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全国英语等级考试(一级)模拟试题第一部分 听力(略)第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空阅读下面的句子和对话,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。26. He is badly ill. We must _ a doctor at once. A. send to B. send for C. send away27. The hospital _ last year.A. built B. was built C. has been built28. When I came into the classroom, the teacher _something on the blackboard.A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote29. -How long have you been ill? - A. Since last week B. A week ago C. Once a week30. Everybody is here _Mike.A .not B. and C. except31. We dont understand the passage _ there are a few new words in it.A. and B. unless C. because32. The TV set is very nice. How long have you _it?A. bought B. had C. taken33. - Shall I get one more apple for you, Dad?-Thanks, but you _. Ive had enough.A. may not B. must not C. neednt34. - _is your shirt?- It is 100yuan.A. How many B. How much C. How long35. He is _kind an old man that all the children like him.A. very B. so C. such36. Either Jim or Sam _going to help the farmers with the orange harvest this afternoon.A. was B. were C. is37. We have studied for two hours. Lets stop .A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest38. We wont go to Great Wall if it _tomorrow.A. rains B. rain C. will rain39. No book and no pen_in the bag.A. is B. are C. has40. Please give me _.A. two cups of milks B. two cup of milk C. two cups of milk第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。Its fine spring weather now. The trees and fields are_. The farmers are busy _in the fields. The birds are singing happily in the forest and the_ are coming out. The sun is shining warmly and _ is a warm wind. Some little boys are flying kites in the fields. They like the wind because they can fly kites_.Its a lovely summer morning. The sun is just coming up the hills in the_. Its early morning and cocks(公鸡)are crowing(啼鸣)on the farm. Now its midday and its_ very hot. The sun is shining brightly. There are hardly any clouds in the sky. Some children are _ in the river. The farmers are weeding the fields now. The sun is going_ in the west. Its getting dark and the farmers are going back to the farm house. Its_ now and its getting cooler. Soon you can see thousands of bright stars in the sky.41. A. yellow B. red C. green42. A. talking B. working C. playing43. A. leaf B. flower C. flowers44. A. there B. that C. it45. A. high B. highly C. far46. A. east B. west C. north47. A. going B. coming C. getting48. A. enjoying B. working C. swimming49. A. up B. down C. on50. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍从右栏所给出选项中选出与左栏各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。51. People put clothes in it. A. wine52. People drink it. B. umbrella53. People use it in a rainy day. C. table-cloth54. People study them at schools. D. taxi55. People cover it over the table E. wardrobe F. subjects G. hotel第二节 短文理解1阅读下面的短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt say) 三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。Many people begin their day by reading newspapers. