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2018年秋季武汉市部分市级示范高中高三十月联考英语试卷考试时间:2018年10月12日下午14:30 -16:30 试卷满分:150分注意事项: 1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第部分听力(满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Why is the woman loolang for clothes? A. Shes too warm in her clothes. B.She needs to attenda pay. C.Her clothes are too small.2.Why are the man and woman celebrating? A. Its the womans birthday. B. The woman got a new job. C.They recently got engaged.3.How does the man react to seeing the woman? A. Hes sad B.Hes scared. C.Hes surprised_4.Why does the woman want to go to Paris?A.To study dance. B.To opena studio. C.To go to college.5.What happened to the mans hand? A.He broke his finger B.He cut his finger C.He had an operation第二节(共15小题;每小题1-5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.How does the woman feel about owrunga boa0 A. It is fun. B.It is expensive. C.It takes up too much space.7. What is the man most concemed with? A. Gettinga discount ona boat B. Getting his parents to buy hima boat C. Findinga placeto keep his boat.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.How many DVDs does the man bave? AAbout five hundred_ BAbout one thousand CAbout five thousand_9.What is the mans favorite movie? A.Batman. B.The Graduate. C.The Godfather:听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. According to the man, what is the biggest part of the problem? ACars that go too fast B.People who walk into the traffic. C.Bikers who take over the street.11. How many accidents have there been ina month? A2 B3 C412. How does the womanfhinkthe leaders will react?AThey wont care.B.They will argue with her.C. Most of them will support her view.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What did the man think ofhis boss? AHe was very relaxed. B.He was formal and polite. CHe was very young.14. Where does the man work? AAt a music pany. B.At a financial pany. CAta newspaper.15. What does the mans boss advise him to do? A. Listen to music. B.Read the newspaper. C.Play sports more often.16. What did the woman give the man? A.A book. B.Apen. C.Anewspaper.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. At school, what did the speaker use to do after lunch? A. Play sports. B.Write short stories. C.Read inside the classroom.18. What did the speaker do in middle school? A. She started a book club. B. She wrote for the school newspaper. C.She went out to parties frequently.19. When did she first get her writings published? A. In middle school. B.In high school. C.At college.20. What is the speakers favorite activity now? A. Traveling around the world. B。Reading books. C. Talking about her writing.第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A. B.C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Though they may often be thought of as services for travelers, ferries are often ignored as tourist opportunities. In cities and regions all over the world, ferries offer an advantage point of top destinations. Staten Island Ferry Take a famous ride in one of the worlds greatest cities; New Yorks Staten Island Ferry is free all day, everyday. On this 25-minute trip between Manhattan and Staten Island, passengers will get a fresh view of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Golden Horn Ferry The Bosporus is a narrow, natural strait located in northwestem Turkey, which carries many a boat between its European and Asian shores. Ferries here offer 20-minute trips or six-hour tours into the Golden Hom. Both feature(以.为特色) marks made on the city by 13 different civilizations, including the Egyphans and Bulgarians.StarFerry The Star Ferry travels between Kowloon and Hong Kong Island, providing scenes of striking color at sunset in the sky and against the skyline. The two-level Shining Star ferry is a reinvenhon ofboats from the 1920s and offers tours ofthe harbor.Alaska Marine Highway System Though many cities host eye-catching ferry rides, other locations provide water joumeys of a much greater range. Covering more than 3,500 miles, the Alaska Marine Highway System stretches along the coast from southem Washington to the Aleutian Islands. On this voyage, travelers can see wildlife including whales and bears,the largest national forest in the U_S., and Alaska-native villages. While on the joumey, travelers can book a two-or- four-person cottage or put up a tent on one ofthe ferries. Each with its own set of sights and experiences, ferries share just one thing - a new angle to redescribe your favorite place.21.Which is