2019高考英语一轮选练编题 Unit 3 Life in the future(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc

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2019高考英语一轮选练编题 Unit 3 Life in the future(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第3页
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Unit 3考点规范练(必修5Unit 3)【短文语法填空】While people in Western countries are busy 1.(prepare) Christmas gifts for their loved ones,Chinese people are looking forward to the Spring Festival,Chinas most important annual event.What is childrens expected part of the Spring Festival?Chances are that they are longing 2.(receive) red envelopes which contain money.The red color of the envelope symbolizes wishing someone good luck.And the money in it is a symbol of wishing good fortune on children.One popular story of 3. the red envelopes came from is about a monster 4. Sui appearing on Chinese New Years Eve.A sleeping child who was touched by it would develop a fever 5. then bee a fool.But a couple prayed so 6.(sincere) that a god sent eight guards disguised as coins to protect their child.From then on,people placed eight coins on red string and 7.(hide) them under childrens pillows.As the Chinese character for “year” has the same 8.(pronounce) as the monsters name,people called the coins “ya sui qian”,meaning “9.(luck) money against the evil spirit”.10. time passing,paper notes replaced the coins and the red envelope replaced the thread.【解题导语】本文为一篇说明文。当西方国家的人们正在准备过圣诞节的时候,我们中国人正在期盼“春节”的到来。本文主要介绍了“春节”,尤其是孩子们最期盼的“红包”的来历。1.preparing考查非谓语动词。be busy doing表示“忙于”,busy后要用名词或动词-ing形式,故用preparing。2.to receive考查非谓语动词。be longing to do sth.表示“渴望做某事”,故此处应用to receive。3.where考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处为定语从句,且从句中缺少地点状语,故用连接副词where。4.called考查非谓语动词。此处为非谓语动词做后置定语,因与monster构成动宾关系,故此处应用called。5.and考查连词。根据下文的then可知,前后句是并列关系,故应用and。6.sincerely考查副词。根据上文的prayed可知,此处是修饰动词,应该用sincere的副词形式。7.hid考查动词的时态。由空前的and可知,此处的时态应与placed一致,故应用过去式。hide是不规则动词,其过去式是hid。8.pronunciation考查名词。由空前的the same可知,此处应用pronounce的名词形式,意为“与怪兽的名字有着相同的发音”,故填pronunciation。9.lucky考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰money做定语,故应填形容词形式lucky。10.With考查介词。由后文的time passing可知,此处是with的复合结构,意为“随着时间的推移”。注意字母W要大写。.阅读理解Schools should put a greater emphasis on teaching digital technologyas millions of jobs could be swept away by automation,says former education secretary Lord Kenneth Baker.Now chair of the Edge Foundation,Mr Baker says young people must be taught the skills for jobs of the future.He warns that many white collar and professional jobs will be under threat from artificial intelligence.“Jobs are being lost in professions we used to regard as careers for life,”he said.Lord Baker has produced a report,The Digital Revolution,calling for the education system to respond to the way in which technological change will affect the future job market.“The economy is changing at a very rapid pace,”he said.“Artificial intelligence,robots,3D printing and driverless vehicles will influence different fields like the legal profession,transport and construction.”Lord Baker,who heads the Edge charity,which encourages education that prepares people for a job,says figures from the Bank of England show that automation could put 15 million jobs at risk.But he warns that the supply of the necessary digital skills is “almost entirely absent from the core curriculum(核心课程) in mainstream schools”.The report calls for a stronger emphasis on work-related technical skills,linked to the influence of digital technology.Lord Baker says that schools should be able to teach puter science rather than modern languages.He says that apprenticeships(实习) should be available from the age of 14,bining a “core academic curriculum with hands-on learning”.All primary schools should have 3D printers and design software,he says,and they should bring in outside experts to teach coding.