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes, however, they dont have time to read the news carefully. Most newspapers have several sections, especially on Saturdays and Sundays when the edition is longer than usual. Magazines also bring people information from around the world. Some are weekly magazines, others are monthly. Some are mainly for men, others for women, and there are childrens magazines, too. In a word, there are magazines for every taste and interest.56. Many people read newspapers in the evening. A. Right. B. Wrong C. Doesnt say.57. People read newspapers in order to study. A. Right. B. Wrong C. Doesnt say.58. People need more time to read Saturday or Sunday newspapers A. Right. B. Wrong C. Doesnt say.59. Magazines are quite different from newspapers. A. Right. B. Wrong C. Doesnt say.60. Everyone have their own kinds of magazines to read. A. Right. B. Wrong C. Doesnt say. 第三节 短文理解2 阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案,并在答题卡1将该项涂黑。 请根据下面的短文回答第6165题;There are many cats in England. English people are very friendly to all their cats. Mary was a school teacher. She had a beautiful white cat, and she loved it very much. But a very sad thing happened one day. A rich mans car over the cat, and that was the end of the cat. Mary ran out onto the road. “Oh, you poor, dear thing!” She cried. “What shall I do without you? You were the light of my life.” The rich man stopped his car and came back. He put his arms around Mary and said, “Im very sorry about this accident. Please let me” “You dont know!” Mary cried. “She was a wonderful pupil!” “A pupil?” the man asked. “this cat? What do you mean?” “You couldnt buy that cat for all he money in England!” Mary said, “I taught her every day. That cat could talk, sir!” “Then I must help you,” the man said. He took some money from his pocket. “Here, have this. Three hundred pounds. Is it enough? Will you forgive me?” Mary took the money. “Thank you,” she said, “Ill get another cat. Then I must begin all the work again.” The rich man went away in his car. A woman said to Mary, “Was it true, Madam?” Mary answered, “My cat had many difficult lessons. At last she could say her name in Chinese.” Everyone laughed.61. What was Marys job? A. She taught cat. B. She was a teacher. C. She bought and sold cats.62. What does “the end of Marys cat” mean? A. The cat had no more lessons. B. The cat began to live with the rich man. C. The cat died in the accident.63. What did the rich man do after the cat was killed by his car? A. He gave Mary another beautiful cat. B. He gave Mary some money. C. He gave Mary nothing.64. What did Mary say about her cat? She said that_. A. her cat could cook B. her cat could talk C. her cat could fly65. What could Marys cat say? She could say_. A. the English word “cat” B. Marys name C. “cat” in Chinese请根据下面短文回答第6670题:Mike went to a barbers shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result. When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed and said, “What has happened to your hair, Mike?” Mike said, “I tried a new barbers shop today, because I wasnt quite satisfied with my old one, but this one seems even worse.” Bob agreed, “Yes, I think youre right, Mike. Now Ill tell you what to do when you go into a barbers shop next time: look at all the barbers hair, find the one whose hair looks the worst, and then go straight to him.”“Why shall I go to him?” Mike asked. “But that would be foolish!”“Oh, no, it wouldnt,” answered Bob. “Who cut that mans hair? Just think it. So you know he cant be the worst barber.”66 When Mike went out of the barbers shop, he was not happy because_.A. the barber hadnt cut his hair wellB. the barber hadnt cut his hair at allC. the barber had cut his hair carefully67. Mike thought that_.A. the new barbers shop was as good as the old oneB. the new barbers shop was better than the old oneC. the new barbers shop was worse than the old one68. Bob tells Mike to go straight to_ if he goes into a barbers shop next time.A. the barber who is freeB. the barber whose hair looks the bestC. the barber whose hair looks the worst69. Mike thought it would be_ to go to the barber with the worst hair.A. clever B. foolish C. right70. This story tells us that_.A. a barber always cuts his own hairB. a barber never cuts his own hairC. we should have our hair cut at home第四部分 写作第一节 改写句子下面是关于Mark Twain的三对句子, 每对句子中, 第一句是原句, 第二句是对第一句的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已给出的部分补全第二句。