浙江省2020年高考英语总复习 专题四 谓语动词教师用书(含解析).docx

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浙江省2020年高考英语总复习 专题四 谓语动词教师用书(含解析).docx_第1页
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浙江省2020年高考英语总复习 专题四 谓语动词教师用书(含解析).docx_第3页
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专题四 谓语动词 挖命题 考情探究 考情分析 高考示例考点 考向 2018 11 2018 06 2017 11 2017 06 2016 10 设题方式 预测热 度 动词的时 态和主谓 一致 1 时态 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来 时 过去将来时 现在 进行时 过去进行时 将来进行时 现在完成 时 过去完成时 现在 完成进行时 2 主谓一致 语法一致 意义一致 就近一致 have been using ha ve used use was be have become becom e sounds sound search ed searc h whispe red whisp er 动词的语 态 被动语态的基本用法及 用主动形式表示被动的 用法 was shocke d shock swept sweep 在语篇型填 空中 以 用所给单 词的适当形 式填空 的 形式考查 所给的词为 动词的原形 情态动词 和虚拟语 气 1 情态动词的用法 2 虚拟语气在非真实条 件句 名词性从句和其 他句型中的用法 在语篇型填 空中 根据 语境用所给 动词的正确 的语气填空 或根据语境 给动词加上 正确的情态 动词 分析解读 1 语篇型填空对谓语动词部分的考查主要是根据上下文的语境和句子结构 用 所给动词的合适的时态和语态形式填空 其范围可以涉及常用的动词的十种时态及其相关 的语态 因此考生需要对动词的十种基本时态及其语态的用法和构成有准确的掌握 除此 之外 动词的时态和语态是写作的基本语法要求 因此掌握动词的时态和语态是提高写作水 平的基本要求 2 情态动词和虚拟语气除了在语篇型填空中会涉及 在听力和写作中也经常会用到 因此考 生也务必精通各个情态动词的用法及虚拟语气的使用语境和构成 破考点 考点集训 考点一 动词的时态和主谓一致 1 When I first met Bryan I didn t like him but I change my mind now 答案 have changed 2 Hurry up Mark and Carol expect us 答案 are expecting 3 He was unhappy when he sold his guitar After all he have it for a very long time 答案 had had 4 Around two o clock every night Sue will start talking in her dream It somewhat bother us 答案 bothers 5 Generally students inner motivation with high expectations from others be essential to their development 答案 is 6 The university estimates that living expenses for international students be around 8 450 a year which is a burden for some of them 答案 are 7 Walmart which is one of the largest American supermarket chains keep some of its stores open 24 hours on Mondays through Saturdays 答案 keeps 8 The president hopes that the people will be better off when he quits than when he start 答案 started 9 I feel so excited At this time tomorrow morning I fly to Shanghai 答案 will be flying 考点二 动词的语态 1 The letters for the boss put on his desk but he didn t read them until three days later 答案 were put 2 The famous musician as well as his students invite to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo 答案 was invited 3 Don t worry The hard work that you do now repay later in life 答案 will be repaid 4 Shakespeare s play Hamlet make into at least ten different films over the past years 答案 has been made 5 We are confident that the environment improve by our further efforts to reduce pollution 答案 will be improved 6 After school we went to the reading room to do some reading only to be told that it decorate 答案 was being decorated 7 Tommy tell many times but he still could not understand it 答案 had been told 8 I needn t have been in that hurry The flight to Chongqing cancel due to the foggy weather 答案 was cancelled 9 Remember to put on more clothes Mother said on the phone Cold weather expect to come tomorrow morning 答案 is expected 10 The results of the final examination make known to the students soon 答案 will be made 考点三 情态动词和虚拟语气 1 No one be more generous he has a heart of gold 答案 could can 2 One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school 答案 shall 3 My mom suggests that we eat out for a change this weekend 答案 should 4 I go to my cousin s birthday party last night but I was not available 答案 would should have gone 5 Don t handle the vase as if it be made of steel 答案 were 6 It rained cats and dogs this morning I m glad we took an umbrella Yeah we would have got wet all over if we have 答案 hadn t 7 Do you think George has passed the driving test No If so he drive his car to our college yesterday 答案 would have driven 8 I should not have laughed if I think you were serious 答案 had thought 9 Jack is a great talker It s high time that he do something instead of just talking 答案 did should do 10 She would be much healthier now she not burdened herself with that much pressure from work when young 答案 had 过专题 五年高考 考点一 动词的时态和主谓一致 1 2018 北京 1 Hi I m Peter Are you new here I haven t seen you around Hello Peter I m Bob I just start