全国卷2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit4Pygmalion课时作业新人教版选修8 .doc

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Unit 4 Pygmalion.阅读理解ADo Perus potatoes have the right stuff? Thats the question scientists will be asking in Lima next month, when a selection of potatoes will begin undergoing tests to determine whether they are fit to grow on Mars.NASA, the US space agency, is conducting the pioneering experiment together with Limas International Potato Center.They will cultivate a hundred selected varieties in Marslike conditions that could eventually pave the way for building a dome on the Red Planet for farming the vegetable. Of the selected candidates,40 are native to the Andes Mountains, conditioned to grow in different ecological zones, can stand sudden climate changes and reproduce in rocky areas. The other 60 are improved varieties, able to survive with little water and salt. They are also immune to viruses.Those that pass the tests must meet a final criterionthey must be able not only to grow well on Mars but also reproduce in large quantities. “Were almost 100 percent certain that many of the selected potatoes will pass the tests,” said Julio Valdivia Silva, a Peruvian NASA astrobiologist (太空生物学家)who is taking part in the ambitious project. The scientists plan to transport 100 kilos of soil to a lab in Lima that will simulate the plex Martian atmospherewhich contains mostly carbon dioxideand expose it to extreme ultraviolet(紫外线的) radiation. If the varieties selected for next months experiment dont adapt to the desert soil, the researchers will introduce nutrients, which will be provided by radiation.In future years, NASA plans to build a Mars research center in the Peruvian desert. It would create a perfect copy of the Martian landscape and atmosphere for future research into space farming that could serve manned missions to Mars and other planets in the solar system.语篇解读本文为一篇新闻报道。美国国家航空航天局(NASA)将与国际马铃薯研究中心联手,进行一项开创性实验。1What is the best title of the passage?ATransport potatoes to PeruBDetermine the varieties of potatoes in PeruCNASA is to build a Mars research center in PeruDNASA is to simulate growing potatoes on Mars in Peru解析:标题归纳题。通读文章可知美国国家航空航天局(NASA)计划与国际马铃薯研究中心联手,进行一项开创性实验,即在秘鲁培育可在火星上种植的土豆。故答案为D项。答案:D2According to the third paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE?AForty kinds of potatoes can survive with little water and salt.BMany types of potatoes to be planted on Mars are developed in Peru.CSixty varieties native to the Andes Mountains can stand sudden climate changes.DThe final criterion is that all the candidates are immune to viruses on the earth.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“They will cultivate a hundred selected varieties in Marslike conditions that could eventually pave the way for building a dome on the Red Planet for farming the vegetable.”可知B项正确。根据第三段中的“The other 60 are improved varieties,able to survive with little water and salt.”可排除A项;根据第三段中的“Of the selected candidates,40 are native to the Andes Mountains,conditioned to grow in different ecological zones,can stand sudden climate changes and reproduce in rocky areas.”可排除C项;根据第三段中的“Those that pass the tests must meet a final criterionthey must be able not only to grow well on Mars but also reproduce in large quantities.”可排除D项。答案:B3What if the selected varieties dont adapt to the desert soil in Peru?AAstrobiologists will be sent there to help.BNutrients will be provided to plants by radiation.CA Mars research center will be built for further study.D100 more kilos of potatoes will be directly sent to Lima.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“If the varieties selected for next months experiment dont adapt to the desert soil,the researchers will introduce nutrients,which will be provided by radiation.”可知答案为B项。答案:B4The passage may be in the column of China Daily.AscienceBsportsCtourismDentertainment解析:推理判断题。本文介绍的是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)将与国际马铃薯研究中心联手,进行一项开创性实验,属于科普类文章,故答案为A项。