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2019 届高考英语二轮专题-特殊句式(有解析)+高中优秀作文:坚定不移特殊句型是英语学习中必须掌握的难点知识,熟练地掌握和使用对提高应试能力有很大的帮助。通过近几年试题的分析与研究,主要从以下几个方面进行考查:倒装句、强调句和省略句。在学习时,首先应弄清楚如何正确地使用,其次要在具体的语境中灵活使用。近三年的高考题更加注重考查知识之间的交叉现象,如在考查强调句的同时考查定语从句,把省略、强调句与时间状语从句、地点状语从句的考查等融合在一起,考查考生综合把握语言知识的能力。考点 1 强调句-强调句结构及其中的 who 和 that强调句的基本构成为:It is/was+被强调部分+who/that+其他成分。无论强调那个部分,其后面的连接词只能用 who 或者that。被强调的部分指人时,可用 who 或 that;被强调的部分不指人时,切不可因为强调的是时间、地点、原因或者方式状语而用 when, where, why 或 how,此时必须用 that。如: It was after the war was over that Einstein was able to come back to his research work again正是在战争结束后爱因斯坦才得以重新回到研究工作中去。It was in front of the bank that the old lady was robbed那位老太太是在银行的前面被抢劫的。It is when he got back that he knew what had happened他回来后才知道所发生的情况。It was the goats eyes that he had seen in the darkness他在黑暗中看到的就是这只山羊的眼睛。特别提示:强调句中的主谓一致性:当强调主语时,其后的谓语动词应与主语一致,即人称和数要一致。如:It is my mother who cooks every day每天煮饭的是我妈妈。It is he who is wrong是他错了。【典例】It was after he got what he had desired _he realize it was not so important.A. that B.when C. since D. as【答案】A【解析】考查强调句型。句意:直到他得到了他想要的东西,他才意识到它并没有那么重要。此处为强调句型,其基本结构为:it+ is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其余部分,本题强调after he got what he had desired,故 A 正确。考点 2 强调句-强调状语部分强调句所强调的状语部分可以是介词短语、副词或状语从句。如:1.强调介词短语It is not without an effort that we can expect to succeed. 不经努力,我们不能指望成功。2.强调状语从句It was before he went to London that he had learned English for three years他在去伦敦之前已经学了三年英语。(强调时间)It was where you have questions that youd better make a mark最好在你有疑问的地方做个记号。(强调地点)It was because she was ill that she didnt come to the party她没来参加聚会是因为她病了。(强调原因)It is as the Party tells us that we must do我们必须做的就是听从党的安排。(强调方式)It is as long as you promise to be back before 8:00 that you can go out只要你保证八点以前回来你就可以出去。(强调条件)3.强调 not until 结构It was not until his mother told him everything that Jack understood why she was angry with him.直到母亲把一切都告诉他,Jack 才明白母亲为什么生他的气。特别提示:not until 引导的复合句放于句首时,主句须用倒装语序。但如果放于被强调的位置,则 that 后的主谓不倒装。如: It wasnt until I got off the bus that I realized it直到下车我才意识到这一点。(强调句)Not until I got off the bus did I realize it直到下车我才意识到这一点。(倒装句)【典例】It _not until she came back _ Jane realized that she had lost her ID card.A. is, that B. was, who C. was, that D. is, who【答案】C【解析】考查强调句型及时态。句意:直到到了家,简才发现她的身份证丢了。在高中英语中 not 和 until 只能在两种情况下紧挨着出现:1.强调句型 It is/was not until.that.;2.倒装句型 Not until.。在其他情况下一律用 not.until.,分析句子结构可知,此处为强调句,又因句子使用了一般过去时和过去完成时可知,此处应使用 was。故 C 选项正确。考点 3 强调句-强调句的疑问句1一般疑问句。结构为:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他成分?如:Was it during the Anti-Japanese War that he died? 他是在抗日战争期间去世的吗?2特殊疑问句。