on Monday 答案 started 2 2018 北京 4 Susan had quit her well paid job and work as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year 答案 was working 3 2018 北京 7 China s high speed railways grow from 9 000 to 25 000 kilometers in the past few years 答案 have grown 4 2018 江苏 31 Hopefully in 2025 we will no longer be e mailing each other for we develop more convenient electronic communication tools by then 答案 will have developed 5 2017 北京 24 do you call that company to see how they think of our product yesterday Yes They are happy with it 答案 Did 6 2017 北京 33 People have better access to health care than they used to and they re living longer as a result 答案 have 7 2017 天津 8 I drive down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road 答案 was driving 8 2017 江苏 24 The publication of Great Expectations which be both widely reviewed and highly praised strengthened Dickens status as a leading novelist 答案 was 9 2016 浙江 9 Silk become one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC 答案 had become 10 2016 北京 23 Excuse me which movie are you waiting for The new Star Wars We wait here for more than two hours 答案 have been waiting 11 2016 北京 25 I read half of the English novel and I ll try to finish it at the weekend 答案 have read 12 2016 江苏 29 Dashan who learn crosstalk the Chinese comedic tradition for decades wants to mix it up with the Western stand up tradition 答案 has been learning 13 2016 北京 21 Jack work in the lab when the power cut occurred 答案 was working 14 2015 北京 26 In the last few years China make great achievements in environmental protection 答案 has made 15 2015 北京 27 Did you have difficulty finding Ann s house Not really She give us clear directions and we were able to find it easily 答案 had given 16 2015 北京 30 Dr Jackson is not in his office at the moment All right I call him later 答案 will call 17 2015 江苏 30 The real reason why prices be and still are too high is complex and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem 答案 were 18 2015 安徽 24 Just as I got to the school gate I realized I leave my book in the cafe 答案 had left 19 2015 福建 30 Where is Peter I can t find him anywhere He went to the library after breakfast and write his essay there ever since 答案 has been writing 20 2015 湖南 22 As you go through this book you find that each of the millions of people who lived through World War had a different experience 答案 will find 21 2015 湖南 25 I wasn t able to hide my eagerness when I ask What do you wish me to do now 答案 asked 22 2015 湖南 28 He must have sensed that I look at him He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly Why are you staring at me like that 答案 was looking 23 2015 陕西 22 Marty work really hard on his book and he thinks he ll have finished it by Friday 答案 has been working is working 24 2015 重庆 1 Is Peter coming No he change his mind after a phone call at the last minute 答案 changed 25 2015 湖南 27 It is important to remember that success be a sum of small efforts made each day and often take years to achieve 答案 is takes 26 2014 北京 31 What time is it I have no idea But just a minute I check it for you 答案 will check 27 2014 北京 32 I found the lecture hard to follow because it start when I arrived 答案 had started 28 2014 重庆 8 James has just arrived but I didn t know he come until yesterday 答案 was coming would come 29 2014 福建 23 Haven t seen you for ages Where have you been I went to Ningxia and stay there for one year teaching as a volunteer 答案 stayed 30 2014 安徽 23 The twins who finish their homework were allowed to play badminton on the playground 答案 had finished 31 2014 陕西 22 During his stay in Xi an Jerry tried almost all the local foods his friends recommend 答案 had recommended 32 2014 湖南 28 Since the time humankind started gardening we try to make our environment more beautiful 答案 have been trying 33 2014 江西 24 Tony why are your eyes red I cut up peppers for the last five minutes 答案 have been cutting 考点二 动词的语态 1 2018 北京 9 A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who trap in the mountains for two days 答案 had been trapped 2 2018 天津 13 My washing machine repair this