(江苏专用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Language练习(含解析)牛津译林版必修3.doc

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必修三 Unit 2 Language检测评价A卷.单项填空1_ (H)headmaster Smith is quite good at painting and it is said that he is _ Picasso.AThe; /B/; aC/; / DThe; a解析:选B句意:史密斯校长很擅长绘画,据说他是又一位毕加索。本句中headmaster表示职位,其前不用冠词;第二空表示的是他被称为又一位毕加索,故使用不定冠词a,表示泛指。故选B项。2The good result _ the correct methods, that is to say, correct methods _ the good result.Aresults in; lie in Bresults in; lie toClies in; result in Dlies to; result in解析:选C句意:好的结果在于正确的方法,也就是说,正确的方法导致好的结果。lie in“在于”;result in“导致”。所以选C。3(2019盐城模拟)We tend to _ happiness with freedom, but, as a psychotherapist and writer has observed, without obstacles to our desires its harder to know what we want, or where were heading.Abine BpareCequip Dequate解析:选D句意:我们往往会将幸福和自由等同,但是正如一位心理治疗师兼作家所观察到的那样,如果欲望没有障碍,我们就不会知道自己想要什么,也不知道自己要去往何处。bine“结合”;pare“比较”;equip“装备”;equate“等同于”。根据句意可知选D。4Dogs have a far wider hearing range than humans, _ them able to detect sounds far above a humans hearing limit.Amaking BmadeChaving made Dto be made解析:选A考查非谓语动词。句意:狗的听觉范围比人类大得多,这使它们能够探测到远远超过人类听力极限的声音。此处是现在分词作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。故选A。5To _ the attendants awareness of service, the two panies launched a program for their attendants to exchange experience on Nov.1.Aarise BraiseCrise Dattract解析:选B句意:为了提高服务人员的服务意识,在11月1日,这两家公司为他们的服务人员发起了一次相互交流经验的活动。raise及物动词“提高”;rise不及物动词“上升”;arise“(问题、现象等)产生”;attract“吸引”。故选B。6(2019苏南三校联考)I has forgotten about what you asked to do because I have been so _ with my work.Aabsorbed BoccupiedCsupplied Ddevoted解析:选B句意:我把你要我做的事给忘了,因为我工作一直很忙。be occupied with sth.“忙于某事”,符合句意。be absorbed in “全身心投入”;be devoted to“致力于”;be supplied with “用供给”。7(2019江苏名校联考)All the students think the new English teacher is warm and _, so they make friends with her soon.Aaccessible BavailableCconvenient Dresponsible解析:选A句意:所有学生都认为新英语老师既热心又平易近人,所以他们很快就与她成为了朋友。根据句意应选择accessible表示“平易近人的,好相处的”。available“可得到的,有空的”;convenient“方便的”;responsible“负责任的”。8The girl_ to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school.Aexpects BallowsCwishes Dpromises解析:选D句意:如果她到艺术学校好好培训,这个女孩有可能成为一个好的舞蹈演员。expect“期望”;allow“允许,准许”;wish“希望”;promise“答应,允诺,给人以的指望,有的可能”。根据句意可知选D。9(2019苏锡常镇模拟)There are still many problems to be solved _ we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.Abefore BonceCafter Duntil解析:选A句意:在我们准备好长时间待在月球之前还有很多问题要解决。before“在之前”,符合句意。10Great changes have taken place in that school.It is no longer _ it was 20 years ago, _ it was so poorly equipped.Awhat; when Bthat; whichCwhat; which Dwhich; that解析:选A句意:那所学校已经发生了很大的变化,不再是20年前它装备那么差的时候了。 what 引导表语从句;when引导非限制性定语从句。11_ the oil deals, the two countries signed agreements covering biofuel development and the joint launch of two satellites.AAside from BExcept for CIn addition DOther than解析:选A句意:除了石油交易外,两国还签署了生物燃料开发和联合发射两颗卫星的协议。aside fromapart from意为“除之外(还)”。except for“除了”(不包括);in addition“此外”,是副词;other than“除了别无”。12Many people expect that credit cards will eventually _ paper money for almost every purchase.Atrade BexchangeCreplace Dreduce解析:选C句意:许多人预期在几乎所有的交易中信用卡会最终取代纸币。replace“代替”,符合句意。13The girl has a great interest in sport and _ badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.Atook Bis takingCtakes Dhas been taking解析:选D根据“twice a week over the last three years”说明女孩这三年来一直是每个星期去上两次羽毛球课,故用现在完成进行时。14With the temperature falling so rapidly, my room gets very cold at night._.ASo is mine BSo mine isCSo does mine DSo do I解析:选C考查倒装结构。句意:“气温骤降,我的房间晚上很冷。”“我的也是。”表示“后者也那样”用“so助动词/系动词/情态动词主语”,根据上句出现的动词gets可知此处用助动词does,故选C。15It is thought police had been called to the scene following a report of a collision concerning her vehicle and _ of another motorist.Aone BthoseCsome Dthat解析:选D句意:据认为警察曾经被叫到现场,随后就有一篇有关她的交通工具与另一个司机相撞的报道。that特指前面提到的人或物,且后面要跟of结构,故选D。.