结构为:特殊疑问词(what/Who/when/Why/Where/How)+is/was it+ that/who+句子其他成分?如:Why is it that smoking is not allowed here? 为什么这儿不允许吸烟? 考点 4 强调句-强调句与主语从句、定语从句和状语从句的辨析1. 掌握强调句与“It is/wasthat+从句.”式主语从句的使用区别。主句从句中 it is/was 后通常用名词或形容词作表语,而强调句中 it is/was 后被强调的成分是主语、宾语或状语。如: It is a wonder that the wounded soldier is still alive. 那个受伤的士兵还活着,真是个奇迹。(主语从句)It is a wonder that we visited yesterday. 我们昨天参观的是一个奇迹。(强调句)2定语从句的引导词(即关系代词和关系副词)在从句的使用过程中较为丰富,如who,that,which,whose,when,where,why 等,与充当先行词的名词或代词存在修饰与被修饰的关系;而强调句中的引导词只有 who 和 that,强调人时,用 who 或 that,强调其他时,只用 that,且与被强调的部分不存在修饰与被修饰的关系。如:It was 2009 when she graduated from the senior high school那是 2009 年,她高中毕业的时候。(定语从句)It was in 2009 that she graduated from the senior high school. 她高中毕业是在 2009 年。(强调句)3. 容易与强调句混淆的时间状语从句主要有:(1) It is/was+时间+since 从句。有两种含义:如果 since 从句中的谓语动词是非延续性的。则译为“自从有多长时间了”;如果是延续性的,则译为“不做某事已有多长时间了”。如:It is three years since he joined the army自他参军以来已有三年了。It is many years since he smoked他没有吸烟已有好多年了。(2)It is/will(not)be+时间段+before 从句。表示“要过多久(不久)才”,before 从句后的谓语动词多用一般现在时。如:It wont be long before you reach your goal你离成功不远了。(3) It was+时间段+before 从句。表示 “过了多久才”。before 从句后的谓语动词多用一般过去时。如:It was four hours before he finished the work. 过了四小时他才完成工作。【典例】It was after having her first child at a time_ my mother was working as a lawyer _she decided to run for governor of the stateA.that; that B.which; thatC.that; who D.when; that【答案】D【解析】考查强调句型和定语从句。句意:在我母亲做律师的时生了第一个孩子后,她决定竞选州长。第一空“when”引导定语从句,先行词是“ a time”,从句中缺少时间状语,故用关系副词“when”;第二空“that”构成了强调句式的基本结构 It is/was+强调部分+that 从句。4. 谓语动词的强调强调句“It is/wasthat”一般不强调谓语动词,如果要强调谓语,用助动词 do,does 或 did。如:The family did manage to send him to a technical schoo1家里的确设法让他上技术学校。考点 5 倒装句-全部倒装把谓语全部提到主语前面,叫全部倒装或完全倒装。主要有:1. 以 here, there, out, in, up, down, away 等副词开头,谓语动词多为 be, come, go 等,则需用全部倒装。如:There flows a river at the foot of the mountain. 山脚下有一条河。2.以 then, now, thus 开头,谓语动词多为 come, follow, begin, end, be, 主语又是名词/名词词组,则用全部倒装(若主语是代词,则不能倒装)。如:Now comes your turn! 该你了3当地点类介词短语位于句首且后有不及物动词be,come,sit,live,stand,lie,exist 等时,常用全部倒装。如:On the ground lay an old man,who was dying地上躺着一位老人,奄奄一息。4such 作表语,置于句首,表示“这样的人/事物;上述的人/事物”。be 动词须与后面的主语保持一致。如:Such is their decision他们的决定就是这样。【典例】_, without waiting for any reply.A. Away did he go B. Away went he C. Away he went D. Did he go away【答案】C【解析】考查倒装。句意:没有等待任何回复,他走开了。方位副词位于句首时,应使用完全倒装结构,但是当主语是代词时,不需要倒装,要使用陈述语序。故 C 选项正确。考点 6 强调句-部分倒装只把助动词/系动词/情态动词提到主语前面,叫部分倒装。主要有:1. 在疑问句中须部分倒装。但在疑问句中作主语的特殊疑问句里,不用倒装。如: Does he speak Chinese? 他说中国话吗? Who is in this room? 谁在这个房间里?2. 用于以 so, nor, neither 开头的句子,表示重复前句的部分内容,须部分倒装,且此句的谓语动词应与前句的谓语在时态/形式上一致,但“so+主语+do”结构则表示对别人所说的情况加以肯定,它的主语与上文的主语相同,so 相当于indeed,certainly。