江苏省2020年高考英语总复习 专题六 情态动词和虚拟语气学案(含解析).docx

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江苏省2020年高考英语总复习 专题六 情态动词和虚拟语气学案(含解析).docx_第1页
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专题六情态动词和虚拟语气挖命题【考情探究】考点内容20182017201620152014合计预测热度情态动词和虚拟语气常见情态动词的基本用法及相互间的异同;情态动词表示推测意义的用法;情态动词在虚拟语气中的使用以及虚拟语气在不同句式中的运用。211116分析解读近几年江苏高考英语对情态动词和虚拟语气的考查趋于稳定,主要集中在常用的情态动词的基本用法和虚拟语气在不同句式中的运用上,两者常会结合在一起考查。试题通过语境体现说话者的语气、情感、态度、观点等。命题立意不偏不怪,情景逼真,设问角度趋于细微化和综合化。【真题典例】破考点【考点集训】1.(2018江苏常州一模,29)Why didnt you move to another city when you finished your further study abroad?I wanted to, but she simply let me go.A.couldntB.wouldntC.shouldnt haveD.mustnt have答案B2.(2018江苏苏锡常镇5月教学情况调研,34)Its so cold here!Why havent you turned on your air conditioner?Well, it turn on.A.shouldntB.cantC.wont D.shant答案C3.(2018江苏苏北六市3月联考,25) What a relief!We would still be wandering aimlessly in the woods to bring a compass with you.A.should you forgetB.had you forgottenC.you should forgetD.you had forgotten答案B4.(2018江苏泰州中学3月检测,27) if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?A.Would you be surprisedB.Were you surprisedC.Had you been surprisedD.Would you have been surprised答案D5.(2017江苏苏北六市3月联考,28)I have no idea what made the students so excited and crazy. it have been their teams victory in the finals?A.MustB.CouldC.WouldD.Should答案B6.(2017江苏苏锡常镇一模,33)Nowadays people seem to become more and more selfish.How much better life would be if we to the values of the past!A.were to return B.had returnedC.returnD.will return答案A7.(2017江苏联盟2月联考,34)Helen, are you going to the airport to pick up Jack the day after tomorrow? tomorrow night, I would pick him up.A.Were he to come back B.If he was about to come backC.Had he come backD.If he would come back答案A炼技法【方法集训】方法一1.(2018江苏苏锡常镇5月教学情况调研,23) People from across the world gathered in London to hear Big Bens last regular chime and some of them even cried, as if they a friends funeral.A.attendedB.have attendedC.were attendingD.would attend答案C2.(2018江苏南京、盐城一模,30) During my first year abroad, I was so busy studying and meeting new people that I did not phone my parents as often as I . A.shouldB.wouldC.should haveD.would have答案C3.(2017江苏南京、盐城二模,32)He was greatly shocked at Donald Trumps taking office. Never did he expect that the voters be so unreasonable. A.shouldB.couldC.wouldD.might答案A4.(2017江苏苏锡常镇一模,23)Sherry rang to say she was too busy to come.Well, she say that. She is always making excuses.A.mustnt B.wouldC.needntD.should 答案B方法二1.(2018江苏镇江一模,25) Volunteers and charities, as well as many churches, arrange meals for the homeless and those who otherwise be alone on Christmas Day.A.canB.shouldC.wouldD.may答案C2.(2017江苏南通如皋联考,13)Emphasis is laid on the necessity that all the objectives to be attainedinto account before starting a new project. A.be takenB.should takeC.would be takenD.have to be taken答案A3.(2017江苏苏北四市第一次调研,34)So boring and exhausted! Id rather I hadnt been invited to the party.Oh, no. If so, I a quiet night at home.A.didnt enjoyB.hadnt enjoyedC.couldnt have enjoyedD.couldnt enjoy答案C4.(2017江苏南通一模,27)Im sorry to say I failed to meet the deadline. With better equipment, I the task on schedule.A.would accomplish B.might have accomplishedC.must have accomplishedD.could accomplish 答案B过专题【五年高考】A组自主命题江苏卷题组1.(2018江苏,27)There is a good social life in the village, and I wish Ia second chance to become more involved.A.hadB.will haveC.would have hadD.have had答案A2.(2017江苏,22)not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.A.It wereB.Were itC.It wasD.Was it答案B3.(2016江苏,27)If it for his invitation the other day,I should not be here now.A.had not beenB.should not beC.were not to beD.should not have been答案A4.(2015江苏,28)It might have saved me some troublethe schedule.A.did I knowB.have I knownC.do I knowD.had I known答案D5.