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Unit6 Doyoulikebananas Period1 soccerball 足球 英式 abanana bananas ahamburger hamburgers astrawberry strawberries apear pears fruit水果 acarrot carrots atomato tomatoes vegetables蔬菜 anapple apples anegg eggs icecream salad milk bread rice chicken fruits vegetables food食物 可数名词和不可数名词 可数名词 1 2 3 4 定义 是可以计数的名词 可数名词前可以用a an限定 表一个 可数名词前可以用one two three 限定 可数名词有复数形式 可数名词复数形式的构成1 加 s desk apple orange desks apples trees oranges 以 s x sh ch结尾的 加 es boxwatch boxes watches 以f或fe结尾的 改f或fe为v再加 es knife小刀wife妻子 knives wives 可数名词复数形式的构成2 改y为i再加 es familydictionary families dictionaries 以元音字母加y结尾的 加 s boykey boys keys 以o结尾的 有生命的事物加 es tomatopotato tomatoes potatoes 以辅音字母加y结尾的 无生命的事物加 s photoradio photos radios PluralForms Countablenouns可数名词hamburgers bananasoranges pears tomatoes strawberries milk tea meat water uncountablenouns不可数名词 可数名词和不可数名词 不可数名词 1 2 3 4 定义 是指不能计数的名词 不可数名词前不可以用a an限定 不可数名词前不可以用one two three 限定 不可数名词没有复数形式 chicken icecream salad Countableanduncountablenouns既可数也不可数 可数名词和不可数名词 既可数又不可数名词 定义 在某些情况下能计数 在某些情况下不能计数的名词 e g 1 achicken一只鸡chicken鸡肉 2 anicecream一个冰淇淋icecream冰淇淋 指成份 3 asalad一碟沙拉salad沙拉 指成份 hamburgers tomatoes oranges bananas strawberries eggs apples carrots pears water milk bread icecream salad chicken tea meat vegetables hamburgerstomatoesorangesice creamsaladbananasstrawberriespearsmilkbread d i f h b g c j e a 1a 将词语与图中物品匹配 Doyoulikebananas Yes Ido 喜欢 Doyoulikesalad No Idon t Doyoulikeoranges Yes Ido 1b A Doyoulikebananas B Yes Ido A Doyoulikesalad B No Idon t A Doyoulikeoranges B Yes Ido 1b Listenandnumbertheconversations 1 3 听录音 给对话编号 1 2 3 编新对话 1c Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t hamburgerspearstomatoesstrawberriesorangesice creamsaladbananas Listenandcirclethefoodyouhear 听录音 圈出所听到的食物 2a 2bListenagainandfillintheblanks tomatoes tomatoes icecream icecream 用2b中的句型编新对话 谈自己的真实情况 2c Pairwork A Ilikebananas icecream Doyoulikebananas icecream B Yes Ido A B let shave 吃 bananas icecream Period2 birthday生日right正确的 适当的dinner晚餐apple苹果week周 星期then那么thinkabout思考 思索egg蛋 鸡蛋food食物carrot胡萝卜sure当然 肯定 一定chicken鸡肉Howabout 怎么样 so那么burger汉堡包Vegetable蔬菜fruit水果 Role playtheconversation 分角色表演对话 2d Jack Hey John sbirthdaydinnerisnextweek Let sthinkaboutthefood Tom Sure Howaboutburgers vegetablesalad andsomefruits Bill Soundsgood Johnlikeshamburgers Jack Oh Idon tlikesalad Bill Johnlikessalad andit shisbirthday Jack Yes you reright Whataboutthefruit Tom IthinkJohnlikesstrawberriesandapples Bill OK Let shavestrawberriesandapplesthen like的一般现在时 like 意思是 喜欢 在句子中做谓语动词 表达某人喜欢某物 like随主语变化 若主语是第三人称单数 like必须用三单形式likes 若主语是其他人称或可数名词复数 like用动词原形 eg Ilikeoranges 我喜欢橙子 Helikesice cream 他喜欢冰淇淋 wedon tlikehamburgers 我们不喜欢汉堡 Hedoesn tlikevegetables 他不喜欢蔬菜 Shelikesbread butshedoesn tlikeoranges 她喜欢面包 但她不喜欢橙子 Theylikepears buttheydon tlikestrawberries 他们喜欢梨 但他们不喜欢草莓 GrammarFocus1 Do likesalad you Yes Ido No Idon t Do likepears they Yes theydo No theydon t 询问某人是否喜欢某物 GrammarFocus2 Does liketomatoes she Yes shedoes No shedoesn t GrammarFocus3 Ilike Idon tlike