如:Mary has learned by heart 200 words,and So have I玛丽已经记住了 200 个单词,我也是这样。 The girls study hard这些女孩学习刻苦。so they do她们的确如此。3在以 never,seldom,not only,rarely,scarcely,in no way 等否定或半否定词开头的句子用部分倒装。如:Little do I dream of seeing such wonderful scenery我想象不到会看到这样美妙的景色。4. Only 置于句首修饰状语(副词、介词短语)或状语从句等时用部分倒装。如:Only after the anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic could the operation be conducted. 只有在麻醉师给病人实施麻醉以后,手术才能进行。5. 在 sothat, suchthat 句型中,当 so, such 引导的结构置于句首时须用部分倒装。如:So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him. 他说话声音那样大,隔壁屋里的人都能听见。6在 hardlywhen,no soonerthan,not until 句型中,主句须部分倒装。如:Hardly had he arrived when it began to snow他一到,天就下起雪来了。7as 引导的让步状语从句结构为:形容词/名词/动词+as+主语+谓语。如: Tired as he was, he stayed up late. 他虽然疲倦,可仍然很晚才睡。 Explain as I might, I could not make myself understood. 尽管我已经解释了,但我还是不被理解。Child as he is, he knows a lot. 尽管他是个孩子,可他知道很多。(注意开头的名词前无冠词)8在省略了 if 的虚拟条件句中,were,had 或 should 置于句首。如:Were I in your position,I would not go我要是在你的位置上,我是不会去的。9however,no matter how 引导的让步状语从句,把however/no matter how + 形容词/副词置于句首。如:However hard he worked,he couldnt solve the problem不管多努力,他就是解决不了那个问题。【典例】1. At no time _in the exam. It was unfair to punish them.Athey actually cheated Bdo they actually cheatCdid they actually cheat Dthey had actually cheat【答案】 C【解析】考查部分倒装。句意:他们在考试中绝对没有作弊。惩罚他们是不公平的。此处否定词组 At no time 位于句子开头,句子用部分倒装,结合句意可知句子是一般过去时态,故答案为 C。【典例】2. Only when the teacher walked into the classroom _that she had left the speech note at home.Ashe realized Bhas she realizedCshe has realized Ddid she realized【答案】D【解析】考查部分倒装结构。句意:只有当老师进入教室的时候她才意识到她把演讲笔记忘在家里了。此处 only+状语位于句子开头,句子用部分倒装;when 引导的时间状语从句的时态是一般过去时态,所以这里主句也用一般过去时态,因为这两个动作几乎是同时发生的。故答案选 D。【典例】3.Not until I began to work _how much time I had wasted.A. I realized B. I did realize C. did I realize D. I realize【答案】C【解析】考查倒装句。句意:直到我开始工作,我才意识到我浪费了多少时间。Not until 引导状语从句位于句首时,主句要部分倒装,故选 C。考点 7 省略句-省略句的几个考查要点英语中,有时为了避免重复,往往省去一个词或一些成分,这种语法现象称为省略。主要考查点有:1简单句的省略祈使句省略主语 you;某些句子结构省略谓语;部分问句同时省略主谓语;疑问句的答语省略;感叹句的省略;年龄和钟点的省略等。如: (You)Dont touch this button. 请(你)不要碰这个按钮。 (Is there) Anybody you want to see? 你想见什么人吗? Why(do)not (you do that)? (你)为什么不(做)呢? Are these people your friends? 这些人是你的朋友吗?Yes, they are (my friends). 是的,他们是(我的朋友)。2比较结构的省略。在”the+比较级,the+比较级”结构中,可以省略 be;由 than和 as 引导的比较句式中的省略。如:The sooner(you do it),the better(it will be)(你做得)越快,(结果就会)越好。The longer the wire(is),the greater the resistance(is)导线越长,电阻就越大。3主从复合句中的省略(1)宾语从句中,连词 that 常省略,但当多个宾语从句并列时,只能省略第一个。如:I know (that) she is a teacher and that she is an excellent writer. 我知道她是一个老师,也是一个优秀的作家。(2) 在有些表示条件、时间、地点、方式或让步等的状语从句中,如果谓语含有 be 动词,主语又和主句中的主语一致,或者主语是 it,常把从句中的主语和谓语的一部分(特别是 be 动词)省略。