2019高中英语刷题首选卷 基础练 能力练 Unit 1 Cultural relics Section Ⅲ Grammar(含解析)新人教版必修2.docx

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Section Grammar对应学生用书P7基础题单句语法填空1My eldest son, _ work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment答案:whose2When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one _ reflected my interest答案:that/which3China Today attracts a worldwide readership, _ shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China答案:which4The books on the desk, _ covers are shiny, are prizes for us答案:whose5The number of smokers, _ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year答案:as6Maybe you have a habit _ is driving your family crazy答案:that/which7The school shop, _ customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays答案:whose8My brother, _ you met the other day, has gone abroad答案:whom9I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, _ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake答案:where10Sunday is a holiday, _ people do not go to work答案:when单句改错1The dishes what I cooked were Moms favorite_答案:whatthat/which或去掉what2The weather turned out to be very good, that was more than we could expect_答案:thatwhich3The school that I studied for 2 years was three kilometers away_答案:thatwhere4This is the person from which I borrowed some money yesterday_答案:whichwhom5The couple have a daughter, that is studying at a university_答案:thatwho能力题阅读理解AMost people follow others blindly mainly under the effect of peer (同龄人) pressure Some people also feel it safe to follow a large number of people In some rare cases it might be right to follow the crowd (群众), but in most cases this can be one big mistake Actually there are reasons why we shouldnt follow the crowd blindlyAccording to a study, people tend to follow the crowd when they arent sure about the direction they should take This means a large number of people could be following others without understanding whats right and whats wrong! This attracts more people to follow them and the result is that most people move in a certain direction even if it isnt rightA man who wants to be successful always hopes for others guidance and he usually follows the same path of most people, but the question this man never asks himself is: are all of those people successful? Of course not! If you want to follow a crowd, then follow a successful one However, in real life youll only find one successful person among hundreds of people, and thats why following the crowd makes no sense at allMost people act without thinking wisely If you always follow others because theyre greater than you in number, then sooner or later youll discover that youre making decisions you might regret laterHowever, should we never follow the crowd? NoIm not trying to say you should never follow the crowd, but instead Im just asking you to think wisely before you make a decision If you find others are right, there is no problem in following them, but if you have doubts about the direction theyre moving in, dont follow them blindly1Those who follow others because they want to succeed should think about _Awhether they are in the same pathBwhether those being followed are successfulCwhether they are moving in a right directionDwhether they are more successful ones to follow答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,那些因为想成功才跟随别人的人应当考虑一下他们所跟随的人是否是成功的。故选B。2What can we learn from Paragraph 4?AIt needs some time to think wiselyBWe shouldnt regret what we have doneCWe should think wisely before deciding to follow othersDMaking others follow us is better than following others答案:C推理判断题。根据第四段可知,行动前缺乏明智的思考是盲从他人的原因之一。由此可推知,我们应当在决定跟随他人之前先好好思考一下。故选C。3Which of the following will the author agree with?AIt is wrong to follow other peopleBThose who follow others wont succeedCOnly those foolish people will follow othersDOne should use his head before he follows others答案:D推理判断题。根据最后一段可推知,虽然作者在上文中论述了盲从他人是错误的,但作者并不是彻底反对仿效他人,而是主张在决定仿效他人之前要三思。故选D。BFamous art museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art have one of the largest collections of art under one roof Located in New York Citys Museum Mile area, it has over two million works of art within its permanent collection, which is divided into 19 sections of interestThe Mets American paintings section also has one of their earliest sculptures from 1870 on display Hiram Powers California was one of the first pieces that inspired them to focus building the museum around American art Their art section features paintings by Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Van Gogh amongst its 11,000 paintings on handThe J Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles is a privatelyrun museum that has a wide collection of European art, Greek and Roman sculptures, and classic drawings The museum also has an extensive collection of American photography collection, which is one of the only areas within its museum that focuses on American areas of interest There is also a research center that was opened in 1985, where staff researches