江苏省2020年高考英语总复习 专题九 情景交际学案(含解析).docx

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专题九情景交际挖命题【考情探究】考点内容20182017201620152014合计预测热度常用交际用语1.态度话题:同意和不同意;喜好和厌恶;决断和坚持;判断和意见;职责、能力、偏爱、责备等。2.情感话题:焦虑、惊奇、喜悦、安慰、满意、遗憾、同情、恐惧和愤怒等。3.生活交往话题:问候、介绍、告别、感谢和应答;祝愿、祝贺和应答;邀请和应答;提供帮助和应答;约会、意愿和希望;请求、允许和应答等。111115常用英语习语跨文化交际中差异明显的交际用语、英语习语、谚语、俚语等。111003分析解读从近几年江苏高考考点设置来看,情景交际是高考的必考内容。命题语境基于日常生活场景,注重社会交往和情感态度方面的合理表达。对英语习语的考查在近三年的江苏高考英语试题中连续出现,这预示着英语习语或许会成为以后高考的一个重要考查点。试题命制上会更突出语境,强化语义,注重运用,充分体现语言的交际性、实用性和文化的交融性。【真题典例】破考点【考点集训】考点一常用交际用语1.(2018江苏扬州高三上学期期末,35)Who told you about it?. You only need to know it is true.A.Its your callB.Never you mindC.Its anyones guessD.You have my word答案B2.(2018江苏南京、盐城二模,35)Its probably wise to let Princess Elizabeth undertake the Commonwealth tour. Well, shes up to it.A.What is it?B.If you say so.C.What say you?D.If only I could go. 答案C3.(2017江苏南京三模,32)I will be a vice president in a year or two.You cant be serious! .A.I cant make itB.I cant help itC.I wont tell a soulD.I wouldnt bet on it答案D4.(2017江苏苏北四市三模,35)Amazingly, Ive managed to start my own shop online! I told you it was easy.A.There you are!B.Believe it or not.C.How come?D.Youve got me there!答案A5.(2017江苏镇江一模,32)I will go on a diet tomorrow. . Youve said that a million times. A.Take your time B.I dont enjoy myselfC.Beg your pardon D.I dont buy it答案D考点二常用英语习语1.(2018江苏苏北四市一模,29) The staff were when the company announced a fat bonus for everyone.A.in the redB.white as a sheetC.tickled pinkD.in the black答案C2.(2018江苏苏锡常镇3月教学情况调研,35)I feel caught between experience and jobs after graduation. Its really without experience you cant get a job and without a job you cant get experience. A.a Catch-22 situationB.a herculean taskC.a sacred cowD.a Mickey Mouse job答案A3.(2018江苏无锡高三上学期期末,35)Should I ask Tom if he is still upset at not being invited to the party?If he hasnt said anything about it, just .A.bite your tongueB.let sleeping dogs lieC.eat your wordsD.face the music答案B4.(2018江苏南京、盐城一模,31)David has been since he got the offer in this company. He has to. You know, the boss is a faultfinder.A.facing the musicB.crying for the moonC.walking on eggshellsD.waking a sleeping dog答案C5.(2018江苏海安中学高三下学期开学考试,35)Must I stay at home reviewing lessons even at weekends?Last time you did pass the exam unexpectedly, but dont this time because it is much more difficult.A.pull your weightB.seal your fateC.push your luckD.break your back答案C6.(2018江苏苏北六市3月联考,35)Stephen Hawking devoted himself to scientific research before becoming one of the greatest physicists.Thats it. .A.Two heads are better than oneB.One false move may lose the gameC.All things are difficult before they are easyD.Champions are made when no one is watching答案D7.(2018江苏苏北四市一模,35)My colleague is always trying to persuade me to buy goods I dislike on the Internet.Sounds terrible. I mean,.A.life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides youB.the car will find its way round the hill when it gets thereC.take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselvesD.you can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make it drink答案D8.(2017江苏南通第一次调研,35)Will Mr. Black allow us to bring mobile phones to school? He is and I dont think hell give us permission.A.a tough nutB.our great rockC.the best fish D.an early bird 答案A9.(2017江苏南京、盐城二模,27)We had wanted to surprise our father with a birthday gift, but my sisterby asking him what he would like.A.licked her lipsB.ate her wordsC.spilt the beansD.pulled his leg答案C10.