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湖北省咸宁市重点高中2018届高三英语11月联考试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题!5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How did the speakers go to the capital city?A. By car.B. By bus.C. By train.2. Who will pay for the meal this time?A. The woman.B. The man.C. Both of them.3. What will the man do tonight?A. Go to the cinema.B. Work overtime.C. Watch TV.4. What will the weather be like this afternoon?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Foggy.5. What does the girl ask Peter to do?A. Look after her sister.B. Look after her dog.C. Take a trip with her.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why will Peter not go to Hong Kong?A. Because he will go to another place.B. Because he will be taking a test.C. Because he has to study for the geography test.7. What does Peter want Diana to do?A. Take a book to his friend.B. Help him with his study.C. Teach a geography lesson.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Who lives in France?A. John.B. Susan.C. Sara.9. What does the man think of Saras plan?A. Funny.B. Strange.C. Exciting.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How does the man want his hair cut?A. All off the sides.B. A little off the top.C. All off the back.11. Why was the man unhappy?A. The towel was too dirty.B. The woman cut his ear accidently.C. The woman got shampoo in his eyes.12. Where is the manager?A. He is on vacation.B. He is out for lunch.C. He is talking with others.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How long has Louise been working at the center?A. About 6 months.B. About 24 months.C. About 12 months.14. What might put children in danger according to Louise?A. Her inexperience.B. Her confidence.C. Her excitement.15. What kind of activities does Louise suggest for children?A. Activities that children like.B. Activities that havent been tried before.C. Activities that parents advise.16. What does Louise enjoy doing most about working with children?A. Seeing them have a lot of fun.B. Thinking of new things for them to do.C. Helping the less able ones achieve more.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What could get students to try harder at school?A. Giving them more help.B. The promise of a trip.C. Praising them.18. How many pupils test scores have been looked at by researchers?A. Over 10,000.B. Less than 10,000.C. Over 100.19. What does the lead researcher think they should look at?A. Students thoughts.B. Students family background.C. The things that got students to work harder.20. What is more important to children according to the education expert?A. Money.B. Homework.C. Good teachers.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Amunity Service AwardWhat do you do to make your munity a better place? How has volunteering changed you and the way you view the world? Write an essay describing your experiences and be recognized for all that you do. You can also give a description of the special person you meet during your volunteering and youll always remember and give him/her the chance to be recognized in a national magazine!PrizesEach year at least two teens are honored for outstanding service to their munity. Contest winners receive $ 100 for their favorite charity and a copy of the magazine featuring their winning essay. Plus, theyll have the opportunity to choose from an exciting selection of Teen Ink merchandise (商品)clothing and other itemsavailable only from Teen Ink. GuidelinesTeen Ink will only consider original essays written by teens. Essays should be between 150 and 1,000 words.Share a moving experience. Tell us about someone special you met through volunteer work. Describe what you do and why its important to you. Give examples and remember to use as much detail as possible. For more suggestions on how to write a winning essay, see our munity Service Writing Tips.Submit entries (参赛作品) through our website. All munity service-related pieces submitted to Teen Ink are automatically considered for the contest. See our submission guidelines for more information.DeadlinesThere are no deadlines for this contest. Entries are considered for publication in Teen Ink magazine and online throughout the year. Winners will be announced after the June issue is published.Heres how you can reach us:Our mailing address: Teen In Box 30 Newton, MA 02461Phone number: (617) 964 680021. Whom is the munity Service Award intended for?A. Volunteers for the munity service.B. Special people recognized difficultly.C. All the readers of a national magazine.D. Somebody viewing the world differently.22. What can we know about the prizes from Paragraph 2?A. Winners keep $ 100 for themselves.B. The prizes are randomly distributed.C. The awards are unique to the magazine.D. Winners get many copies of the magazine.23. When will the readers know the result of the contest?A. At the beginning of a year.B. In June or July every year.C. At the end of every year.D. Anytime throughout the year.BDuring my first seven terms as a medical student, I spent most of my time studying and in classrooms. I rarely spoke with real patients in a hospital setting. Then I started visiting the neurology ward (病房) at Dr. Sardjito Hospital. I was gathering data for my research paper about strokes.One rainy evening last October, I was in the neurology ward desperately “hunting” for the final three patients I needed to plete my study. The records showed that there was a 43- year-old stroke patient, whom I will call Ms A, in the ward. After I finished the questionnaire, I prepared to leave so I could go through more medical records.