如:If so (If it is so),you must go back and bring it here如果是这样的话,你必须回去把它拿来。Look out for cars when(you are)crossing the street过街时当心车辆。(3)定语从句的省略。作宾语的关系代词的省略或省略到用分词作定语。如:The car(which/that)his father gave him as a birthday present was stolen他父亲当作生日礼物送给他的那辆汽车被盗了。(4)在含有 were,had,should 的虚拟条件句中 if 的省略。在这种情况下若 if 省略,常将 were,had,should 等提到句首,主谓部分倒装。如:Were I a bird,I could fly如果我是一只鸟,我就能飞。4not,so,neither,nor 的替代性省略。动词believe,do,expect,fear,guess,hope,say,suppose,think 等和 Im afraid 后面可用替代词 so 或 not 来避免重复前面提到的内容。表示肯定意义时,以上动词都可与 so 搭配;但表示否定意义时,hope 与 guess 只用 I hope not 和 I guess not 的形式,而 think,believe,suppose 等词可有两种形式,即:I think not 和 I dont think so。如:Do they mind you smoking there? 你在那儿抽烟,他们介意吗?I dont think so/I think not我想不会。【典例】1. When entering the office, _.A. Winifred was found sitting at a desk B. Winifred was found sat at a deskC. we found Winifred seated at a desk D. we found Winifred seating at a desk【答案】 C【解析】考查状语从句的省略和动词的用法。句意:当我们走进办公室时,我们发现 Winifred 坐在一张桌子旁。主从句主语一致,状语从句主语省略,seated 表示“坐”的状态,所以不能用 seating,故选 C。【典例】2.What should I do with this passage?_the main idea of each paragraph.A. Finding out B Find out C. Found out D. To find out【答案】B【解析】考查省略的用法。句意:我应该如何处理这篇文章?找出每段大意。若补全完整,该句应为:You should find out the main idea of each paragraph.在对话中,当双方均明白的不会产生歧义的部分常被省略。故 B 选项正确。单项选择1.【2019 届高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷】He saw still full of optimism for the future despite many problems, and never once _him get worried or upset.A. I saw B. I would see C. did I see D. would I see【答案】C【解题思路】考查倒装。句意:尽管有许多问题,但他对未来仍然充满乐观,我从未见过他感到忧虑或者不安。“and”连接两个并列句,后面一个句子是以否定词“never”开头,故用倒装结构,助动词置于主语前,且从前面的句子时态来看,确定是用一般过去时,故选 C。2.【2018-2019 学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题】It was when we were returning home _I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.A. that B. which C. how D. where【答案】A【解题思路】考查强调句型。句意:就在我回家的时候,我才意识到帮助处于困境中的人是一种多么美好的感觉。强调句型的基本结构是:It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分;本句强调的是时间状语从句 when we were returning home。所以 A 选项正确。3.【2019 届高三 10 月月考英语试题】Not only he retired from teaching two years ago_ having a holiday abroad.A. he had considered B. had he consideredC. did heconsider D. he considered【答案】C【解题思路】考查部分倒装。句意:直到两年前从教育工作中退休,他才考虑去国外度假。Not until 结构位于句首时,主句使用部分倒装语序,排除 A、D 选项,根据“two years ago”判断句子用一般过去时,答案选 C。4.【2019 届高三上学期期末考试英语试题】It was the belief _he could find his “root” in Africa _made Alex Haley decide to go to Gambia.A. that; where B. where; that C. that; that D. how; which【答案】C【解题思路】考查同位语从句和强调句型。根据句子结构及成分可知,本句主干是强调句型:It is +被强调部分+that+其它部分;第一空处引导 belief 的同位语从句,从句成分齐全,应使用只起连接作用的代词 that 引导;第二空处则应是强调句中的 that。