week so I have to wash my clothes by hand 答案 is being repaired 3 2018 江苏 30 I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan carry out in the past two years 答案 had been carried 4 2017 北京 29 In the 1950s in the USA most families had just one phone at home and wireless phones invent yet 答案 hadn t been invented 5 2017 天津 6 Nowadays cycling along with jogging and swimming regard as one of the best all round forms of exercise 答案 is regarded 6 2017 江苏 27 He hurried home never once looking back to see if he follow 答案 was being followed 7 2016 北京 30 The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts reward with success in the end 答案 will be rewarded 8 2016 江苏 22 More efforts as reported make in the years ahead to accelerate the supply side structural reform 答案 will be made 9 2015 天津 9 Despite the previous rounds of talks no agreement reach so far by the two sides 答案 has been reached 10 2015 北京 22 Did you enjoy the party Yes We treat well by our hosts 答案 were treated 11 2015 安徽 29 It is reported that a space station build on the moon in years to come 答案 will be built 12 2015 福建 26 To my delight I choose from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony 答案 was chosen 13 2015 四川 4 More expressways build in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy 答案 will be built 考点三 情态动词和虚拟语气 1 2018 北京 12 In today s information age the loss of data cause serious problems for a company 答案 can 2 2018 北京 13 They might have found a better hotel if they drive a few more kilometers 答案 had driven 3 2018 天津 10 I can t find my purse I have left it in the supermarket yesterday but I m not sure 答案 could might 4 2018 天津 15 If we catch the flight yesterday we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach now 答案 had caught 5 2018 江苏 27 There is a good social life in the village and I wish I have a second chance to become more involved 答案 had 6 2017 北京 21 Samuel the tallest boy in our class easily reach the books on the top shelf 答案 can 7 2017 北京 34 If the new safety system put to use the accident would never have happened 答案 had been put 8 2017 天津 2 My room is a mess but I clean it before I go out tonight I can do it in the morning 答案 needn t 9 2017 天津 15 Do you have Betty s phone number Yes Otherwise I be able to reach her yesterday 答案 wouldn t have been 10 2017 江苏 22 be it not for the support of the teachers the student could not overcome her difficulty 答案 Were 11 2016 北京 31 I love the weekend because I get up early on Saturdays and Sundays 答案 needn t 12 2016 北京 34 Why didn t you tell me about your trouble last week If you tell me I could have helped 答案 had told 13 2016 天津 5 It was really annoying I get access to the data bank you had recommended 答案 couldn t 14 2016 江苏 27 If it be for his invitation the other day I should not be here now 答案 had not been hadn t been 15 2015 北京 34 If I see it with my own eyes I wouldn t have believed it 答案 hadn t seen 16 2015 江苏 28 It might have saved me some trouble I known the schedule 答案 had 17 2015 天津 13 I wish I be at my sister s wedding last Tuesday but I was on a business trip in New York then 答案 had been 18 2015 安徽 32 It is lucky we booked a room or we have nowhere to stay now 答案 would have 19 2015 陕西 23 Ellen is a fantastic dancer I wish I dance as well as her 答案 danced 20 2015 北京 29 Can t you stay a little longer It s getting late I really go now My daughter is home alone 答案 must 21 2015 浙江 4 It was so noisy that we hear ourselves speak 答案 couldn t 22 2014 湖南 22 If Mr Dewey be present he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there 答案 had been 23 2014 福建 32 be there no modern telecommunications we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world 答案 Were 24 2014 重庆 3 I ve ordered some pizza so we worry about cooking when we get home tired 答案 needn t 25 2014 江苏 31 It was sad to me that they so poor themselves bring me food 答案 should 三年模拟 A 组 2017 2019 年模拟 基础题组 考点一 动词的时态及主谓一致 1 2019 浙江临海期中 44 But the first piece of meat he took with the fork fall onto the floor 答案 fell 2 2019 安徽江淮名校 11 月 46 For example an advert in 1881 for French cigarettes promise