulation strength, dielectric strength2.90 主绝缘 main insulation2.91 纵绝缘 longitudinal insulation2.92 内绝缘 internal insulation2.93 外绝缘 external insulation2.94 绝缘配合 insulation co-ordination2.95 全绝缘 uniform insulation2.96 半绝缘 non-uniform insulation2.97 降纸绝缘 reduced insulation2.98 中心点 neutral point2.99 中心点端子 neutral terminal2.100 正常绝缘 normal insulation2.101 介电常数 dielectric constant2.102 油纸绝缘系统 oil-paper insulation system2.103 绝缘电阻 insulation resistance2.104 绝缘电阻吸收比 absorption ratio of insulation resistance2.105 绝缘击穿 insulation breakdown2.106 碳化 carbonization2.107 爬电距离 creepage distance2.108 沿面放电 creeping discharge2.109 放电 discharge2.110 局部放电 partial discharge2.111 局部放电测量 measurement of partial discharge2.112 超声定位 ultrasonic location, ultrasonic orientation2.113 破坏性放电 disruptive discharge2.114 局部放电起始电压 partial discharge inception voltage2.115 局部放电终止电压 partial discharge extinction voltage2.116 过电压 overvoltage2.117 短时过电压 short time overvoltage2.118 瞬时过电压 transient overvoltage2.119 操作过电压 switching overvoltage2.120 大气过电压 atmospheric overvoltage2.121 额定耐受电压 rated withstand voltage2.122 工频耐受电压 power-frequency withstand voltage2.123 感应耐压试验 induced overvoltage withstand test2.124 温升试验 temperature-rise test2.125 温升 temperature rise2.126 突发短路试验 short-circuit test2.127 动热稳定 thermo-dynamic stability2.128 冲击耐压试验 impulse voltage withstand test2.129 雷电冲击耐受电压 lightning impulse withstand voltage2.130 操作冲击耐受电压 switching impulse withstand voltage2.131 雷电冲击 lightning impulse2.132 全波雷电冲击 full wave lightning impulse2.133 截波雷电冲击 chopped wave lightning impulse2.134 操作冲击 switching impulse2.135 操作冲击波 switch surge, switch impulse2.136 伏秒特性 voltage-time characteristics2.137 截断时间 time to chopping 2.138 波前时间 time to crest2.139 视在波前时间 virtual front time 2.140 半峰值时间 time to half value crest2.141 峰值 peak value, crest value2.142 有效值 root-mean-square value2.143 标么值 per unit value2.144 标称值 nominal value2.145 电级 electrode2.146 电位梯度 potential gradient2.147 等电位,等位 equipotential2.148 屏蔽 shielding2.149 静电屏蔽 electrostatic shielding2.150 磁屏蔽 magnetic shielding2.151 静电屏 electrostatic screen2.152 静电板 electrostatic plate2.153 静电环 electrostatic ring2.154 电磁感应 electro-magnetic induction2.155 电磁单元 electro-magnetic unit2.156 有效面 effective surface2.157 标准大气条件 standard atmospheric condition2.158 视在电荷 apparent charge2.159 体积电阻 volume resistance2.160 导电率 admittance2.161 电导 conductance, conductivity2.162 电晕放电 corona discharge2.163 闪络 flashover2.164 避雷器 surge arrestor2.165 避雷器的残压 residual voltage of an arrestor2.166 绝缘材料耐温等级 temperature class of insulation2.167 互感器额定负荷 rated burden of an instrument transformer2.168 准确级次 accuracy class2.169 真值 true value2.170 允差 tolerance2.171 比值误差校验 ratio error verification2.172 电流误差 current error2.173 电压误差 voltage error 2.174 互感器相角差 phase displacement of instrument transformer2.175 复合误差 composite error2.176 瞬时特性 transient characteristic2.177 瞬时误差 transient error2.178 额定仪表保安电流 rated instrument security current2.179 二次极限感应电势 secondary limiting e.m.f2.180 保安因子 