remended to those in favor offree ferries? A. Star Ferry. B. Staten Island Ferry. C. Golden Horn Ferry. D. Alaska Marine Highway System22.How is the Shining Star ferry special among the four fenies? A. It travels between two countries. B. The ferry was bom out ofold boats. C. Its tours take the longest time. D. It provides services in evenings.23.What can travelers experience through the Alaska Marine Highway System? A. Local mountain villages. B. The Statue of Liberty. C. U.S.s largest national forest. D. Striking color at sunset. B Magic is the performance of tricks. It has been a part of almost every culture in the world. Magic shows might include a disappearing act, card tricks, or pulling a rabbit out of a hat. But what could that bave to do with health? Kevin Spencer, an American magician goes beyond just entretaining crowds. He also makes magic to improve the lives ofpeople with disabiMes. What made him change the focus oflus work was an accident.lt took him almost a year to regain the skills hed Iost as a result of the accident and this made him think about using magic tricks as a tool for healing. So Spencer started conducting workshops all over the world. He teaches magic tricks to children and adults with disabilities. Mr. Spencer says magic therapy(疗法) may seem non-traditional. But many skills needed to perform a good magic trick are used in traditional forms of therapy - physical movement, ttunking, understanding and social skills are all there_ And that social connection with other people can also help people feel better about themselves and increase their confidence. Liam Shannon is an example. Liam has a brain disorder that can make Ieanung and connecting with people difficult People with severe brain disorder may also have trouble understanding plex emotions. The lO-year-old boy said after he learned a few simple tricks, he felt many different emotions. It made me feel happy and proud.It was great! Liam said. Kevin Spencer says seeing lads like Liam e alive is better than all the applause in the world. We can be on a stage and get the applause of thousands ofpeople, but that is nothing pared to the smile that es across a kids face and when they say Look! I did it! and its like, yeah, you did! . He says he plans to spend more time worlang with people with disabilities.24.What do you tlunk ofKevin Spencer? A.Kind B.Humorous. C.Brave. D.Honest 25.Magic therapy is similar to traditional forms of therapy in . A. the use of tools B. the use ofskills C. the length ofhistory D. the variety offorms 26.The author mentioned Liam Shannon in the text in order to . A. show Liam Shannon likes magic very much B. teU us Liam Shmnon has a talent for magic C. prove the success of Kevin Spencers magic therapy D. explain the connection between magic and personality27.What is mainly talked about in the text? A. Magic is an interesting performance. B_ Kevin Spencer is popular with children. C- Kevin Spencer has a deep love for magic. D. Kevin Spencer use magic to help the disabled. C Fifieen-year-old David had spent six months planning a hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon (大峡谷)with lus classmates. No one could have known it would end in tragedy. When the group arrived at the starting point for the hike, they found out there was a problem with their permit.To solve it, the five boys and three leaders walk back up to the ranger station (护林站)一only to find out it was closed. When the boys got moving, theyd already dnmk most of their water. In the buming sun, temperatures reached a 115F. Even the leaders were having trouble walking on. But the group finally made it down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Heat evil was occurring. My son made it about 100 yards from the river and then dropped, says his father, Robin. Two boys ofthem raced to the river to get him water. When the boys arrived, the last rathng (筏运) trip of the day was passing by. As luck would have it, among the waiting riders were a few doctors. They rushed to give David first tud before going for help. But it was too late. David passed away from the heat evil. Its been 21 years since the boys death, and hiking still holds a strong memory of David for his family.The summer before the tragedy, his father had a long time to devote to his family. David and his dad spent the summer hiking all over the High Uintas, where snow-topped peaks refiect tower over glacier(冰川)_formed lakes. . The photo Robin took ofChristmas Meadows there won the Readers Digest From Sea to Shining Sea photo contest and appeared