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精彩练习九年级英语 期末质量评估试卷 二 时间 90分钟满分 120分 听力 共四节 满分30分 一 第一节听句子 选图片 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 1 2 B B 3 4 5 第3页 期末质量评估试卷 二 C A A 第4页 听力材料1 Mybrother sfavoritesportissoccer 2 Hishobbyisfishing 3 Bettygoeshomebybike 4 Alanislateforthepartybecausehehasaguitarlesson 5 Mrs Smithusuallyreadsbooksinthebookshop 期末质量评估试卷 二 第二节听短对话 回答问题 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 6 What sthegirl sname A Rose B Ruse C Rosa 7 WhatfruitdoesFranklike A Apples B Bananas C Oranges 8 Ishistorythegirl sfavoritesubject A Yes B No C Wedon tknow 9 Who sthatman A Mike sfather B Mike sgrandfather C Mike suncle 10 Whatdoesthemanwanttoplay A Baseball B Soccerball C Volleyball 第5页 A C A C A 期末质量评估试卷 二 第6页 听力材料6 W Howdoyouspellyourname M R O S E Rose 7 W DoesFranklikebananas M No hedoesn t Helikesoranges 8 M Ismusicyourfavoritesubject W No Ilikehistorybest It sinteresting 9 W Isthatyourfather Mike M No he smyuncle myfather sbrother 10 W Let splayvolleyball M Idon tlikevolleyball Let splaybaseball 期末质量评估试卷 二 第三节听长对话 回答问题 共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分 听第一段对话 回答第11至第13小题 对话读两遍 11 WhatareMaryandJohnlatefor A Thevolleyballgame B Thetennisgame C Thebasketballgame 12 WhendotheyhaveanEnglishtest A ThisThursday B ThisFriday C NextFriday 13 WhoisgoodatEnglish A Mary B Alan C John 第7页 B C B 期末质量评估试卷 二 第8页 听力材料W Hey John Let sgo Wearelateforthetennisgame M Sorry Mary ImuststudyforanEnglishtestthisFridayafternoon W ThisFridayafternoon Whatdayisittoday M TodayisThursday W No TodayisFriday TheEnglishtestisnextFriday M Really YouknowIamnotgoodatEnglish W Alanisgoodatit Youcanaskhimforhelp M OK Let sgo 期末质量评估试卷 二 听第二段对话 回答第14至第15小题 对话读两遍 14 WhendoesLilygotoschool A Everyday B FromMondaytoFriday C FromMondaytoSaturday 15 WhereisKelly A Inthelibrary B Intheclothesstore C Intheschool 第9页 B B 期末质量评估试卷 二 第10页 听力材料M Doyougotoschooleveryday W No Steve wegotoschoolfromMondaytoFriday M WhatdoyoudoonSunday W Ioftengotothelibrary M CanIgowithyouonSunday W Sure M Lily where syoursisterKelly W She sintheclothesstore Shewantstobuyanewskirt M Where stheclothesstore W It snearourschool 期末质量评估试卷 二 第四节听独白 回答问题 独白读两遍 共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分 16 HowoldisEric A Ten B Eleven C Twelve 17 WheredoEricandhisfamilyhavedinner A AtSheraton B AtMarriott C AtHowardJohnson 18 WhogivesEricaniPad A Hisfather B Hisuncle C Hisaunt 19 WhatdoesEricthinkofthehistorybook A It sboring B It srelaxing C It sinteresting 20 HowmanygiftsdoesEricgetforhisbirthday A Three B Four C Five 第11页 C C A C B 期末质量评估试卷 二 第12页 听力材料MynameisEric TodayisDecember26th It smytwelfthbirthday MyparentsandIhavedinneratHowardJohnsonwithmyuncle sfamily Igetalotofbirthdaygifts Myunclebuysmeabigcake It sdeliciouswithstrawberriesandbananas Myauntgivesmeabeautifulschoolbag Icanputmanybooksinit MycousinJacksendsmeahistorybook Ilikeitbecauseit sveryinteresting IhaveanewiPadfrommyfather Ihaveagreattime 期末质量评估试卷 二 基础知识 共三节 满分20分 二 第一节对话匹配 共10小题 每小题0 5分 满分5分 A 21 Whattimedoestheclassstart 22 Howdoyouspellit 23 Yourcoatisverynice 24 Thankyouverymuch 25 Isthatdifficult 26 IsthisGina 27 Doesshewanttogotothemovies 28 Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin 29 Let swatchTV 30 Whenishisbirthday E F A D J B I C H G BA Thankyou B No itisn t C Musicclub D You rewelcome E At8 30 F Sorry Idon tknow G January11th H Itsoundsboring I No shedoesn t J Yes butIcandothat 第14页 期末质量评估试卷 二 第二节句型转换 