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2019-2020学年高二英语6月学生学业能力调研试题考生注意:1.本试卷分第卷(选择题)、第卷(非选择题)和第卷(听力)三部分,满分150分。2. 试卷书写要求规范工整,卷面整洁清楚,酌情减2-3分,并计入总分。知 识 与 技 能学习能力习惯养成总分内容语言知识语篇能力听力理解表达技能卷面整洁150分分数45分40分20分45分减2-3分第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节; 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(基础题)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. -Jack is Janes brother. -_ he reminds me much of Jane. A. No doubt B. No wonder C. Above all D. Of course2. This summers first heavy rainfall turned Kunming, _ capital city of Yunnan province, into _ world of water.A. a, a B. a, the C. /, a D. the, the3. -What do you think of the White House?- Splendid. While I was studying in America, I _ it twice. A. had visited B. have visited C. visited D. would visit 4. I happen_ her novel these days, while the news of the author is spreading fast in the media. A. to read B. to be reading C. to have been reading D. to be read 5. The fact has worried many scientists _ the earth is being warmer and warmer these years. A. whatB. beforeC. that D. though6. -Who is the man giving the speech? - Well, if you _ know, his name is Lyric. A. may B. can C. shall D. must7. Little _ what you said. I wish you had repeated it. A. have I understood B. I have understoodC. did I understandD. I did understand 8. The girl, the position of _was written well, is spoken highly of. A. what B. where C. which D. whom9. You should remember _ difficulties we may e across, we will overe them.A. however B. whereverC. whenever D. whatever10. Friendship between the two nations will _ to the prosperity of the region.A. calculate B. contributeC. circulate D. motivate11. - The little girl is a talented pianist. - Everyone in her family is musical. _.A. It is a nightmare B. I really appreciate itC. It is just in their blood D. That is not the point词语辨析易混易错题组(一)12. Tom was so careless with his spelling that he often _ letters from words.13. The incident _ a long train of problems and difficulties. A. left out B. left behind C. left off D. left alone语法规律提炼题组(二)14. _ many times, he has already known how to do it.15. _ many times, but he still didnt know how to do it. A. He had been toldB. Having been told C. Though he had been told D. Having told第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her 60s. When it was her turn to pay, the cashier(收银员) 16 her by name and asked her how she was doing. The woman looked down, shook her hand, and said, “Not so good. My husband just lost his job and my 17 son is up to his old tricks again. The truth is, I dont know how Im going to 18 the holidays. ”Then she gave the cashier food stamps.My heart 19 .I wanted to help but didnt know how. Should I offer to 20 her groceries or ask for her husbands situation? 21 I walked into the parking lot, I spotted the woman returning her shopping cart. I remembered something in my purse that I thought might help her. It wasnt a handful of cash or an 22 of a job for her husband, but maybe it would make her life 23 .My heart beat faster as I 24 the woman. “Excuse me,” I said, my voice trembling a bit. “I couldnt help overhearing what you said to the cashier. It sounds like youre going through a really 25 time right now. Im so sorry, but Id like to give you something.”I took a small card out of my purse and 26 it to her.When the woman read the only two words on the card, she began to cry. And through her 27 , she said, “You have no idea how much this 28 to me.”I was a little 29 by her reply. Having never done anything like this before, I didnt know what kind of 30 I might receive. All I could think to respond was, “Oh! Would it be OK to give you a 31 ?After we hugged 32 ,I walked back to my car and began to cry, too.The words on the card?“You Matter.”A few weeks earlier, a colleague gave a similar card as 33 for a project I was working on. When I read the card, I felt a 34 glow(光辉,喜悦)spread inside of me. Deeply touched, I came home and ordered my own box of You Matter cards and started 35 them.16. A. charged B. greeted C. blame D. heard17. A. confident B. independent C. hopeless D. stubborn18. A. think about B. give up C. lead to D. get through19. A. ached B. failed C. beat D. paused 20. A. send for B. provide for C. pay for D. beg for21. A. As B. Though C. Unless D. Since22. A. excuse B. offer C. experience D. anecdote23. A. harder B. wealthier C. simpler D. better24. A. touched B. found C. balanced D. approached25. A. happy B. tough C. regular D. long26. A. handed B. obsessed C. spread D. explained27. A. reliability B. fears C. tears D. beliefs28. A. brings B. means C. values D. contains29. A. worried B. excited C. moved D. shocked30. A. reaction B. feeling C. expression D. answer31. A. present B. promise C. hug D. ride32. A. wildly B. tightly C. anxiously D. eagerly33. A. progress B. effort C. encouragement D. praise34. A. warm B. rich C. soft D. fierce35. A. gathering B. enjoying C. preparing D. sharing 第二部分:阅读理解(共20 题,每题2分, 满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASummer Adventure Camp xx Experience a summer of adventure and fun in the heart of Minnesota! Situated in Eden Prairie MN, just 20 miles south-west of Minneapolis, the International School of Minnesota (ISM) provides a Summer Adventure Camp for boys and girls from preschool to Grade 8. With a wide range of indoor activities and outdoor adventures available, campers also have the opportunity to take daily Spanish or American Sign Language classes.About ISM:ISM is a private school, situated on a wonderful 55-acre campus next to Bryant Lake and Bryant Lake Regional Park. At our Summer Camp, we have activities while at the same time we also can learn.State-of-the-Art-FacilitiesOur school and summer camp facilities are seated in a beautiful, wooded area in Eden Prairie MN, less than 30 minutes south-west of Minneapolis. Exciting outdoor adventures appear on our nature trails, playgrounds, soccer field, and in the neighboring park. Creative indoor activities take place in our state- of-the-art learning facility, performing