on the July 2017 magazine cover. To Robin, it isnt just a fascinating landscape-its also a powerful reminder of his late son. 28. How many people does Davids group consist of?. A.ll B.10 C.9 . D.8 29. What does the sentence Even the leaders were having trouble walking on. in Paragraph 3 suggest? A. The leaders were taller and older. B. The leaders covered shorter distance. C. The leaders were healthier and stronger. D. The trouble the group faced was so great as to be beyond expectation30Where did Robin take the photo which won the Readers Digest From Sea to Shining Sea photo contest? A. On the High Uintas. B. Where David had been to. C. In the Grand Canyon. D In the Christmas Meadows.31. What does the passage intend to tell us mainly? A. Take enough water with you when hiking. B. Dont hike to the Grand Canyon in too hot weather. C. Robin stillmisses his late son, David. D. Doctors cant necessarily succeed in saving every patient. D Since the sex of a sea turtle(海龟) is determined by the heat of sand hatching the eggs, scienhsts had suspected they nught see slightly more females. Climate change, after all, has driven sea temperatures higher, which, in these creatures, favors female children. They found female sea turtles from Raine Island, the Pacific Oceans largest and most important green sea turtle living area, now outnumber males by at least 116 to 1. This is extreme, says turtle scientist Camryn Allen. Biologist Michael Jensen wanted to know if climate change had already changed turtles sexes. By using genetic(基因的) tests, hed figured out that he could follow turtles of all ages. Still, his research data would lack an important detail: sex. Only after a turtle matures is it possible to tellits sex from the outside - mature males have slightly longer tails. By then turtles can be decades old, so scientists ofien use Iaparoscopy(腹腔镜检查),sending a thin tube into each animal, but thats not so practicalifyoure hoping to examine hundreds ofcreatures. Fortunately, at a turtle conference, he met Allen, and all she needed wasa little blood. They pared their results with temperature data for nesting beaches. What worries them is that Raine Island has been producing almost female turtles for at least 20 years. This is no small thing. More than 200,000 turtles e to nest there. During high season, 18,000 turtles may settle in at once. But what bappens in 20 years when there are no more males ing up as adults? Are there enough to maintain the population? says Allen. They also found cooler beaches in the south are still producing males, but that in the north, its almost entirely females hatching. These findings clearly point to the fact that climate change is changing many aspects ofwildlife biology.But how widespread is tlus phenomenon - and what is the consequence?32.How might the scientists feelifthere were slightly more female turtles? A Its unique. B.Its nonnal. C.Its extreme. D.Its doubtful.33.What is a scientists conventional way to identifya turtles sex? A. Using laparoscopy. B.Doing genetic tests. C. Testing its blood. D.Watching its tail.34.Why da the findings worry Jensen andAllen? A. Too many females gather near Raine Island. B. Female turtles cause temperatures to rise. C. Turtle populations are in decline. D. Sea turtles may end up dying out.35.What does the last paragtaph imply? A_ People have to test the consequence. B. People should stop the phenomenon. C. More work needs doing about the phenomenon. D. Climate change has changed sea turtles sexes.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Being first in your class isa goal that you can work toward, but you must set it for yourself from the first day of high school.36 Read beyond assigned reading_ Following your course outline and doing all of your assigned reading are important. But to pull aheadtofirst rank, you also need to read books that can provide that extra informahon you need_ 37 Prepare an extca credit report based on what yuuleam. 38 Dontjust physically sit in the chair. Be a part of group discussions, and volunteer for extra projects and teams. Take leadership roles whenever theyre offered. If the class has a debating team take part ill it often and e prepared with notes and references for every debate_ Ask for help when you see you need it Balancing different classes and assignments can make it difficult to keep up in every subject. If you feel that you are having trouble grasping certain topics, dont struggle until your grades begin to slip. Turn to the teachers ifnecessary. 