“We should not go back to a 19th century diet of academic subjects for all.We need 21st century education for a 21st century economy,”said Lord Baker.1.To the education system,Lord Bakers report The Digital Revolution served as .A.an appeal B.a questionC.a solutionD.an introduction2.How does Lord Baker feel about the current supply of the necessary digital skills in school?A.Satisfied.B.Doubtful.C.Confident.D.Disappointed.3.Lord Baker advises schools to .a.obtain design softwareb.invite outside expertsc.teach puter scienced.teach modern languagesA.a,b,cB.b,c,dC.a,c,dD.a,b,d4.Which of the following can best express Lord Bakers idea in the last paragraph?A.Prepare for a rainy day.B.Keep pace with the times.C.Time and tide wait for no man.D.All things are difficult before they are easy.Hillary Clinton promised On October 30, 2016 that she would not be “knocked off course” in the elections final days, as she sought to push past a new FBI email inquiry that delivered a late jolt(震动) to her race against Republican Donald Trump. “Im not stopping now, were just getting warmed up,” Clinton declared during a packed rally (集会)with supporters in Florida. “Were not going to be distracted, no matter what our opponents throw at us.” Trump campaigned in Las Vegas at a club owned by billionaire GOP major donor Sheldon Adelson and accused the Justice Department, without offering evidence, of trying to protect Clinton following the FBIs discovery of new emails that could be related to its investigation into Clintons use of a private email server. “Hillary has nobody but herself to blame for her mounting legal problems,” Trump said during a rally. Meanwhile, federal investigators secured a warrant (权证)to examine the newly discovered emails related to Hillary Clintons private server, media reported on Sunday, as a prominent Democrat accused FBI Director James ey of breaking the law by trying to influence the election. The warrant will allow the FBI to examine the emails to see if they are relevant to its investigation into the private email server used for government work by Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. ey came under heavy pressure from Democrats on Sunday to quickly provide details of the emails, as Clinton allies worried the controversy could extend beyond the Nov 8 election and cast a shadow over a Clinton transition if she wins the White House. eys disclosure of the email discovery in a letter to Congress on Friday plunged(使陷入) the final days of the White House race between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump into a state of confusion and disorder. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid sent a letter to ey on Sunday suggesting he violated the Hatch Act, which bans the use of a federal government position to influence an election.1.What is James ey?A.Senate Democratic Leader.B.A prominent Democrat.C.FBI Director.D.Head of the Justice Department.2.What has FBI made a discovery of?A.Clintons private letters written to a foreign country.B.Clintons accepting a lot of money from a businessman.C.Clintons bad health conditions that may affect her administration.D.Clintons new emails through the use of a private email server.3.The possible meaning of the underlined word “ controversy ” in Para. 7 is _.A.a successful ending of a struggle or contestB.a lot of argument about somethingC.the ability and strength to do active physical thingsD.something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination4.The best title for the news report can be “_” .A.Clinton promises to stay course, Trump boostedB.Trump accuses the Justice Department of trying to protect ClintonC.Trump says Hillary should blame for her mounting legal problemsD.White House race between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump参考答案: 1.C; 2.D; 3.B; 4.A解析: 1.事实判断题。根据是第五段:as a prominent Democrat accused FBI Director James ey of breaking the law by trying to influence the election。2.细节理解题。根据第三段:following the FBIs discovery of new emails that could be related to its investigation into Clintons use of a private email server可得答案。3.词义猜测题。根据前文克林顿和特朗普竞争美国总统互相攻击以及该词前的worried和该词后的could extend beyond the Nov 8 election可知该词是“争议”的意思。4.标题猜测题。根据全文如开头:Hillary Clinton promised on October 30 that she would not be “knocked off course” in the elections final days等可知答案。.完形填空(2016济南一模)One Monday evening,I received a direct message from a boy who found a mean message in his locker.He took a picture of it and sent it to me asking for 1.I asked him to meet me the following morning.A few hours later I 2 on the Internet that he had posted the picture of the mean note and asked if anyone 3 who it was.I thought it was 4 of the boy to find it out via social media.The next day the boy came to me and another 5 was with him.The boy showed me another note he had 6.But this was a beautiful,heartfelt 7.I asked him if he knew who had done it,and the boy who came with him 8,“It was me.I dont know why I did it,9 I know it was wrong and not at all kind.So