七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister自我综合评价二导学课件 新人教版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister自我综合评价二导学课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister自我综合评价二导学课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister自我综合评价二导学课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit2Thisismysister 单元自我综合评价二 Unit2Thisismysister 单项填空 10分 1 Dad ismyfriendDave Dave ismyfather A it itB this thisC he heD that this 2 isthatwoman SheisLinTao smother A HowB WhoC WhatD Howold B 单元自我综合评价二 B 3 Arethosehisbrothers A TheyarebrothersB Yes theyareC No theyarenotbrothersD Yes theyarebrothers 4 Mr GreenandMrs Greenhavetwochildren JimandKate JimisKate s A brotherB sisterC fatherD uncle B 单元自我综合评价二 A 5 ismydaughter nameisLinda A She HerB He HisC She HisD He Her 解析考查代词辨析 由daughter可排除B和D 由名字Linda可排除C 故选A A 单元自我综合评价二 6 Here somebooksforyou Jim Thanksverymuch A isB areC amD be B 单元自我综合评价二 解析somebooks为复数名词 故be动词用are 7 Isthisyourmother A Yes sheisB No sheisn tC Yes itisD No theyaren t 8 Mike haveagoodday A Goodmorning B Thanks You too C Howareyou D Nicetomeetyou C 单元自我综合评价二 B 9 Whatahappyfamily IsitMike sphoto Yes it saphoto hisfamily A atB forC ofD in 解析考查介词的用法 全家福 用固定短语aphotoof 表示 故选C 单元自我综合评价二 C 10 ThisisNancyandthat sLucy my A She s friendB They re friendsC They re friendD We re friends B 解析考查名词复数 由上句中的Nancy和Lucy可知是复数 排除A和C 分析句意可推知 她们是我的朋友 故选B 单元自我综合评价二 完形填空 10分 Lookatthisphoto Thisisaphoto 11 myfamily Thereare 12 peopleinthephoto Theyaremyfather mymother mybrother mysisterand 13 14 fatherisveryhappyeveryday Mymother 15 nextto 紧挨着 myfather Theboybeside 在 旁边 mymotherismy 16 The 17 besidemyfatherismylittlesister 18 isveryclever 聪明的 andcute 可爱的 Everyonelikesherverymuch Whois 19 boyinthemiddle Ah Itisme 20 lovemyfamilyverymuch 单元自我综合评价二 11 A forB onC ofD with 12 A fiveB sixC sevenD eight 13 A heB IC youD she 14 A MyB IC HisD Me 15 A areB amC isD be 16 A sisterB grandfatherC brotherD father C 单元自我综合评价二 A B A C C 17 A boyB girlC sonD man 18 A HeB SheC TheyD It 19 A aB theseC theD an 20 A IB MeC MyD Mine B 单元自我综合评价二 B C C 阅读理解 10分 Myname sMary Thisismyfamilytree Thosearemygrandparents TheirnamesareHenryandLindaBrown Thesearemyparents TheirnamesareBillandGraceBrown Thisismyuncle HisnameisJohn Thatboyismybrother HisnameisTony ThisisSusan Sheismyuncle sdaughter 单元自我综合评价二 21 Mary sbrotheris A SusanB JohnC TonyD Linda 22 BillisJohn s A fatherB brotherC uncleD son 23 HenryisSusan s A fatherB grandfatherC uncleD grandmother C 单元自我综合评价二 B B 单元自我综合评价二 24 GraceisSusan s A sisterB motherC auntD grandmother 25 TonyandMaryareSusan s A brothersB sistersC cousinsD friends C C 任务型阅读 10分 DearAlice Thankyouforthephotoofyourfamily Hereisaphotoofmyfamily Thisismygrandfather A Thesearemyparents Myfather snameisBillSmith Heis B Englishteacher MymotherisLindaSmith Sheisaworker C Thisgirlismysister 单元自我综合评价二 HernameisEmma Sheis13 SheisinClassTwo GradeEight Andthisisme I minClassOne GradeSeven Yours Henry 单元自我综合评价二 根据短文内容 完成下列各题 26 将画线句子 A 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 27 写出 B 处所缺的单词 单元自我综合评价二 Aretheseyourparents No theyaren t an 28 写出 C 处画线单词的对应词 29 WhatgradeisEmmain 30 HowoldisEmma That 单元自我综合评价二 SheisinGradeEight Sheis13 thirteen yearsold 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文 10分 Hi I mJackSmith Jackismyfirstname31 Smithismylastname Here32 twophotos Inthefirstphoto youcanseetwogirls Thegirlinaredjacketis33 sister HernameisJane Thegirlinayellowjacketismycousin She smy34 daughter In and 单元自我综合评价二 are my aunt s thenextphotoareagirlandtwoboys Thegirlismycousin too Sheisinabluejacket Whoaretheboys Theyaremygood35 TheyareBobandEric Thecoloroftheirjacketsisblack 单元自我综合评价二 friends 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 10分 36 I brotherisnexttome 37 Aretheyyour brother 38 The girl nameisMary 39 BobandJim be hisgoodfriends 40 Whatarethese it areerasers My 单元自我综合评价二 brothers girl s are They 41 this fourcupsareverynice 42 be thataphotoofyourfamily 43 Her parent areathome 44 Therearetwo photo ofmyfamilyonthewall 45 Are that yourrulers No theyaren t These 单元自我综合评价二 Is parents photos those 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 10分 46 我舅舅的儿子是我的表弟 sonismycousin 47 祝你玩得愉快 agood 48 这是我的父母 These my 单元自我综合评价二 Myuncle s Haveday areparents 49 这是一张我的全家福 Hereisa myfamily 50 我的父母在第一张照片中 thefirstphoto myparents 单元自我综合评价二 photoof Inare 按要求完成下列各题 每空一词 10分 51 Thisisaphoto 改为复数句 photos 52 Thosearebackpacks 改为单数句 backpack 53 Theyareourfriends 对画线部分提问 they 单元自我综合评价二 Theseare Thatisa Whoare 54 Thisismyfather Thisismymother 合并为一句 my 55 Thisishisbackpack 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 hisbackpack 单元自我综合评价二 Theseareparents Isthis Noitisn t 书面表达 20分 假如你是Peter 请根据下面提供的信息 写一篇50词左右的文章 题目为 MyFamily 要使用本单元学过的句型 This Thatis These Thoseare Hereis are 单元自我综合评价二 Onepossibleversion MyFamilyI mPeter IamfromAmerica Iam12yearsold Hereisaphotoofmyfamily Thesearemyparents Myfatherisadoctor Mymotherisateacher Thislittleboyismybrother Heis3yearsold Ihaveahappyfamily Ilovemyfamily 单元自我综合评价二


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