2019版高考英语一轮复习 高考提能练(十六)Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia 外研版必修3.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 高考提能练(十六)Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia 外研版必修3.doc_第3页
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Module 4Sandstorms in Asia练习(一)英语知识运用组块专练练准度(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!)(限时:25分钟).完形填空(2018湖北武汉武昌区高三年级调研考试)The Gift at the Parking LotI never thought I would be writing about a trip to the convenience store. It was just a month after my grandmother had _1_ and I did useless things hoping to fill the hole in my heart and make me forget the pain.In the store, I was upset because I couldnt even remember _2_ I went there to buy so I ended up buying something _3_. As I walked out of the store to get my car, I was _4_ angry at everything that was going on around me which was a very _5_ feeling at that time.Feeling _6_, my belief in God was beginning to fade.Suddenly, a woman driving right by my side rolled down her _7_. “Excuse me, excuse me.” she said loudly. _8_ she was going to ask for my parking spot. I _9_ pointed to my car. “No, excuse me,” she said again.At this point, I felt I had no _10_ but to see what this _11_ lady wanted. As I got closer, I realized that she was _12_ something in her bag. Surprisingly, I was _13_ with a sense of relief while others would be nervous in this situation. Finally, she _14_ me a booklet, which read “What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?”“Maybe you need this,” she said calmly _15_ a warm smile on her face. However, _16_ I could thank her, she was gone.I felt a sense of _17_ as I opened the first page. It _18_ how people pass on, but their spirit _19_ with us. This was the first time since my grandma had died that I had felt her with me and I began to feel hope again. It was a unique _20_. And, Ill remember it for the rest of my life.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了“我”因为祖母去世而非常伤心,甚至绝望,这时一位陌生人给了“我”一个小册子,帮助“我”走出了阴霾。1A.e backBpassed awayCbroken down Dfallen over答案与解析:B从最后一段的“my grandma had died”可知,“我”的祖母去世了,“我”非常伤心。pass away“去世”;e back“回来”;break down“出故障”;fall over“不运转,被绊倒”。2A.what BwhyChow Dwhen答案与解析:A到了便利店,“我”忘记了自己想买什么。空处引导宾语从句且从句中缺少宾语,故用what。3A.by chance Bin handCat random Don purpose答案与解析:C因为忘记要买什么,所以“我”就随便买了一些。by chance“偶然”;in hand“在掌握中”;at random“随意”;on purpose“故意”。4A.still BevenCyet Dalso答案与解析:B因为当时心情非常不好,所以甚至(even)对周围的一切都非常看不惯。5A.mon BunbearableCcurious Dawkward答案与解析:A考虑到“我”当时所处的情况,这样的坏心情是非常常见的。mon“常见的”;unbearable“难耐的”;curious“好奇的”;awkward“笨拙的,令人尴尬的”。6A.breathless BhopelessCaimless Dhelpless答案与解析:B结合最后一段中的“I began to feel hope again”可知,此处指“我”对于上帝的信念开始减退,因为此时感觉绝望。breathless“上气不接下气的”;hopeless“没有希望的”;aimless“没有目标的”;helpless“无助的”。7A.car BdoorCwindow Dhand答案与解析:C突然,从“我”旁边开车经过的一位女司机把车窗摇了下来。8A.Recognizing BWorryingCAssuming DRealizing答案与解析:C“我”以为她要把车停在“我”停车的位置。recognize“认出”;worry“担心”;assume“认为”;realize“意识到”。9A.cautiously BexactlyCclumsily Dsimply答案与解析:D“我”只是指了指“我”的车。cautiously“小心地”;exactly“准确地”;clumsily“笨拙地”;simply“仅仅”。10A.alternative BrestrictionCdestination Dprejudice答案与解析:A这个时候“我”没有其他的办法,只有看看这个女士到底想要什么。alternative“可供选择的事物”;restriction“限制”;destination“目的地”;prejudice“偏见”。11A.outgoing BenergeticCdetermined Dannoying答案与解析:D“我”当时心情非常差,看一切都不顺眼,所以“我”觉得这个女士很烦人。outgoing“外向的”;energetic“精力充沛的”;determined“坚决的”;annoying“令人烦恼的”。12A.putting away Blooking intoCsearching for Dgoing over答案与解析:C当“我”走近的时候,“我”发现她在包里找东西。