浙江专用2020版高考英语大一轮新优化复习考点强化练35Unit5Travellingabroad新人教版选修7 .doc

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Unit 5 Travelling abroad .阅读理解(2018浙江杭州二模)It is halfway through October.The sun arrives early and I stare out my window,feeling shame for invading (侵犯) the privacy of the homeless woman who has settled across the street.I am not sure when she first appeared,maybe a month ago.Each morning I watch as she gets out from the narrow space between the two large buildings across from mine.She wears the same dirty,badly torn dress every day.I can see she fights to pull herself up into a standing position.She fails on the first two or three tries,but determination always wins out.She remains leaning against the wall for several long minutes,appearing to gather the necessary strength needed to pick up her possessionsall packed into five plastic bags.With tears in my eyes,I watch as she places her feet pointing outward to avoid falling.Her steps are measured and cautious as she slowly makes her way to the corner and disappears.When I first noticed this woman,I went across the street and offered her 20 dollars,but she turned her back to me and pretended not to see me.The expression on her face was one of shame,causing me to feel guilty for invading her privacy.The next night I bought a hotdog and a Coke,and left them in the spot when she was not there.Feeling like a spy,I watched as she ate the hotdog like a starving cat that had not eaten for days.I too often find myself plaining about life,but when I look out my window and see the old woman,I feel the need to apologize for my foolish pride in not realizing how fortunate I really am.There are many poor people in my town.I have bee familiar with many of their faces,and then suddenly they disappear.I know that one day the old woman will be gone and I will have no idea where she is.I fear that day.【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过对一位流浪老人的关注和帮助,产生了新的人生感悟。1.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?A.Life is tough for the homeless woman.B.Poverty causes the womans poor health.C.The woman doesnt care about her appearance.D.Possessions mean much to the woman.答案A解析主旨大意题。文章第二段主要描述了流浪老人破烂的衣着、寒酸的家当以及行走的艰难等,由此可知,A项“流浪老人的生活充满了艰辛”最符合题意。2.Why did the woman refuse the authors 20 dollars?A.The money didnt help much.B.She didnt like the author.C.Accepting money was guilty.D.She felt her dignity was hurt.答案D解析推理判断题。根据文章第三段第一、二句,尤其是“The expression on her face was one of shame”可知,当我施舍给流浪老人20美元的时候,她转过头去不理我,同时她的脸上有一种羞愧的表情。故可推知,她感到她的尊严受到了伤害。故选D项。3.What lesson does the author learn from the homeless woman?A.plaints can sometimes make life worse.B.He should appreciate his present life more.C.More is to be done to make life meaningful.D.We should all apologize for ignoring the poor.答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“I feel the need to apologize for my foolish pride in not realizing how fortunate I really am”可知,通过关注和帮助流浪老人,作者意识到了自己很幸运能拥有现在的一切,所以应该更加珍惜。故选B项。4.Which of the following words best describes the author of the text?A.Optimistic.B.Sympathetic.C.Determined.D.Easy-going.答案B解析推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,作者很同情并尽力去帮助流浪老人,故B项“同情的”符合题意。optimistic“乐观的”;determined“坚决的”;easy-going“随和的”。.完形填空Dr.Michael Schmoker is an educational author and former teacher.He shares in his book,Results Now,a 1 that found of 1,500 classrooms 2,85 percent of them had 3 less than 50 percent of the students.4,only 15 percent of the 5 kept more than half of the class paying attention to the lesson.He believes that the 6 of teachers can tell if a student is not 7.Most teachers act on what they see and 8 their instruction to try to attract all of their students.9,no matter how hard teachers work at making it interesting,a lecture is 10 a lecture,and having students simply listen is still a 11 action.The solution is simple: If a teacher wants to 12 student engagement(参与),then the teacher needs to increase student 13ask the students to do something with the knowledge and skills they have learned.14 the lecture with learning tasks.Let them practice.Have them moving.Get them 15.Make it so appealing that it will be 16 for students not to participate.The vital 17 to increase engagement is to put the learner in charge of learning.Create a 18 learning environment and a motivation to learn,and the students 19 do all the hard work of learning,while the teacher merely offers help and support.That sounds 20.【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。Michael Schmoker博士在他的研究中讲述了在课堂上观察到的现象,引出了一个教育问题并给出了建议:教师在课堂上应该怎样来提高学生的参与度,营造学习氛围,激发学习动机,让学生主动去学习。1.A.concernB.lessonC.study D.treasure答案C解析根据语境可知,Michael Schmoker博士是一位教育作者,以前也是一位老师。