(2017江苏南通如皋联考,19)Many people said they were thinking of changing jobs. But in reality, they have to seriously consider the pros and cons before actually .A.jumping shipB.missing the boatC.going bananasD.facing the music答案A11.(2017江苏苏锡常镇二模,35)I am worn out. Me too, all work and no play. So its time to . A.burn the midnight oil B.push your luckC.go with the flow D.call it a day 答案D12.(2017江苏苏北六市3月联考,35)Jack should have calmed down at the party!But the kids made so much noise that he couldnt help but . A.face the music B.eat like a bird C.mend his ways D.fly off the handle答案D13.(2017江苏南京、盐城二模,35)Why didnt you come back last night?I waited long!. You were playing games the whole night.A.Dont give me thatB.Dont lose your headC.Dont trust to chanceD.Dont dream away your time答案A炼技法【方法集训】方法一1.(2018江苏苏锡常镇3月教学情况调研,33)Could you pass me the sugar, please?OK,.A.never mindB.sounds greatC.here you goD.there it is答案C2.(2018江苏无锡高三上学期期末,21)Taylor, would your younger brother mind meeting us at the airport?, he is willing to help us.A.Of courseB.Not likelyC.No wonderD.Help yourself答案B3.(2018江苏苏州学业质量阳光指标调研,34)Its very important for us to clarify the ownership of the house. There wont be any problem with the ownership. Its the price that bothers us. A.I cant agree moreB.You can say that againC.I beg to differD.I appreciate that答案C4.(2017江苏苏北四市第一次调研,27)Can you believe Kims got fired from work? . She was always late or calling in sick. But I hope she will find a new job. A.God bless herB.It cant hurt C.It serves her right D.No worries答案C5.(2017江苏苏锡常镇一模,35)The rising frequency of smoggy days is making me deeply worried that one day we will have to rely on masks to survive.! The government really should do something.A.Good ideaB.I got itC.You betD.Thats all right答案C方法二1.(2018江苏苏州学业质量阳光指标调研,31)Its almost the end of the month and I havent started my workout plan.Start now!.A.Great minds think alikeB.Honesty is the best policyC.Every cloud has a silver liningD.Better late than never答案D2.(2018江苏南京、盐城二模,30)Do you know the guy over there?Oh, dont mistake him as an ordinary person. Hes a in our company. A.cold fishB.rotten appleC.sly foxD.top banana答案D3.(2018江苏丹阳中学高三三校联考,31)I thought we were going bankrupt, but my partner and we landed a major contract.He is really mighty.A.pulled a rabbit out of the hat B.sank or swam togetherC.let the chips fall where they mayD.got to the bottom of it答案A4.(2018江苏南京、盐城一模,35)Making a computer program is a herculean task for me. Can you give me a hand?Oh, . Turn to Jackson, who is an expert in it. A.it counts for nothingB.its not the caseC.it doesnt hurt to askD.its all Greek to me答案D5.(2017江苏镇江一模,35)How come Joan hasnt typed the report yet?Oh, my dear lady, take it easy. She is in computer operation. A.a green hand B.a black sheep C.a dark horse D.a bluestocking答案A过专题【五年高考】A组自主命题江苏卷题组1.(2018江苏,28)You know what?Ive got a New Year concert ticket.Oh,Youre kidding.A.so what?B.go ahead.C.come on.D.what for?答案C2.(2018江苏,35)What happened? Your boss seems to .Didnt you know his secretary leaked the secret report to the press?A.be over the moonB.laugh his head offC.be all earsD.fly off the handle答案D3.(2017江苏,35)Going to watch the Womens Volleyball Match on Wednesday?!Will you go with me?A.You thereB.You betC.You got meD.You know better答案B4.(2017江苏,33)What does the stuff on your T-shirt mean?Its nothing. Just something.A.as clear as dayB.off the top of my headC.under my noseD.beyond my wildest dreams答案B5.