put away“将收起”;look into“调查”;search for“寻找”;go over“仔细检查”。13A.cheered BovereCaffected Dmoved答案与解析:B令人想不到的是,这个时候“我”突然松了口气,而其他人在这种情况下都会紧张。be overe with意为“被(感情)所控制”。cheer“欢呼”;affect“影响”;move“移动,使感动”。14A.offered BshowedCbrought Dhanded答案与解析:D最后她递给“我”一个小册子。hand作动词,表示“递”。15A.with BinCon Dof答案与解析:A她的脸上带着微笑。with“具有”。16A.after BonceCas Dbefore答案与解析:D“我”还没有来得及感谢她,她就已经走了。before“在之前;没来得及”。17A.fort BsatisfactionCinspiration Dsurprise答案与解析:A当“我”翻开第一页的时候,“我”得到了安慰。fort“安慰,舒适”;satisfaction“满意”;inspiration“灵感”;surprise“惊讶”。18A.implied BexplainedCinstructed Ddirected答案与解析:B这本小册子告诉我们,人们离去了,但他们的灵魂还和我们在一起。imply“暗示”;explain“解释,说明”;instruct“指示”;direct“指导”。19A.catches up Bfits inCsticks Dremains答案与解析:D他们的灵魂还和我们在一起。catch up“赶上”;fit in“适应”;stick“粘贴”;remain“继续存在”。20A.lesson BmemoryCgift Dreward答案与解析:C这是一个独特的礼物。.语法填空(2018烟台3月诊断)The IMA Blood Bank _1_ (set) up in 1995 with a goal that no needy patient should ever die due to lack _2_ blood in Dehradun and its surrounding areas.Deeply _3_ (move) by the pain and suffering of a child who was being taken to Delhi with a bleeding leg wrapped in plastic, _4_ (simple) because there was no blood bank in Dehradun, Dr. Dipak started a movement to create a blood bank by engaging (联合) with the local munity. _5_ began as a small activity has taken the shape of an inspiring institution of international standards. Due to the huge voluntary support from the local people, the blood bank has enough blood to function round _6_ clock to serve the local patients._7_ (help) more people in India, the IMA Blood Bank has also developed a team to educate the public about blood donation. They are trying to make people understand that donating blood is one of the highest _8_ (form) of charity. It can be donated by almost any adult who is _9_ (health), It is safe to donate every three to six months because blood is recovered very quickly in the body.Meanwhile, the media plays a major role in _10_ (create) a higher level of awareness about blood donation. This will encourage more and more people to donate blood voluntarily.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了IMA血库建立的目的以及运转情况。1答案与解析:was set考查动词的时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,动词set与主语“The IMA Blood Bank”之间是被动关系;又因为时间状语是“in 1995”,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。故用was set。2答案与解析:of考查介词。此处是介词用于固定短语中,lack of sth.意为“缺少,缺乏”。故用of。3答案与解析:moved考查非谓语动词。根据句型结构分析可知,动词move与句子的主语“Dr.Dipak”之间是被动关系,即Dr. Dipak被深深地感动了,所以用过去分词作状语,表示被动。故用moved。4答案与解析:simply考查词性转换。simple是形容词,意为“简单的”; simply是副词,意为“简单地,仅仅”。分析句子结构可知,此处应用副词修饰原因状语从句,意为“仅仅因为”。故用simply。5答案与解析:What考查名词性从句。根据句型结构分析可知,“_ began as a small activity”是一个主语从句,从句中缺少主语,所以用what;又因为是句首,所以要注意首字母大写。故用What。6答案与解析:the考查冠词。此处是定冠词用于固定短语中,round the clock 意为“日夜不停地”。故用the。7答案与解析:To help考查非谓语动词。此处是动词不定式置于句首,表示目的。故用To help。注意首字母大写。8答案与解析:forms考查名词复数。form是可数名词,意为“形式”。因为form前有“one of”修饰,所以要用复数形式。故用forms。9答案与解析:healthy考查词性转换。health是名词,意为“健康”;healthy是形容词,意为“健康的”。be动词后接形容词作表语。故用healthy。10答案与解析:creating考查非谓语动词。create在此处作介词“in”后面的宾语,所以要用动名词的形式。故用creating。练习(二)卷强化增分组块专练练规范(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!)(限时:45分钟).