完形填空(2019常州高三模拟)I left my job to begin building my startup before my son was born. It was four months into my business when I was _1_ about a major investment opportunity that could take my pany to the next level. Then something _2_ happened. I received an email from the investor that read: “Were going to pass.”I was _3_. The next few days I thought about this _4_ and realized just how discouraged I truly was. And I also became _5_ that I had a fear of rejection. If I was going to keep moving forward with my pany Id have to _6_ this fear. So, I turned to Google for a(n) _7_ and I found a game called Rejection Therapy. It _8_ to help you overe your fear of rejection by _9_ seeking out rejection. I loved it and _10_ to have a try.What came next was something I could have never imagined. As my rejection journey continued, I began to feel more and more _11_ when asking for things. I realized I could _12_ the controllable factors, and by the end of my 100day journey it _13_ became difficult for me to receive a “no”. I even deliberately made shocking _14_ such as knocking on a strangers front door to ask if I could play soccer in his backyard. The _15_ thing? They all said yes. In the end, my 100day journey _16_ with 51 yeses and 49 nos.In the process of my rejection journey, I learned that when we _17_ rejection we reject ourselves and our ideas before the world ever has a _18_ to pay attention to and reject us. That es to be the greatest _19_ Ive learned no matter what, dont be _20_ by the world.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在创业之初失去一笔重要投资,而后开始害怕被人拒绝,为了克服这种恐惧感,他通过在网上搜索到的一款游戏来刻意寻求各种可能会遭到拒绝的机会,在这种尝试下,作者逐渐变得无畏,并懂得无论如何都不要被这个世界所忽视。1A.creditedBhonoredCapproached Dconcerned解析:选C根据下文中的“a major investment opportunity that could take my pany to the next level”可知,在作者经营自己的事业四个月时,他找到一个可以将他的公司提升到一个新水平的重大投资机会。approach“接洽”,符合语境。credit“把归于,认为有(良好的品质或特点)”;honor“尊敬,给予表扬”;concern“与有关”。2A.unexpected BunfamiliarCunusual Dunforgettable解析:选A根据下文中的“I received an email from the investor that read: Were going to pass.”可知,作者收到了投资者拒绝投资的邮件,这是作者始料不及的。unexpected“出乎意料的,始料不及的”,符合语境。unfamiliar“陌生的,不熟悉的”;unusual“不寻常的”;unforgettable“难以忘怀的”。3A.annoyed BfrightenedCastonished Dcrushed解析:选D根据上文中提到的作者的公司失去了一次重要的投资机会及下文中的“how discouraged I truly was”可知,作者非常伤心。crush“使非常伤心”,符合语境。annoy“使恼怒”;frighten“使害怕”;astonish“使吃惊”。4A.dilemma BdefeatCcoincidence Dchallenge解析:选B在接下来的几天里,作者一直都在想这次的失败,并意识到自己有多沮丧。defeat“失败,挫败”,符合语境。dilemma“进退两难的境地”;coincidence“巧合”;challenge“挑战”。5A.convinced BafraidCaware Dshocked解析:选C根据下文中的“that I had a fear of rejection”可知,此处指作者也意识到自己害怕被拒绝。上文中的“realized”及“And I also”暗示此处所填词的含义与动词realize相近,故aware“意识到,明白”符合语境。6A.shake BdefendCappreciate Dminimize解析:选A根据语境可知,如果作者想让他的公司继续发展的话,他就不得不摆脱这种恐惧。shake“去除,摆脱”;defend“防御,保护”;appreciate“重视;欣赏”;minimize“降低”。7A.explanation BresponseCinspiration Dsolution解析:选D因此,作者借助Google找寻解决办法,并发现了一款名为Rejection Therapy的游戏。solution“解决方法”,符合语境。explanation“解释”;response“回应,答复”;inspiration“启发灵感的人(或事物)”。8A.arranges BoffersCaims Dprepares解析:选C该游戏力求让用户通过刻意寻求被拒绝来帮助用户克服被人拒绝的恐惧。aim“力争做到”,符合语境。arrange“安排”;offer“主动提出”;prepare“准备”。9A.intentionally BsincerelyCblindly Dsecretly解析:选A参见上题解析。下文中的“deliberately”是暗示。intentionally“故意地”;sincerely“真诚地”;blindly“盲目地”;secretly“秘密地”。10A.managed BdecidedCdemanded Dhesitated解析:选B作者很喜欢这款游戏,并决定试一试。decide“决定”,符合语境。manage“勉力完成”;demand“要求”;hesitate“顾虑”。11A.ashamed BguiltyCembarrassed Dfearless解析:选D根据上文中的“What came next was something I could have never imagined”及下文内容可知,随着作者被拒绝之旅的继续,在请求某些东西时作者变得越来越无畏。fearless“无畏的”,符合语境。ashamed“惭愧的”;guilty“感到内疚的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”。12A.focus on Bget downCset aside Dtake over解析:选A作者意识到自己能将注意力集中于那些可控的因素上。此处与上文提及的作者一直都在想着自己的失败作对比。focus on“集中(注意力、精力等)于”,符合语境。get down“写下,记下”;set aside“留出;暂不考虑”;take over“接管”。13A.immediately BactuallyCcasually Dcertainly解析:选B在作者100天的拒绝之旅结束时,对作者来说,收到“不”真的很难了。此处的言外之意是作者基本上不会被人拒绝了。actually“实际上,事实上”,符合语境。immediately“立即”;casually“随便地”;certainly“肯定”。