2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练9 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练9 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练9 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 新人教版必修2.doc_第2页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练9 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 新人教版必修2.doc_第3页
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题组提分练9 Unit 4 Wildlife protection限时70分钟完形填空(2018衡水调研)体裁:记叙文话题:个人情况难度:1A. letters B. poemsC. books D. stories2A. party B. mealC. programme D. feeling3A. for instance B. on purposeC. at most D. in advance4A. arguing B. fightingC. dealing D. consulting5A. special B. valuableC. difficult D. enjoyable6A. paid attention to B. looked forward toC. e up with D. made up with7A. However B. ThereforeC. Otherwise D. Moreover8A. go on B. give upC. e out D. show up9A. life B. prideC. love D. honesty10A. refused B. hesitatedC. pretended D. volunteered11A. wishes B. worriesC. doubts D. enthusiasm12A. effort B. reservationC. decision D. call13A. plan B. shareC. miss D. explain14A. book B. cardC. bike D. flower15A. performance B. influenceC. presence D. absence(干扰选项)16A. dinner B. houseC. meeting D. petition17A. goodbye B. pityC. yes D. hello18A. accident B. surpriseC. quarrel D. trouble19A. recited B. readC. wrote D. sang20A. responsibly B. thankfullyC. sensitively D. desperately答案与解析【语篇解读】作者策划了一个特别的22周年结婚纪念派对,给了妻子一个大大的惊喜。方法微存词语复现是高考完形命题的一大特点,有一些关键词会在文中反复出现,应善于抓住这类重复出现的词语。1B根据下文第3空后的poems可知作者想给妻子写22首诗,故选项B正确。poem“诗”。2A根据下文第四段中反复提到的the party可知作者想举行一个独特的派对,给妻子一个惊喜。party“派对”,符合语境。 meal“饭”;programme“项目;节目”;feeling“情感;心情”。3D作者提前数月开始准备。 in advance“提前”,符合语境。 for instance “例如”;on purpose“故意地”;at most “最多”。4D作者和妻子的朋友们商量让他们帮助为每首诗配图。consult with sb.“和某人商量”,符合语境。argue with sb.“和某人争论”;fight with sb.“和某人搏斗”;deal with sb.“对付某人;和某人打交道”。5C要是早知道给每首诗配图是这么难,作者就会想出不同的办法了。 difficult“困难的”,符合语境。special“独特的”;valuable“珍贵的”;enjoyable“令人愉快的”。6C解析见上一题。 e up with “想出”,符合语境。 pay attention to“注意”;look forward to“盼望”;make up with .“与和解”。7A前后语境是转折关系,故however“然而”,符合语境。therefore“因此”;otherwise“否则”;moreover“而且;另外”。8B当作者要放弃时,总会被作者和妻子之间的爱所鼓舞,并且继续下去。give up“放弃”,符合语境。go on“继续”;e out “出来;出版”;show up“出现;露面”。9C解析见上一题。love“爱”, 符合语境。life“生活”;pride“自豪;骄傲”;honesty“诚实”。10D作者的好友们自愿在他们家中举办这次派对。 volunteer“志愿;自愿”,符合语境。 refuse“拒绝”;hesitate “犹豫;迟疑”;pretend“假装”。11C根据上文作者提到举办一个独特的派对给妻子一个惊喜,故该处表示如何让妻子毫不疑心地去参加派对是个难题。 doubt“怀疑;疑虑”,符合语境。wish“祝愿”;worry“担忧”;enthusiasm“热情”。12B作者告诉妻子在一家很好的参观预订了桌位,因此妻子不需做任何安排。reservation“预订”,符合语境。effort “努力”;decision“决定”; make a call“打电话”。13A解析见上一题。plan“计划”,符合语境。share“分享”;miss “错过”;explain“解释”。14A根据第15空后的a book可知该处A项 book,符合语境。15C作者在妻子在场的时候告诉对方去餐馆的路上顺便把书带给他。presence“在场”,符合语境。performance“表演”;influence“影响”;absence“缺席;不在”。16B根据第17空后的the house可知该处应用B项house。dinner“晚餐”;meeting “会议”;petition“竞争;比赛”。17D作者建议妻子陪自己到门口和朋友打声招呼。say hello to sb.“和某人打招呼”,符合语境。say goodbye/pity/yes to sb.“和某人道别/向某人表示惋惜/答应某人”。18B根据第2空后提到的惊喜派队,可知此处表达这就是惊喜开始的地方。 surprise“惊喜”,符合语境。accident “意外”;quarrel “争吵”;trouble“麻烦”。19A作者背诵一首纯属运气的诗。 根据最后一段中的recited可知该处recite“背诵”,符合语境。read“朗读”;write“写”;sing“唱歌”。20D作者迫切地渴望一切顺利。desperately“热切地”,符合语境。responsibly“负责地”;thankfully“感激地”;sensitively“敏感地”。词汇微存at a time一次; by heart用心地完形技巧2寻复现定答案在完形填空选项的设置上,命题人往往会通过原词复现、词形变化复现、同义词/近义词复现、反义词复现等方式重现已经出现过的词汇。做题时,在把握语境的基础上应注意查找选项中是否有与上下文中相照应的词汇,运用词汇复现技巧快速找出正确答案。