Welike rice Wedon tlike oranges bananas hamburgers 表达某人是否喜欢某物 GrammarFocus4 HeHedoesn t ice cream vegetables likes like like的一般现在时 Underlinethecorrectwordsinthebrackets Numberthesesentences1 4tomakeaconversation 3a 3b 3 2 1 4 Foodsurvey1 3c Period3 Doyoulikebananas Yes Ido Ilikebananas Doeshelikebananas Yes hedoes Helikebananas Doyoulikesalad Yes Ido Ilikesalad Doesshelikesalad Yes shedoes Shelikesbananas morning noon evening breakfast lunch dinner brekf st l nt din Keywords practice练习 star明星 星星eat吃well好 令人满意的habit习惯healthy健康的really真正地question问题want需要 想要be变成fat肥的 肥胖的 breakfast lunch dinner 3 4 7 5 9 2 6 1 10 8 1aWritethenumberofeachwordnexttothecorrectfood fruit vegetables 1bHowmanyotherwordscanyouAddtothelists pear strawberry orange apple watermelon西瓜 carrot tomato potato土豆 onion洋葱 broccoli西兰花 1cListenandcirclethefoodyouhearin1a rice salad eggs apple ice cream hamburger banana orange carrots chicken 1dListenagain Fillinthechart Sally Tom Likes Doesn tlike salad apples bananas orange ice cream carrots vegetables apples 1eAskandanswerquestionsaboutwhatSallyandTomlikeanddon tlike DoesTomlike Yes hedoes No hedoesn t DoesSallylike Yes shedoes No shedoesn t 2a Job工作 Name名字 Heeatslotsofhealthyfood runningstar LiuXiang Profile简况 runner alotof lotsof Job工作 Name名字 Sheeatslotsofhealthyfood too volleyballstar CindySmith Readandfillintheblanksasquicklyasyoucan Profile简况 volleyballplayer 2bReadthemagazinearticleandcirclethefoodwords SortsStarEatsWell Davidasksthevolleyballstar CindySmith abouthereatinghabits David Hello Cindy Whatdoyoulikeforbreakfast Cindy Ilovefruit Ithinkit shealthy David OK Sowhatfruitdoyoulike Doyoulikebananas Cindy Well Idon tlikebananas ButIlikeorangesandapples David Whataboutlunch Doyoulikesalad Cindy Yes Ireallylikeit David Hmm anddoyoulikehamburgersfordinner Cindy Oh no they renothealthy Ilikechickenfordinner David Ok well onelastquestion doyoueatice creamafterdinner Cindy Err Ilikeice cream butIdon teatit Idon twanttobefat 2cWritefivesentencesaboutCindy seatinghabits Cindylikeshealthyfood 1 Cindylovesfruitandvegetables 2 Shelikesorangesandapples 3 Shelikeschickenfordinner 4 Cindydoesn tlikehamburgersfordinner 5 Shedoesn teatice cream Period4 3aCompletethesurvey Yourowneatinghabits 3b Reviewwordslikethis Food chickenhamburgersicecreammilkbreadeggsriceFruit applesbananasorangesstrawberriespearsVegetables saladcarrotstomatoes fastfood ahamburger salad chicken Frenchfries icecream Doyoulikehamburgers Pluralsofwords SelfCheck SelfCheck2 3 Ilikefruitbest Ilikeping pong Ilikered Idon tlikesalad Idon tlikesoccer Idon tlikeblack Myfatherlikericeandmeat Helikesbasketball Mymotherlikesrice butshedoesn tlikemeat Shelikesrunning Myparentslikegreenbutdon tlikeyellow Review Sentences 1 Doyoulikestrawberries 2 Doeshe shelikestrawberries Yes Ido No Idon t Yes he shedoes No he shedoesn t 3 Ilikestrawberries Idon tliketomatoes 4 Shelikestomatoes Shedoesn tlikehamburgers Hehas Helikes He She Itlikes He She Itdoesn tlike Hedoesn thave Hedoesn tlike 1 lotsof alotof许多 后跟名词复数 e g Shehasalotof