security factor2.181 额定准确限值的一次电流 rated accuracy limit primary current2.182 误差补偿 error compensation2.183 额定电压因子 rated voltage factor2.184 准确限值因子 accuracy limit factor2.185 开断电流 switched current2.186 笛卡尔坐标,直角坐标 Cartesian coordinate2.187 极坐标 polar coordinate2.188 横坐标 abscissa2.189 纵坐标 ordinate2.190 X-轴 X-axis2.191 复数 complex number2.192 实数部分 real component2.193 虚数部分imaginary component2.194 正数 positive number2.195 负数 negative number2.196 小数 decimal2.197 四舍五入 round off2.198 分数 fraction2.199 分子 numerator2.200 分母 denominator2.201 假分数 improper fraction2.202 钝角 obtuse angle2.203 锐角 acute angle2.204 补角 supplementary angle2.205 余角 complement angle2.206 平行 parallel2.207 垂直 perpendicular2.208 乘方 involution2.209 开方 evolution, extraction of root2.210 n的5次方 5th power of n2.211 幂 exponent, exponential2.212 微分,差动 differential, differentiate2.213 积分,集成 integral, integrate2.214 成正比 proportional to.2.215 成反比 inversely proportional to2.216 概率 probability2.217 归纳法 inductive method2.218 外推法 extrapolation method2.219 插入法 interpolation method2.220 最大似然法 maximum likelihood method2.221 图解法 graphic method2.222 有限元法 finite element method2.223 模拟法 simulation method2.224 方波回应 step response2.225 迭加电荷 superimposed charge2.226 杂散电容 stray capacitance2.227 无损探伤 non-distractive flaw detection2.228 红外线扫描 infrared scanning2.229 计算机辅助设计 computer aided design(CAD)2.230 计算机辅助制造 computer aided manufacturing(CAM)2.231 计算机辅助试验 computer aided test(CAT) 2.232 最大 maximum 最小 minimum2.233 近似于 approximate(approx)2.234 每分钟转数 revolution per minute(rpm)2.235 速度 speed, velocity2.236 加速度 acceleration2.237 重力加速度 gravitational acceleration2.238 引力 traction2.239 数量 quality2.240 件数 pieces2.241 部门 department(dept)2.242 缩写 abbreviation2.243 以下简称为 hereinafter referred as xxx2.244 常用单位 units commonly used2.245 包括缩写 including abbreviations2.246 米 meter 分米 decimeter 厘米 centimeter 毫米 millimeter 2.247 公里 kilometer 英里 mile 海里 knot 2.248 码 yard 英寸 inch2.249 磅 pound(1b) 磅/平方英寸 pound per square inch(ppsi)2.250 英尺 foot2.251 英制热量单位 British thermal unit (BTU)2.252 马力 horsepower2.253 压强 intensity of pressure2.254 帕斯卡 Pascal(Pa)2.255 千帕 kpa 兆帕 Mpa2.256 粘度 viscosity2.257 帕斯卡秒 pascal.second2.258 泊 poise 厘泊 centipoises2.259 焦耳 joule(J) 千瓦时 kilowatt-hour(kwh)2.260 特斯拉 tesla(T) 高斯 gaue(Gs)2.261 奥斯特 oersted(0e) 库仑 coulomb(C)2.262 微微库 Pico-coulomb(PC)2.263 牛顿 Newton(N) 达因dyne2.264 摄氏度 Celsius, centigrade()2.265 开尔文 Kelvin 法拉 farad(F)2.266 皮可法拉 pico-farad(pF)2.267 升 literl(L) 加仑 gallon2.268 立方分米 cubic decimeter 立方厘米 cubic centimeter2.269 桶 barrel 石油 petroleum2.270 标准国际单位制 standard international unit2.271 厘米-克秒单位制 CGS unit2.272 环境设备 ambience apparatus2.273 校验 calibration2.274 兼容性 compatibility2.275 扩散系数 diffusion coefficient2.276 故障 fault 2.277 公顷 hectarePART3 典型产品结构3.1 芯式,内铁式 core type3.2 壳式,外铁式 shell type3.3 铁心 core3.4 磁路 magnetic circuit3.5 线圈 winding, coil3.6 高压线圈 HV winding3.7 中压线圈 MV winding3.8 低压线圈 LV winding3.9 调压线圈 tapped winding, regulating winding3.10 高压引线 high-voltage leads3.11 中压引线 mid-voltage