arts centre, and swimming pool.Time: July 22-August 4Fee: $280Why Choose ISMs Summer Adventure Camp?Language classes& Cultural ActivitiesDaily language classes inspire an understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity, expand campers global experiences and prepare them to be successful citizens of the world.Experienced Camp InstructorsExperienced, energetic instructors and specialists guide campers as they explore the wonder of culture around the world and here at home.Interesting Flexible ProgramsYour camper will explore and learn with kids at their own age in interesting programs designed by educational experts. Tailor(专门制作) this flexible summer program to your childs special interests and your familys schedule. Wele to our camp. We are here waiting for you.36. In the camp, campers can _.A. learn languages B. live independentlyC. discover their hobbies D. learn to municate with classmates37. ISM, a private school _.A. holds this adventure camp every year B. is located in Bryant Lake Regional ParkC. only has students from preschool to primary schoolD. holds a camp where activities and learning go hand-in-hand38. What can we know about the Summer Adventure Camp?A. It lasts two weeks.B. All students can take part in it.C. Campers dont need to pay anything. D. only outdoor activities are available for campers.39. What is the purpose of the last part of the text?A. To encourage donation. B. To attract more campers.C. To advertise ing events. D. To introduce special activities.40. Who is the passage intended for?A. Educational experts. B. Preschool kids. C. Experienced teachers. D. Parents with children in schools.BTeamwork is all about working together to achieve a mon goal or purpose. Is teamwork out of date? Why is it so hard to effectively conduct teamwork in those things? One way we employ teamwork in everyday lives is by being a parent. It is a parents job to teach their children the fundamental skills and give them the knowledge they need to be successful in life. So why is teamwork disappearing in this aspect of our lives? Well in todays society, we find that more and more parents are experiencing that the teamwork is a one-sided thing. According to a xx report from the US, there are 13.7 million single parents raising their children in the US and this amount could be due to the fact that parents are not stepping up and taking responsibility for their children or they dont have the means to, so they leave one parent to do it by themselves. This is a saddening fact, but it reflects that effective teamwork is losing ground in the parenting aspect of our everyday lives. Another place where teamwork affects us greatly is in our jobs. It doesnt matter if you are a small or large pany; if you have at least one employee and yourself, then teamwork will be present. I have noticed that with the current economic recession(衰退), people are racing to grab jobs but the quality of peoples work has gone down greatly. It just appears to me that people do not take part in their work any more. They want to get to work and work as fast as they can, just to receive the paycheck, but their quality standards fly right out the window. This type of behavior is where I think teamwork is losing its ground in the workforce. There are too many people who want to work independently and forget they are a part of a team. As you can see, we run into the aspects of teamwork in just about everything we do. Do you believe teamwork is really losing ground in todays society? I think it is. Whats your opinion?41. Why does teamwork disappear in the parenting aspect of our daily lives? A. Parents have no time to spare with their children. B. Parents have no chances to teach their children about it. C. Many children are often brought up by a single parent. D. Many children are independent to deal with their matters.42. Teamwork is losing ground in workforce mainly because _.A. workers dont like to work together with othersB. workers sense is affected by economic recessionC. workers want to prove they are more capableD. fewer workers are employed to save money43. The author wants us to believe his opinion by _.A. listing some data B. making parisonsC. asking some questionsD. analyzing some cases44. What does the underlined phrase “fly right out the window” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Disappear. B. Improve. C. Increase. D. Matter.45. What is the authors main purpose of writing the passage?A. To show the importance of housework. B. To introduce how teamwork works now.C. To tell us the current economic recession. D. To show his attitude towards teamwork.CThis little girl has big baseball dreams. Hailey Dawson, a 7-year-old girl who uses a 3-D printed hand, wants to break the world record for the number of ceremonial first pitches(投,掷) at every major League Baseball (MLB) stadium- and teams are lining up to let her in. Dawson has Poland Syndrome(波兰综合征) that caused her to be born without the three middle fingers of her right hand. Hailey Dawson throws out the first pitch using a 3-D printed hand at a Baltimore Orioles Game in xx. Dawson has a 3-D printed “flexy” hand, which allows her to write and even play t-ball with her dominant right hand(惯用的右手). Dawson has worn the flexy” hand since she was four, which is controlled by fishing wire. She has about 6 different hands for different purposes. Her condition hasnt stopped the sporty girl from longing to hold the Guinness World Record for the most number of first pitches and it looks like the MLB will help her make that happen. Shes already thrown the first pitch at two Major League games. “ Maybe she can throw one out in every Major League ballpark,” Dawsons mom told SportTechie., “ Thats what Im going to work on this summer.” When Bleacher Report posted a video about Dawson wanting to throw the first pitch at every ballpark, several Major League teams enthusiastically asked how to get her contact information so that she could e to their stadium.More than half of the remaining baseball teams have already