句意:是 Alex Haley 能在非洲找到他的根的想法使他决定去赞比亚。故 C 选项正确。5.【2018 年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(北京卷)】In any unsafe situation, simply _the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need.A. press B.to pressC. pressing D. pressed【答案】A【解题思路】考查祈使句。句意:在任何不安全的情况下,仅仅摁下这个按钮,一个训练有素的特工就会使你得到你需要的帮助。and 是连词,连接并列结构,and 后面是一个句子,那么,前面也应是句子,选项中只有动词原形可以构成祈使句,其余的都是非谓语动词,无法构成句子。故 A 选项正确。6.【2018-2019 学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题】Only when you have obtained enough evidence _to a sound conclusion.A. can you come B. you can come C. can come you D. come can you【答案】A【解题思路】考查倒装句。句意:只有当你获得了足够的数据,你才能得出一个合理的结论。“only+状语/状语从句”位于句首时,主句用部分倒装,即将情态动词、系动词或助动词提到主语前面,其结构为 only+状语/状语从句+情态动词/系动词或助动词+主语+其他,此句话中含有情态动词“can”,将“can”提到主语“you”之前,故答案选 A。7.【2018-2019 学年高一 10 月摸底考试】Hardly _he got out of the court _the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.A. had.when B. had.than C. did.when D. has.that【答案】A【解题思路】考查部分倒装。句意:他刚走出法庭,记者向他提了很多文意。本句为 Hardly.when 结构,“一就”,hardly 所在的句子用过去完成时,when 所在的从句用一般过去时,另外,hardly 位于句首时,句子使用部分倒装,综述选A。8.【2018-2019 学年高一上学期第二次月考英语试题】It was in that house _he used to live _the secret meeting was held.A. where; where B. that; that C. what; where D. where; that【答案】D【解题思路】考查定语从句和强调句型。句意:秘密会议是在他曾经住过的那所房子里举行的。分析句子结构可知,第一空为定语从句,先行词为 house,从句中不缺主宾表,缺少地点状语,所以用 where,去掉 it is 和第二空,结构依然完整,所以第二空为强调句型,强调会议举行的地点,其基本结构为 it is+被强调部分+that+其余部分,所以用 that,故 D 项正确。9.【2019 届高三 10 月月考英语试题】Several melon stalls were below the window and above them _with a big clock on top of it.A. was the telecom tower B. were the telecom towerC. the telecom tower was D. the telecom tower were【答案】A【解题思路】考查主谓一致和倒装句。above them 是表示方位的介词短语,置于句首时,构成完全倒装,主语 the telecom tower 是单数,故选 A 项。句意:窗口下方有几个西瓜摊点,在它们的上方是一座顶部有大钟的电讯塔。一、语法填空【广州市 2018 届高三名校联考】Throughout history, people have thought of the ocean as a diverse and limitless source of food. Yet today there is clear evidence that the oceans have a limit. Most of the big fish in our oceans are now _61 (go). One major cause is overfishing. People are taking so many fish from the sea that many species cannot replace 62 (they).For centuries, local fishermen caught only enough fish for their own and their communitys needs. However, from the early 20th century, people around the world became interested 63 consuming protein-rich foods. People began _64 (catch)large quantities of fish for profit and selling them to worldwide markets. In a very short period of time, commercial fishing 65 (great) reduced the number of large predatory fish, such as cod and tuna.Today, there are still plenty of fish in the sea, 66theyre mostly just the