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Module 1Unit 1School life课文巩固用本单元所学要点填空。1. in a Chinese school for half a year was a very 2.experience for me. So far I havent forgotten the first day at school. To my surprise, I found there were 50 students in my class. This was 3. for an American school. I sat next to a boy 4. was Wang Dahai. We first held a class meeting. Our head teacher told us that 5.was to 6.and achieve high grades. Though I had learnt some Chinese, it was still 7. understand his words fully. During the half year in China, I made much progress in Chinese. 8., teachers and students were all helpful and 9. 10., I spent an hour each day seeing films in Chinese.Now when I 11.the time in China, I do hope to have another chance to study there.答案1.Studying2.enjoyable and exciting3.a large class size 4.whose name5.the best way to earn respect6.devote ourselves to study7.a struggle for me to8.For one thing9.gave me much encouragement10.For another11.look back on单元话题写作请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。My husband received a letter a month ago from a young woman who had been his student when she was in middle school. She was writing because she wanted to thank him for having a great influence on her life.In the letter she wrote, “You were the teacher who helped me discover my talent for math. Before you came to teach us, I had been terribly poor at math, and had never thought that I would be interested in it. To my surprise, you magically showed me the beauty of math. I guess that was the turning point of my attitude towards it. Gradually my interest in it began to grow. Thanks to your encouragement, I made continuous progress in math, and finally made up my mind to study it in the university. Today I am working as an accountant at Valley Medical Center in California.You played an important part. Thank you!”What a wonderful gift for a retired teacher!My husband has received many letters from students over the years. This one was special, for it arrived at this time in his life when he was in very poor health.写作内容1.用约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2.用约120个词就老师影响学生的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:(1)上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师;(2)举例说明该老师对你学习或成长的影响;(3)你怎样看待老师对学生的影响。写作要求1.作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。写作导写1.确定文体和时态这是一篇由一封信引起的记叙文,谈论的是老师对学生的影响,所以时态应以一般现在时和一般过去时为主。2.根据写作内容的提示,应注意以下几个方面:(1)概括应包括以下要点:The writers husband a letter his old student.The letter a lot to the writers husband.The writer learnt how great a teacher might on his students.(2)写作的内容应该包括:对自己帮助最大的老师是谁;该老师对自己的影响;自己如何看待老师对学生的影响。3.可能用到的词汇(1)对有重大意义(2)在方面有问题(3)做某事有困难(4)放弃(5)赶上4.确定要点表达顺序和段落结构本文可以分三段。第一段,这封感谢信对这位退休老教师来说意义重大。(This thank-you letter to the retired old teacher.)第二段,老师的鼓励对学生具有重要意义,尤其是当学生在学习上有困难时(The encouragement from a teacher is really of to his/her students, when a student has trouble with study.)第三段,我的进步归功于琼斯太太的鼓励。(I my progress Mrs Jones encouragement.)5.范文填空A thank-you letter from an old student of the writers husband (1) (对这位退休老教师来说意义重大). From the letter,the writer (2)(理解了一个老师可能对他的学生具有的强大影响力).The encouragement from a teacher is really of great significance to his/her students, especially when a student has trouble with study. (3) (及时的鼓励能增加他/她的自信,激发他/她的积极性)to work hard. When I was in middle school, I had some difficulty in learning English. I couldnt remember the new words, so I always did poorly in the English exams. Sometimes I even decided to give up learning English. However, everything changed when I met Mrs Jones, my new English teacher. She (4) (鼓励我试着用几种不同的方法去记英语单词),and when I made a little progress, she always praised me, so I (5) (学习比以往更努力). Gradually I became interested in remembering new words and began to catch up with other students in my class. At the end of the term I (6)(英语得了最高分).Now I owe my progress in English to Mrs Jones whose encouragement has made me achieve what I have now. Here I want to give my sincere thanks to her.答案2.(1)received;frommeantinfluence;have3.(1)be of great significance to(2)have trouble with(3)have difficulty(in)doing sth.(4)give up(5)catch up with4.meant a lot;great significance;especially;owe;to5.(1)meant a lot to the retired old teacher(2)learnt how great influence a teacher might have on his students(3)Timely encouragement can increase his/her confidence and inspire his/her motivation(4)encouraged me to try some different ways to remember English words(5)worked harder than before(6)got the highest mark in English教师备用话题微写作根据下面的素材,用本单元所学词汇和句式结构翻译下列句子。1.学校不但是我们上课的地方,而且是我们度过青少年时代的地方。School is not only a place where we attend class but also a place where we spend our whole youth.2.上学读书是我们每个人重要的也是必不可少的经历。Going to school is an important and necessary experience for every one of us.3.重要的不是学校是什么样子,而是你是否努力学习。What is important is not what your school is like, but whether you are going to study hard. 4.我们要全身心投入学习。We should devote ourselves to our study.5.培养能力和学习功课同样重要。Developing our ability is as important as learning lessons.【联句成篇】把以上句子联成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。【参考范文】School is not only a place where we attend class but also a place where we spend our whole youth. So going to school is an important and necessary experience for every one of us. What is important is not what your school is like, but whether you are going to study hard. We should devote ourselves to our study. Besides, developing our ability is as important as learning lessons.单元词汇拓展速记1.加前缀“en-”变成动词的词汇rich adj.富有的enrich v.使丰富;使充实able adj.有能力的enable v.使可能large adj.大的enlarge v.扩大sure adj.确信的ensure v.确保;保证danger n.危险endanger v.危及title n.冠军;头衔entitle v.使有权利courage n.勇气encourage v.鼓励2.加后缀“-able”变成形容词的词汇enjoy v.喜爱;享受enjoyable adj.令人愉快的reason n.理由reasonable adj.合理的value n.价值valuable adj.有价值的fort n.舒适感;安慰fortable adj.舒适的change n.改变changeable adj.多变的;易变的3.“同意”、“反对”高频词support n. & v. 拥护agree v. 同意approve v. 赞成,同意disagree v. 不同意object v. 反对oppose v. 反对reject v. 拒绝接受4.“v.+sb.+of+sth.”短语集锦inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事rob sb. of sth. 抢走某人某物accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事


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