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三步法做“对划线部分提问”题 对划线部分进行提问,是初中英语的一种常见题型,主要考查针对句子中的某一成分提出问题的能力,实质上就是把一个陈述句变成一个特殊疑问句的过程。有的同学在做此类题的过程中,经常犯一些错误,拿不到满分。今天我们总结一下方法,这样同学们在做此类题目的时候争取能够拿满分!一、对划线部分进行提问分三步法第一步:分析划线部分的内容,能用那个疑问词(what, when, how, where, who, which, whose等)来代替。第二步:写下疑问词后,找句子中是否有be动词,有be动词的做相应的变化;没有be动词,用助动词do/does(已给句子是一般现在时),然后找句子中的主语,主语写下来后,找动词,注意必须用动词的原形,接着剩下部分照抄。第三步:划线部分不能照抄,注意标点。例句:I have a pen pal.1) 分析划线部分,是名词,选疑问词what;2) 写下what,找句中是否有be动词,没有be动词,选择助动词do/does;主语是I,选择助动词do, 主 语I 改成you,动词have用原形。3) 注意标点,句号变成问号。4) 问句:What do you have?二、常见的对划线部分进行提问的题型1. 对主语提问对主语提问时,只需找出一个恰当的疑问词代替划线部分;句子的语序不变。(1)主语是人,用who代替。1)Miss Zhang teaches us English . Who teaches you English?2)Jim is a teacher. Who is a teacher?(2)主语是物用what 代替。1)My bike is under the tree. What is under the tree?2)The apple is red. What is red?3)There is a book in the bag. What is in the bag?(特殊事例 一般不用what is there 或what are there)2. 对谓语提问(或谓语和宾语提问)一般现在时的句子:例句1:He eats an apple.(1)do代替eat,what代替an apple;(2)写下疑问词,主语是he,无be动词,选用助动词does,动词原形用do;(3)问句:What does he do?例句2:She does her homework.(1)do代替does,what代替 homework;(2)写下疑问词,主语是she,无be动词,选用助动词does,动词原形用do(3)问句:What does she do?规则:在一般现在时中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词;宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What do/does . do?现在进行时例句:He is eating an apple.(1)doing代替eating;what代替an apple;(2)疑问词what,有be动词,写下is,主语是he,划线部分用doing来代替;(3)写下句子:What is he doing?规则: 在现在进行中,对动词提问,用doing代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What is/aredoing?3. 一般将来时例句:He is going to eat an apple.(1)do代替eat;what代替an apple;(2)疑问词what写下,有be动词is, 主语he,照抄,be going to是短语继续写,动词eat原形是do;(3)写下句子:What is he going to do?规则:在一般将来中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词。三、疑问词用法口诀:对物、人名、职业进行提问用what对地点提问用where对关系提问用who对价格提问用how much对几点几分提问用what time对不是表示几点几分的时间状语提问用when对年龄提问用how old对颜色提问用what color对身体状况提问用 how对人提问用who(主格)或whom(宾格)对出行方式状语提问用how对星期提问用what day对日期提问用what date对天气提问用what is the weather like?或how对相貌特征提问用whatbelike?对四季提问用which weather练习题:My notebook is on the dresser. Wheres your notebook?My notebook is on the dresser. Whats on the dresser?My name is Lily. Whats your name?My telephone number is 1231231.Whats your telephone number?Eight and two is eight.Whats eight and two?The rulers are green.What color are the rulers?This (That, It) is an English book.Whats this/that/it?I have an eraser.What do you have?The girl is thirteen years old.How old is the girl?The blue skirt is $40. How much is the blue skirt?Tom and Lucy have three apples.How many apples do Tom and Lucy have?The girl has an eraser.What does the girl have?Shirley is my English teacher. Who is your English teacher?My name is Kelsy, K-E-L-S-Y. How do you spell your name “Kelsy” ?My favorite subject is English.Whats your favorite subject?She likes music best.What does she like best?Lily gets up at around 8:00. What time does Lily get up ?Her brother goes to school at 9:00 on Sunday morning. When does her brother go to school?I like math because it is interesting. Why do you like math?I want to join the swimming club.What club do you want to join?


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