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 31 Theshopisinthepark 对画线部分提问 theshop 32 Thoseareherbookcases 改为单数句 isher 33 Shehasnofriends 改为同义句 She anyfriends 34 AreTomandyougoodatswimming 作肯定回答 Yes 35 Yourfriendhasanicenotebook 改为一般疑问句 yourfriend anicenotebook 第15页 Where is That bookcase doesn t have we are Does have 期末质量评估试卷 二 第三节单项选择 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 36 Theletter o intheword sofa ispronouncedas A B C D e 37 Mr Wangloveshiswork and alsolikeshisfamilyverymuch A hisB herC heD she 38 Wehavesweaters allcolors 50dollarseach A at inB for atC in forD at in 第16页 B C C 期末质量评估试卷 二 39 Musicclassstartsat6 30pm Billusuallygoestherearound6 00 A orB butC becauseD so 40 Please thesebookstoyoursister Sheisatschool A findB buyC helpD bring 41 Wouldyouliketohavesome No thanks Idon twantanyfoodnow A orangeB classesC FrenchfriesD creams 第17页 D D C 期末质量评估试卷 二 42 What syour name Mr Smith Nick mynameisNickSmith A firstB lastC secondD family 43 Itisonly2monthsold A HowoldisthebabyB WhattimeisitC HowmuchisitD Whenishisbirthday 第18页 A A 期末质量评估试卷 二 44 IwanttobuyaniPhone8plus Doyouknowits Notreally Maybe 800 A timeB nameC priceD color 45 HowaboutgoingtothemoviesonFridayevening A That srightB Yes theyareexcitingC ThatsoundsfunD No Ilikecartoons 第19页 C C 期末质量评估试卷 二 阅读理解 共两节 满分25分 三 第一节 共10小题 每小题2分 满分20分 A 46 HowoldisMr Brown A Thirty four B Thirty five C Twenty six D Twenty seven 47 TomhassomeEnglishquestionsandneedsateacher shelp Whocanheaskforhelp A Melanie B Oliver C Isabel D Grant 第21页 A C 期末质量评估试卷 二 48 Samwantstowatchabasketballgamewithafriend Hecancallhisfriendat A 309 0984B 308 0986C 309 9548D 308 8652 49 Oliver sbirthdaypartyisnextweek Whatdoesn thelikefortheparty A AnEnglishshow B Somebeautifulmusic C Somechickenburgers D Abaseballgame 50 Whatcanwebuyinastationarystore A Socksandshoes B Rulersandpencils C Bananasandoranges D Hamburgersandchicken 第22页 B C B 期末质量评估试卷 二 BWhatdoEnglishpeopleusuallyeat WeaskJames MaryandMike Herearetheiranswers BreakfastJames Breakfastformeisvegetablesandsomefruitjuice That sall Mary Idon teatabigbreakfast Ijusthavefruitsandvegetables Mike Ihavebaconandeggsattheweekend butnotonschooldays It stoomuch Lunch 第23页 期末质量评估试卷 二 James AtschoolIhaveahamburger AttheweekendIoftenhavepizza Ilikemakingpizzaathome Mary Ihavelunchatschool It susuallyakindofmeatwithvegetables Attheweekendorintheholidays Ilikemakingsaladsforlunch Mike Iusuallyjusteatsomefruitsandahotdog That senoughforme EatingOutJames Myhomeisinasmalltown itdoesn thavemanyrestaurants ButIlikeChinesefoodalot MyparentssometimestakemeouttoaJapaneserestaurant 第24页 期末质量评估试卷 二 Mary Indiandishesaremyfavoritefood TherearesomereallygoodIndianrestaurantshere andIoftengotoonewithmyfriends Ilovechicken Mike IliveinLondonandIcangetanythinghere Idon teatoutveryoften butIlikeChinesefoodandsometimesgotoaChineserestaurant 51 WheredoesMaryhavemeatwithvegetables A Atschool B AtanIndianrestaurant C Athome D AtaJapaneserestaurant 第25页 A 期末质量评估试卷 二 52 WhendoesMikehavebaconandeggs A FromMondaytoFriday B OnSaturdayandSundaymornings C OnFridayevening D OnSaturdayevening 53 WholikesChinesefood A MikeandMary B MaryandJames C JamesandMike D James sparents 第26页 B C 期末质量评估试卷 二 54 WhatfoodisMary sfavorite A Japanesefood B Englishfood C Chinesefood D Indianfood 55 WhichstatementisTRUE A Mike shomeisinasmalltown B Maryeatsalotforbreakfast C Jamescanmakepizza D Mary sparentsofteneatoutwithMary 第27页 D C 期末质量评估试卷 二 第二节任务型阅读 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 请给AuntWang