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2019届高三英语上学期阶段性质量检测试题 第卷(选择题,共 90分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a store. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hotel.2. Why does the man wear sunglasses?A. He wants to make himself look cool.B. He thinks it too sunny outside.C. He has some physical problems.3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Holiday plans. B. A part-time job. C. A course.4. Why does the woman live in the country?A. She works there.B. She loves the scenery.C. She thinks it convenient.5. What does the man think of the movie?A. Unsatisfying. B. Good. C. Boring. 第二节(共15小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What day is it today?A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.7. What does the man have to do?A. Miss the party. B. Rearrange his schedule.C. Have dinner with his parents as planned.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. How did the girl find out that her school was closed?A. From the radio. B. From a classmate. C. From the Internet.9. What do the speakers decide to do?A. Study math together. B. Stay at home. C. Have a snowball fight.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题。10. What color flower will the plant have?A. Red. B. Pink. C. Purple.11. When should the man put the flower in the garden?A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In autumn.12. How much will the man pay for the plant?A. $30. B. $10. C. $8.听第9段材料,回答第13-16题。13. What made the man decide to bee a cameraman?A. A book. B. A film. C. His uncle.14. What did the man win a prize for?A. A popular movie. B. A TV advertisement. C. An educational video.15. Who would the man like to work with in future?A. People with no training in acting.B. Students in Film Academy.C. Some famous actors.16. What does the man like most about his job?A. Working in wonderful places.B. Meeting interesting people.C. Seeing the world.听第10段材料,回答第17-20题。17. Where is the Royal Museum?A. Across from the library. B. Opposite the post office. C. Behind the Queens park.18. How long will the exhibition run?A. About two months. B. About four months. C. About six months.19. What is Kate Maine good at?A. Planting garden vegetables.B. Designing dining tables.C. Making pots and bowls.20. What will Cynthia Course introduce in the exhibition?A. Her silver jewelry. B. Her colored stones. C. Her white paper sculpture.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Below are some of the best exhibitions at UK museums,galleries and historic houses. 20 Years Of TreasureOxfordshire Museum Objects range from clay pipes and pots to gold coins and Elizabethan rings, all contributing to a deeper understanding of the areas history. Recent acquisitions such as a beautifully decorated pair of Roman calipers(卡尺)are on display for the first time. Many items are now part of the countys permanent collections, but there is also the opportunity to view discoveries that were recorded and returned to their finders. Opening times:TueSat,10 a. m. 5 p. m. Sun,2 p. m. 5 p. m. A History of FashionFashion Museum This display features the items that have shaped the way Britons have dressed over the last 500 years. Among them is a womans waistcoat dating back to the time of Shakespeare, a selection of silk robes that would have been desired by the upper-class people of Georgian society, a New Look suit worn in the 1920s by the ballet dancer Margot Fonteyn and a 21st century bodycon Galaxy dress. Opening times:Daily,10:30 a. m. 5 p. m. Another IndiaMuseum of Archaeology and Anthropology Marking the 70th anniversary of Indias independence from Britain,another India looks at the story of the countrys Indigenous and Adivasi people using a rich collection of artifacts. Never-before-seen objects from the museums collection are on display, together with several recently acquired works, including a number of newly created pieces by contemporary Adivasi sculptors. Opening times:TueSat,10:30 a. m. 4:30 P. m. Sun,l 2 noon4:30 p. m. Art since 911IWM London On display are 50 works of art including film,sculpture,painting,installations,photography and prints,bringing together the varying perspectives of more than 40 artists. Many exhibits are being shown in the UK for the first time. The exhibition is organized into four themes,exploring 911 itself,the resultant argument over state security,our relationship with weapons and other tools of war,and the damage caused to people and the environment. Opening times:Daily,10 a. m. 6 p. m. 21. What can we 1earn about the exhibits in Oxfordshire Museum?A. They all belong to the museum. B. They came from royal families. C. Some of them have never been on show before. D. Some of them were donated by other countries. 22. What does the fashion display reflect?A. The differences in dressing among Britons. B. The changes in Britons way of dressing. C. The way of Britons shaping their lives. D. The history of Britons making clothes. 23. Which of t he exhibitions explores the theme of war?A. Art since 911. B. A History of Fashion. C. Another India. D. 20 Years of Treasure. B These days,North Kickapoo Street in Shawnee,Oklahoma,is a four-lane road leading out to the highway,and lined with all kinds of places to eat and shop. But in the mid-1950s,it was just a gravel(砂砾)country road,the perfect place for our daddies to teach us how to drive. We didnt have drivers education at Shawnee High Schoo1. We were on our own. Mom took me to pick up an instruction handbook. I was the oldest of my friends,so we were excited at the prospect of a whole new world opening up. Wed have freedom to get around. Best of all,we could go to the Starlite DriveIn theater on 50-cents-a-carload night. Wed have it made. Mom let me back our 1949 Ford out of the garage a few times to get used to the clutch (离合器) and gearshift(变速排挡杆). I got familiar with the motion but was hardly ready for my road test. Finally,the day came for Daddy to give me a real lesson. He drove out to the end of the paved section of Kickapoo