39 Show an interestin your classmates. Your teacher will notice. Ask your teacher for extra credit assignments, particularly if you receive a disappoinhng grade in a subject. Dont merely accept the mark Do everything you can to raiseiL Stay physically fit. 40 Eat well, drink Iots ofwater and get plenty of sleep. Spend time outdoors and away from your studies_ But be disciplined(有条理的)Schedulea study period for each day and stick to it A.Finish your homework in time. B.Participate in teamwork in class. C.Get plenty of exercise either through team or individual activities_ D.Try these tips along your way help you get that first rank in your class_ E.Concentrate on what your teacher explains so that you can grasp the main points. F.Similarly,if you do wellina subject, tell your teacher youre available幻help others. G.IfyOUR studying World War,for instance, read biographies of the important players 第三部分语言知识运用(满分45分)第一节(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B.C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Every act of kindness starts with something small, something we all can - and should - do every single day. Im Will Ruhio, one of the 41 of BYUtvsRandomActs show. We take ludden cameras to unexpected places to 42 randomacts of kindness. Weve filmed acts _43 from building disabled-friendly facilities(设施)for those who are badly 44 them but cant afford them to returning alost wallet. On Random Acts, it may be a neighbor or a colleague who recognizes a need and 45 an incredible chain reaction of service. 46 the story of Emmalene Meyers for example. Like many young girls, Emmalene was 47 tobeaballetdancer-butherphysicaldisabilitymakesevene everydaytasksa(n) 48 . Instead of seeing a limitation, Emmalenes friend Lily 49 an opportunity. Lily imagined Emmalenes dream being brought to life onstage and persuaded Random Acts to help make her plan _ 50 . So, where can you staro The keyis to be like Lily: look for an opportunity to make a 51 to those in need,and then take action to make it happen_ Being 52 andinvolved in service is _ 53 like any other goal youwant to achieve. You have to 54 . it. After two seasons ofhostingRandomActs, the joy of 55 burdens and brightening lives doesnt fade. I somehmes_56 RandomActsmight lose its feature eventually, but that couldnt be further from the 57 .When I finally meet the people weve been working to 58 and see their genuine shock and appreciation,it 59 me in the feel every time. I cry more than anyone else on the show. Be that person doing acts oflandness out of the 60 _of your heart - be the nice you want to see in the world!41A photographers B. directors C.viewers D. hosts42Aexpose B.conduct C.arrange D.advocate43 A changing B. cormting C. ranging D. transforming44.A in search of B. in need of C. in defense of ets down D. sets out46.A.Retell B.Take C.Create D.Explain47.A.anxious B.proud C.afraid D.unwilling 48.A_ exception B. dilemma C. petition D. challenge49.A.provided B.seized C.spotted D.missed50.A. successful B. acceptable C. reasonable D. available51. A. choice B. difference C. promise D. decision52A.generous B.caring C.ambihous D.sociable53.A.never B.even C.still D.just54.A. put up with B. make up for C. work at D. take to55.A. bearing B. carrying C. reducing D. overing56.A. admit B.realize C.remember D.assume 57.A.truth B.deadline C.destination D.boundary 58.A acpany B.surprise C.locate D.please 59.A. refreshes B.inspires C.hits D.satisfies 60.A. E;oodness B.curiosity C.faith D.whisper第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The first English version of the famous martial arts novel, The Legend of the Condor Heroes”(射雕英雄传) 61 (schedule) to e outin the UK next year. 62 almost every Chinese person knows, the novel was written by Louis Cha, better known by his pen name, Jin Yong. London-based MacLehose Press has confirmed that the novel will e out in 12 volumes(册), with the first _63 _(set) to e out on Feb. 22_ In the publishers promotional 64 (introduce) of the The Legend of the Condor Heroes, the series was referred to asa Chinese version of Game of Tbrones”(权利的游戏)The first volume has been translated by Anna Holmwood, an English publishing agent 65 (work) together with many famous Chinese writers, such as Yu Hua, Liu Zhenyun, and Yan Ge. Holmwood 66 (translate) The Legend ofthe Condor Heroes since 2012, and from the second volume onwards sheinvited GigiChang to help her_ 67 the translation. Louis Cha is Chinas most influential martial arts author with 68 totalof15 novels. Since the 1950s, about


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