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1、 LINCOIN is remember as the American President by the people all over the world.林肯作为美国总统被世人铭记2、 The future of our Motherland belongs to us 祖国的未来属于我们的3、 Studying hard can / may lead to success努力学习将会引导你成功。4、 If you want to master this language , you must receive professional training如果你想要精通一门语言,你必须接受专业的训练。5、 The results of the students exams couldnt satisfy their teacher.学生们的考试结果不能使老师们满意6、 By the time his father came back , Tom has fallen asleep.当他父亲回来时,汤姆已经熟睡了7、 Michelangelo is regarded as one of the most outstanding artists.米开朗琪罗被视为一名杰出的大师.8、Recorder is too noisy ,would you turn it down?收音机太响了把音量调低一点好吗?8、 At first, he turned down my invitation, but later he still came.起先他谢绝了我的邀请,后来他还是来了9、I live alone in a lonely house, but I dont fell lonely.我一个人住在偏僻的房子里,但我并不感到孤单。9、 There stands a wooden tower at the top of the hill.山顶上耸立着一座木塔10、 He became so used to lying on the bed that he became fatter and fatter.他如此习惯于躺在床上以至于越来越胖。11、I cant imagine Mary living alone in the lonely island.我难以想象玛丽一个人生活在那个荒岛上。12、I find it necessary to spend a lot of time reading successful stories.我发现大量时间读成功的故事是很有必要的13、After the old died , he left children with a large son of money.老人去世后,留给孩子们大笔的钱。14、I admire his courage , and he sets a good example to everyday.我钦佩他的勇气,他为众人树立了一个好榜样。15、Home and overseas visitors are fascinated with Shanghai.海内外的游客为上海而着迷。16、If you share your happiness with somebody, you happiness will be doubled.如果你与他人分享你的快乐,你的快乐将加倍17、Women not only can raise her son, but also do many suitable tasks.妇女不仅能养育孩子,还是合作许多工作。18、Mike would prefer to listen to music rather than watch TV.麦克不愿意看电视,而是喜欢听音乐。19、As long as he doesnt leave his post , the company will offer him a chance of promotion.只要他不离开他的工作岗位,公司将提供他一次晋升的机会。20、As soon as they sat down beside a boy , they started to make fun of him.他们刚在一男孩身边坐下来,就开始那他开玩笑。21、He didnt go to bed until his mother came bad.他直到母亲回来才入睡。22、While I was lying in bed, many friends came to visit me.在我卧病期间,许多朋友来探望过。23、The teacher had no sooner entered the classroom than he heard a loud noise.老师一踏进教室就听到吵闹声24、The first time Tom visited the museum , he showed great interest in all the saw and heard在第一次参观博物馆的时候,汤姆就对所见所闻表现出了很大的兴趣。25、Since you are ill, I have you go alone.既然你生病了,我只好一个人去26、Where there is a will , there is a way有志者事竟成27、The box is so heavy they nobody can move it.这个箱子如此沉以至于无人能搬得动28、As long as you study hard , you are sur5e to succeed.只要你勤奋好学,你一定会获得成功29、The old man runs fast as if he were a young man.老人跑得极快,好像一位年轻人。30、Even if Im punished , Ill never give up.即使我受到惩罚,我也永不放弃。31、You need a professional to help you to solve the tricky problem.你需要一位专业人士帮助你解决棘手的问题。32、He used to help me study English , I cant help thinking of him.他过去常常帮助我学习英语,我情不自禁想起了他33、After I read professionals papers , I gain a lot of knowledge.读了专家的学术论文后,我学到了大量的知识。34、I didnt want to be involved in the argument , and therefore. I have explained it to the policeman several times.我不愿意卷入这场争吵中,所以我已经向警察结识了数遍。35、In order not to be late for school , he gets up early to catch the bus every day.为了上学不迟到,他每天早早起床去赶往学校的巴士 36、This female patient is critically ill to need have an operation urgently.这位生命垂危的女病人急需手术37、My new work means I will run whole world , but I dont plan such originally.我的新工作意味着要全世界到处跑,但我原本没有打算这样38、A little baby in kindergarten receive best attention.小宝宝在幼儿园得到了最好的照顾39、Traditionally, more girls than boys work as secretaries.创通上,比起男孩们更多女孩担当秘书40、The captain order all passages must leave the ship at once.船长命令所有的乘客必须立刻离开轮船。41、Grandma , is learning how to operate computer , whole family is of great help to her奶奶正在学习如何操作电脑,全家人给了她很大帮助42、I cant remember nothing except that The Disneyland is filled with people.除了迪斯尼乐园里人满为患,我什么也不记得了43、Wearing white dresss girl name little white.穿着白色连衣裙的小女名叫小雪。44、All though audience is not many , but they deeply more in a play.虽然观众很少,但他们被戏中的故事深深的感动了45、In coming day ,we taste various foods.在接下来的输入,我们品尝了各种各样的食物46、Following explain book to use medicine。按照说明书服药47、The fashion magazine to holed bookcase 过时的杂志占据了输出绝大多数的空间48、Traditionally , his career is collecting internal information事实上,他的职业是搜集国内外的信息49、Its a bad manner to speak loudly in public在公共场所大声说话是不礼貌的50、When Mike saw rich people riding on horses , he went riding every day.当麦克看见富人骑马时,他也每天去骑马51、He got well-prepared for the job interview , for didnt want to lose the opportunity.他为这次求职面试做了充分准备,因为他不想失去这次好机会52、When we think of France , wine comes into our mind.当我们想到法国,脑海里首先出现的东西是酒。53、Is it necessary , to give a waiter a tip in restaurant in Singapore?在新加坡的饭店有必要给服务员小费吗?

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