that its product would give immediate relief to a list of medical conditions including breathing problems 答案 promised 3 2019 浙江镇海中学 10 月 57 The woman from Baipu County Jiangsu Province make shoes since she was 19 years old and this year marks her 31st year making cloth shoes 答案 has been making has made 4 2018 浙江温州普通高中高考适应性测试 63 After ten days all the work pay off It made a big difference to Stevens life 答案 paid 5 2018 浙江金华十校一模 60 She said her grandmother teach her poetry before the age of three 答案 taught 6 2018 浙江 10 月大联考 Mr Perkins always wear the same clothes as other men and ate the same food as other people 答案 wore 7 2017 浙江宁波十校联考 56 Born in a rural village on Christmas Day 1642 he was so small that no one thought he survive 答案 would survive 8 2017 浙江温州协作体联考 61 He bury himself in mathematics and began developing a mathematical theory 答案 buried 考点二 动词的语态 1 2019 浙江六校期中联考 61 The ad said that basic knowledge of IT require for this position 答案 was required 2 2019 浙江稽阳联考 58 As the representative of Chinese art it know as the most ancient artistic form in the eastern world 答案 is known 3 2019 河北衡水质检 2 What if you found out that all of your documents wipe from your computer 答案 had been wiped 4 2019 浙江杭州第二中学 10 月 65 I feel very proud that so far my dream realize 答案 has been realized 5 2018 浙江绍兴 10 月模拟 58 My personality at this tune could describe as friendly and easily outgoing 答案 be described 6 2018 河北名校联盟 66 When you go to university you teach by professors who are leading figures in their study 答案 will be taught 7 2018 湖北重高联考 62 Among the various ways of celebration a book which name The Bridge was particularly eye catching 答案 was named 8 2017 浙江嘉兴高三月考 21 By that time she accept by Yale University in the US 答案 had been accepted 9 2017 甘肃河西重点三校联考 58 The girl give a certificate at the end of the program to show that she has learned computer skills 答案 will be given 考点三 情态动词和虚拟语气 1 2019 天津一中 19 He is a bad tempered fellow but he be quite charming when he wishes 答案 can 2 2019 北京海淀 11 月 If they lose the game to the visiting team yesterday their coach would have been fired 答案 had lost 3 2019 北京海淀 11 月 Kelly failed Mr Brown s literature course She have handed in the report earlier 答案 should 4 2019 天津一中 29 We would celebrate the victory together we win the game tomorrow 答案 should 5 2019 东北三校期中 12 The old lady insisted that the young man had hit her and that he send to the police station 答案 should be sent 6 2018 北京朝阳期中 4 He has no idea what the book is about He have read it very carefully 答案 can t 7 2018 北京海淀期中 32 The price on this packet is wrong It be 2 50 not 3 50 答案 should 8 2018 北京期中联考 21 In China you vote when you are 18 答案 can 9 2018 安徽淮南三市联考 65 I didn t know your mobile phone number otherwise I call you the moment I got to Canada 答案 would have called 10 2018 北京师范大学附中期末 21 The door open no matter how hard she pushed 答案 wouldn t B 组 2017 2019 年模拟 综合题组 Passage 1 用所给动词的适当形式填空 My best friend Kaiya is like me She 1 remind me of myself In the past I 2 be never confident because of my appearance People always laughed at my weight my height my hairstyle etc At that time I was the shortest student in my class I started getting depressed However someone told me something that I will always remember It was in March Surrounded by a group of girls who 3 point at me and laughed at me I couldn t help crying The tears rolled down my face like a rushing river To my surprise someone lifted my head up and wiped the tears from my eyes I then knew it was our English teacher Miss Li She said You 4 be perfect the way you are You should never change or hate yourself People 5 accept you for who you 6 be But if you cannot accept yourself then how will other people accept you I 7 inspire by her words Over the past few months I 8 learn that no one is perfect and that we all have flaws Now I have wonderful friends who 9 love me for who I am Now seeing Kaiya cry I decide to tell her the same thing Miss Li 10 tell me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 1 reminds 2 was 3 pointed 4 are 5 will accept 6 are 7 was inspired 8 have learned