information about the artifacts that exist and makes sure that the information being presented can be used in publications and workshops for presentation purposesThe Musee du Louvre in Paris, France is one of the oldest, famous and most visited museums in the world, known as a place where artists were allowed to showcase their art since the early days in the 1700s The museum was formally opened in 1750, and much of Frances much neglected artists were allowed to present their works in this museumThey have owned collections of famous artists like Rembrandt and Da Vinci for years and have them up on display to the public Visitors can view some of the favorite famous pieces, like the Venus de Milo and the Mona Lisa, which has called the Louvre home for centuries4According to the passage, _Athe JPaul Getty Museum has 11,000 paintings in storeBthe Musee du Louvre is the home to Mona Lisa for centuriesCthe Metropolitan Museum opened a research center in 1985Dworks of Rembrandt were only exhibited in the JPaul Getty Museum答案:B细节理解题。文章最后一段提及米洛的维纳斯和蒙娜丽莎已在卢浮宫珍藏数百年之久。5What is the title of the passage?AThe Best Art Museum in the WorldBFamous Works of Art Around the WorldCFamous Art Museums Around the WorldDMost Popular Artists Around the World答案:C标题判断题。综合全文可知,本文介绍了几个享誉世界的艺术博物馆,因此C项正确。6What does the underlined word “They” refer to in the last paragraph?AFrances neglected artistsBThe Musee du LouvreCWorks by the artists who were not famousDVisitors答案:B指代判断题。根据后面的“have owned collections of famous artists like Rembrandt and Da Vinci for years and have them up on display to the public”及上一句所述该馆正式开馆时间及不知名的艺术家被允许进来展览作品可以判断,they顺承上一句指代the Musee du Louvre。语法填空When we mention the most famous Chinese painting of the Northern Song, the image coming into peoples mind _1_ (be) the Qingming Shanghe Tu or Along the River During the Qingming FestivalThis painting is important _2_ several reasons First, up till that time, almost all Chinese paintings were landscapes, _3_ (contain) no or only a few images of people Second, this is the most renowned scroll (卷轴) painting _4_ (describe) both Chinese urban and suburban life during the period in the capital, Bianjing (now Kaifeng in Henan Province) Third, the painting is _5_ (high) detailed and features shops of all kinds and different economic _6_ (activity) in and out of the city People are able to see the Chinese technologies of the time, which helps them _7_ great deal in understanding _8_ the Chinese livedThe Beijing Palace Museum keeps the _9_ (origin) Song painting and one of its famous copiesthe Qing version _10_ (hold) in the National Palace Museum in Taipei1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_1is/will be考查主谓一致和动词的时态。当我们提及北宋最著名的中国画时,出现在人们脑海中的是清明上河图。根据句意可知,该句叙述的是一般常识,故用一般现在时,也可以用一般将来时表示将会发生的事。该句主语为the image,为单数,故谓语动词用is或will be。2for考查介词。for表示“由于,因为”,for reasons表示“因为原因”,故填for。3containing考查非谓语动词。首先,到那时为止,几乎所有的中国画都是风景画,没有或只有少数人物形象。landscapes和contain之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。4describing考查非谓语动词。painting和describe之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作后置定语,修饰名词painting。5highly考查词性转换。空处修饰形容词detailed,表示程度,故用highly。6activities考查名词的复数。activity “(为兴趣、娱乐或达到一定目的而进行的)活动”,为可数名词,常用复数,根据空前的different可知,该处用该名词的复数形式。7a考查不定冠词。a great deal为固定搭配,意为“非常,很多”。8how考查宾语从句的连接词。分析该句结构可知,空处引导宾语从句,作understanding的宾语;结合语境可知,该处表示“如何”,故用how引导宾语从句。9original考查词性转换。空处修饰名词短语Song painting,故用形容词形式original,表示“原作的”。10is held考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。该句主语为one of its famous copiesthe Qing version,为单数;主语和谓语动词hold之间为被动关系,故用被动语态;该句陈述的是一种客观情况,故用一般现在时,故填is held。短文改错I went to England last summer as a exchange student, and stayed there for three months I used to thinking we had pretty various afterschool activities However, I was surprised to find they had even diverse projects I made friend with the daughter of my homestay family, which was a college student He was a member of different kinds of clubs, so I took the chance to join in some clubs, too Can you believe I make a robot in the Lego Club? I felt very proudly because I got the first prize with my Lego robotTime spending in England is so memorable that I will treasure it forever答案:I went to England last summer as exchange student, and stayed there for three months I used to thinkin we had pretty various afterschool activities However, I was surprised to find they had even diverse projects I made frien with the daughter of my homestay family,whic was a college studentH was a member of different kinds of clubs, so I took the chance to join some clubs, too Can you believe I mak a robot in the Lego Club? I felt very proudl because I got the first prize with my Lego robotTime spendin in England is so memorable that I will treasure it forever难项分析:第二处:thinkingthink考查固定搭配。used to do sth“过去常常做某事”,故此处用动词原形。第五处:whichwho考查定语从句的引导词。此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the daughter,指人,且引导词在从句中作主语,故用关系代词who来引导。第十处:spendingspent考查非谓语动词。本句中,time和spend之间存在被动关系,应用过去分词作后置定语。

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