14A.proposals BmentsCrequests Dimprovements解析:选C根据下文中的“knocking on a strangers front door to ask if I could play soccer in his backyard”可知,(为了被拒绝)作者甚至故意提出一些令人吃惊的请求。request“请求,要求”,符合语境。proposal“提议”;ment“评论”;improvement“改进”。15A.apparent BridiculousCpredictable Dcrazy解析:选D此处用crazy表达作者难以相信的感觉,对于作者那么无理的请求,按理说没有人会同意的,要么觉得作者疯了,要么同意作者请求的人疯了。此处有双关的用法。crazy“疯狂的”,符合语境。apparent“显而易见的”;ridiculous“荒谬的,荒唐的”;predictable“可预见的”。16A.went BconcludedCabounded Dremained解析:选B最后,作者100天的拒绝之旅以51个“同意”和49个“拒绝”结束了。conclude“(使)结束,终止”,符合语境。abound“大量存在,有许多”;remain“仍然是,继续存在”。17A.put up with Btake out onCgive in to Dshy away from解析:选D根据下文中的“we reject ourselves and our ideas before the world . and reject us”可知,当我们对拒绝避而远之时,我们也就在世界有机会(chance)注意和拒绝我们之前拒绝了自己和自己的想法。shy away from“畏避,回避”,符合语境。put up with“忍受,容忍”;take out on“向发泄”;give in to“屈服”。18A.chance BchoiceCstruggle Dplan解析:选A参见上题解析。choice“选择”;struggle“奋斗”;plan“计划”。19A.subject BtruthClesson Dnote解析:选C作者从中得到的最大的教训是,无论如何,都不要被世界忽视。lesson“教训”,符合语境。subject“课程;话题”;truth“真理”;note“笔记,注释”。20A.deserted BignoredCjudged Dtricked解析:选B参见上题解析。ignore“忽视,对不予理会”,符合语境。上文中的“pay attention to”是暗示。desert“抛弃”;judge“评判”;trick“欺骗”。.任务型阅读(2019无锡高三质检)Customs, languages, and religions have always differed among Europeans. In recent decades, however, differences in lifestyles among Europes peoples have lessened as a result of industrial and economic growth, urban growth, and improved standards of living. Today, most Europeans are welleducated city dwellers with fortable ines.CitiesBeginning in the late 1700s, the Industrial Revolution changed Europe from a rural, farming society to an urban, industrial society. Rural villagers moved in large numbers to urban areas. Many of Europes cities grew quickly and became some of the worlds largest cities.Today, three of every four Europeans live in cities. Paris and London rank among the largest urban areas on the globe. The next biggest cities are Milan, Italy; Madrid, Spain; and Berlin, Germany.Many European cities blend the old and the new. Ancient landmarks often stand near modern highways and skyscrapers. European cities are also crisscrossed by public transportation systems that bring people to jobs and urban attractions. In recent decades, however, more Europeans have bought cars and have chosen to live in suburbs outside the cities.TransportationThe rail system is vast, linking cities and towns across the continent. Trains even travel underwater between England and France via a 31mile (50km) tunnel called the Chunnel. France developed the use of highspeed trains, which cause less damage to the environment. Highspeed rail lines now operate in a number of European countries.Highways also allow highspeed, longdistance travel. Cars can zip along Germanys autobahns (高速公路) at more than 80 miles (129 km) per hour. Trucks use the roadways to carry the great majority of freight within Europe. Canals and rivers are also used to transport goods. The MainDanube Canal in Germany links hundreds of inland ports between the North Sea and the Black Sea. Europes long coastline is dotted with other important ports, such as Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. This is one of the busiest ports in the world.Airports connect European cities too. Planes fly both people and goods to their destinations all around Europe.IneBecause of their high levels of education, Europeans earn more money than people in many other parts of the world. There are differences, however, from place to place. Ines are higher in northern and western Europe than in southern and eastern Europe. Many eastern European countries are still struggling to rebuild economies that were damaged by conflicts. Throughout Europe, service industries, such as banking, provide more jobs than any other economic activity.Ine can also vary greatly within a country. For example, unemployment and poverty are mon in