reached out to try to schedule Dawson at a game, including the Chicago Cubs, Detroit Tigers, the Minnesota Twins, the Pittsburgh Pirates, the Florida Mariners, the San Diego Padres, the Oakland As and the San Francisco Giants. Even non-Major League teams are asking Dawson to e to their stadium, like Florida Gators, a college team, and the Sacramento River Cats, a minor league team.46. Hailey Dawson, a 7-year-old girl, _. A. was born with disabilitiesB. is a famous baseball playerC. got her 3-D printed hand two years ago D. suffers greatly from her Poland Syndrome47. What can we know about Dawsons “ flexy” hand?A. It has six different functions. B. It is flexible enough.B. It limits her hands movement. D. It didnt match Dawson well at first.48. According to Paragraph 3, we know that _.A. Dawsons mom is her baseball coachB. Dawson is a loyal fan of Major League gamesC. Dawsons mom doesnt support Dawsons baseball dreamsD. Dawsons disability doesnt stop her desire for holding the Guinness World Record49. What do some Major League teams want to do after watching Dawsons video?A. They want to accept her as their player.B. They want to employ her as their coach.C. They want to wele her to their stadium.D. They want to hold the Guinness World Record.50. It can be inferred that Hailey Dawsons baseball dreams _.A. shock all non-Major League teamsB. go against the standards of Major League teamsC. inspire neither Major nor non-Major League teamsD. get support from both Major and non-Major League teamsDSince the 1970s, scientists have been searching for ways to connect the brain with puters. Brain-puter Interface (BCI) technology could help people with disabilities send mands to machines.Recently, two scientists, Jose Millan and Michele Tavella from the Federal Polytehnic School in Lausanne, Switzerland, showed a small robotic wheelchair directed by a persons thoughts. In the laboratory, Tavella operated the wheelchair just by thinking about moving his left or right hand. He could even talk as he watched the vehicle and guided it with his thoughts.“Our brain has billions of body cells(细胞). These send signals through the spinal cord(脊髓) to the body part to give us the ability to move. But spinal cord injuries or other conditions can prevent these weak electrical signals from reaching the body part.” Tavella says. “Our system allows disabled people to municate with outer world and also to control machines.”The scientists designed a special cap for the user. This head cover picks up the signals from the scalp(头皮) and sends them to a puter. The puter finds meanings of the signals and mands the wheelchair with an engine. The wheelchair also has two cameras that tell objects in its path. They help the puter react to mands from the brain.Prof. Millan, the team leader, says “Scientists keep improving the puter software that finds meanings of brain signals and turns them into simple mands. The practical possibilities that BCI technology offers to disabled people can be grouped in two kinds: munication, and controlling objects. One example is this wheelchair.He says his team has set two goals. One is testing with real patients, so as to prove that this is a technology they can get advantages from. And the other is to ensure that they can use the technology over a long period of time.51. BCI is a technology that can _.A. help to update puter systemsB. control a persons thoughtsC. help the disabled to recoverD. connect the human brain with puters52. How did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory? A. By controlling his muscles.B. By using his mind. C. By moving his hand. D. By talking to the machine.53. Which of the following shows the path of the signals described in Paragraph 4?A. scalpcapputerwheelchairB. putercapscalpwheelchairC. scalpputercapwheelchairD. capputerscalpwheelchair54. The team will test with real patients to_.A. make money from themB. prove the technology useful to themC. make them live longerD. learn about their physical condition55. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Scientists have been looking for ways to link the brain with puters. B. The wheelchair designed by Millan and Tavella is directed by a persons thoughts.C. Spinal cord injuries can prevent these weak electrical signals from reaching the body part.D. The wheelchair has been put in use and benefited real patients.第II卷(非选择题)第三部分: 写作第一节:阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(学法题)Now I can say with certainty that I had never understood others suffering from the loss of a dear person. For my part, it used to be a pity and sympathy. It was when my dear mother died that I started to understand all those people who lost someone they loved. There are perhaps no exact words to describe this pain, at least none can be used on this planet. This intolerable pain tears you apart, which is like a stone on your heart and makes tears run down your face with each recollection of the dear person who has passed away. Time is unlikely to lighten this hurt, no matter what others claim.Every morning I still wake up to think that my mom is there, drinking her tea in the room and watching her favorite programs. Then the truth rushes up to me suddenly and I realize that it is just a dream hanging around me and a sense of great sadness falling upon me. Despite my apparent peace and brightness, I feel empty inside. My mothers death was the most painful experience Ive gone through. It was the most disastrous loss in my life.The memory of my mother will follow me wherever I go. She was there to show me my first butterfly and my first dress. She was there when I made my first step. She taught me to smile and laugh. Moreover, she listened to all my fears with gentle patience which can only be admiring. Her eyes were so soft and full of prehension. My mothers greatest desire was only to offer affection and care to her family. When I had really bad times, she washed me with her healing sympathy and got my attention away from bad

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