little ones. Small fish, 67_ include sardines and anchovies, have more than doubled in number-largely because there are not enough big fish _68_ _(eat)them.Such large fish 69 (be) necessary, because they hunt and kill the sick and weak smaller fish. Without this weeding out, or survival of the fittest, ecosystems become less stable. As a result, fish are less able to survive 70 _ (difficult) such as pollution, environmental change, or changes in the food supply.【答案】61. gone 62. themselves 63. in 64. catching 65. greatly66. but 67. which 68. to eat 69. are 70. difficulties【解题思路】61. 考点:非谓语动词解析:本题已经有了系动词 are,所以后面要填非谓语动词作表语。go 作表语可以用 going 和 gone,其中 gone 符合题意,“消失的”。62. 考点:代词解析:本题从句主语 many species 的宾语是 they,主语发出的动作是自己本身,需要用反身代词。注意不要漏写复数。63. 考点:介词解析:固定搭配 be interested in,对某物某人感兴趣。64. 考点:非谓语动词解析:本题 begin 后面缺少宾语,因此使用非谓语作宾语。begin to do 和 doing 均存在,但是后面有 and selling, 所以应该用 catching 和 selling 并列。65. 考点:副词解析:本空修饰后面的动词 reduce,所以应该使用副词,即greatly。66. 考点:连词解析:两个句子之间应该放连词连接句子。此外,两个句子之间的意思发生了转折,因此使用 but。67. 考点:连词解析:从句缺少主语,因此排除是并列句和状语从句。此外,从句在名词后,且 fish 不是抽象名词,因此排除同位语从句,只会是定语从句。空格指代 fish 且有逗号,所以使用 which。68. 考点:非谓语。解析:没有足够的大鱼去吃他们,enough to do sth.。69. 考点:谓语动词解析:句子没有谓语动词,因此 be 的填写要遵循谓语动词的填写方法。因为 be 是系动词且 fish 为集合名词,所以用 are。70. 考点:名词解析:difficult 作为形容词,可以变副词。但是因为第 65 题已经考了副词,所以它只能变比较级最高级或名词,因为后面有 such as,所以 difficult 要变名词。而且困难不止一种,所以用 difficulties。二、短文改错【惠州市 2019 届高三二调】My pen-pal from the USA come to visit me last week. It was first time that he hadbeen to China and he enjoyed his stay there. I took him to a tea house near my house, there we had a good taste ofChinese tea and learned something about tea culture. Amazing at the tea pots and cups of different shapes, he took somephoto of them. Then a young lady came to serve for us. She showed us how to make tea but encouraged us to give it atry. Following his instructions, we found that make good tea was much more than pouring hot water into the tea leaves.We felt happily that we had a good time there.【答案】1. come 改为 came2. 在 was 与 first 之间加 the3.第三句中的 there 改为 where4. Amazing 改为 Amazed5. photo 改为 photos6. 去掉 for7. but 改为 and8. his 改为 her9.make 改为 making10. happily 改为 happy【解题思路】1.考查动词时态。根据后面的时间状语“last week”,判断此处需用一般过去时,故将 come 改为 came。2.考查冠词。序数词前需用定冠词,故在“was”与“first”之间加 the。3. 考查定语从句。逗号之间无连词,判断此处为非限制性定语从句,且先行词为地点状语“my house”,故将 there 改为where。4. 考查形容词。V-ed 形容词一般表示某人感到,而 V-ing形容词一般表示令人,故将 Amazing 改为 Amazed。5. 考查名词。前有“some”,表一些,修饰可数名词复数,故将 photo 改为 photos。6. 考查介词。“serve”是及物动词,直接接宾语,故去掉for。7. 考查连词。前后无转折关系,故将 but 改为 and。8. 考查代词。此处指代“a young lady”,故将 his 改为her。9. 考查非谓语动词。此处为动名词短语作主语,故将 make 改为 making。10. 考查形容词。前有系动词,因此此处接形容词作表语,故将 happily 改为 happy。