southern Italy. Mountains and a lack of natural resources in the area have slowed the development of industry. Workers are better off in northern and central Italy, where rich farmland and modern industries provide many jobs.LeisureTheir relatively high ines allow many Europeans to enjoy their leisure time. In a number of European countries, workers receive four weeks of paid vacation each year. Many Europeans use this vacation time to travel. France and Italy are popular vacation spots because of their lively cities, beautiful countryside, mild climate, and fine food.Europeans also take full advantage of their natural surroundings. The regions mountains, seas, lakes, and rivers provide great opportunities for recreation. Winter sports such as ice hockey and skiing had their beginnings in Scandinavia about 5,000 years ago. In summer, Europeans lace up their hiking boots, hop on their bikes, or take to the water. Many Europeans are also passionate about playing and watching rugby and soccer, which they call football.(1)_ in EuropeCitiesWith (2)_, more people live in towns and cities, giving Europe a unique view in (3)_: ancient landmarks standing close to modern skyscrapers and public transportation systems bringing people to their destinations. Recent decades have (4)_ more people with cars living in the suburbs.TransportationThe railway network links cities and towns across Europe, including the Chunnel and (5)_ highspeed trains. Highways allow vehicles to travel at high speed. Ships carry goods between various ports (6)_ along the coastline and planes fly people and goods to their destinations.IneGenerally, northern and western Europeans earn more ine and service industry is (7)_ economic activity for Europeans. Workers in northern and central Italy are richer than those from (8)_ areas where natural resources are scarce.LeisureIn many European countries, people get (9)_ even when they go on a fourweek vacation each year. Many travel to France and Italy for their natural beauty, pleasant climate and fine food. Besides traveling, (10)_ activities include ice hockey, cycling, rugby and soccer.答案:1.Life2.urbanization3.construction4.seen/witnessed5.environmentallyfriendly6.dotting7.major8mountainous9.paid10.recreational检测评价B卷阅读理解A(2019苏州高三模拟)The latest addition to the Gtech garden power tools range is a lightweight yet powerful wireless Leaf Blower. This autumn makes short work of clearing leaves and garden pieces.High PerformanceThe 36V Lithiumion Gtech Leaf Blower has the ability to clear pieces from your lawn, courtyard and driveway. Using a turbo fan design that allows for a straight air passage from intake to outlet, offering maximum airflow and efficiency that turns the fan at 11,500 times a minute.plete controlThe Leaf Blower is lightweight, at just 4.3kg. The product has been designed so that battery and body weight are reasonably distributed. When in use, it will naturally point towards the ground to direct airflow. So, you wont have to worry about injuring your wrists, even if you use it for the entire 20minute runtime on full power. The variable trigger allows for plete control, when you squeeze or release the trigger you will feel the airflow change to suit your garden needs.Easy to useThe Gtech Wireless Leaf Blower is easy to use. There is no need to pull wires or top up with fuel, simply attach the battery and pull the trigger to start. The products wireless convenience means there are no wires to trip you up or limit your access, and no petrol to store or pour simply charge and its ready to go. When youre done, you can remove the detachable nozzle (管嘴), so the Gtech Leaf blower is pact enough to be stored in small places.Dont just take our word for it .We really do care what you think. Go online to see the thousands of independent reviews our customers have given us, and check out our product videos at .gtech.co uk.