leads3.12 低压引线 low-voltage leads3.13 夹件 clamping frame3.14 上部夹件 upper clamping3.15 下部夹件 lower clamping3.16 线圈压紧螺栓 winding compressing bolt3.17 线圈压紧装置 winding compressing device3.18 线圈端部绝缘 end insulation of winding3.19 器身定位装置 positioning device for active-part3.20 定位装置 fixing device3.21 铁心垫脚 foot-plate of core3.22 垫脚 foot-pad3.23 分接引线 tapping leads, tap leads3.24 引线支架 supporting frame for leads3.25 无励磁分接开关 non-excitation tap-changer3.26 无载分接开关 off-circuit tap-changer 3.27 分接选择器 tap selector3.28 有载分接开关 on-load tap-changer(OLTC) on-circuit tap-changer3.29 切换开关 diverter switch3.30 选择开关 selector switch3.31 转换选择器 change-over selector3.32 粗选择器 coarse tap selector3.33 触头组 set of contacts3.34 过度触头 transition contacts3.35 过度阻抗 transition impedance3.36 有载开关操纵机构 operating mechanism of OLTC3.37 驱动机构 driving mechanism3.38 电动机构 motor drive3.39 垂直转动轴 vertical driving shaft 水平转动轴 horizontal driving shaft3.40 伞尺轮盒 bevel gear box3.41 防雨罩 drip-proof cap3.42 联轴节 coupling3.43 最大分接 maximum tapping最小分接 minimum tapping3.44 额定分接 rated tapping, principal tapping3.45 固定分接位置数 number of inherent tapping positions 工作分接位置数 number of service tapping positions3.46 主分接 principal tap, main tap 正分接 plus tapping 负分接 minus tapping3.47 分接变换操作 tap-changer operation3.48 分接位置指示器 tap position indicator3.49 线圈分接电压 tapping voltage of a winding 3.50 线圈分接电流 tapping current of a winding3.51 线圈分接容量 tapping power of a winding3.52 分接范围 tapping range3.53 分接量 tapping quantities3.54 分接因子 tapping factor3.55 分接工作能力 tapping duty3.56 分接线 tapping step3.57 分接线 tapping connection3.58 分接引线 tapping lead3.59 小车支架及滚轮 bogie frame and wheel3.60 油箱 tank3.61 箱底 tank bottom3.62 箱盖 tank cover3.63 箱沿 tank rim3.64 垫脚垫块 supporting block for foot-pad3.65 联管接头 tube connector3.66 联接法兰 connecting flange3.67 加强筋,加强板 stiffener3.68 油箱垂直加强铁 vertical stiffening channel of tank wall3.69 油箱活门 oil sampling valve3.70 放油活门 oil drainningvalve3.71 冷却器 cooler3.72 集中安装 concentrated installation3.73 集中安装强油循环风冷器 concentrated installation of forced-oil circulating air cooler3.74 冷却器进口 inlet of cooler 冷却器出口 outlet of cooler3.75 潜油泵 oil-submerged pump3.76 油流继电器 oil flow relay3.77 净油器 oil filter3.78 虹吸净油器 oil siphon filter3.79 散热器 radiator3.80 片式散热器 panel type radiator3.81 管式散热器 tubular radiator3.82 放油塞 oil draining plug3.83 放气塞 air exhausting plug3.84 蝶阀 radiator valve butterfly valve3.85 风扇支架 supporting frame for fan motors3.86 风扇及电机 fan and motor3.87 风扇接线盒 connecting box for fan motors 3.88 储油柜 conservator3.89 油位计 oil-level indicator3.90 气体继电器 gas relay, buchholz realy3.91 皮托继电器 pitot relay3.92 储油柜联管 elbow joint for conservator3.93 有载开关用储油柜 conservator for OLTC3.94 有载开关用气体继电器 gas relay for OLTC3.95 联管 tube connector3.96 吸湿器 dehydrating breather3.97 铭牌 rating plate3.98 温度计 thermometer3.98 指示仪表柜 cabinet panel for indicating instruments3.99 风扇控制柜 cabinet panel for fan motor control3.100 压力释放阀 pressure-relief valve3.101 安全气道 explosion-proof pope3.102 膨胀器 expander3.103 主排气导管 main gas-conduit3.104 分支导气管 branching gas-conduit3.105 