(2014江苏,31)It was sad to me that they,so poor themselves,bring me food.A.mightB.wouldC.shouldD.could答案CB组统一命题、省(区、市)卷题组1.(2018北京,12)In todays information age, the loss of data cause serious problems for a company.A.needB.shouldC.canD.must答案C2.(2018天津,15)If wethe flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach now.A.had caughtB.caughtC.have caughtD.would catch答案A3.(2018北京,13)They might have found a better hotel if they a few more kilometers.A.droveB.would driveC.were to driveD.had driven答案D4.(2018天津,10)I cant find my purse. Iit in the supermarket yesterday, but Im not sure.A.should leaveB.must have leftC.might leaveD.could have left答案D5.(2017北京,21)Samuel, the tallest boy in our class,easily reach the books on the top shelf.A.mustB.shouldC.canD.need答案C6.(2017北京,34)If the new safety systemto use, the accident would never have happened.A.had been putB.were putC.should be putD.would be put答案A7.(2017天津,2)My room is a mess, but Iclean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning.A.darentB.shouldntC.needntD.mustnt答案C8.(2017天津,15)Do you have Bettys phone number?Yes. Otherwise, Iable to reach her yesterday.A.hadnt beenB.wouldnt have beenC.werentD.wouldnt be答案B9.(2016天津,5)It was really annoying;Iget access to the data bank you had recommended.A.wouldntB.couldntC.shouldntD.neednt答案B10.(2016天津,15)I was wearing a seat belt. If I hadnt been wearing one,I.A.were injuredB.would be injuredC.had been injuredD.would have been injured答案D11.(2016浙江,15)Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS-related deathssince their highest in 2005.A.had not fallenB.would not fallC.did not fallD.would not have fallen答案D12.(2016浙江,17)Georgetoo far. His coffee is still warm.A.must have goneB.might have goneC.cant have goneD.neednt have gone答案C13.(2016北京,34)Why didnt you tell me about your trouble last week? If youme, I could have helped.A.toldB.had toldC.were to tellD.would tell答案B14.(2015北京,29)Cant you stay a little longer?Its getting late.I reallygo now.My daughter is home alone.A.mayB.canC.mustD.dare答案C15.(2015北京,34)If Iit with my own eyes,I wouldnt have believed it.A.didnt seeB.werent seeingC.wouldnt seeD.hadnt seen答案D16.(2015天津,7)Ihave worried before I came to the new school,for my classmates here are very friendly to me.A.mightntB.mustntC.needntD.couldnt答案C17.(2015天津,13)I wish Iat my sisters wedding last Tuesday,but I was on a business trip in New York then.A.will beB.would beC.have been D.had been答案D18.(2015福建,27)Sorry,Mum!I failed the job interview again.Oh,its too bad.Youhave made full preparations.A.mustB.can C.wouldD.should答案D19.(2015陕西,21)Youfeel all the training a waste of time,but Im a hundred percent sure later youll be grateful you did it.A.shouldB.needC.shallD.may答案D20.(2015陕西,23)Ellen is a fantastic dancer.I wish Ias well as her.A.danceB.will danceC.had dancedD.danced答案D21.(2015重庆,7)Without his wartime experiences,Hemingwayhis famous novel A Farewell to Arms.A.didnt writeB.hadnt writtenC.wouldnt writeD.wouldnt have written答案D22.(2015重庆,12)Yoube Carol.You havent changed a bit after all these years.A.mustB.canC.willD.shall答案A23.(2014北京,27)I have a word with you?It wont take long.A.CanB.MustC.ShallD.Should答案A24.(2014四川,6)I still remember my happy childhood when my mothertake me to Disneyland at weekends.A.mightB.mustC.wouldD.should答案C25.(2014江西,30)Life is unpredictable;even the poorestbecome the richest.A.shallB.mustC.needD.might答案D26.(2014福建,32)no modern telecommunications,we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.A.Were thereB.Had there beenC.If there areD.If there have been答案A27.(2014陕西,23)We would rather our daughterat home with us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child any longer.A.would stayB.has stayedC.stayedD.stay答案C28.