“Doctor, do you think I can get back my normal life?” Ms A asked suddenly. Deep in my heart, I thought, “I wish I was your doctor so I could answer you properly.”I replied that while I didnt know much about her case, I could tell her what I had learned about the recovery of stroke patients. Depending on the severity of the stroke, quite a number recovered. I was unwilling to go into too much detail as I was only a medical student.Before I could stand up, Ms A said, “My husband died a year ago and Im the sole breadwinner of my family. We are not rich and my pay as a cleaner is exactly enough for me and my three kids.”I didnt know what to say. Without realizing it, I had begun holding Ms As hand. Since I didnt have anything to say, I just sat quietly while she talked. Thats when it occurred to me that she was not expecting any reply from me. She just wanted me to listen. Ms A taught me one of the most important lessons a doctor can learn. Sometimes patients do not need expensive medicine or state of the art technology. They just need someone with the patience and willingness to lend an ear and spare a little of their time.24. Why did the writer go to Dr. Sardjito Hospital?A. To prepare for her research paper.B. To municate with real patients.C. To take a record of stroke patients.D. To cure patients of their stroke.25. Asked about Ms As illness, what did the writer do?A. Hesitated to tell her the truth.B. forted her with a general reply.C. Advised her to wait for her doctor.D. Told her the recovery in detail.26. While Ms A was talking, the writer .A. paid little attention to her wordsB. felt empty in mindC. showed sympathy by holding her handsD. was eager to go through more medical records27. What lesson did the writer learn from Ms A?A. Doctors lend patients money willingly.B. Modern technology fails to save a patient.C. Patients cant afford expensive medicine.D. Sometimes patients need to be listened to.CHere are Dr Hartmanns top tips for how to control emotions successfullyyes, you can learn to control your emotions and master your emotions, its not even difficultyou just need to know how.The first step to control anything at all is not to be afraid of it. Understand that emotions are simply feedback devices that let you know how your energy system is doing. Emotions can hurt. Once you know emotions for what they are, simple feedback devices, you can stop being afraid of your emotions and take a totally different way to control them.Instead of ignoring these emotions in the body, start to learn when and how it happens that you start to feel tight, hot, trembling and so on. Pay attention to the signals from your body that are the bad emotions. Find out where your worst places are and where you feel most of your emotionsfor some people its in the head, others feel most of their emotions in their throat, heart, chest or stomach.The stronger the energy body is, the more it can keep away from triggers (诱因) that cause painful emotions. Make sure you eat well, sleep well and exercise; but the energy body also needs other energy forms to remain healthy. Attention energy is the most powerful. Get people to pay attention to you. Besides, the unconditional attention from animals and young children, for example, can be extremely healing. To form your energy immune (免疫的) system, why not start now?The next time you have an emotion you want to control, sit down, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Where do I feel this emotion in my body?” Pay attention and dont give up too easily. Even if it feels at first that the emotion is “everywhere” you can ask yourself, “Ok, so its everywherebut where is it worst of all? Where is the center?”28. If a person knows what emotions are, he can .A. bee an expertB. treat his diseaseC. help others live a better lifeD. control his emotions successfully29. What suggestion does the author disagree with?A. Learning when and how emotions happen.B. Taking care of the signals from your body.C. Ignoring these emotions in the body.D. Finding out where your worst places are and where you feel most of your emotions.30. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. Just eat well and sleep well.B. Build up the emotional immune system.C. Get more people to pay attention.D. Play more with kids and animals.31. In Paragraph 5, the author warns the readers .A. to sit downB. to breathe deeplyC. never to give up earlyD. to ask themselves at timesDWhen faced with adversity (逆境), humans make sense of their experiences through storytelling. Scholars also have found that women, in particular, express their emotions through “narrative sense-making” and relate to and support each other by telling stories in everyday contexts. This is especially true when it es to mothers and daughters. Now, a recent study from the University of Missouri has found that daughters “re-author” stories about adversity over time, often increasing the positivity of those stories through narrative. Scientists believe these changes in storytelling can improve mother and daughter interpersonal relationships and well-being.“The goal of the research was to understand how munication can change the way daughters make sense of their experiences,” said Haley Horstman, a narrative Scholar and assistant professor of interpersonal and family munication in the College of Arts and Science at University of Missouri. “When dealing with difficult situations from death to problems in school, how a daughter municates with her mother will impact her overall well-being. We wanted to learn how aspects of interpersonal munication such as perspective-taking, coherence and taking turns impact how we make sense of adversity.”In the study, Horstman had 62 daughters write out a story of a difficulty they were experiencing and plete a well-being survey. The daughters then met with their mothers to tell their stories. Two days later, the daughters pleted another written survey with the story-writing prompt (提示) and measures of well-being. In analyzing the results, Horstman found that the stories between mothers and daughters changed over time and with respect to qualities of the mother-daughter conversation. Researchers found that by taking turns and sharing each others perspectives during their conversation, daughters tended to write their stories more positively over time.