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K6联赛首字母填空:1.When l jump into water, I shall be a w .2.What do you have for b .3.This is Peters h life.4.Math is e for me. l think its very interesting.5.Lucy borrows a book from school l every week.6.You had better take an u with you.It is raining now. 模考一首字母填空1.We are c and we are in the same class. 2.September is the n month of year. 3.Math is d for me,but l think its very interesting.4.I have a good eating habit and Im very h .5.-When is your birthday ,Linda.-My birthday is in F . 用适当形式填空.1.June 1st is (children)Day.2.What about (have)some fruit salad?3.I can play basketball (good).4.She enjoys (eat)hamburgers for lunch.5.Tom wants (play)tennis after class. 模考二首字母填空1.It is d to swim in the river because it is not only deep but also dirty .2.December is the t month of the year. 3.A q means fifteen minutes. 4.Sciences is the most interesting of all the s 5.I dont have e money to buy all those things用适当形式填空.1.Its easy for her (learn )Chinese well. 2.Listen!Some girls (sing)in the classroom 3.He plays the drums (good )than Tom. 4.Its snowing (heavy)when he got home today5.I dont know what (happen)in ten years模考三首字母填空:1.If you are f this afternoon,lets go shopping.2.She likes steak vevy much because she thinks it is vevy d . 3.My doctor told me to take the medicine t a day,in the morning and in the afternoon.4.With the help of a kind boy,we found post office e .5.She is good at singing and playing the guitar,so she wants to be a m in the future. 用适当形式填空:1.Please let me (help)you.2.Tell him (come)tomorrow.3.She is always (friend)to others.4.She teaches (we)English when she is free.5.Some (Frenchman),and (German)visited the ShaolinTemple last month.模考四首字母填空:1.Womens Day is on March the e .2.My little Dog is only thirteen m old.3.Its r outside, Take an umbrella with you.4.You mustnt play football in the street. Its d .5.This kind of animals sleep d the day.用适当形式填空. Her act bring far university 1.Look!Its going to rain.Dont forget your umbrella.2.Some well-known are open to visitors this year.3.This is my bike. is over there. 4.Who lives from the school,Amy or Linda?Linda.5.He is one of the most famous in the word.七下Unit1首字母填空:1.He can play the g .2.Can you play tennis? Please s us.3.How many p are there in your family? Three, My father, my mother and I.4.I often play the v on the weekend.5.Lang Lang (朗朗)is a famous m .He plays the piano well.根据汉语意思填空: 1.She usually (下棋) at 6:00p.m. 2.My sister is good at (交朋友). 3.I can sing and (跳舞). 4.My cousin isnt (迟到)school. 5.Excuse me, how do you (说)that in English?用适当形式填空. 1.He wants (write)a song for his mother. 2.Jane is good at (tell) stories. 3.Cindy cant (come) to school today. 4.Can you play games with (they)? Yes,we can. 5.Peter likes (help)the old people when he is free.七下Unit2首字母填空:1.Tomisvery young, He cant get d by himself.2.Jim is seven years old.He can b .his teethin the morning.3.Whatsten and thirty. It is f .4.I always get up e .I never get up late.5.Therearemanybusesatbuss 根据汉语意思填空:1.My father doesnt have (许多)timetoeatbreakfast.2.My mum usually (起床)at six.3.Five people (工作) attheradiostation4.He often (踢足球)after school.5.Hesometimes reads a book (在晚上).用适当形式填空.1.Thats a (fun) time for breakfast. 2. (Lily) family has a cat. Its very interesting.3.Jim usually (do)his homework after school. 4.My father often (take) a walk in the evening. 5.Tony usually gets up late. He doesnt have time (eat) breakfast七下Unit3首字母填空:1.Mary wants to buy a n Computer. Her old one is broken2.My father d .his car to work every day.3.The ChangJiang R .is very famous in the world.4.If your dream comes t you must be happy.5.There is along b over the bigrivePeople and cars can cross them.根据汉语意思填空:1.I do morning exercise (每天).2.Some people usually (乘地铁)to work.3.Dont (玩)matches!4.The man came back after a few (分钟).5.Iwillwaitforyouatthe (公共汽车站).用适当形式填空.1.My sister usually (go)to school by train.2.What about (swim)with us this afternoon.3.The boat on the rive run very (quick).4.Itiseasy (read)the story written in English.5.How long does it take you (walk)to thetrainstation七下Unit4首字母填空:1.I have to p the guitar after dinner,because my parents want me to play it well.2.Jack. you mustcleanyourroom. Its too d .3.My mother usually gets upearly andmakes breakfastin the k .4.-What time do you usually gotobed?-B ten oclockeverynight.5.Your hair is too long. You have to k your hair short.根据汉语意思填空:1.学习方面老师对我们要求严格。Our teacher are us in study.2.遵守规则是重要的,祝你好运!Its to .3.请注意!在博物馆里不要吵闹。Listen up, please! in the museum.4.父母和学校有时候是很严格,但是记着,他们的规定是为了帮助我们。 Parents and schools are sometimes ,but ,They make rules us.5.我们不能上课迟到,我们必须准时。We cant class.We must . 