(2014浙江,16)They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation,or theyto our help.A.would have comeB.could comeC.have comeD.had come答案AC组教师专用题组1.(2016北京,31)I love the weekend, because Iget up early on Saturdays and Sundays.A.needntB.mustntC.wouldntD.shouldnt答案A2.(2015四川,2)Yoube careful with the camera.It costs!A.mustB.mayC.canD.will答案A3.(2015浙江,4)It was so noisy that wehear ourselves speak.A.couldntB.shouldntC.mustntD.neednt答案A4.(2015安徽,32)It is lucky we booked a room,or we nowhere to stay now.A.hadB.had hadC.would haveD.would have had答案C5.(2015北京,34)If Iit with my own eyes,I wouldnt have believed it.A.didnt seeB.werent seeingC.wouldnt seeD.hadnt seen答案D6.(2014重庆,3)Ive ordered some pizza,so weworry about cooking when we get home tired.A.cantB.dare notC.needntD.may not答案C7.(2014湖南,25)Ive prepared all kinds of food for the picnic.Do you mean webring anything with us?A.cantB.mustntC.shantD.neednt答案D8.(2014陕西,25)My book,The House of Hades,is missing.Whohave taken it?A.needB.mustC.shouldD.could答案D9.(2014大纲全国,30)Although youfind bargains in London,its not generally a cheap place to shop.A.shouldB.needC.mustD.can答案D10.(2014重庆,13)It was John who broke the window.Why are you talking to me as if Iit?A.had doneB.have doneC.didD.am doing答案A11.(2014天津,15)the morning train,he would not have been late for the meeting.A.Did he catchB.Should he catchC.Has he caughtD.Had he caught答案D12.(2014安徽,30)People are recycling many things which theyaway in the past.A.had thrownB.will be throwingC.were throwingD.would have thrown答案D13.(2014湖南,22)If Mr.Deweypresent,he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there.A.wereB.had beenC.should beD.was答案B【三年模拟】A组20172019年模拟基础题组1.(2019届江苏淮安清江中学期初检测,10)Your windows are still open? Its so cold! Oh, sorry. They .A.arent closingB.wont closeC.wont be closedD.arent closed答案B2.(2019届江苏部分四星高中第一次调研,26)This nationwide smog should serve as a reminder to all,indicating a high time that we on what weve done to the environment.A.have reflectedB.are reflectingC.will reflect D.reflected答案D3.(2019届江苏淮安清江中学期初检测,9)Hi, have you seen my schoolbag? Its nowhere to be found.Youre so careless! it on the playground again?A.May you leaveB.Can you have leftC.Could you leaveD.Must you have left答案B4.(2019届江苏淮安清江中学期初检测,5)The little girl the operation last week had it not been for the donations from society.A.couldnt have receivedB.couldnt receiveC.shouldnt have receivedD.wouldnt receive答案A5.(2018江苏如东高级中学期中,43)Anyonebe a victim of road accidents if he doesnt observe traffic regulations.A.canB.mustC.shouldD.shall答案A6.(2018江苏泰州中学月考,27)Hey,the boy with a blue backpack come over here?We need another hand with this table.Me?Oh,sorry,but Ive got an injury in my leg.A.shallB.wouldC.shouldD.must答案B7.(2018江苏无锡期中,28)But for the survival instinct that nearly all creatures have, more species from the earth.A.could disappearB.might have disappearedC.should disappearD.will have disappeared答案B8.(2018江苏如东高级中学期中,40)Its too bad that my computer has got a new virus. If only Ithat programme!A.didnt runB.havent runC.hadnt runD.wouldnt run答案C9.(2018江苏启东中学第二次月考,25)The gap between the rich and the poor makes it essential that the government a new solution to the problem.A.must adoptB.adoptC.can adoptD.adopts答案B10.(2018江苏宝应中学第一次月考,24)There being a hospital nearby, the man saved. A.will beB.will have beenC.would beD.would have been答案D11.(2018江苏徐州期中,22)This short novel would not be remembered todaynot for Faulkners later works.A.it wereB.were itC.it wasD.was it答案B12.(2017江苏苏州期中,24)A recent study shows that being pulled into the world of an interesting novelmake some actual, measurable changes in the brain.A.shouldB.needC.shallD.can答案D13.(2017江苏南通、徐州10月联考,43)The door open, no matter how hard she pushed.A.shouldntB.couldntC.wouldntD.mightnt答案C 14.