小题补练1原词复现【考例】(2017天津卷)As began my own personal weight program, I was filled with the fear that I would run into the same difficulties that beat me before. While the _ hung over my head, there were also signs that I was headed down the right path.A. excitementB. joyC. anger D. fear答案与解析D由前文可知,这种担心一直悬在心上。本题与前面的fear构成原词复现。2同义复现【考例】(2017全国卷)While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this _ process and found somethingthat has changed my experien at college for the better: I discovered ASLAmerican Sign Language (美式手语)A. searching B. planningC. natural D. formal答案与解析Asearch与上一句中的explore和exploration是同义词复现。3反义复现【考例】(2017全国卷)I had advised the kids that while verbs (动词) may seem dull, most of the _ things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.A. simple B. uniqueC. fun D. clever答案与解析C此处可以根据反义复现解题,fun与前面的dull构成反义复现。4代词复现【考例】(2016全国卷)Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man backed off and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the _ if he was needed or free to go. They let him and the other man go.A. woman B. policeC. man D. driver答案与解析B下文中的代词They是复数,四个选项中只有police是集合名词,表示复数,也符合常识,故选B项。语法填空(2018广东五校联考)体裁:记叙文话题:人际关系难度:As I share the experience of this kindness, Im wearing my widest smile. I usually go to my workplace coffee shop to place 1._ order, but this Wednesday it was 2._ (slight) different. I called the four waiters, 3._ (ask) them to make a choice of a drink and dessert and bought it for them instead. At first, they didnt sense 4._ was happening but when truth dawned, they were 5._ (surprise) and a bit embarrassed. However, I explained that it was an act of 6._ (appreciate) and they truly deserved. This brought a “big” smile and a loud “thank you”I had for a long time had a desire 7._(reach) out to them but my doubting mind had always had an upper hand. On this day too, I had 8._ (thought) like, “What if they refuse?” “What if they say, they dont like any of the food or drinks?”“What if this” and,“What if that”, but I decided to let go of the worries and listen 9._ my heart.Now, it was 10._ (they) smiles that drew me to the coffee shop.答案与解析【语篇解读】作者在咖啡店里给四个服务员点单,以此感激他们所做的一切。1an考查冠词。此处是固定短语place an order “点菜;订购”。2slightly考查词性转换。设空后是形容词different, 故该空应填副词作状语修饰形容词different。 3asked考查动词时态。设空所填谓语动词与句中已有的谓语动词called时态一致,应用一般过去时,故填asked。错解分析学生会误以为此处是分词作状语从而错填asking, 但是注意and后的bought是谓语而非非谓语就可以判断出该空应填谓语动词而非非谓语。4what考查名词性从句。“_ was happening”是sense的宾语,从句中缺少主语,指“所的事情”, 故用what引导宾语从句。5surprised考查词性转换。设空在句中作表语,表“吃惊的”,修饰人的心理感受,应用surprised。6appreciation考查词性转换。设空前是介词of, 故该空应填名词。7to reach考查非谓语动词。设空前是名词desire, 故该空应用不定式作后置定语。have a desire to do sth. “渴望做某事”。8thoughts考查名词的数。设空后列举了作者的好几个想法,故该空thought应用复数形式,故填thoughts。 9to考查固定短语。listen to“倾听”。10their考查代词。设空后是名词smiles, 故该空应用形容词性物主代词their作定语。词汇微存deserve v值得; what if倘使,又将如何; reach out to sb.接触某人短文改错(2018重庆一中模拟)Im Li Hua, high school student in China. As a 17yearold boy, which loves animals very much, Ive been dreaming of being devoting to animal protection.Now surprising, I am more than excited to know that the World Animal Protection was going to get some volunteers in China. Therefore, I have no idea of the process of applying to the position, which really makes me anxious. In addition to, Im not sure what requirement is a must for the admission. So could you please send me the necessary informations? I cant be more grateful for yours help.