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作业ID: 39655 - 1. 鼓励独立完成作业,严禁抄袭。词汇与结构 He didnt live up to had been expected of him. A. A. that B. B. what C. C. which D. D. all 2.The old couple decided to a boy and a girl though they had three of their own. A. A. adapt B. B. bring C. C. receive D. D. adopt 3.The relationship between employers and employees has been studied . A. A. originally B. B. extremely C. C. violently D. D. intensively 4.The car halfway for no reason. A. A. broke off B. B. broke down C. C. broke up D. D. broke out 5.The police that he committed a series of crimes in the north of the city. A. A. swelled B. B. submitted C. C. surveyed D. D. suspected 6.The manager lost his just because his secretary was ten minutes late. A. A. mood B. B. temper C. C. mind D. D. passion 7.We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came view. A. A. from B. B. in C. C. before D. D. into 8.I have kept that portrait I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. A. A. which B. B. where C. C. whether D. D. when 9.The room is in a terrible mess; it cleaned. A. A. cant have been B. B. mustnt have been C. C. shouldnt have been D. D. wouldnt have been 10.You see the lightning it happens, but you hear the thunder later. A. A. the instant B. B. for an instant C. C. on the instant D. D. in an instant 11. it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles. A. A. Believe B. B. To believe C. C. Believing D. D. Believed 12.The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at chemists. A. A. other B. B. some C. C. certain D. D. any 13.Your hair wants . Youd better have it done tomorrow. A. A. cut B. B. to cut C. C. cutting D. D. being cut 14. I dont think it advisable that Tom to the job since he has no experience. A. A. be assigned B. B. will be assigned C. C. is assigned D. D. has been assigned 15.The goals he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him. A. A. after which B. B. with which C. C. for which D. D. at which 16. 改错请在以下句子划线部分中,挑出错误的选项。 He is such strong a man that he can lift ten stones like this one. A. A. such B. B. that C. C. lift D. D. like 17.It was until after his death that he was recognized as a great composer. A. A. It was until B. B. that C. C. was recognized D. D. a great composer 18. Its already 5 oclock now. Dont you think its about time we are going home? A. A. Its B. B. oclock C. C. Dont you D. D. are going 19.Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the three-hours movie could not hold our attention. A. A. Despite B. B. well-developed C. C. the three-hours D. D. hold our attention 20. People appreciate to have worked with him because he has a good sense of humor. A. A. to have worked B. B. because C. C. a good sense D. D. humor - 21. 请阅读以下文章,回答文章后的五个小题。每个小题只有一个最佳选项。 Imagine a school that expected its students to become literate(有读写能力的) without any formal instruction. Most parents would be alarmed by such an approach, which would leave their children confused and with gaps in their understanding. This however has been the philosophy on character development in many of our schools. Why is the development of character seen as somehow different from the other skills that we teach?Of course there will always be learning by osmosis(耳濡目染)in any school, but as a teacher and primary school head I have found that a childs moral literacy is strengthened when they acquire the building blocks of good character such as consideration, courage and honor: qualities which are commonly known as virtue(美德).I personally find that exploring a virtue over a two-week period provides a simple and effective program that allows for the creative input of both teacher and student and a chance for the virtue to embed(使融入)itself. Once a lesson on a virtue such as honesty has been completed we need to allow time for children to practice this concept just as would be the case with fractions or verbs. Allowing children to role play a situation such as making up excuses to cover a mistake can be enormously interesting, and the drama can be frozen allowing the characters to be questioned about their feelings and motives. (80) Its also a safe way for children to experience for themselves how a lie usually goes out of control.Our role as educators is also to look for opportunities to help our students as they attempt to strengthen their characters. When something goes wrong we guide the young person to the virtue that will prevent it from happening again. For instance, when am student thoughtlessly disturbs the calm atmosphere of the library, instead of a response such as, that was really disrespectful and selfish of you! we draw out from them the required virtue: When youre walking through the library, what virtues do you need to use? Which of the following is the main idea of this passage? 单选题 A. A. Teaching morals and values has been a frequently discussed topic in the past few years. B. B. The author and his staff embed virtues into lessons and school life to encourage character development in children. C. C. Kids throughout the population face the same needs, the same challenges, and the same realities in their lives. D. D. Role plays are an excellent way of getting students to practice their English. We can infer from the first paragraph that _. 单选题 A. A. there tends to be disagreement about what character education is B. B. most parents are not satisfied with the teaching methods adopted in schools C. C. the approach to character education is generally considered different from the approaches to other skills D. D. more and more schools are adopting strategies to improve school attendance The word philosophy in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _. 单选题 A. A. study B. B. subject C. C. viewpoint D. D. investigation The author is a_. 单选题 A. A. teacher B. B. librarian C. C. reporter D. D. manager Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a way to build character in children? 