语法填空(2018沈阳市下学期高三第三次模拟考试试题)Visitors to Britain may find the most marvelous place _1_ (enjoy) the local culture is in a traditional pub. But newers may get . _2_ trouble in these friendly pubs. Strangers may start with the difficulty of getting _3_ drink. Most pubs have no _4_ (wait) you have to go to the bar to buy drinks. This may sound _5_ (convenience), but English people are used to doing so.Pub culture is formed to help people get along with each other. Standing at the bar for _6_ (serve.) allows you to chat with others waiting for drinks. The bar counter is _7_ (possible) the only place in Britain.Though a friendly conversation with strangers is considered to be entirely proper and really quite normal, however, if you do not follow the local rules, you may fail to feel the local culture. For example, if you _8_ (be) in a big group, it is best for one or two people to go to buy the drinks. Nothing makes the regular customers and bar staff _9_ (angry) than a group of strangers _10_ (stand) in front of the bar while they chat and wonder what to order.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,讲的是英国的酒馆文化。1答案与解析:to enjoy考查非谓语动词。被修饰的名词前有最高级修饰时,非谓语动词充当后置定语常用不定式,故用to enjoy。2答案与解析:into考查介词。固定搭配get into trouble表示“陷入麻烦”,与后面一句中的difficulty相照应,所以填into。3答案与解析:a考查冠词。drink这里表示“一杯酒,一份酒精饮料”,是可数名词,前面加不定冠词,表示泛指,故用a。4答案与解析:waiters考查名词。根据破折号后的“you have to go to the bar to buy drinks”可知,这样的酒馆是没有服务员(waiters)的,waiter是可数名词,no常修饰可数名词的复数形式,故用waiters。5答案与解析:inconvenient考查形容词。sound在这里表示“听起来”,后面加形容词充当表语,说明主语的性质、特点,根据上面一句可知,没有服务员,需要自己去买饮料,这给人的感觉是不方便的(inconvenient)。6答案与解析:service考查名词。介词后面加名词,service表示“服务”,符合语境。7答案与解析:possibly考查副词。此处应用副词possibly作状语。8答案与解析:are考查时态。if引导条件状语从句常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,主语是you,故用are。9答案与解析:angrier考查比较级。根据空后的than并结合语境可知,这里表示比较,故用angry的比较级形式angrier。10答案与解析:standing考查非谓语动词。此处现在分词与被修饰词strangers构成主谓关系,因此用非谓语动词standing。.短文改错(2018长春市普通高中高三质量监测四)Last Monday, my aunt went to attend a meeting. After the meeting, she went to a restaurant for a lunch. Therefore, when it was time to pay the bill, she couldnt find her purse. She thought it must have stolen. Just then, a man in his early twenty came up and paid for her. My aunt was very gratefully. They talked about each other for a while and my aunt finally realize who he was. About ten years before, my aunt collected some money to helping a boy. That young man was the boy. My aunt didnt recognize her, but the kindness had never been forgotten.答案:Last Monday, my aunt went to attend a meeting. After the meeting, she went to a restaurant for lunch. , when it was time to pay the bill, she couldnt find her purse. She thought it must have stolen. Just then, a man in his early came up and paid for her. My aunt was very . They talked each other for a while and my aunt finally who he was. About ten years , my aunt collected some money to a boy. That young man was the boy. My aunt didnt recognize , but the kindness had never been forgotten.书面表达(2018日照3月模拟)假如你是在英国学习的交换生李华,住在同学Peter家里。你上周网购的联想(Lenovo)笔记本电脑将于本周日到货,但你因陪同父母到伦敦旅游不能按时返回取货,请你给Peter写一封电子邮件,让他帮忙代收并验货。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear Peter,I think I need your help. Last Friday I placed an order for a laptop online, and it is estimated to arrive to your address this Sunday. But you know Im out with my parents, and we are going for a trip to London this weekend. So Im writing to let you know that its not convenient for me to go back to receive the laptop at home. Can you do me the favor, please?Its a Lenovo laptop made in China. Please give it a careful checkup and make sure the package is well preserved and the machine operates well. Dont hesitate to contact the seller if you find any damage. Thank you very much.Yours,Li Hua


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