语篇解读:本文是一则广告。文章从性能、操控以及使用等方面介绍了一款最新的便携式大功率的无线吹叶机。1What should you pay attention to when using the Leaf Blower?AFilling it up with good petrol.BTaking care not to be tripped up.CCharging it when the battery is dying.DWearing the wristband if you use it for long.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第四段的第三句可知,当你在使用吹叶机的时候,你应该注意在电池没电的时候给电池充电。故选项C正确。2Which is not the advantage of the tool?ATruly portable.BFast delivery.CEnvironmentally friendly.DQuite powerful.解析:选B细节理解题。根据“ORDER DIRECT 285.99 with FREE DELIVERY.”可知,在运送方面,文章只提到了免运费,未提及是否快速,故选项B符合题意。BAs we all know, every sentence we speak reflects something about who we are as humans. Even people speaking the same language have distinct dialects (方言) that are rooted in their history and culture, so whether you say “soda” or “pop” may intimate what country and what region you are from. What you call the night before Halloween may be tied to your religious beliefs. What kind of slang you use may e from the habits of the munity you grew up in.Language also throws light on connections between us and our natural environment. Plants and animals that are given names in any language are generally those that are relevant to people who are speaking the language. The relevance es from the way that the people have interacted with the animals and plants, in some cases over the centuries.While we might think of language as having a fixed set of words and rules that we learn in school, in fact language is always evolving. New words begin to emerge while others fall out of use and pronunciation changes over time. There is no doubt that the meaning of words is also changing a great deal. People also borrow words from languages other than their own to expand their own lexicon (词汇). Our ability to learn language develops when we are young. Sounds heard as babies set the stage for language learning later. Baby cooing is the result of babies analysis of the languages spoken to them. Babies are practicing the pronunciation and recognition of sounds that they need for munication. Children exposed to different languages early in life and growing up with various kinds of languages around them always develop better cognitive (认知的) functions, such as the ability to focus and ignore distractions.Languages are as diverse as the munities that speak them and each of the about 7,000 world languages is a piece of evidence of a munitys unique human experience. Yet, many languages all over the world are endangered. It is reported that as many as half of the worlds languages could go silent by the end of this century. The reasons are that the speakers always receive social inequalities and disrespect from others. If the speakers themselves are treated unfairly and disrespected by others, what will happen to their surroundings, let alone their language?语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了语言的相关内容:语言其实就是我们自身的间接反映。3What does the underlined word “intimate” mean in the passage?AReveal. BTranslate.CInfluence. DMisunderstand.解析:选A词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“every sentence we speak reflects something about who we are as humans”可知,作者认为我们所说的语言反映了我们的自身信息,接着下文阐述了“What you call the night.habits of the munity you grew up in.”这两个例子,故画线词所在句表示的是无论你说的是“soda”还是“pop”,这都可能透露出你来自哪个国家、哪个地区。intimate意为“透露,暗示”,同A项reveal的含义相近。4What does the author seem to agree with?ABabies tend to be sensitive to various sounds.BBabies have a strong language analytical ability.CEarly exposure to various languages benefits children.DBabies cognitive ability is generally better than adults.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句可知,孩子们在生活早期接触不同语言有助于他们培养更好的诸如集中精力、不分心等认知能力,故选C项。5Why will many languages in the world go silent in the authors opinion?AThey have lost their original fasc


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