(2016江苏,32)Only those who have a lot in common can get along well. Opposites sometimes do attract.A.I hope notB.I think so C.I appreciate thatD.I beg to differ答案D6.(2016江苏,35)Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.Lack of self-confidence is his , I am afraid.A.Achilles heelB.childs playC.green fingersD.last straw答案A7.(2015江苏,23)Jim,can you work this Sunday?Ive been working for two weeks on end.A.Why meB.Why notC.What ifD.So what答案A8.(2014江苏,35)!Somebody has left the lab door open.Dont look at me.A.Dear meB.Hi,thereC.Thank goodnessD.Come on答案AB组统一命题、省(区、市)卷题组1.(2018天津,1)Wasnt Joan supposed to be here by now?. She will be here in about twenty minutes.A.All rightB.Dont worryC.No wonderD.Enjoy yourself答案B2.(2018天津,5)Im moving in a few days and I wonder if you could help.Just let me know when, and Ill be there.A.You betB.It dependsC.Forget itD.No kidding答案A3.(2017天津,1)Alberts birthday is on next Saturday, and Im planning a surprise party for him. Ill bring some wine.A.Sounds like funB.It dependsC.Just a minuteD.You are welcome答案A4.(2017天津,7)Michael was late for Mr. Smiths chemistry class this morning.?As far as I know, he never came late to class.A.So whatB.Why notC.Who caresD.How come答案D5.(2016天津,6)Im thinking of going back to school to get another degree.Sounds great!.A.It all dependsB.Go for itC.Never mindD.No wonder答案B6.(2016浙江,1)Are you sure youre ready for the test?.Im well prepared for it.A.Im afraid notB.No problemC.Hard to sayD.Not really答案B7.(2016天津,1)It was a wonderful trip. So, which city did you like better, Paris or Rome?. There were good things and bad things about them.A.Its hard to sayB.I didnt get itC.You must be kiddingD.Couldnt be better答案A8.(2016浙江,20)The movie starts at 8:30, and we can have a quick bite before we go. See you at 8:10.A.So longB.Sounds greatC.Good luckD.Have a good time答案B9.(2015天津,1)Sorry,Liz.I think I was a bit rude to you.,but dont do that again!A.Go aheadB.Forget itC.It dependsD.With pleasure答案 B10.(2015安徽,21)Can you come to a party on Saturday,Peter?Oh,Im already going out,Im afraid.A.what a pity!B.dont ask!C.how come?D.so what?答案A11.(2015陕西,11)Lets go to the New Years Eve party,shall we?I guess it will be fun.A.Forget it!B.No way!C.Why not?D.What for?答案C12.(2015陕西,16)Sir,could I hand in my homework a bit late?,since youve been unwell these days.A.You cant be seriousB.Im afraid notC.Good ideaD.Well,all right答案D13.(2015四川,1)Sorry,I forgot to lock the door.Mike can do it later.A.No wayB.Take your timeC.Nothing seriousD.Youre welcome答案C14.(2015重庆,5)I can drive you home.,but are you sure its not too much trouble?A.That would be greatB.Dont botherC.Im afraid notD.Take care答案A15.(2015天津,4)Jack,you seem excited.?I won the first prize in the English speech contest.A.Guess whatB.So whatC.Pardon meD.Who cares答案A16.(2015浙江,20)Why dont you consider a trip to,say,Beijing or Hangzhou?.A.I wouldnt mind thatB.Then well get there quicklyC.Lets call it a dayD.Its not a requirement答案A17.(2015福建,35)Hi,Dr Brown!Im a little early.Should I wait outside?No.A.Thats rightB.My pleasureC.Come on inD.Take it easy答案C18.(2014福建,35)I cant remember those grammar rules!.Practice more.A.Youre not aloneB.Its hard to sayC.Im afraid notD.Its up to you答案A19.(2014四川,10)How about dinner tonight?Its on me.A.You are welcomeB.Oh,Id like toC.Well,Im afraid soD.Thats all right答案B20.(2014浙江,1)I am going to Spain for a holiday soon.A.Its my pleasureB.Never mindC.Leave it aloneD.Good for you答案D21.(2014浙江,20)Id like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m.,please!OK,.A.help yourselfB.youll certainly make itC.just do what you likeD.Ill make sure you get one答案D22.