Jack Mark Robert Mr White sson五个人选择最适合他们去的地方 并在题号前填写相应的字母 选项中有一项为多余 56 AuntWanghasanoldcomputer Shewantstosellit 57 Jackisabasketballfan Helovestoknowmoreabouthisfavoriteteam HoustonRockets 58 Mark shobbyisbuyingbooksandreading 59 RobertwantstohavehisbirthdaypartywithhisparentsinHongKong 60 Mr White sson sEnglishisnotgood Heis13 Heneedshelp 第28页 C E B F D 期末质量评估试卷 二 第29页 期末质量评估试卷 二 英语知识运用 共两节 满分20分 四 第一节完形填空 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 通读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 Samisaverybusyman Heis60andhehasalotof Heisapostman 邮递员 ataxidriver aschool busdriver aboatman acookandamilkman Alsoheandhiswife Margaret ashopandasmallhotel Samlivesandworksonanisland 岛 London Only120peopleareontheisland insummer150tourists 旅游者 comeonSam sboateveryday SoSamgetsupatsixandmakesbreakfastforthepeopleinthe 61 62 63 64 hotel Ateight hedrivestheisland s toschool Atnine hesends 送 toallthehousesontheisland Healsosendsmilkto Thenhehelpsintheshop Hesays Margaretlikestobe too Wearebusyandwedon tlikewatchingTVintheshop Hesays IcookthedinnerandMargaret Atten wehavesomemilkandthenwegotobed Perhaps 可能 ourlife veryinteresting butwelikeit 61 A jobsB worksC friendsD shops 62 A hasB haveC opensD work 63 A inB toC fromD near 第31页 65 66 67 68 69 70 A B D 期末质量评估试卷 二 64 A becauseB soC butD and 65 A peopleB menC childrenD tourists 66 A milkB plantsC lettersD clothes 67 A itB usC herD them 68 A strictB funC relaxingD busy 69 A helpsB asksC listensD looks 70 A isB isn tC areD aren t 第32页 C C C D D A B 期末质量评估试卷 二 第二节 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 阅读下面短文 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空 Arealltheweekendsrelaxing Idon tthinkso OnFridayafternoon Iplaybaseball71 myfriendBen Hedoesitvery72 good butIdon t Afterthat weeatdinnerat73 we favoriteChineserestaurant Foodthereisquitedelicious OnSaturday myparents74 Igotoaclothesstore Mymother75 like anorangeskirt Itlooksstrange Momlikesitverymuch 76 Daddoesn tlikeitatall Afterdinner we77 watch asoccergameonTV Myfathersaysit78 be interesting butIthinkit sreallyboring OnSunday Ihaveamusiclessonfor79 hour Butthatisnotall Imustfinishmyhomeworkintheevening Thisisa80 real busyweekend 第33页 with well our and likes but watch is an really 期末质量评估试卷 二 写作 共两节 满分25分 五 第一节单词拼写 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 根据句意和首字母提示填写单词 81 Myfather sbrotherismyu 82 Ican tfindmyk soIcan tgetintotheroom Isitinyourbag 83 O 1stisNationalDay 国庆节 inChina 84 Helikeseatingcarrots Hethinkstheyareh 85 Whatdousuallyyoudo class Ihaveanartlessonfortwohours ncle ey ctober ealthy after 86 Scottworksverylongh Heisbusyeveryday 87 JunelikesBeijingOperabecauseshet itisfun 88 Heis20 Todayishist birthday 89 T aregoodvegetablesforpeople 90 IhavebiologyonMondays W andFridays 第二节书面表达 满分15分 91 假如你是Bob 环球杂志 AroundtheWorld 在做调查 想了解当今青少年对学校时间表 timetable 的要求 现正在征稿 请你以 MyDreamTimetable 我理想中的时间表 为题写篇短文投稿 第35页 ours hinks wentieth omatoes ednesdays 期末质量评估试卷 二 要求 1 短文的开头和结尾已经给出 2 词数在50左右 至少五个完整的句子 注意文字简练 3 时间及活动内容可参照表格中的提示短语 4 文中不可出现你的真实校名和姓名 第36页 MyDreamTimetableDearEditor Here sadescriptionofmydreamtimetable Ireallywishonedayitwillbetrueinmyschool Bob 第37页 Igetupateightandhaveartandmusicclassesinthemorning Theyaremyfavoritesubjects Afterlunch IjointhesportsclubandtheEnglishclubbecauseIwanttokeephealthyandIlikeEnglish Ataround4 Igethomeandcookmealswithmymom Intheevening Iwouldliketoplaycomputergamesandgotobedataround9 期末质量评估试卷 二


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