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被动语态 初三英语复习 ThePassiveVoice Theflowers Whatdoesshedoeveryday everyday arewatered byher Shewaterstheflowerseveryday 主谓宾 后面能接宾语的动词才有被动语态 主动变被动的方法 Shewaterstheflowerseveryday 主谓宾 Theflowersarewateredbyhereveryday 总结 主语 be P P by 宾语 be P P 被动语态的基本结构 有各种时态的变化 考点一 1 NowEnglish bymoreandmorepeopleallovertheword A speaksB isspokenC wasspoken 一般现在时的被动语态 am is are PP task 一 1 WelikeMissLinVerymuch MissLin byusverymuch 2 ManyyoungpeopleloveJayChou songs JayChou ssongs bymanyyoungpeople is liked are loved 时态 结构 am is are done 一般现在时 把下列句子改为被动语态 2 Thelostboy atthestreetcornerlastnight A wasfoundB isfoundC waslookedfor 一般过去时的被动语态 was were PP task 二 1 Themanrepairedthecaryesterday Thecar bythemanyesterday 2 MrSongencouragedustostudyhardlastweek We tostudyhardbyMissPenglastweek was repaired were encouraged 时态 结构 was were done 一般过去时 把下列句子改为被动语态 3 Manyhouses inthefuture A willbuildB willbebuiltC arebuilt 一般将来时的被动语态 will be PPbegoingto be PP task 三 1 Thecitywillbuildthenewairportnextyear Thenewairport nextyear 2 HuidongMiddleSchoolisgoingtosendtwostudentstoHongkongtostudy Twostudents toHongkongtostudy will be are be 时态 结构 will begoingto be done 一般将来时 built going to sent 4 Threebridges sincelastyear A havebuiltB werebuiltC havebeenbuilt 现在完成时的被动语态 have has been PP task 四 1 LiMinghasalreadywateredsomeflowers Someflowers byLiMingalready 2 Theyhavesoldoutthelightgreendress Thelightgreendress out have been has 时态 结构 Have has been done 现在完成时 watered been sold 5 Flowers everyday A hasbeenwateredB shouldbewateredC shouldwater 含有情态动词的被动语态 情态动词 be PP 含有情态动词的被动语态 情态动词 be done Youmustn tcleantheroomtoday Theroom byyoutoday 2 Weshouldfinishourhomeworkontime Ourhomework byusontime 四 mustn t should 结构 be cleaned be finished Part3 练习 用be动词的正确形式填空 Aknife usedtocutapples 2 Theair pollutedalready 3 Therooms cleanedlater 4 Thestudents askedtohavebreakfast 5 They encouragedtostudyhardinthepast 6 NotonlyhebutalsoI punishedlastnight is hasbeen willbe are were was 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 情态动词 am is are done 情态动词 be done will be done was were done 以下时态的被动语态构成 Summary 现在完成时 has have been done Task4 Homework 1 Reviewpassivevoice2 Doexercisesonthepaper 考点二 被动语态中的特殊情况 6 Goodmedicine bittertothemouth A tastesB istastedC taste Thispen well A issoldB sellC sells 感官动词 和sell等动词用主动语态表被动 思考3 选择1 Thepen well A iswrittenB writes2 Themusic nice A soundsB issounded B A 有些动词的主动形式表示被动含义 注意问题3 1 read sell last wash write等带状语 well easily 时 如 Herbooksellswell 2 感官动词feel look smell sound taste等与形容词连用时 如 Thecaketastesdelicious 7 Manypeople duringtheearthquakeinMay 2008 A werediedB deadC died happen last die等动词不使用被动 1 Itwillhappenin50years 2 Itwillbehappenedin50years 注意问题2 不及物动词没有被动语态 如 happen takeplace begin becomedissappear comeout 思考2 判断下列句子的正误 挑战 x 8 Theman cleanthetoiletbecausehe rubbishwhenthepolicewalkedpastthepark A wasmade wasseentothrowB wasmadeto wasseenthrowingC made saw see hearsb dosthbeseen heardtodosthsee hearsb doingsth beseen hearddoingsth makesb dosth bemadetodosth 主动 被动 主动 被动 主动 被动 思考4 把主动语态变为被动语态 Isawhimfalloffthetree He falloffthetree was seen to 注意问题4 一些动词如 如 make see hear watch等 后接宾语补足语为不带 to 不定式时 变被动语态时要加上 to 挑战 9 Childrenshould A takegoodcareofB betakengoodcareC betakengoodcareof 固定短语的被动不要丢掉后面的介词或副词 10 Yourdesk A needsrepairB needsrepairingC needstorepair need allow可以用 ing形式表示被动needtobedone needdoingbeallowedtodo allowdoing 练习 将下列句子变为被动句 1 LiLeilistenstohisfathercarefully 2 Themotherlookedafterthebabyintheroom 3 Wetookcareofthethings 4 Theygaveussomework 5 Theboymadethemlaughallthetime 6 Mymotherbuysmeabike HisfatherislistenedtocarefullybyLiLei Thebabywaslookedafterintheroom Thethingsweretakencareofbyus Weweregivensomework Someworkwasgiventousbythem Theyweremadetolaughallthetime Abikeisboughtforme Practisemakesperfect 熟能生巧 1 树要在春天种 2 树坑要挖得够大 但不要太深 3 把树放进坑里 扶直 4 把泥推回坑里 用脚踩实 5 在旁边插一根坚实的长棍子 并且保证棍子插直了 6 用绳子 rope 把棍子和树绑起来7 浇好水 根据提示写一篇以HowtoPlantaTree 为题目的短文 要求内容齐全 上下文连贯 尽量使用被动语态 80词左右 Writing 1 树要在春天种 2 树坑要挖得够大 但不要太深 3 把树放进坑里 扶直 4 把泥推回坑里 用脚踩实 5 在旁边插一根坚实的长棍子 并且保证棍子插直了 6 用绳子 rope 把棍子和树绑起来7 浇好水 beplanted bedug bigenough toodeep put into bekeptstraight push backto push hardwith knock into bekeptstraight betiedto with bewateredwell TreesmustbeplantedinSpring Theholemustbeduglargeenoughbutnottoodeep Putthetreeintotheholeanditmustbekeptstraight Pushtheearthbacktotheholeanditmustbepushedhardwithyourfeet Knockalongandstrongstickintotheearthbesidethetreeanditmustbekeptstraight Treescanbetiedtothestickwitharope Andtheymustbewateredwell


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