(2014天津,10)How long have you been learning English?About four months.!Your English is so good.A.You cant be seriousB.You got itC.I couldnt agree moreD.Im stuck答案A23.(2014重庆,15)Jack,Id like to have your opinions about my written report.But I have one suggestion.A.Thats a good ideaB.You are too modestC.It looks fine to meD.You should check it first答案C24.(2014山东,3)This apple pie is too sweet.Dont you think so?.I think its just right,actually.A.Not reallyB.I hope soC.Sounds goodD.No wonder答案A25.(2014陕西,16)You know,I met my girlfriends parents for the first time only yesterday.?I thought youd met them before.A.So whatB.PardonC.ReallyD.What for答案CC组教师专用题组1.(2015浙江,1)Hi,John.Are you busy?A.Yes.I do agree.B.Yes.That would be nice.C.No.Are you sure?D.No.Whats up?答案D2.(2015安徽,35)How is your table tennis these days? Still playing?.I just dont seem to find the time these days.A.Thats rightB.No,not muchC.Thats greatD.Dont worry答案B3.(2014安徽,35)I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.Oh great!.A.Good luckB.Cheer upC.Same to youD.Keep it up答案D4.(2014天津,2)OK,Ill fix your computer right now.Oh,take your time.A.I cant stand itB.Im in no hurryC.Thats a great ideaD.Its not my cup of tea答案B5.(2014陕西,11)I got that job I wanted at the public library.!Thats good news.A.Go aheadB.CheersC. CongratulationsD.Come on答案C6.(2014江西,21)Could I use this dictionary?.Its a spare one.A.Good ideaB.Just go aheadC.Youre welcomeD.Youd better not答案B7.(2014安徽,21)Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.I never go traveling without a book.A.You are jokingB.Thats trueC.I dont think soD.It sounds like fun答案B8.(2014山东,8)Is Anne coming tomorrow?.If she were to come,she would have called me.A.Go aheadB.CertainlyC.Thats rightD.I dont think so答案D【三年模拟】A组20172019年模拟基础题组考点一常用交际用语1.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中10月学情调研,35)Its said that you will resign the present job. Why?. The atmosphere of the firm makes me feel at home.A.That dependsB.Its not the caseC.Thats for sure D.Its hard to say答案B2.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中10月学情调研,26)The housing price has been rising these months.But you can buy a flat on mortgage. We have to save up what we can to send our son abroad for further study.A.You cant be seriousB.Anything but thatC.You betD.Thats a good point答案B3.(2019届江苏南京、镇江期中联考,28)A young researcher is reported to have died of a heart attack, aged only 30.I wonder how his family could stand the thought of losing him.A.How so?B.Forget it.C.Take it easy.D.Really a pity.答案D4.(2019届江苏南京9月学情调研,15)What a waste of time to watch such a boring match!. Why not switch the channel?A.Its no big dealB.With your permissionC.My feelings exactlyD.Youve got to be kidding答案C5.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中期初模拟,35)Would you like to come over for dinner on Saturday?, but actually Im doing something else.A.My pleasureB.No, not at allC.You are so generousD.Thats very nice of you答案D6.(2019届江苏苏州常熟中学10月阶段性抽测,33)Have you watched the program Readers?Its sparking fresh enthusiasm for literature in China. My whole family are fond of it.A.You asked for itB.You betC.You have my wordD.Youve got me there答案B7.(2019届江苏常州武进期中,35)May I come in and have a look at your new house?, but its a terrible mess.A.Never mindB.By all means C.With pleasureD.Youre welcome答案B8.(2019届江苏南通中学期中,35)Forgotten something? I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it. Thank you all the same.A.Its very kind of you.B.Oh, how careless of me! C.I might as well go and get it.D.Well, I can do without it.