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人称代词一2014-3-20(一)人称代词人称代词分为主格和宾格。人称代词的主格在句子中作主语。如: He is a student.人称代词的宾格在句子中作宾语(动词和介词的宾语)。如:We all like him. Look at me.请看下表:人称 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them (二)物主代词物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。形容词性物主代词可以作定语,也就是讲它可以作形容词,后面要跟名词。如:This is my book.名性词的物主代词后面不能跟名词。如:This book is mine.=This is my book.请看下表:人称我你他她它我们你们他们主格Iyouhe sheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs(三)名词所有格1、s的用法表示有生命的东西的名词后加 s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:mens room 男厕所 / Chairman Maos works 毛主席著作,/a miles distance 一英里的距离 / a stones throw 一步之遥 / the moons light 月光 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加来构成所有格。例如:3 hours walk 三小时的路程 / five minutes walk 五分钟路程 / two miles distance 两英里的距离Have you read Robert Brownings poems?你读过罗伯特-勃郎宁的诗吗? Its made from mares,cows or ewes milk它是用马奶、牛奶或者羊奶制成的。2、of 的用法凡不能加s的名词,都可以与of构成短语,来表示所有关系。无生命名词的所有格也可以这么用。例如: Does anyone know the title of the novel?有谁知道这部小说的名字? There is a tall maple tree at the end of the road在这条路的尽头有一棵高高的枫树。(四)用下列词的适当形式填空1. We _ (be)clever. 2. They _ (be) late. 3. This is _ (I) pen.4. Look at _ (I).5. Whats _ (you) name?6. The teacher asks _ (you) to read the book.7. Who is _ (he)?8. I like _ (he).9. This is _ (he) mother.10. The beautiful girl is _ (she) sister.11. _ (they) are my classroom.12. Look at _ (they). _ (they) are so strong.13. The football is _ (they).14. The pretty woman is _ (we) teacher.15. _ (we) are good friends.16. Let _ (we) sing a song together.17. _ (I) have two big eyes.18. What color are _ (you) eyes?19. _ (I)eyes are blue.20. _ (they) teacher is Tom.21. Who is _ (they) teacher?22. _ (he) name is Tom.(五)选择1. This is _A: Jacks T-shirt B: Jack T-shirt C: T-shirt of Jack2. That is _A: Doris book B: book of Doris C: book to Doris3. These are _A: driverss cars B: drivers cars C: cars to drivers4. Those are _A: mothers bags B: motherss bags C: bags of mothers5. This is _A: question s answer B: the answer to the question C: the answer of question6. This is _A: classrooms door B: door to classroom C: the door of the classroom7. These are _A: the bag of the bosses B: bossess bags C: bosses bags8. This is _A: the key of the door B: the doors key C: the key to the door9. _ is on the desk.A: Kims pen . B: Kims pen C: the pen of Kim10._ is over there .A: My motheres dress B: My mothers dress C:The dress of my mother

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