(2017江苏四校联考,30)Being the young generation in China,they take up all of the challenges and opportunities that this country offers?Absolutely.A.mustntB.mightntC.shouldntD.couldnt答案C15.(2017江苏无锡期末,33)According to the school rule, no childbe allowed out of the school, unless accompanied by his own parents.A.shouldB.mustC.shallD.can答案C 16.(2017江苏七校联考,27)Have you seen the film Operation Mekong?Yes. Its said that the filmin Thailand should it be found to damage the image of the country.A.would be bannedB.has been bannedC.will be bannedD.had been banned答案AB组20172019年模拟综合题组1.(2019届江苏淮安清江中学期初检测,1)Lily could have passed the test, but she hard enough.A.doesnt work B.didnt workC.hasnt workedD.hadnt worked答案B2.(2019届江苏南京9月学情调研考试,12)Mr. Wills, who was being helped up onto the platform to take the prize, looked as if he by lightning.A.was just struckB.were just struckC.would just be struckD.had just been struck答案D3.(2019届江苏徐州一中阶段性检测一,32)The virtual reality the impression that everybody is gloriously attractive, but for the social media like WeChat and QQ having posted of people showing off their apparently good lives. A.have conveyedB.would have conveyedC.wouldnt have conveyedD.havent conveyed 答案C4.(2019届江苏泰州中学、宜兴中学第一次月考,33)Admitting your own ignorance was at the heart of Socrates method. Through a process of repeated questioning, healways attempt to tease the truth out of the people he was conversing with.A.shouldB.shallC.wouldD.will答案C5.(2019届江苏南通中学10月阶段考试,33)He would be in better health nowwith too much work when young.A.had he not burdened himselfB.if he was not burdenedC.were he not burdenedD.had he not been burdened himself答案A6.(2019届江苏苏州4市5区期中调研,29)There is always temptation to hide away from our emotions.But Id rather we a way of being more outspoken, more honest, and truer to ourselves.A.findB.shall findC.foundD.have found答案C7.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中期初模拟,29)anyone come to my office, please tell them Im not available before four oclock.A.MightB.CouldC.WouldD.Should答案D8.(2019届江苏常州武进期中,28)It seems strange that the old man have returned to college to finish the degree he left undone four decades ago.A.wouldB.should C.could D.might答案B9.(2018江苏海安高中月考,28)You must be tired after the flight. Youd better take a good rest.Yes,I.Thank you.A.willB.shouldC.mayD.would答案A10.(2018江苏溧阳高三调研测试,25) Failure has brought me benefits,teaching me things about myself that Ino other way.A.could have learnedB.neednt have learnedC.should have learnedD.wouldnt have learned答案A11.(2018江苏盐城期中,33)Online learning resources would cease to be effective or even have negative effects to use them wisely and flexibly.A.should the students failB.if the students failC.had the students failedD.if the students have failed答案A12.(2018江苏丹阳高级中学期中,34)Recently, a group of scientists worked together to successfully “edit” a human embryo and remove a genetic mutation (变异) that heart disease otherwise. A.had led toB.would lead toC.would have led toD.led to答案C13.(2017江苏苏州高三上学期期中,23)It was such a difficult examination that a lot of students were unable to finish it on time.Thats the case. Its hard to accept the fact that over 90% of my classmates .A.should failB.should have failedC.will failD.may fail答案B 14.(2017江苏泰州中学期中,35)The suggestion our teacherat the meeting is that studentstheir lessons in time after learning.A.made;reviewB.make;reviewC.should make;reviewedD.made;reviewed答案A15.(2017江苏扬州高三上学期期末,27)I think that conflict is unlikely to happen, but if it, the interest of both China and the U.S. would be severely damaged.A.would occurB.had occurredC.were to occurD.occurs答案C16.(2017江苏苏州高三上学期期中,26)the danger of travelling on the lonely island, they would not be trapped now.A.Have they been informed ofB.Were they informed ofC.Should they be informed ofD.Had they been informed of答案D

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