答案D9.(2019届江苏淮安淮海中学10月阶段测试,28)Still, there are two more. Ive had enough of your excuses.A.Cut it outB.I beg to differC.Forget itD.I mean it答案A10.(2018江苏盐城期中,27)The latest film Justice League is coming soon, Mum. You see, your tests are around the corner.A.Thats not the caseB.It is up to youC.You dont sayD.Forget it 答案D11.(2018江苏徐州期中,35)You wont come to the barbecue on Sunday,will you?I wouldnt miss it for the world!A.Are you kidding me?B.Whats up?C.That all depends!D.You bet!答案A12.(2018江苏宝应中学第一次月考,35)I feel terrible. I didnt do well in the math test. Youre already making progress and will surely learn it well.A.Dont be sillyB.Dont take things for grantedC.Dont put the cart before the horseD.Dont take it too hard答案D13.(2018江苏海安高中月考,32)Jack appears very charming in public, talkative,kind,generous,enthusiastic.Oh,enough!,he is rather cold and rude to his family members.A.In additionB.As a resultC.On the contraryD.Not really答案C14.(2018江苏如东高级中学期中,49)Why not ask your sister for help?She is in charge of the group.?She always advises me to depend on myself.A.Why meB.What forC.Why botherD.So what答案C15.(2017江苏扬州期中,30)Ive never sung a song on the stage before. My hands are sweaty.You will do it well.A.Pardon me.B.Make it.C.Trust me.D.Forget it.答案C16.(2017江苏镇江期中,35)James has something to do and cant come tonight.Well, for he is a wet blanket.A.its very kind of you to say soB.thats a reliefC.thats a problemD.its none of your business答案B17.(2017江苏盐城期中,34)The skirt is too expensive; its color is too dark, and. Is there anyone so particular like you?A.Take it or leave itB.Cant complain too muchC.Go aheadD.Cheer up答案A18.(2017江苏泰州中学期中,33)How is Peter getting along with his new work?. You know, he is always the lucky dog.A.Just so-soB.I dont knowC.Youd better ask him yourselfD.Never better答案D 19.(2017江苏七校联考,32)David is always finding fault with me!. Its impossible to reason with him.A.You said itB.You betC.Dont mention itD.Forget it答案D20.(2017江苏无锡期末,35)Do you know if the new CEO is willing to meet the director this afternoon?, does it?A.It takes no timeB.It counts for nothingC.It doesnt hurt to askD.It doesnt make sense答案C考点二常用英语习语1.(2019届江苏扬州中学10月月考,35)Indeed, last month IBM finally gave up its mainframe business, its CEO saying that they had , since fewer and fewer people wanted mainframes. A.killed the fatted calfB.seen the handwriting on the wallC.reaped what they had sownD.hired themselves out答案B2.(2019届江苏苏州5市4区期初调研,30)Nobody can imagine that Mr. Wang, the richest man in the city, waswhen he was twenty.A.hot under the collarB.down in the dumpsC.as poor as a church mouseD.as cool as a cucumber答案C3.(2019届江苏常州武进礼嘉中学10月阶段测试,35)If he does you a favor, you should do him a favor.Sure. .A.Two heads are better than oneB.Short accounts make long friendsC.Many hands make light workD.One good turn deserves another答案D4.(2019届江苏连云港东海高中第一次学分认定考试,35)I was when I heard she was going to London and would stay there for a month while I had to stay here and work. A.in the blackB.green with envyC.in the redD.as white as a sheet答案B5.(2019届江苏南通如东高中阶段测试一,35)Older people still want to see classic performances, but they are obviously not the young generations.A.piece of cakeB.hill of beansC.hot potatoesD.cup of tea答案D6.(2019届江苏泰州中学、宜兴中学第一次月考,35)Having been on a diet for a week, I have lost five pounds. Its worth a try. I defi


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