learnt 9 love 10 told Passage 2 用所给动词的适当形式填空 Sara Thomas your English 1 be so good I wonder how you 2 learn it Thomas Well in my country everyone has to learn English from the first grade Sara Wow that s interesting However when I 3 visit your family last year it 4 seem there weren t many people that could speak with me in English Thomas Oh that s because they are shy They 5 be not accustomed to talking with foreigners Although I 6 learn English for 10 years when I first came to the US I was really nervous about speaking with the people here Sara I see I thought there 7 be lots of Americans teaching English in your country Thomas Yes that s true There are more American teachers now than there 8 be five years ago but they are mostly in cities My family lives in the country Sara I wonder why Personally I 9 prefer the country to the city I like the life there It s so quiet peaceful and beautiful If I 10 teach I would want to teach in the country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 1 is 2 learned learnt 3 visited 4 seemed 5 are 6 had learned learnt 7 were 8 were 9 prefer 10 taught Passage 3 用所给动词的适当形式填空 It was getting dark when I 1 get home It was cold and I 2 wear a coat I walked up to the door and put my hand into my pocket to take out my key but I 3 can not find it I suddenly remembered that I 4 leave it on my desk in the office It really didn t make any difference I knew my wife 5 be at home and the children must have come back from school by now so I 6 knock at the door There was no answer so I knocked again I continued knocking at the door for some time I was getting angry Then I remembered something that the office boy 7 tell me at noon He said that my wife 8 phone saying that she 9 go shopping in the afternoon with the children There 10 be only one thing for me to do I had to climb in through a window 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 1 got 2 was wearing 3 could 4 had left 5 was 6 knocked 7 had told 8 had phoned 9 would go 10 was Passage 4 综合填空 Tom and Peter are twins They look as if they 1 be the same person Both the two boys are smart but Tom is hard working while Peter is lazy Tom always wins the first place in the exams while Peter doesn t However people believe if Peter 2 work as hard as Tom he would do as well as his brother in his study At home their parents suggest that they 3 finish their homework before playing computer games But Peter insists that it 4 be OK to play games first as long as he can hand in his homework in time Their mother gives in in the end One day when doing his homework Tom found he made a serious mistake So he put his exercise book aside and used another one When Peter found the previous exercise book he struck out Tom s name and signed his name on its cover happily and handed it in as his own homework the next day When the teacher told the truth to the twins mother she was very angry and shouted at Peter How I wish you 5 be as diligent as your brother Now it s time that I 6 give you a good lesson And you 7 play any computer games for a month Oh no Mom 8 a computer for such a long time I would die I would rather you 9 ask me to do the dishes for a month alone Peter was upset If you 10 finish your homework on time yesterday you wouldn t be punished now said the mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 1 were 2 worked 3 should finish 4 is 5 were 6 gave should give 7 mustn t 8 Without 9 asked 10 had finished Passage 5 综合填空 Tom Hi Mr Smith 1 you give me a hand Mr Smith Of course You 2 hesitate to ask me for help What s the matter with you Tom My mum is always complaining about my going back home late after school Mr Smith What do you usually do after school Tom I usually go to the playground to play basketball But I know that I 3 go home first Mr Smith Why don t you go home directly Tom My mother usually says Every student 4 do their homework first after school and that is a rule for all of the students You see if I 5 do my homework first now I couldn t have a rest or relax I am s


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