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PET 口语PET口语“最容易拿分的部分”,掌握技巧,就是给你送分的Part 1 考官问答(2-3分钟)个人单独Part 2 考生讨论(2-3分钟)搭档讨论Part 3 图片描述(3分钟)个人单独Part 4 free talking basic on Part 3 (3分钟)搭档讨论口语部分大约持续10-12分钟Part 1 考官问答Give information of a personal kind.范围:现在活动、过去经历以及将来的打算(时态转换和流畅表达)准备好了考官会有个好印象Part 2 考生讨论-听清描述,多重选择,解决问题,给出方案-常见考试主题:礼物、活动场所、出游、设计方案等Part 3 图片描述-抓细节、有逻辑、把握语速-只有1分钟-聚会、就餐、家庭、外出游玩等Part 4 话题讨论-基于part3 的主体进行话题讨论,交换看法-学校生活、家庭生活、健康、娱乐等Part 1 详解考官对-A/B: Good morning/afternoon. Can i have your mark sheets, please?考官对-A/B: Im . and this is . He/She is just going to us考官对A: Now, whats your name? Thank you.考官对B: and whats your name? Thank you.考官: Whats your surname? How do you spell it? Thank you.(ask the following questions. Ask A first)考官: - where do you live/come from?考官: Are you a student in primary school/middle school.?考官: What do you do/study?考官: Thank you.(repeat for B)常见话题:ShoppingQuestion:- where do you often go shopping?- who do you go shopping with?- what do you often buy?- how often do you go shopping?- do you like shopping? Why?EntertainmentQuestion:- what do you do in your free time?(尽量避免说 Do homework)- How often do you go to cinema/museum/park?- whats your favourite TV programme?- what do you usually do with your friends/classmates?Family activitiesQuestion:- do you often have parties at your home?- how often do you have parties with your family?- do you often go out for fun with your family?- what do you often do at home?Traveling Question:-where did you go last summer/winter/weekend?-who do you often travel with?-do you like traveling?-did you have good time during your trip?- what would you want to travel at this weekend?Likes&dislikesLikes- i prefer A to B.- i like A better than B.- Im keen on doing sth.- i enjoy doing.Dislikes- im sick of doing sth/sth.- i hate doing sth/sth- i dislike doing sth/sth.- i donlt mind/care.Part 2详解Say to both candidates:Im going to describe a situation to you.A friend of yours is planning to spend 6 months in England to improve her English. Talk together about the things shell need in England and decides which are the most important things to take with her.Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. .Part 2 考生涵盖的内容包括:-agreeing - disagreeing - giving reasons - making suggestions - asking opinions分类说明:Making suggestions:- i think he/she should .- i think . is a good idea, because.- how about .?- i am not sure about ., because., what do you think?Agreeing- your are right.- thats a good idea.- i think so.- i agree with you.Disagreeing-i dont think he/she should.- i am not sure about it, because.- im afraid i cant agree with you.- i dont think its a good idea because.Part 3详解考官:now, id like each of you to talk about something. Im going to give each of you a photograph of people reading and writingPart3 题型介绍Part 3 图片描述(3分钟)Describing people, things and events1. 彩色图片描述, 每人1分钟2. 描述人物、事物和事件3. 与Part 4 话题关联。(如你提到一家人外出吃饭,或外出运动,Part 4 将可能 会展开此话题)Part 3 图片如何描述?技巧:1. 由远及近:先描述整体轮廓,然后拉近举例描述细节2. 由人到物:先描述人物细节,穿着,干什么,再描述身边事物有用的关键词:远(轮廓)- In this picture,how many people can you see?-Where are they?-What are they doing?-Whats the weather like?/season?近(细节)方位:On the left, on the right, behind, near, next to, between, above, below, in the corner, through, outside.天气:Sunny, raining, pouring with rain, windy, snowy, freezing cold, foggy, cloudy, warm, hot人物:Young/old, mid-aged, curly/straight/blonde/gray hair, handsome, cute,pretty, good-looking, lovely*人物比较少的时候要抓人物细节。*人物比较多的时候不用描述人物细节,尽量抓共同特征。Part 4 talking with a partnerTopic Example:Your photograph showed people reading and writing. Now, id like you to talk together about the different kinds of reading and writing you did when you were younger, and the kinds you do now.考察目标:Phrases for asking for your partners opinion, giving your opinion and giving reasons for your opinion.W&H原则What,who,where,when.简单介绍完之后问搭档,how about you? Do you .?经常用到的句型:I think/ i dont think/ i prefer.,/i have a different opinion, i think., because.I love./i enjoy.What do you think? How about you?Do you like.?Do you think so? Whats your opinion? So do I! Neither do I.


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