lotsofstrawberries 2 healthyadj 健康的unhealthyadj 不健康的 e g Carrotsarehealthyfood butFrenchfriesareunhealthyfood Therearealotof lotsofapplesonthetree 3 Forbreakfast shelikeseggs bananas andapples Shelikeseggs bananasandapplesforbreakfast 任务型阅读根据材料 请找出JimGreen为家人准备的晚餐 并填写表格 Todayismybirthday Iwanttothankmyfamilyfortheirlove SoIcookthedinnerforthem Iknowmymotherlikeshamburgersandbroccoli butmyfatherlikeschickenandtomatosoup Ihaveabrother Helikeshamburgers too Buthedoesn tlikebroccoli Helikescarrots Ihaveasister too ShelikesfishandFrenchfries Ilikechickenandstrawberries Iwillbuythesethingsforthebirthdayparty broccoli chickentomatosoup hamburgerscarrots fishFrenchfries chickenstrawberries hamburgers Unit6Revision 一 u n 不可数名词 c n 可数名词 1 可数名词 是可以计数的名词 有复数形式 一个以上 e g hamburgerstomatoesFrenchfriesorangesbananasstrawberriesapplescarrotspearseggsvegetablesnoodles 2 不可数名词 是不可以计数的名词 没有复数形式 e g broccoliwaterteamilkbreadricemeat 3 可数 不可数名词 有时是可数名词 有时是不可数名词 e g icecreamchickensaladfoodfruit theSimplePresentTense一般现在时态 动词一般现在时的否定句式 1 be动词 2 have动词 3 行为动词 主语 amisare not 表语 主语 don tdoesn t 三单 have 宾语 don tdoesn t 主语 三单 动原 状语 theSimplePresentTense一般现在时态 动词一般现在时的疑问句式 1 be动词 2 have动词 3 行为动词 主语 AmIsAre 表语 主语 DoDoes 三单 have 宾语 DoDoes 主语 三单 动原 状语 二 句型 1 一般疑问句 1 Doyoulikestrawberries Yes Ido No Idon t 2 Dothey TomandHelen likebroccoli Yes theydo No theydon t 3 Doesshe he Lucy Bob yourmother likepotatoes 三单 Yes she hedoes No she hedoesn t 4 肯定句变一般疑问句 助动词do does提前 e g Theyliketomatoes Dotheyliketomatoes 助动词do提前 MybrotherlikesFrenchfries DoesyourbrotherlikeFrenchfries 助动词does提前 2 They We Youlikebananas butthey we youdon tlikepears 2 肯定句 否定句 1 Ilikehamburgers butIdon tlikeicecream 3 She He Lucy Mr Leelikesmeat butshe hedoesn tlikechicken 4 肯定句变否定句 助动词do does not 置于动词前 e g PaulandLucy notlike rice don tlike Hercousin noteat carrots doesn teat Bob notplay soccereveryday doesn tplay 单项选择 1 Doyoulike A saladsB saladC asalad 2 Ilikebananas Idon tlikeoranges AandB orC but 3 DoesMary pears Yes shedoes She pears A likes likeB like likesC like like 4 Mybrotherlikes and A tomatoes strawberrysB tomatoes strawberriesC tomatos strawberries 5 Hehastwohamburgers lunch A forB atC in 6 Lindahasan A broccoliB orangeC carrot B C B B A B 7 Tim eggs Hedoesn t Frenchfries A like likeB likes likesC likes like 8 Wehave healthyfood A lotofB alotsofC lotsof 9 LiuXiangisa A runningB runC runner 10 Let shave A achickenB chickensC somechicken 11 Whatdoyouhaveforbreakfast egg A AnyB AC An C C C C C 12 Theyhave inthemorning A lunchB dinnerC breakfast 13 Myfather potatoes A likeB likesC don tlike 14 LiLei lunchatschool A don thaveB doesn thaveC doesn thas 15 Myauntlikesallvegetables Theyare A healthB unhealthyC healthy C B B C 改写句子31 Jimlikesicecream 改为否定句 Jim icecream 32 Mygoodfriendslikepotatoes 改为否定句 Mygoodfriends potatoes 33 Helikesoranges 改为一般问句 he oranges 34 Theylikebroccoli 改为一般问句 they broccoli 35 Jacklikeshamburgersforlunch 对划线部分提问 doesJacklike lunch doesn tlike don tlike Does like Do like What for


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