Street and across to where the gravel started. My daddy had e from a family of 10,and they had been farmers in a poor area in Oklahoma. There was only one way to do things,and that was the right way. Praises were rare,so when he expressed his approval it was special. I didnt want to experience his glare if I ground the clutch or the car shook as I tried to get it going. I took a deep breath,slowly let out the clutch,pushed the stick into second gear,eased down the road,and then carefully moved into third gear. He had me stop and repeat the procedure two or three more times until I came to the end of the section. I was feeling pretty good as I came to a stop and looked to Daddy for approval. He glared at me and then barked,“Youve been driving,havent you?” He must have thought Id been practicing in somebody elses car. I quickly explained that my training was all done on the Ford. That was 60 years ago. I can still see the nod he gave me when he said,“Well,you did a good job. ”24. How did the author learn to drive at the beginning?A. He was taught by his mother. B. He was taught at Shawnee High Schoo1. C. He learned to drive with the help of his father. D. He taught himself by an instruction handbook. 25. While Daddy was teaching him,the author operated carefully to_. A. pass the road test B. show his driving skillC. avoid making him angry D. stop the car being damaged 26. Why did Daddy glare at the author when he stopped?A. He thought he had been cheated. B. Something was wrong with the car. C. He was disappointed at his sons driving skill. D. The son didnt operate properly while driving. 27. Which of the following best describes Daddys character?A. Untalkative. B. Strict. C. Bad-tempered. D . Helpful. CThe Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans has added an unconventional course to its curriculum. Medical students can now take cooking classes in addition to their usual training. This is intended to improve doctors nutritional knowledge and encourage them to use food to prevent or cure illnesses. According to a survey,most medical students in the U.S. receive on average 20 hours of nutritional education throughout their entire education. This is an extremely low number,especially when one considers that diet is at the core(核心 )of many modern Western diseases. From Type 2 diabetes,heart disease,reflux to obesity,allergies,depression and arthritis,eating the right foods can go a long way towards recovery,while significantly reducing dependency on medicinal drugs. A big part of the problem is that nutritional guidelines in North America are vague,impractical,and difficult to apply. Everyone,from doctors to schoolchildren,learns about specific nutrients and percentages of remended daily intakes,but that doesnt translate easily to the grocery store. Training doctors to cook,however,takes nutritional education to a whole new level. Not only will doctors be able to explain which foods are best to eat,but they will also understand how to prepare them. Tulane medical students prepare for teaching future patients by offering free cooking classes to New Orleans residentsa mutually beneficial arrangement for everyone who shares that food. Fortunately,the model seems to be catching on. Already two other medical schools have licensed the curriculum and are adding it to their courses. Tulane also offers nutritional training for health-focused chefs from a nearby cooking school,which makes a lot of sense. After all,with the frequency with which North Americans eat out,we could all benefit from chefs who know how to balance nutrition with great taste. 28. What does the author want to tell us by listing the diseases in Paragraph 2?A. Proper diets help cure them. B. Proper diets can replace drugs. C. They are difficult to treat. D. They are typical western diseases. 29. Whats the authors attitude towards the present nutritional guidelines in America?A. Amazed. B. Confused. C. Dissatisfied. D. Interested. 30. What can we know about the course from the last paragraph?A. It will benefit chefs. B. It is being popular. C. It has a long way to go. D. It encourages eating out. 31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Take a Cooking Course B. Learn to Be a Good DoctorC. Live Your Life to the Full D. Let Food Be Your Medicine D Punks,Ravers,Mods and Teddy Boys. No,these arent some hot new bands,but the names of a number of British youth subcultures from the last 70 years. Youth Club,a UK not-for-profit organization,released a book earlier this year celebrating many different subcultures from throughout Britains recent history. “A catalyst(催化剂)for creativity on the worldwide stage,British youth culture movements from the Teddy Boys of the 1950s to the Grime Scene of the xxs continue to play a pioneering role in music,fashion and creativity across the globe,” it wrote on its website. These subcultures were traditionally a way for young people to show their personalities to others. Walking around London in the 1970s would have meant seeing dozens of young “punks”people dressed in ripped denim,leather jackets,body piercings and with brightly-dyed hair on the streets. And in the 90s,“ravers” were young people who threw all-night parties in abandoned buildings or car parks. So,what was the reason behind these subcultures? “On both sides of the Atlantic,more and more young disappointed teenagers were looking for an escape from the boredom and restrictions of society,”wrote Ian Youngs,BBC entertainment reporter. “Unemployment,racial tensions and social changes added fuel to their fires. ”Youth subcultures have almost disappeared in the West. Some experts believe the reason for this is the instant and low-priced availability of music and clothing in the Internet age. “Fashion and music,theyre much cheaper and theyre much faster today,” Ruth Adams,a culture lecturer at Kings College London told The Guardian. “When I was a teenager,you had to stick to one type of music or fashion,because it cost more money. Now,its all a bit vaguer,”she said,believing that its harder to figure out someones personality or music tastes nowadays just by looking at them. Despite this,Adams believes that todays young people are still finding their own way to express themselves,but in a more modern way. “Its certainly happening online,”she said. “Its a lot easier to use personas(伪装)online just by showcasing certain types of mysterious knowledge. ”32. What do we know about British youth subcultures?A. They date back to the 1970s. B. They were started by Youth Club. C. They are contemporary culture movements. D. They were a way for youths to express themselves. 