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谓语动词和非谓语动词及各种句型的判断1 意义 谓语动词和非谓语动词在高中英语教和学中具有重要意义,主要表现在写作,语法填空和阅读长难句判断中。 例如:典型例子: 1.There are many people stand at the gate. Standing 的误用2.After luckily _(succeed) in the national college entrance examination, I realized my dream again. 3.He has two children, both of _ are doctors.4. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused _46_(stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept _47_(ride).5. There were many people waiting at the bus stop, _42_ some of them looked very anxious and _43_(disappoint)6. Maybe you leave a habit _67_ is driving your family crazy.英语句子的标志:首字母大写,和结尾用句号。There is a purse on the ground.Professor Mayer, recognized by many as a leading expert in the study of changes to peoples EQs, recently announced the results of a study on school students.Miss Mary teaches us English. (teaches 动词作谓语) Mr.Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week. a,在一个句子中,若只有一个动词,则此动词一定为谓语,若有两个及两个以上动词,就会出现两种情况:1. 两动词都是谓语动词形式,此时两个谓语动词之间必有连词,或并列连词,或从属连词;2. 两动词中必有非谓语,此时两动词之间没有连词。例如:The novel written by him is very popular.The novel which was written by him is very popular.There is a purse that is lying on the ground.There is a purse lying on the ground.Our coming made him happy. 因此,判断一个句子中谓语与非谓语,带连词与不带连词的方法是:先找句子中的动词,根据连词判断所找到的动词是谓语还是非谓语;或者根据所找的动词的谓语非谓语动词形式判断需要或不需要用连词.总之,一般句子只要有两个及以上谓语动词形式,必然有连词。反之亦然,只要有连词连接两个动词,必然有谓语动词。理解这一点对于理解下列句子很有帮助:He has two children, both of _whom_ are doctors.=He has two children, and both of _them_ are doctors.=He has two children, both of _them_ doctors.Our coming made him happy. (简单句。句中两个动词,come和make,谓语动词为make,没有连词连接make和come,所以come用非谓语动词形式)=We had come and that made him happy.(make和come都用了谓语动词形式,有连词and,并列句)=That we had come made him happy.(make和come都用了谓语动词形式,有连词that,并列句)=We had come, which made him happy.判断下列句子中的一、判断下列句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句:1. We often study Chinese history on Friday afternoon.2. The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom.3. There is a chair in this room, isnt there?4. My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back home at seven in the evening.5. He is in Class One and I am in Class Two.6. He was fond of drawing when he was yet a child.7. Neither has he changed his mind, nor will he do so.8. What he said at the meeting is very important, isnt it?9. The farmer is showing the boy how to plant a tree.10. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.二、判断下列短文中各句是简单句、并列句还是复合句: I hope you are very well( ). Im fine, but tired( ). Right now it is the summer vacation and Im helping my Dad on the farm( ). August is the hottest month here( ). It is the time of year for the rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark.( ) Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors( ). We grow rice in the south of the States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat( ). We have a lot of machines on the farm( ). Although the farm is large, my Dad has only two men working for him( ). But he employs more men for the harvest( ). My brother takes care of the vegetable garden( ). It doesnt often rain in the summer here( ). As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden( ). Every evening we pump water from a well( ). It then runs along channels to different parts of the garden( ). Most Saturday evenings there is a party, even at harvest time( ). These parties often make us very happy( ). We cook meat on an open fire outside( ). Its great( )! Americans eat a lot of meat too much in my opinion( ). Some of my friends drink beer( ). I dont, because I have to drive home after the party( ). In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the States( ). There are five different time areas in the States( ). In my state we are fourteen hours behind Beijing time( ). How many different time areas do you have in China( )? Well, I must stop and get some sleep( ). Please give my best regards to your parents( ).三、选择填空:1. Give me one more minute _ Ill be able to finish it.A. and B. or C. if D. so2.IwasgladtomeetJennyagain, Ididntwanttospendalldaywithher.3.Theresnowayofknowingwhyonemanmakesanimportantdiscovery_anotherman,alsointelligent,fails.A.sinceB:ifC.asD.while4. John has not yet passed the driving test, and _.A. Henry hasnt too B. Henry also has not either C. neither Henry has D. neither has Henry5. There are many sports lovers in his office. Some love climbing, _ others enjoy swimming.6. - Do you feel like going out _ would you rather have dinner at home?- Id like to go out. 7. Mary went to bed early, _ she felt very tired.8. Mother _(make ) a dress when she cut her finger.9. He lay in bed _ read something borrowed from library.10._(know)basicfirst-aidtechniqueswillhelpyourespondquicklytoemergencies.A.KnownB.HavingknownC.KnowingD.Beingknown11. As he is strong, _ can lift one hundred pounds.A. yet he B. but he C. and D. he12. - I thought you had an umbrella. - I had, _ Ive lost it.13. _ (turn)down the radio - the babys asleep in the next room.14. (find)the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level. A. Find B. Finding C. To find D. Found15. - Would you like to come to dinner tonight? - Id like to, _ Im too busy.16. Would you like a cup of coffee _ shall we get down to business right away?17. She set out soon after dark,and _(arrive) home an hour later.A. arriving B. to arrive C. having arrived D. and arrived18. “Cant you read?” Mary said _(point) angrily to the notice.A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointed19. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.20. The children, all of_ had played the whole day long, were worn out. 21.Johninvitedabout40peopletohiswedding,mostof arefamilymembers.22. Dont turn off the computer before closing all programs, you could have problems 1. And 2. but 3. B 4. D 5. While 6. Or 7. For/as/because/since 8. Was making 9.and 10. Knowing 11.A/D 12.but 13. Turn 14. Finding15.but 16. Or 17.arrived 18. pointing 19. While 20. Whom 21. Whom 22.or


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