他在他的书中分享了自己的研究。故选C项。2.A.visited B.decorated C.used D.noticed答案A解析根据上文中的“former teacher”和下文可知,该研究是在视察了1,500个教室后所写。visit意为“视察,参观”。故选A项。3.A.taught B.admittedC.touched D.absorbed答案D解析根据语境可知,85%的教室只能使不到50%的学生全神贯注。absorb意为“吸收,使全神贯注”。故选D项。4.A.In a word B.Above allC.In other words D.To be honest答案C解析根据上文中的“85 percent of them”和下文中的“only 15 percent”可知,85%的教室能够使不到一半的学生集中精力,也就是说,只有15%的教室能使超过半数的学生集中精力上课。in other words意为“换句话说”,符合语境。5.A.teachers B.classroomsC.schools D.textbooks答案B解析根据上文可知,只有15%的教室能让一半以上的学生集中注意力听讲。此处指的是上文提到的1,500个教室中的15%,classrooms符合语境。6.A.majority B.minorityC.rest D.number答案A解析根据下文“Most teachers act on what they see”可知,他认为大多数教师都能够判断出一个学生是否对课堂不感兴趣。故选A项。7.A.hard-working B.brilliantC.satisfied D.interested答案D解析根据下文中的“making it interesting”可知,此处是指学生对老师的课是否不感兴趣。故选D项。8.A.organize B.receiveC.adjust D.continue答案C解析句意:大多数教师能根据课堂反应来调整自己的上课方式以吸引所有学生的注意力。adjust意为“调整”。故选C项。9.A.Moreover B.HoweverC.Therefore D.Otherwise答案B解析根据上下文可知,尽管教师尽力调整,然而,无论教师多么努力,课堂依旧是课堂。前后句构成转折关系。设空处位于句首且用逗号隔开,故用转折连词however连接。故选B项。10.A.always B.evenC.just D.still答案D解析根据语境可知,无论教师多么努力调整上课方式,课堂依旧是课堂。still意为“依然,依旧”,符合语境。11.A.dull B.passiveC.wrong D.practical答案B解析根据上文可知,无论教师如何努力调整上课方式,让学生听课始终是一个被动的行为。故选B项。12.A.value B.ignoreC.decrease D.promote答案D解析根据语境可知,改变这一被动行为的方法是提升学生们的参与度。promote意为“促进,提升”。故选D项。13.A.interest B.choiceC.activity D.achievement答案C解析根据下文中的“ask the students to do something with the knowledge and skills.”可知,教师需要增加学生的活动才能让他们参与进来。故选C项。14.A.Break up B.ment onC.Attend D.Deliver答案A解析根据语境可知,用学习任务分解课堂知识以让他们去练习。break up意为“分解”。故选A项。15.A.playing B.talkingC.laughing D.singing答案B解析根据语境可知,让学生去练习,让他们动起来,说出来,这样才能调动学生的积极性。故选B项。16.A.difficult B.possibleC.necessary D.unimportant答案A解析根据语境可知,老师调动了学生积极性,让整个课堂非常吸引人,这样学生不愿意参与都很难。difficult意为“困难的”,符合语境。17.A.standard B.decisionC.reason D.measure答案D解析根据上文内容并结合语境可知,提高学生参与度最关键的办法就是让学习者自主学习。此处应用与上文中的“solution”相对应的measure。故选D项。18.A.rich B.newC.safe D.modern答案A解析根据上文中的“Make it so appealing”并联系以往的教学环境可知,此处指营造一个丰富多彩的学习氛围和学习动机。rich意为“丰富的”,符合语境。故选A项。19.A.casually B.willinglyC.nervously D.busily答案B解析根据上文可知,学生有了学习的环境和动机,就会乐意去下功夫苦读。willingly意为“欣然地,愿意地”,符合语境。20.A.friendly B.ridiculousC.easy D.funny答案C解析根据语境可知,学生愿意下功夫苦读,而老师只是提供一些帮助和支持。这听起来还是很容易的。故选C项。.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。The days of staring attentively at the puter screen pretending to be interested in an assignment even though you are bored out of your mind may soon be ing to an end.Thats because if Dr.Harry Witchel has his way,puters of the future will be able to detect boredom and even react to it in real time.But before you get concerned,the machine is not reading your mind.It is just keeping track of the constant involuntary movements that people exhibit when in front of a puter or even a television.These are not the bigger instrumental actions like moving a mouse or using the remote,but subtle barely noticeable movements like scratching or stretching.Witchel says the level of movement is directly relative to how absorbed the person is in what he/she is reading or watching the higher the interest level,the lesser the movement!To test the theory Witchel and his team invited 27 people and exposed them to a variety of digital content for three minutes at a time.The activities ranged from playing online games to reading documents like the EU banking regulations that most people would find boring.A video motion tracker monitored their movements as they powered through each assignment.Just as the researchers had suspected,the involuntary actions decreased surprisingly,by as much as 42%,when the subjects were totally absorbed in what they were reading or seeing.Fortunately,the scientists are not planning to use the findings that were published in the online journal to create machines that report students who are not focusing at school.Instead,they believe that bining the motion detecting technology into future puters will help enhance(加强)the digital learning experience.The scientists say that being able to measure the students interest level will enable educators to adjust the materials in real time and reengage the student.Witchel also believes that the technology can provide filmmakers with honest audience opinions and in the future,also be used in developing more understanding panion robots.参考范文Dr.Harry Witchel is developing a puter that can discover and respond to boredom in real time.(要点1)The machine will know it by tracking the users unconscious movements like stretching or scratching.(要点2)They conclude the more the users are absorbed in a program,the less they use such movements.(要点3)In the future the puter can be applied to film-making or school education accordingly.(要点4)


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