单选题 A. A. Story readings and discussions. B. B. Osmosis. C. C. Taking every opportunity to teach character. D. D. Role play. - 22. It seems like every day theres some new research about whether our favorite drinks are good for us. One day, science says a glass of red wine a day will help us live longer. The next day, maybe not. It seems journalists are pretty interested in wine research and the same might be said for coffee. Now,there has been a lot of research into whether coffee is good for our health.“The results have really been mixed,” admits Neal Freedman who led the coffee study and published his findings in a medical journal recently. “Theres been some evidence that coffee might increase the risk of certain diseases and theres also been maybe more recent evidence that coffee may protect against other diseases as well.” Freedman and his colleagues undertook the biggest study yet to look at the relationship between coffee and health. They analyzed data collected from more than 400,000 Americans ages 50 to 71 participating in the study. “We found that the coffee drinkers had a modestly lower risk of death than the non-drinkers,”he said. Heres what he means by “modestly”:those who drank at least two or three cups a day were about 10 percent or 15 percent less likely to die for any reason during the 13 years of the study. When the researchers looked at specific causes of death, coffee drinking appeared to cut the risk of dying from heart disease, lung disease, injuries, accidents and infections. Now, Freedman stressed that the study doesnt prove coffee can make people live longer. A study like this can never prove a cause-and-effect relationship. All it can really do is to point researchers in the right direction for further investigation. And even if it turns out that coffee is really good for you, scientists have no idea why. According to the first paragraph, reporters would like to know the research findings of _. 单选题 A. A. tea B. B. beer C. C. alcohol D. D. coffee According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? 单选题 A. A. Freedman and his colleagues hired 400,000 Americans to collect data. B. B. About four hundred thousand Americans worked for Freedmans team full time for 13 years. C. C. People who took part in Freedmans research are about 50 to 70 years old. D. D. People who are 50 to 70 years old seldom drink coffee. According to the author, scientists _. 单选题 A. A. have already proved that coffee is good for human health B. B. have a long way to go before they find a way to study coffee C. C. have avoided the cause-and-effect approach to study coffee D. D. are still unable to figure out why coffee is good for us The word “mixed” in the first paragraph means “_”. 单选题 A. A. both good and bad B. B. put together C. C. both sharp and soft D. D. confused Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage? 单选题 A. A. Can Beer Help You Live Longer? B. B. Can Coffee Help You Live Longer? C. C. Can Wine Help You Live Longer? D. D. Can Tea Help You Live Longer? - 23.阅读文章,根据文意选择最佳选项。 The mind-success connection is strong,and many obstacles to our success are also mental. Some people rely more on facts, _(1)_ others rely more on feelings. There is no “right way” to be, but we all have the natural ability to “feel” our way successfully _(2)_ an unlighted path.I learned this _(3)_ I was standing on a curb (路边)in a city in Vietnam (越南). My objective, a restaurant where my husband Tom was _(4)_ for me,stood on the _(5)_ side of the street, I was _(6)_and could smell the food. But it seemed as if the restaurant were miles away. The street was _(7)_ with motor cycles, bicycles, cars, trucks and buses. Rather than _(8)_ the traffic into two lanes,the yellow lane markers apparently served only to _(9)_ that you were on a paved (铺设的)road. People passed, stopped, turned around and crossed center lines.Traffic flowed both ways in the same lane, and more traffic turned onto the street from side ones. Even when the signal tight turned red, traffic _(10)_ to flow as drivers entirely ignored the signal, rushing to me from front, back, sides and all angles. (1) 单选题 A. A. a B. B. while C. C. where D. D. when (2) 单选题 A. A. along B. B. with C. C. beside D. D. under (3) 单选题 A. A. where B. B. what C. C. when D. D. which (4) 单选题 A. A. waiting B. B. looking C. C. expecting D. D. seeing (5) 单选题 A. A. opposed B. B. nearby C. C. different D. D. opposite (6) 单选题 A. A. earnest B. B. hungry C. C. splendid D. D. worried (7) 单选题 A. A. grouped B. B. pressed C. C. crowded D. D. provided (8) 单选题 A. A. dividing B. B. combining C. C. cutting D. D. joining (9) 单选题 A. A. strengthen B. B. conclude C. C. indicate D. D. express (10) 单选题 A. A. responded B. B. transformed C. C. recovered D. D. continued - 24.翻译翻译下列句子。请自主完成,Google、百度、灵格斯、金山词霸等机器翻译零分。(一)英译中 Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes.很显然,许多人认为,一个人在工作中花的时间越多,他或她完成的时间就越多。 - 25.There is no basis for arguing that private schools are bound to be better than public schools.没有任何依据认为私立学校比公立学校好。 - 26.The good news is that even slight alterations, such as planting more trees in the inner city or creating urban parks with a greater variety of plants, can significantly reduce the negative side effects of city life.好消息是,即使是轻微的改变,比如在城市内种植更多的树,或者用更大的植物来创造城市公园,能显著减少城市生活带来的负面影响。 - 27.It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. 对一个十几岁的少年来说,站起来反对大众化的浪潮,走自己的路,变得越来越困难了。 - 28.Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will help people forget bad memories.现在美国的研究人员认为他们已经接近研制一种药物,这将有助于人们忘记不好的记忆。 - 29.(二)中译英 最近发生在日本的地震使地球表面发生了改变。 The recent earthquake in Japan the Earths surface has changed. - 30.13岁以下的儿童应坐在后座。 Children under 13 years of age should sit in the back seat. - 31.我星期天从不早起。 I never get up early on Sunday. - 32.孩子的性格受家庭环境影响很大。 The childs personality greatly influenced by the family environment. - 33.由于我离开得匆忙,忘记带课本了。 Since I have to leave in a hurry, forget to bring a textbook. 各位同学:每隔20分钟,请务必点击页面左下角的临时保存按钮,保存您的作业!倒计时:19分58秒


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