一、语法填空【赣州市十四县(市)2019 届高三上学期期中联考】On May 18th, it was announced that China had achieved success in drilling fire ice, a frozen 61.(mix) of water and natural gas, from the South China Sea. 62._(official) known as methane hydrates(甲烷水合物), fire ice produces a high amount of energy when 63.(burn) and its chemical reaction produces nothing but dioxide and water.Fire ice, both clean and energy-intensive, 64.(consider) the fuel of the future. Many countries, including the United States and Japan, have long been conducting research on fire ice, but extracting(提取)it from the bottom of the sea has been a common problem 65.(trouble) all of them. But, the Chinese team succeeded in drilling fire ice for nearly eight successive days, 66.is a big breakthrough.However, it is too early 67.(say) a new energy source has been found. The worlds total fire ice reserve is about 21,000 trillion cubic meters, which, if extracted, could meet the worlds energy need 68. 1,000 years. But the successful test drilling of fire ice does not mean it can be extracted for 69.(industry) use. China has to solve many problems before it can use fire ice as a source of energy.Its thought that only by 2025 at 70. earliest might people be able to look at realistic commercial options.【答案】61. mixture/mix 62. Officially 63. burnt/burned 64. is considered 65. troubling66. which 67. to say 68. for 69. industrial 70. the【解题思路】本文为新闻报道,文章介绍我国在南海北部神狐海域进行的可燃冰试采获得成功。61. 考查名词。此处放在“frozen”这个形容词后面,应该用名词,所以是“mixture”表混合物,也可用“mix”表混合。62. 考查副词。此处修饰动词“known”,要用副词officially。63. 考查非谓语动词。此处为“when”引导的省略句,省略了主语和 be 动词,主语为“fire ice”与“burn”之间是被动关系,所以用 burned 或 burnt。64. 考查被动语态。根据语境可知可燃冰被认为是未来的一种燃料,所以用被动语态,再根据主谓一致和前后关系,所以用is considered。65. 考查非谓语动词。根据句意,从海底提取可燃冰一直以来是困扰大家的问题,问题与困扰之间是主动关系,所以用troubling。66. 考查定语从句。根据句意,连续八天提取可燃冰成功,这是一个很大的突破,此处为非限制性定语从句,所以用 which。67. 考查非谓语动词。此处为固定短语 tooto 太而不能,所以用 to say。68. 考查介词。此处表示可以持续使用 1000 年的时间,所以用for。69. 考查形容词。此处修饰名词“use”使用,所以用形容词industrial。70. 考查冠词。句意为人们认为,最早要到 2025 年,人们才能看到现实的商业价值。最早用 at the earliest。二、短文改错【广东省 2019 届高三六校联考】When I was young, I was terribly poor in the Chinese. Be afraid of expressingmyself was one of the reasons that I rarely did well in school. Once I failed in a mid-term exam. When I got the papers,I realized things could have been better if I listened to the teacher much more attentive. So I turned to my teacher forhelps and he told me, “Where there is a will, there is a way. If we are devoted to learning Chinese, youll make it.” Icouldnt agree much. From then on, I began to work harder. Out of my expect, I made great progress soon. Today,


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