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小学英语阅读课教学流程及教学设计一、 教学流程: (一) 读前活动 读前活动是指学生在进入课文学习之前的活动, 可借助歌曲、 歌谣和图片, 采用交流、 预测的方式, 帮助学生激活旧知识, 引起学生对新知识的好奇与兴趣。 可以在学生欣赏完歌曲与歌谣之后, 交流关联内容, 从而提出问题。 而预测则可以先让学生读课本中的插图, 然后说出他们从图中所获得的信息, 最后提出问题导入课文的学习。 (二) 读中活动 读中活动是教师帮助学生在学习课文和理解课文的过程中所采取的活动。活动的开展以问题的提出及回答为主要过程, 以培养学生的阅读能力为主要任务, 逐步让学生掌握略读、 跳读、精读等阅读技巧, 提出问题及解决问题的能力。 (三) 读后活动 读后活动是教师在学生学习文本材料之后所做的拓展活动。拓展活动以巩固文本材料的重心内容为出发点, 通过对更多文本材料的处理, 让学生的阅读能力得到提升的同时, 听说读写的能力也得到全面的发展。 二、 教学设计 (一) Analysis of teaching content: (内容分析) 本课是五年级上第四单元 A 部分的阅读课, 通过 Zhang Peng 和 John 打电话这一事件, 进一步帮助学生学习、 巩固现在进行时态的用法。 (二) Analysis of the students: 本节课是一堂阅读课, 学生在前面的词汇和对话课中已经学习了现在进行时态及一些动词词组, 所以, 顺利地阅读本篇课文对学生来讲不会有太大的困难。 (三) Analysis of teaching methods: Reading for fun, Reading for information 是阅读课的目的。 为此本课将以问题为引领,通过问题的解决帮助学生逐步形成一定的阅读能力。 教学活动力求促进学生的思维活动, 让学生积极参与到学习活动中来, 从而使课堂教学更加有效、 有意义。 (四) Teaching objectives: 1. Knowledge objectives: At the end of this class Ss should master the four-skilled sentences “This is Zhang Peng. What are you doing? I m doing the dishes. I m reading a book. ” 2. Ability objectives: (1) Enable Ss understand how to make a phone call. (2) Foster the Ss reading skills by guessing the meaning of the words in the context. 3. Emotion objectives: Help Ss understand the same words might get different meanings in different contexts. So language should be learned in real situations, and reading might offer them the situations and help them learn more. (五) Teaching Keys and difficulties: 1 通过问题的引领和上下文的联系正确理解句子“Come on , John” 的含义, 以利于学生形成有效的阅读技巧。 2 正确理解并朗读句子“Do you want to go to the Children s centre?” (六) Teaching Aids: PPT radio and some pictures (七) Teaching Procedures Step 1 Before-reading tasks (1) Greeting. (2) A game to review. Ask Ss to do an action and then answer T s question “What are you doing?” . For example, T may say “ Read a book , please. ” , when the Ss do the action of reading a book, T may ask “What are you doing? ” Ss will answer “I m reading a book. ” 设计意图让学生做一做, 并在做动作的过程中回答老师提出的问题, 这个活动首先给学生创设了一个真实的语言情境, 以及在情境中运用语言的体验, 同时也激活了学生的旧知识,为新知识的学习做好了充分的准备。 Step 2 While-reading tasks Listen and answer After the game, T may say “ You are cooking dinner. What am I doing?“ to elicit “I m talking to you. ” Write this sentence on the board. Then T will ask Ss “Do you know what is Zhang Peng doing? and What is John doing? Now let s listen to the tape and find out” . Have Ss listen to the tape to elicit the key sentences “I m doing the dishes. Im reading a book. ” Write them on the board. 设计意图在师生交流的过程中导出句子” I m talking to you. ” 会让学生的理解更加深刻, 让学生带着问题听录音, 既能有效地帮助学生获得本课的重点内容, 又能锻炼学生的听力。 Have Ss open their books and do the exercises below the dialogue. Read and answer Show the picture of “Zhang Peng and John” and ask ” Zhang Peng wants to play with John today, so Where does he want to go? And what time? ” Please read the dialogue and circle the answers. At the same time explain the meaning of the word “want” Ss read the dialogue and circle the answer ” the children s centre” . 设计意图再次提出问题“Where does he want to go? And what time?, 问题中的单词want 是个新词, 为了不阻碍学生阅读, 会在问题提出后对学生进行解释并教读, the children s centre 也是个生词, 所以只要求学生圈出单词, 由老师检查后板书并教读。整个过程中学生虽没有太多的语言表达, 但学生能在老师的帮助下圈出答案, 也是对阅读能力的一种训练。 ”Read and find out Question 1 “Is John humorous? ” to help Ss understand the meaning of “come on , John. ” Question 2 “How to make a phone call?” to ask Ss to find out all the sentences used in a phone call. 设计意图更多问题的提出不仅帮助学生对课文有更一层的理解, 还对打电话的用语有了更多的了解, 如 Hello, This is Zhang Peng. 以及如何约朋友去某处玩和时间的句子“Do you want to go to ?” “What time?” 等, 这些句子的巩固为后面学生打电话的活动做了良好的铺垫。Listen and repeat Have Ss listen and repeat the dialogue. Step3 After-reading tasks 1. Read and answer. Have Ss read the following materials and then write down the answers. Sarah: Hi! This is Sarah. Can I speak to Chen Jie? Chen Jie: This is Chen Jie. Sarah: What are you doing , Chen Jie? Chen Jie: I m writing a letter. What are you doing? Sarah: I m watching TV. Chen Jie: Do you want to go to the zoo? Sarah: Sure! What time? Chen Jie: 9: 30 Sarah: Ok! See you later. Chen Jie: Bye! Questions: What is Chen Jie doing?_ What is Sarah doing? _ Where do they want to go? _ What time? _ 设计意图问题的提出及解答有利于学生对知识的巩固, 同时也给学生的写提供了更多的练习。 2、 Make a phone call to your friend Ask Ss to make to phone call to their friends, using “This is . What are you doing? Do you want to go to ? ” 设计意图这是一个语言输出的活动, 之前教师帮助学生所做的一切, 皆为这个活动的顺利开展。 在与朋友编对话的过程中, 学生要综合本课所学的知识, 还要回忆以前所学的词语,对语言的加工, 排序、 确认及最后的输出这一过程是语言学习最能体现学生思维及教学目的的过程。 Step 4 Sum up and Homework 1. Have Ss sum up how to make a phone call. 2. Ask Ss to make a phone call to T after class. Blackboard Designing Unit 4 What are you doing? I m talking to you. I m reading a book. I m doing the dishes.

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