I wrote him this note.I also wrote 150 notes with 10 sayings and put them in all the lockers.I just 11 to do something to make up for my 12.”My heart felt full of pride and love for this 13 boy.I told him how courageous it was for him to e 14 and how amazing it was that he did something kind in return to try to balance his 15.I turned to the boy who received both notes and asked him if he also 16 the bravery and could forgive.Without 17,he said,“Yes,definitely.And 18 anyone tries to be mean to him for making a bad choice,I will stand up to him.”These two boys 19 me that ing forward when we need help is important,and ing forward to 20 a wrong is vital.1.A.supportB.moneyC.helpD.fort2.A.noticedB.realizedC.concludedD.declared3.A.agreedB.predictedC.knewD.imagined4.A.patientB.smartC.honestD.reliable5.A.boyB.teacherC.girlD.advisor6.A.writtenB.lostC.receivedD.selected7.A.invitationB.wishC.greetingD.apology8.A.repliedB.addedC.shoutedD.argued9.A.soB.forC.orD.but10.A.simpleB.kindC.specificD.cautious11.A.wantedB.continuedC.failedD.refused12.A.carelessnessB.lonelinessC.meannessD.sadness13.A.specialB.uniqueC.wiseD.brave14.A.alongB.forwardC.backD.out15.A.mistakeB.lossC.beliefD.value16.A.paredB.challengedC.presentedD.recognized17.A.difficultyB.doubtC.hesitationD.fear18.A.althoughB.ifC.becauseD.until19.A.promisedB.warnedC.showedD.informed20.A.discoverB.conductC.judgeD.admit.短文改错I recently have met a Chinese exchange student at campus when I was walking alone.He was eager be a member of my dance team.To tell the true,I didnt need another member at all.Therefore,I couldnt resist his love and desire.Later,I decided to invite her to join. Heard my decision,he was mad with joy.Then he started to make fully use of time to practice.I know an experience will be rewarding.If you love something,but put your heart into it,you are sure to benefit from it.考点规范练(必修5Unit 3).【解题导语】本文是议论文。人工智能及自动化将威胁无数工作,因此学校必须重视数字技术教育以应对未来的就业挑战。1.A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The Digital Revolution,calling for the education system to respond to the way in which technological change will affect the future job market.”可知,贝克先生写的这份报告对教育系统提出呼吁:教育系统应该对科技变革作出反应。2. D推理判断题。根据第五段中的“.the supply of the necessary digital skills is almost entirely absent from the core curriculum(核心课程) in mainstream schools.”看出,贝克先生对数字技术教育在主流学校的核心课程中严重欠缺非常失望。3.A细节理解题。根据最后两段中的“schools should be able to teach puter science”,“All primary schools should have 3D printers and design software.”及bring in outside experts可知,Baker先生建议学校教授计算机科学、配备3D打印机和设计软件并且从学校外引进专家。4. B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“We need 21st century education for a 21st century economy.”可知,贝克先生讲话的核心是教育应该与时俱进。.【解题导语】本文为记叙文。文章主要讲述了两个男孩儿解决冲突的故事。其中一个小男孩向作者求助,作者希望他能原谅犯错的男孩。1.C根据下文的“These two boys 19 me that ing forward when we need help is important.”可知,男孩儿是在向作者求助。2.A根据on the Internet可推知,作者注意到了网上的情况。realize“认识到”,conclude“断定”,declare“宣布”,均不符合语境。3.C根据下文中的“I asked him if he knew who had done it.”可知,那个男孩儿在网上发布照片,询问是否有人知道这是谁干的。4.B根据下文可知,男孩儿通过网络很快找到了始作俑者,因此作者认为男孩儿很聪明。5.A与下文的the boy who came with him呼应可知,来了两个男孩儿。6.C与上文的“One Monday evening,I received a direct message from a boy who found a mean message in his locker.”可推知,男孩儿又收到(received)了一张便条。7.D根据下文的“I just 11 to do something to make up for my 12.”可推知,对方写了一张便条以表达他真诚的道歉。8.A根据It was me可知,犯错的男孩儿回答了作者的问题。9.D根据语境可知,上下句表示逻辑上的转折关系。10.B根据上文的“I know it was wrong and not at all kind.”可知,犯错的男孩儿希望用友好的语言来得到原谅。11.A根据语境可知,犯错的男孩儿想(wanted) 做些事情去弥补自己的错误。12.C与上文的a mean message呼应可知,C项正确。13.D与下文的“I told him how courageous it was for him.”呼应可知,作者认为承认错误的这个男孩儿很勇敢。14.B根据最后一段中两次出现的ing forward可推知,B项正确。15.A犯错的男孩儿想做些事去弥补自己的过错。16.D根据and could forgive可推知,作者希望求助的男孩儿也能够认可犯错男孩的这种勇气并原谅他。recognize 意为“认可”,符合语境。17.C根据“Yes,definitely.”可推知,男孩儿毫不犹豫地做了回答。without hesitation意为“毫不犹豫”。18.B根据语境可知,上下句表示逻辑上的条件关系,故用if引导条件状语从句。19.C根据语境可推知,两个男孩儿的行为向作者展示了一个道理。20.D由a wrong并结合上文内容可推知,此处表示承认错误,故选D项。.短文改错I recently have met a Chinese exchange student aton campus when I was walking alone.He was eager be a member of my dance team.To tell the truetruth,I didnt need another member at all.ThereforeHowever,I couldnt resist his love and desire.Later,I decided to invite herhim to join.HeardHearing my decision,he was mad with joy.Then he started to make fullyfull use of time to practice.I know anthe experience will be rewarding.If you love something,butand put your heart into it,you are sure to benefit from it.


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