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theObjectClause 宾语从句 宾语从句 从句在全句中作宾语 宾语从句 时态 语序 1 That2 Whether if3 疑问词 引导词 连接词 连接代词 what whom whose whichwho连接副词 when where how why 主过从过去 主现从任意 主过从现表真理 客观情况看实际 宾语从句的语序为陈述句语序 一 引导词1 that引导的宾语从句 that无词义 非正式文体可省 Ithink that Icansellnewspapers Idon tthinkyouareright 2 Whether if引导的宾语从句 译为 是否 Couldyoutellmeif whether hecancome 当句末出现 ornot 时 只能用whetherIdon tknowwhetheritisgoingtorainornot前面有介词时只用whether WearetalkingaboutwhetherweshouldadmitstudentswatchingTV 3 连接词 疑问词引导的宾语从句 Heasked 谁能回答这个问题 2 Doyouknow 他们在等谁 whocouldanswerthequestion whomtheyarewaitingfor 3 Heasked 谁的书法是班上最好的 4 Pleasetellme 我们什么时候开会 5 Canyoutellme 他在哪儿 whosehandwritingwasthebestintheclass whenwe llhaveameeting whereheis 8 Couldyoutellme 我该怎么去车站 9 Wouldyoutellme 为什么火车迟到了 howIcangettothestation whythetrainislate 找引导词 Idon tknow hewillcometomorrow A ifB whetherC whatD bothAandBIdon tknow itisgoingtorainornottomorrow A ifB whetherC bothAandBIthink someoneforgottosweepthefloor A thatB C whereD bothAandBHeaskedme sheputthebooks A whatB whereC whoD that 答案 1 D2 B3 D4 B 二 时态 主过从过去 主现从任意 主过从现表真理 客观情况看实际 1 主句为现在时 从句的时态可以为任何时态 2 主句为过去时 从句的时态为过去时的一种 3 从句为客观真理 自然现象 永恒不变的规律 只用一般现在时 Itoldhimyesterdaythatthesunrisesintheeast andsetsinthewest 选择正确的选项A Couldyoutellme B Yes I llshowyou A whatshouldIdowiththecomputerB howcanIusethecomputerC howtousethecomputerD whatIhowtousethecomputer2 Couldyoutellme A wherethetwinswereB wherethetwinsareCwherearethetwins3 Doyouknow A wheredoesheliveB wherehedoesliveC wherehelivesD wherehelivesin4 Myfriendaskedme A whoisthegirlB whothegirlwasC whowasthegirlD whothegirlis5 Iwanttoknowthere A willwhogoB whowillgoC whodoesgoD whogo Thekeys 1 B2 B3 C4 B5 B 从句时态 时态任意 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般过去时 一般过去时 一般将来时 过去将来时 现在进行时 过去进行时 现在完成时 过去完成时 主句时态 一般现在时 一般过去时 连接前 连接后 1 Didyouunderstand A whatshesaidB whattosayC whatdidshesaidD howshehadsaid2 Thegirlisthinkingabout shewillgoabroadtostudyEnglishnextyear A ifB whatC whetherD when4 theteachersaidthat A thesunmovesaroundtheearthB theearthmovedaroundthesunC themoonisoursatelliteD themoonwasoursatellite5 Idon tknowwhenhe back Pleasetellhimthenewswhenhe back A come willcomeB comes comesc willcome comesD willcome willcome6 Idon tknowifhisuncle Ithinkhe ifheisfree A willcome comesB willcome willcomeC comescomesD comes willcome 宾语从句 时态 语序 1 That2 Whether if3 疑问词 1 主句为现在时 从句的时态可以为任何时态 2 主句为过去时 从句的时态为过去时的一种 3 从句为客观真理 自然现象 永恒不变的规律 只用一般现在时 宾语从句的语序为陈述句语序 引导词 Doyouremember 1 从句中有ornot时只用whether 2 前面有介词时只用whether 3 引导词为疑问词时 有时可以转换为 疑问词 不定式 的简单句 Examples 1 Idon tknowwhetherhewillcometothepartyornot 2 Healwaysthinksofwhetherhecandomoreforthepeaple 3 Idon tknowwhatIshouldwear Idon tknowwhattowear 把下列句子改为宾语从句 1 shesays She llseeafilm Shesays she afilm 2 DidPetercomehereyesterday LiLeiwantstoknow LiLeiwantstoknow Peter hereyesterday 3 Wheredoesshelive MrHuasked MrHuasked 4 Shesaid Openthewindows Shesaid thewindows 5 Theteachertoldus Don tplayonthestreet Theteachertoldus onthestreet 6 Ourgeographyteachertoldus Theearthgoesaroundthesun Ourgeographyteachertoldus theearth aroundthesun that see if came where she lived to open will not to play that goes 合并为一句 1 Areyouastudent sheaskedme 3 Isthetruckcollectingrubbishoutside Dadaskedme 4 Wewillholdasportsmeetingtomorrow Ourteachertolduswe 5 Howlonghasitbeenlikethis Themanaskedhow Sheaskedmeifyouare Dadaskedmeifthetruckwas Ourteachertolduswewould Themanaskedhowlongithadbeen 2 shewantstojointhePLA shesaid Shesaidthatshewantedto 6 willitsnowtomorrow Doyouknow 7 whereareourtickets Pleasetellme 8 Ihavealreadyfinishedreadingthisbook Shesaid 9 whattimedoesthetrainleave Doyouknow 10 Icandoitbymyself Ithink Doyouknowifitwill Pleasetellmewhereourticketare Shesaidthatshehad Doyouknowwhattimethetrainleaves IthinkthatIcandoit PuttheChinesesentencesintoEnglish 你知道他们将飞往什么地方吗 你知道他们哪天离开 你能告诉我他们订了几张票了吗 你能告诉到海口的机票要多少钱 Doyouknowwheretheyareflyingto Doyouknowwhentheyaregoingtoleave Couldyoutellmehowmanyticketstheybooked CouldyoutellmehowmuchitcoststoflytoHaikou Theend 谢谢本次课程到此结束


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