把补出的部分写到答题卡2上各题的序号后。注意:不能改变原句的意思。71. Mark Twain was a well-known American writer.Mark Twain was_ his American novels and stories.72. Writing the world-famous works cost his whole life.He _ his whole life _ the world-famous works.73. People all over the world like his works.His works _ by people all over the world. 第二节 书面表达74. 情景:快放暑假了,妈妈让你给上海的爷爷奶奶写一封信。任务:请你用英语给爷爷奶奶写一封50字左右的短信。内容包括:向他们问候:你在学校的情况如何:你在暑假打算做什么。便条写在答题卡2上该题的序号后。请用下面的格式。Dear Grandma and Grandpa, Mimi参考答案:26-30 BBBAC 31-35 CBCBB 36-40 CBAAC 41-45 CBCAA 46-50 ACCBC 51-55 EABFC 56-60 BBAAA 61-65 BCBBC 66-70 ACCBB71. famous for 72. spent, in writing 73. are liked74.范文:Dear grandpa and grandma, How are you? Im doing well at school now. My father and mother are pleased with my marks. Of all the subjects I like maths the best. Im also interested in English. Our summer holiday begins on the fourth of July. I want to spend the holiday with you, and my parents agree with me. Now Im looking forward to seeing you again. Mimi诗歌是一种抒情言志的文学体裁。毛诗-大序载:诗者,志之所之也。在心为志,发言为诗。南宋严羽沧浪诗话云:诗者,吟咏性情也。只有一种用言语表达的艺术就是诗歌。中国古代不合乐的称为诗,合乐的称为歌,现代一般统称为诗歌。它按照一定的音节、韵律的要求,表现社会生活和人的精神世界。诗的起源可以追溯到上古。虞舜时期就有相关文献记载。诗经是我国第一部诗歌总集,相传为孔子所整理,关于这个问题学术界尚有争论。中国古代诗歌历经汉魏六朝乐府、唐诗、宋词、元曲之发展。汉书礼乐志:和亲之说难形,则发之於诗歌咏言,钟石筦弦。 汉荀悦汉纪惠帝纪作诗謌。 唐朝韩愈郓州溪堂诗序:虽然,斯堂之作,意其有谓,而喑无诗歌,是不考引公德而接邦人於道也。 明王鏊震泽长语官制: 唐宋翰林,极为深严之地,见於诗歌者多矣。鲁迅书信集致窦隐夫:诗歌虽有眼看的和嘴唱的两种,也究以后一种为好。孔羽睢县文史资料袁氏陆园:袁氏(袁可立)陆园在鸣凤门内,每逢佳日节期,州内文人名士在此聚会。所吟诵的诗歌,后来荟为专集,名蓬莱纪胜。人与人之间的距离虽然摸不着,看不见,但的的确确是一杆实实在在的秤。真与假,善与恶,美与丑,尽在秤杆上可以看出;人心的大小,胸怀的宽窄,拨一拨秤砣全然知晓。人与人之间的距离,不可太近。与人太近了,常常看人不清。一个人既有优点,也有缺点,所谓人无完人,金无赤足是也。初识时,走得太近就会模糊了不足,宠之;时间久了,原本的美丽之处也成了瑕疵,嫌之。与人太近了,便随手可得,有时得物,据为己有,太过贪财;有时得人,为己所用,也许贪色。贪财也好,贪色亦罢,都是一种贪心。与人太近了,最可悲的就是会把自己丢在别人身上,找不到自己的影子,忘了回家的路。这世上,根本没有零距离的人际关系,因为人总是有一份自私的,人与人之间太近的距离,易滋生事端,恩怨相随。所以,人与人相处的太近了,便渐渐相远。人与人之间的距离也不可太远。太远了,就像放飞的风筝,过高断线。太远了,就像南徙的大雁,失群哀鸣。太远了,就像失联的旅人,形单影只。人与人之间的距离,有时,先远后近;有时,先近后远。这每次的变化之中,总是有一个难以忘记的故事或者一段难以割舍的情。有时候,人与人之间的距离,忽然间近了,其实还是远;忽然间远了,肯定是伤了谁。人与人之间的距离,如果是一份信笺,那是思念;如果是一个微笑,那是宽容;如果是一句问候,那是友谊;如果是一次付出,那是责任。这样的距离,即便是远,但也很近。最怕的,人与人之间的距离就是一句失真的谗言,一个不屑的眼神,一叠诱人的纸币,或者是一条无法逾越的深谷。这样的距离,即便是近,但也很远。人与人之间最美的距离,就是不远不近,远中有近,近中有远,远而不离开,近而不相丢。太远的距离,只需要一份宽容,就不会走得太远而行同陌人;太近的距离,只需要一份自尊,就不会走得太近而丢了自己。不远不近的距离,多像一朵艳丽的花,一首悦耳的歌,一首优美的诗。人生路上,每个人的相遇、相识,都是一份缘,我们都是相互之间不可或缺的伴。人与人之间的距离虽然摸不着,看不见,但的的确确是一杆实实在在的秤。真与假,善与恶,美与丑,尽在秤杆上可以看出;人心的大小,胸怀的宽窄,拨一拨秤砣全然知晓。人与人之间的距离,不可太近。与人太近了,常常看人不清。一个人既有优点,也有缺点,所谓人无完人,金无赤足是也。初识时,走得太近就会模糊了不足,宠之;时间久了,原本的美丽之处也成了瑕疵,嫌之。与人太近了,便随手可得,有时得物,据为己有,太过贪财;有时得人,为己所用,也许贪色。贪财也好,贪色亦罢,都是一种贪心。与人太近了,最可悲的就是会把自己丢在别人身上,找不到自己的影子,忘了回家的路。这世上,根本没有零距离的人际关系,因为人总是有一份自私的,人与人之间太近的距离,易滋生事端,恩怨相随。所以,人与人相处的太近了,便渐渐相远。人与人之间的距离也不可太远。太远了,就像放飞的风筝,过高断线。太远了,就像南徙的大雁,失群哀鸣。太远了,就像失联的旅人,形单影只。人与人之间的距离,有时,先远后近;有时,先近后远。这每次的变化之中,总是有一个难以忘记的故事或者一段难以割舍的情。有时候,人与人之间的距离,忽然间近了,其实还是远;忽然间远了,肯定是伤了谁。人与人之间的距离,如果是一份信笺,那是思念;如果是一个微笑,那是宽容;如果是一句问候,那是友谊;如果是一次付出,那是责任。这样的距离,即便是远,但也很近。最怕的,人与人之间的距离就是一句失真的谗言,一个不屑的眼神,一叠诱人的纸币,或者是一条无法逾越的深谷。这样的距离,即便是近,但也很远。人与人之间最美的距离,就是不远不近,远中有近,近中有远,远而不离开,近而不相丢。太远的距离,只需要一份宽容,就不会走得太远而行同陌人;太近的距离,只需要一份自尊,就不会走得太近而丢了自己。不远不近的距离,多像一朵艳丽的花,一首悦耳的歌,一首优美的诗。人生路上,每个人的相遇、相识,都是一份缘,我们都是相互之间不可或缺的伴。


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