用适当形式填空.1.Dont (run) in the hall way.2.We (not have to)gotoschoolon May Day according to the law.3.You cant (leave)thedirtydishesinthekitchen.4.Its weekend now.I feel really relaxathome.七下Unit5首字母填空:1.-What a do you like? -I like giraffes.2.The elephant is one of Thailand is s .3.The five-star red f iswavinginthewind.4.-Where are lions from?-TheyarefromS .5.The story is .I dont like it.根据汉语意思填空:1.My sister s (有点) shy.2.The necklace(项链)is (由制成)ivory.3.A lot of animals are (处在极大危险中)now.4.People are not all owed to (砍倒)trees.5.The elephant can remember places (有食物和水的).用适当形式填空.1.Thy want (save)pandas.2.Elephants can walk for along time andnever get(lose).3.Dont forget (bring)our homework heretomorrow.4.Jenny is mother has a pet cat.She (sleep)allday.5.Dogsare friend and honest to us.七下Unit6首字母填空:1.My father likes reading a n intheevening.2.-Whats hedoing?-He is u a computer.3.Hers on clothes are dirty. She is w them now.4.The Spring Festival is coming,My mother is cleaning our h .5.Its good for our health tod .eightcupsofwatereveryday.用适当形式填空.1.It is 6:00pm.My father (watch)TV.2.Look.Someboys (play)football in the park.3.Herbrother (notread)a.booknow.4.Do you want (go)tothemovies?5.Listen!Jim (sing)in the classroom?七下Unit7首字母填空:1.The weather in summer in Wuhan is very h .2-Which c are you from? -China!3.Toronto is city in C .4.Its very cold in W .5.Its cold in Australia in July.People there wear w clothes.用适当形式填空.1.Look! The girl (sit)under a big tree.2.SuLin is (study)and learn alotinasummerschool3.Mr.Black and Mrs.Black (visit)Canada rightnow. Theyre having a great time.4.Someboys (make) a snowman in the snowy Weather now.5.My sister (skate)ontheriver and looking at her . 七下Unit8首字母填空:1.I want to post a letter . Ill go to the post o tomorrow afternoon. 2.There is a nice h ;many guests like living in it.3.My grandpa is ill.He is in h now. 4.If you are hungry,you can go to a r near here. 5.Wangfujing is a busy s in Beijing.Many people go shopping there every day .用适当形式填空.1.I love (play) football with my brother. 2.There are a lot of flowers in my (neighbor). 3.I usually spend my money (buy)interesting books. 4.I often go (shop) on weekends. 5.The zoo is next to our school . We can get to the zoo ( easy)七下Unit9首字母填空:1.My mother is hair is not curly, itss .2.Peter is not tall or short.Heisofmediumh .3.Mr.Weissonisalittlethin.Heisnoth .4.Therearetwobigeyesonmysonsr face.Theyarebeautiful.5.-Whatdoesthecriminallooklike? -Idontknowhowtod.him根据汉语意思填空:1.Mybrotherisgoodat (画)pictures2.Shetakesoutherbookandit (放)onthetable.3.Doyouoften (戴)glasses.4.Thatmanisveryhandsome.Heknowsmany (女演员).5. (每个)person hasdifferent (方式路线)toseethings用适当形式填空.1.-Whoisyourfavorite (act).-LiLianjie2.QiBaishiisgoodatpaintingHeisan (act).3.Thatyoungmankilledachild. Heis a (crime).4.Heisa (really)murderer杀人犯。5.Sometimesthesamepersoncanbedescribed (different)bydifferentpeople七下Unit10首字母填空:1.Chinaisal country with alonghistory.2.-Whats bowlofnoodlesdoyoulike? -Asmallbowl.3.We can get b and milk from cows.4.Heistoofat.Hismotheraskshimtoeathimtoeatmorevegetablesandlessm .5.Chinesepeopleusuallyeatd .ontheeveoftheSpringFestival.根据汉语意思填空:1.Johnis (幸运的)enoughtobechosenfortheswimmingclub.2.Computersarevery (受欢迎的) aroundtheworld.3.Thenumberof (蜡烛)isthepersonsage.4.The (答案)would be different in differentcountries.5.Idontlike (洋葱)andporridge用适当形式填空.1.Ineedsome (mutton)tocookdinner.2.There (be)somemeatinthebowl.3.Jim would like (have) some beef.4.MayItake (you)order.5.Heoftenhastwosmall (bowl)ofricefordinner.七下Unit11首字母填空:1.Ithinkyoudbettertakeyourfatherisa .2.Weoftentakefour c inthemorningfrom Monday to Friday3.LastSundayhegavemeapenasag formybirthday4.Lucyisgoodatd (绘画)5.Itwas (晴天)yesterda1,用适当形式填空.1.OnmywayhomeImetafamous (act)yesterday.2.Imust (winner)aprizethisterm.3. (unfortunate)Idonthaveenoughmoneytotravelabroad4.Iknowmany (visit)cometoChinaeveryyear.5.Theyalwayshavefun (talk)toeachother.七下Unit12首字母填空:1.Look! Some children are boating on the l .2.We can mutton from the s . 3 My sister and I got a . when we saw a terrible snake. 4.The tiger is the king of the f . 根据汉语意思填空:1.Mr Sun and his family visited the , (自然历史博物馆)2.My son often , , (熬夜)last summer Vacation. 3.Dont (冲大声叫嚷)the 婴儿she is too young 4.昨天早上妈妈6点把我叫醒Yesterday morning my mother. me at six.5.听到那个令人激动的消息,他高兴的跳上跳下。6.After hearing that exciting news,he . 用适当形式填空.1.Two tigers (run )away from the zoo last night 2.A mother mouse has six baby (mouse)They are little and lovely 3.Lisa and her family went (camp)in a small villageIn the India last week.3.They make a fire (keep) them warm and cook food on by the lake 4.Father often tells me (not go) near a snake.

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