滤油界面 tube connector for oil-filter3.106 温度计座 thermometer socket3.107 储油柜支架 supporting frame for conservator3.108 高压套管 HV bushing3.109 高压套管均压球 equipotential shielding for HV bushing3.110 高压零相套管 HV neutral bushing, HV bushing phase03.111 中压套管 MV bushing 3.112 中压零相套管 MV neutral bushing, MV bushing phase03.113 低压套管 LV bushing3.114 接地套管 earthing bushing3.115 极性 polarity3.116 极化 polarization3.117 高压套管储油柜 conservator for HV bushing3.118 相间隔板 interphase insulating barrier3.119 吊攀 lifting lug 3.120 安装轨道 installation rail3.121 相序标志牌 designation mark of phase sequence3.122 接地螺栓 earthing bolt3.123 视察窗 inspection hole3.124 手孔 handhole3.125 人孔 manhole3.126 MR有载开关 MR OLTC3.127 ABB 有载开关 ABB OLTC3.128 伊林有载开关 ELIN OLTC3.129 F&套管 F&G bushingPART4 铁心结构4.1 多框式铁心 multi-frame type core4.2 三相三柱铁心 three-phase three-limb core4.3 三相五柱铁心 three-phase five-limb core4.4 卷铁心 wound core4.5 冷轧晶粒取向硅钢片 cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon sheet steel4.6 晶粒 crystalline grain4.7 高导磁硅钢片 HI-B silicon sheet steel4.8 铁心片 core lamination4.9 一迭铁心 a lamination stock4.10 铁心迭积图 lamination drawing, lamination diagram4.11 迭片 lamination4.12 迭片系数 lamination factor4.13 空间利用系数 space factor4.14 层间绝缘 layer insulation4.15 斜接缝 mitring4.16 45斜接缝45mitred joint4.17 斜接缝的交错排列方式 over-lay arrangement for mitred joints of lamination4.18 重迭 overlap4.19 铁心油通 oil-duct of core4.20 铁心气道 air ventilating duct of core4.21 阶梯接缝 stepped lay joint4.22 对接铁心 butt jointed core4.23 渐开线铁心 evolute core, involute core4.24 空气隙 air gap4.25 铁心拉板 tensile plate of core limb, core drawplate4.26 铁心柱 core limb, core lge4.27 轭,铁轭 yoke4.28 上轭 upper yoke 下轭 lower yoke 旁轭 side yoke, return yoke4.29 环氧绑扎带 epoxy-bonded bandage4.30 轭拉带 yoke tensile belt4.31 铁轭拉带 banded band of core yoke4.32 上轭顶梁 top jointing beam of upper yoke4.33 侧梁 side beam4.34 夹件 clamping frame4.35 铁心夹件 core clamps, coreframe4.36 铁轭夹件 yoke clamping, yoke clamps4.37 上夹件 upper yoke clamping, upper yoke clamps4.38 下夹件 lower yoke clampings, lower yoke clamps4.39 夹件腹板 web of yoke clamping4.40 夹件肢板 limb of yoke clamping4.41 夹件加强 stiffening plate of clamping4.42 压线圈的压钉 winding compressing bolt4.43 压钉螺母 nut for compressing bolt4.44 弹簧压钉 compressing bolt with spring4.45 油缸压钉 compressing bolt with hydraulic damper4.46 线圈支撑架 winding supporter4.47 线圈支撑架 winding supporting plate4.48 垫脚 foot pad4.49 定位孔 positioning hole4.50 带螺母的定位柱 positioning stud4.51 拉螺杆 tensile rod4.52 夹件夹紧螺杆 yoke clamping bolt4.53 铁心接地片 core earthing strip4.54 铁心地屏 earthing screen of code4.55 旁轭地屏 earthing screen of side yoke4.56 接地屏蔽 earthing shield4.57 铁心窗高 core window height4.58 中心距M center line distance M4.59 铁心中间距 center distance between lombs4.60 木垫块 wood padding block4.61 迭片系数 lamination factor4.62 铁心的级 stage of lamination stacks4.63 心柱外接圆 circumscribed circle of core leg4.64 铁心端面 core surface perpendicular to lamination4.65 木棒 wood bar, wood rod4.66 定位板 positioning platePART5 线圈结构5.1 圆筒式线圈 cylindrical winding5.2 层式


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