答案与解析Im Li Hua, high school student in China. As a 17yearold boy, loves animals very much, Ive been dreaming of being to animal protection.Now I am more than excited to know that the World Animal Protection going to get some volunteers in China. , I have no idea of the process of applying the position, which really makes me anxious. In addition , Im not sure what requirement is a must for the admission. So could you please send me the necessary ? I cant be more grateful for help.high前加a考查冠词。a high school student in China是Li Hua的同位语,不定冠词a表泛指。whichwho考查定语从句。非限制性定语从句先行词是a 17yearold boy, 指人,从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词who引导非限制性定语从句。devotingdevoted考查形容词。 be devoted to .“专心于”。surprisingsurprisingly考查副词。在句中作状语,修饰全句,应用副词,故surprising 改为surprisingly。surprisingly “令人吃惊的是”。wasis考查动词时态。根据短文整体时态可知该处应用is going to表示将来,故was改为is。ThereforeHowever考查副词。前后两句在语意上是转折而非因果关系,故用However。 tofor考查动词短语。apply for the position“申请职位”。去掉to考查介词短语。in addition “另外”, 其后不接宾语; in addition to “除之外”, 其后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。informationsinformation考查名词的数。information “信息”, 是不可数名词,没有复数形式。下列名词常为不可数名词:表物质的不可数名词:baggage/luggage行李、ink墨水、bread面包、meat肉、money钱、cash现金、paper纸张、coal煤、rubbish垃圾等。表抽象概念的不可数名词:work工作、harm伤害、knowledge知识、laughter笑声、luck运气、news消息、permission允许、popularity流行、clothing衣服(总称)、scenery风景、traffic交通、trouble困难等。永远不可数的重点名词:furniture家具、equipment设备、information信息、word消息、advice建议、progress进步、weather天气、fun乐趣、work工作、homework家庭作业、housework家务活等。小题补练1She seemed to know when I was asking for advices and when I just needed a good cry._答案与解析advicesadvice句意:她好像知道我什么时候在寻求建议,什么时候仅仅需要好好地哭一场。advice为不可数名词。2Im sure we can get enough informations from his talk to make good preparations for a ing talk show._答案与解析informationsinformationinformation为不可数名词,无复数形式。3Both carriages were loaded with luggages and food hampers._答案与解析luggagesluggage句意:两个车厢都装满了行李和食品盒。luggage为不可数名词。yoursyour考查代词。在句中作定语修饰名词help, 应用形容词性物主代词your。yours是名词性物主代词,不能作定语。书面表达(2018临沂模拟)体裁:活动介绍信假如你是李华,最近你所在的城市设立了“汉字书写日”。你的美国笔友John对此很感兴趣,写信向你询问。请根据以下要点给他回一封信。内容包括:1设立原因:人们提笔忘字,写汉字机会减少;2日期:9月28日,孔子(Confucius)诞辰;3活动:书法(calligraphy)竞赛及展览等。注意:1.词数100左右;2开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数;3可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear John,Im writing to tell you something about Chinese Character Writing Day in our city. _Yours,Li Hua范文Dear_John,Im_writing_to_tell_you_something_about_Chinese_Character_Writing_Day_in_our_city.With the popularity of mobile phones, puters and the Internet, many people have few opportunities to write in daily life. Consequently, people tend to forget how to write Chinese characters when they have to. Therefore, a special day is needed to arouse peoples interest in Chinese characters and encourage people to write them more often. Moreover, its a good way to keep our traditional culture alive.Now September 28th is chosen as Chinese Character Writing Day, for it is the birthday of Confucius. Various activities will be held that day, such as handwriting contests and exhibitions of calligraphy, through which people can enjoy the beauty of the Chinese language and experience a culture of amazing depth and variety as well. You are wele to join us.Yours,Li_Hua

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