“The result of this study is that our narratives matter,” said Horstman. “Interpersonal munication has the power to change the way we make sense of our lives. If mothers can foster (促进) warmth and affection in their conversations, and if daughters listen to their mothers perspective, the conversations can help daughters work through negative emotions associated with stress.”Horstman and her colleagues study, “Unfolding narrative meaning over time: The contributions of mother-daughter conversations of difficulty on daughter narrative sense- making and well-being,” was published in munication Monographs. The paper was presented on the Top Four Panel of the Interpersonal munication Division at the National munication Association Convention in November 2014.32. Which of the following people are more willing to tell their stories when facing adversity?A. Young boys.B. School teachers.C. Women.D. Little kids.33. We can infer that daughters storytelling are .A. promisingB. positiveC. passiveD. touching34. What do Haley Horstmans words in Paragraph 2 tell us?A. The goal of the research was to know the relationship between mothers and daughters.B. The munications with mothers are significant for daughters future.C. Interpersonal munication can change peoples adversity.D. Interpersonal munication like coherence and taking turns isnt related to adversity.35. What does Haley Horstman agree with according to the study?A. Some daughters didnt plete a well-being survey.B. Daughters words impacted mothers when dealing with difficulty.C. Daughters shared perspectives with mothers during their conversation.D. Mothers should give warmth and affection to daughters absolutely.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If you experienced a loss or a move to another place, you may feel youre in disorder. Here are some tips to adapt to change. 36 Change can bring all kinds of emotions up and dread is one of them. You need to e to a place of acceptance once the shock of the event happens. Life keeps moving and we are either going with it or we will be defeated. You must accept the situation. Approach change as a process and be ready to move at your own pace.Face your fears. 37 Start journaling and writing about your fears of what was lost or whatever change is impacting you. Sometimes we can get to the root when we can see it in front of us. Sometimes we need to step back in order to move forward. Facing your fears may seem like backtracking,but youre actually making progress,despite what you may be feeling.Change your view.You can think of change as being medicine, which tastes gross but has a good result. Although change can be painful, it also makes you grow. Change can help usher in new business associates, friends, hobbies and new ideas. Be on the lookout for good changes, and bee more open to the unexpected treasure that await you. 38 Find support.You can really learn from other people on how they survived change and transition. 39 Admitting that we need help is hard, but you will be surprised how positive people respond. Find support from others, there are more people that are willing to help you than you probably realize. Lets face it, sometimes you cant do it on your own.Love yourself.Sometimes when life hits you and makes your land face-down, you can really hate yourself. You may hate yourself for not being more kind, responsive or doing the best job at the time, but this will allow life to feel even more pessimistic. 40 Go over this until youre assured.A. Find acceptance.B. Make you stronger.C. They can see it more objectively than you can.D. Fear can stop you from making progress and from growing.E. List the things that you acplished in the past and all of your positive characteristics.F. Allow change to be loving teachers to help you master and to help you bee a better human being.G. It takes more time to see the benefits, remain faithful and motivated to see the positives that e from reconstructing your outlook.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Myles isnt really his name, just what I call him. For the past year and a half, I 41 Myles almost every workday morning. In the beginning I 42 Myles. After all, hes just a beggar on the freeway off-ramp (匝道) who 43 people at a stoplight that seems to always be red.Over time a few things dawned on me. The first was that it was always the 44 guy at this off-ramp. The next was that he never actually 45 anything. He just danced and waved at everyone. Then 46 , and perhaps the most important, was that he was ALWAYS 47 . Some days he was dancing and playing a guitar. Most days hed wave a cardboard at cars, smiling.Myles slowly became part of my morning 48 . I noticed this one day, only because he wasnt there and 49 danced and waved at me. I 50 him. I worried something had happened to him. I 51 to look for him every morning as I came down the ramp to that red light.One morning, after one of these 52 , I was so relieved to see him that it was like the sun had e out after a week-long storm. I sat at the red light, watching his morning 53 . I realized that I, too, was smiling and 54 myself waving back. Wow, something as 55 as a wave brought 56 to my whole day. I finished the drive to work that morning, feeling lighter and happier.I 57 you now. Look around you. Look at your life, your surroundings, and 58 just your grocery store with eyes that truly see. What 59 lies in front of you. Do you have a Myles in your life you havent noticed yet? Watch for them. They will 60 your life in ways you cant even dream.41. A. joinedB. knewC. contactedD. saw42. A. identifiedB. ignoredC. avoidedD. supported43. A. stopsB. amusesC. trapsD. greets44. A. sameB. poorC. disgustingD. special45. A. gave awayB. held upC. picked upD. asked for46. A. actuallyB. absolutelyC. eventuallyD. essentially47. A. happyB. helpfulC. inspiringD. stressful48. A. scheduleB. routineC. drillD. regulation49. A. somebodyB. everybodyC. anybodyD. nobody50. A. missedB. admiredC. searchedD. abandoned51. A. continuedB. intendedC. startedD. stopped52. A. preparationsB. absencesC. endeavorsD. failures53. A. movingB. workingC. exercisingD. dancing54. A. keptB. suggestedC. foundD. imagined55. A. smallB. strangeC. obviousD. mon56. A. victoriesB. acplishmentsC. motivationsD. blessings57. A. remindB. challengeC. approveD. accept58. A. evenB stillC everD nearly59. A. confusionB secretC magicD beauty60. A. changeB enrichC protectD touch 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinas tourism market was in stable operation on the 61 (five) of the National Day holiday with 93 million Chinese tourists traveling around the country, the China National Tourism Administration 62 (say) on Thursday.The figure represents 63 increase of 12.1 percent year on year.Domestic 64 (tourist) spent 76.3 billion yuan on the day, up 14.7 percent year on year. The National Day holiday, 65 runs from Oct. 1 to 8, sees a surge in passenger flows as le

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