
上传人:sh****n 文档编号:6399364 上传时间:2020-02-24 格式:PPT 页数:13 大小:381.24KB
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Unit1Thisismyday BReadandwrite watchTVgoshopping visitgrandparents playfootball gohiking 判断对错 1 ZipwatchesTVontheweekend 2 Zoomusuallygoesshopping 3 Zoomoftenplaysfootballontheweekend 4 ZoomandZipgohikingtogetherthisweekend 5 ZoomandZipcanplayfootball Zip watchTV A Whatdoyoudoontheweekend B UsuallyIwatchTVandgoshopping SometimesIvisitmygrandparents Whataboutyou A Ioftenplayfootball SometimesIgohiking B That sfun A Butnotthisweekend B Why A Theweatherreportsaysit sgoingtoraintomorrow Ican tplayfootballintherain Ican tgohiking either A Thencometomyhome Let swatchTVtogether B OK A Whatdoyou ontheweekend B UsuallyI and SometimesI Whataboutyou A Ioften SometimesI B That sfun A But thisweekend B Why A Theweatherreportsaysit sgoingtoraintomorrow Ican t intherain Ican t either A Thencometomyhome Let s together B OK do watchTV goshopping visitmygrandparents playfootball gohiking not playfootball gohiking watchTV A B UsuallyIwatchTVandgoshopping SometimesIvisitmygrandparents A Ioftenplayfootball SometimesIgohiking B A Butnotthisweekend B A Theweatherreportsaysit sgoingtoraintomorrow Ican tplayfootballintherain Ican tgohiking either A Thencometomyhome B OK 课文改编 ZipandZoomaregood Zipusually and ontheweekend SometimesZip Zoomoften ontheweekend SometimesZoom Buttheywill togetherthisweekend Becauseit sgoingto Theycan t and intherain friends playsfootball watchesTV goesshopping visitshergrandparents goeshiking watchTV rain playfootball gohiking 认真阅读下列表格 用打 的形式选出你周末经常或者是有时候做的事情 并根据你所选择的内容写一篇小短文 Iam Ilikeweekends Idon tgotoschool Ioften and onSaturdays SometimesI and onSundays Iamhappy 1 IoftenreadbooksonSaturdays 2 Theysometimeswatchvideosat5 30p m 3 Sheusuallydoeshomeworkat7 00p m 4 Johneatsdinnerat6 30 5 WeplaycomputergamesonSundays Whendoyouoftenreadbooks Whendotheysometimeswatchvideos Whendoessheusuallydohomework WhatdoesJohndoat6 30 WhatdoyoudoonSundays Iamastudent 2 Ioftenclimbmountainsontheweekend 3 Yes IusuallygohikingonSaturdays 4 Igotoschoolatabout7 20 课外阅读 Hello I mLinlin I mfromChina IstudyinHongyuPrimarySchool Iusuallygetupat6 30 Igotoschoolatabout7 00 IreadEnglisheverymorning IlikeEnglishverymuch Ieatlunchatschool Tomatoesaremyfavouritefood Theyarehealthy Ioftenplaythepianoafterschool Ienjoymyday 以 myweekend 为题 写一写你周末的活动情况 不少于5句话 Myweekend 补全对话 A Hello B I mastudent A B Well Ioftenplaysportsontheweekend A B Yes Iusuallyplayfootball sometimesIplaybasketball A Me too Let splaytogethernextweekend B Whatdoyoudo Whatdoyoudoontheweekend Doyouusuallyplayfootballontheweekend Great


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