33. What contributed to the appearance of these youth subcultures?A. The easy access to music and clothing. B. Young peoples desire for freedom and fun. C. The political pressure young people suffered. D. Young peoples longing for fame and wealth. 34. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 6 probably refer to?A. The faster and cheaper music. B. The instant and low-priced fashion. C. The disappearance of youth subcultures. D. The availability of music and clothing. 35. Which of the following would Ruth Adams probably agree with?A. Young people are less willing to express themselves. B. Young people are less interested in music and fashion. C. Music and fashion develop too fast for young people to follow. D. The Internet makes it harder to tell the youngs real personalities. 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Show respect for their life choices and decisions Accept that people arent always going to be just like you. They will make different life choices,have different views on politics and religion,and act differently in many ways. This doesnt mean they cant be your friend. 36 Give them the benefit of the doubt 37 If youre in doubt about something,ask your friend. Be respectful and give them the benefit of the doubt when you dont do. This alone will help you stay in their good graces(好感). Give friends your full attentionOne of the best ways to show respect for someone is to listen to them fully. Allow them to pause,convey nonverbal munication clues,collect their thoughts,and get it all out. Too often friends listen with half an ear or jump in the minute their friend pauses with an even worse story. 38 When your friend is talking,pay attention. 39 Treat your friends respectfully when you argue with them. Make your friendship a safe place by not embarrassing your friend or expressing your private disagreements in front of other people. Be publicly supportive and kind to your friends so they know you value your friendship with them. Show up,be there,and do what you say youre going to do 40 So just show your friend the best kind of respect by being on time,keeping promises,and being the one friend they can always count on. Thats the way to truly show respect. A. Assumptions can be a dangerous thing. B. Consider your friendship a precious gift. C. This type of behavior is very disrespectful. D. Tell your friends what you think about them directly. E. In fact,you can almost do nothing but accept the differences. F. It means that youll need to take a step back,reserve judgment,and show respect. G. No one likes an unreliable friend who says theyll be there and then doesnt show. 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共三节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I went with some colleagues from my office for a dinner in a very popular local restaurant. It was 41 business time and the restaurant was packed. We 42 found a table in a corner for three of us. As soon as we sat down,we heard a crash when a cleaning boy 43 the floor with all the plates he was carrying. There was 44 and no one was saying or doing anything. In a flash I remembered my 45 many years ago. Once,I 46 in the airport because I had rushed there on my own on an empty stomach. I was picked up and taken care of by two 47 . Now this was my chance to 48 it forward. I ran to the young mans side immediately,turned him on his back and screamed for someone to 49 a hot drink. Soon people started asking if I was a doctor. I said I was not, 50 I was skillful at blacking out(晕厥). The kid soon opened his eyes, 51 what had happened. I 52 him by saying it was OK and I had had a 53 experience. He had not eaten anything. I held the 54 drink to his mouth till he finished it and sat with him till he felt OK. By then the 55 had arrived. I asked her to give the kid something to eat. I offered to pay. The manager was kind enough to refuse the 56 and agreed to make sure the kid ate before he went home. By the time all this was 57 it was getting late for my colleagues. We hadnt 58 anything yet,so they decided to go home. I slowly walked home,not hungry any more,feeling 59 for the opportunity I pay forward the 60 I had received many years ago. 41. A. peak B. 1ocal C. spare D. regular42. A. actually B. finally C. eagerly D. gradually43. A. kicked B. touched C. hit D. swept44. A. silence B. danger C. doubt D. tension45. A. adventure B. flight C. experience D. 1esson46. A. showed up B. walked around C. settled down D. passed out47. A. friends B. strangers C. colleagues D. relatives48. A. pay B. return C. take D. put49. A. order B. buy C. serve D. bring50. A. and B. so C. because D. but51. A. knowing B. wondering C. ignoring D. arguing52. A. reminded B. forted C. answered D. encouraged53. A. memorable B. personal C. similar D. mon54. A. cool B. refreshing C. sweet D. warm55. A. customer B. manager C. waitress D. doctor56. A. payment B. reward C. suggestion D. support57. A. up B. away C. over D. behind58. A. prepared B. demanded C. received D. ordered59. A. ready B. anxious C. grateful D. fortable60. A. kindness B. honor C. inspiration D. service 第卷(非选择题,共 60分)第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。 You have just celebrated the Spring Festival with your family. While 61 (prepare)for the most important holiday of the year,you may e across an animal sign from the Chinese zodiac(生肖)on the paper cut decorations 62


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