答案:ABSome people call it a traveling museum. Others refer to it as a living or openair museum. Built in Brazil to honor Columbus first voyage to the New World, the Nina, a Columbusera replica (复制品) ship, provides visitors with an accurate visual of the size and sailing equipment of Columbus favorite ship from over 500 years ago.I joined the crew of the Nina in Gulf Shores, Alabama, in February 2013. As part of a research project sponsored by my university, my goal was to document my days aboard the ship in a blog. I quickly realized that I gained the most valuable insights when I observed or gave tours to schoolage children.The fieldtrip tour of the Nina is handson learning at its best.In this setting, students could touch the line, pass around a ballast stone (压舱石), and move the extremely large tiller that controlled the direction of the ships in Columbus days. They soon came to understand the labor involved in sailing the ship back in his time.I was pleased to see the students bee active participants in their learning process.The Nina is not the only traveling museum that provides such field trips. A visit to Jamestown Settlement, for example,allows visitors to board three recreations of the ships that brought the first settlers from England to Virginia in the early 1600s.Historical guides, dressed in period costumes, give tours of the Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery. These guides often portray a character that would have lived and worked during that time period. Students touring these ships are encouraged to interact with the guides in order to better understand the daily life in the past.My experience on the Nina helps testify (证实) my longheld belief that students stay interested, ask better questions, and engage(参与)in higherorder thinking tasks when they are actively engaged in the learning process.The students who boarded the Nina came as passive learners. They left as bold explorers.语篇解读本文介绍了哥伦布航海时的航船的复制品Nina,它是一个开放的博物馆。学生参观这一特殊的博物馆可以积极主动参与学习。5What occupation is the author engaged in?AShipping.BEducation.CEcological tourism.DMuseum administration.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的第三句“I quickly realized that I gained the most valuable insights when I observed or gave tours to schoolage children.”可知,作者在给学龄儿童介绍有关航船复制品Nina的历史知识;据此可以判断,作者从事的是教育行业,故B项正确。答案:B6Which of the following is true about the Nina introduced in the passage?AShe is a replica of a ship that Columbus built in Brazil.BShe is always crowded with foreign tourists during holidays.CShe is the boat Columbus sailed in his voyage to the New World.DShe displays what Columbus ship was like and how it operated.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句中的“provides visitors with an accurate visual of the size and sailing equipment of Columbus favorite ship”可知,Nina为人们提供了哥伦布的航船的原貌;根据第二段的“In this setting,students could touch the line,pass around a ballast stone(压舱石),and move the extremely large tiller that controlled the direction of the ships in Columbus days.”可知,Nina还提供了如何操作该航船的方法,故D项正确。答案:D7What is the third paragraph mainly about?AGuidelines for visitors on the ships.BLife of the first settlers in Jamestown Settlement.CDuties of the guides in the British museums.DIntroduction to another museum similar to the Nina.解析:段落大意题。根据第三段的“The Nina is not the only traveling museum.A visit to Jamestown Settlement,for example,allows visitors to board three recreations of the ships that brought the first settlers”可知,第三段主要介绍了另一个与Nina类似的航行博物馆,故D项正确。答案:D8What does the author mean by the last two sentences of the passage?AThe students are interested in being tour guides.BThe experience has changed the students learning attitude.CThe students bee brave and are ready to sail the seas on their own.DThe museums are successful in teaching the students survival skills at sea.解析:句义猜测题。根据文章最后两句可知,登上了哥伦布航船复制品Nina的学生由被支学习变成了知识的勇敢探索者。据此可以判断,最后两句意在说明,这种游览改变了学生的学习态度,故B项正确。答案:B.完形填空There was once a widow who had two daughters. The 1 widow loved the elder who was like herself both in looks and personality, but didnt love the other, who resembled her 2 , although she was pretty and friendly.The younger daughter had to 3 hard all day and live upon the leftovers of her elder sister. Among her other 4 jobs, she was forced to carry water every day 5 .One day 6 she had just filled her pot at the fountain,an old trembling woman asked her for a drink of water. Glad to show a kindness to the old woman,she 7 .Now, all of a sudden, there was no old trembling woman but a(n) 8 who rewarded good deeds before her. “Your face is pretty 9 your heart is gentle,” said she.“For your kindness, I will make you a gift. Every time you speak, from your mouth shall e a flower or a jewel.”When the girl reached home,her ill mother 10 her for her long absence. “Pardon me for being away so long,”she replied. As she spoke some pearls and diamonds dropped from her 11 .“What is this I see, child?” asked the 12 widow.The poor girl was so happy to be 13 child by her mother that she eagerly told her mother about her 14 with the old woman at the fountain. The widow immediately 15 her favorite daughter to do as the 16 girl had done.When the impatient girl was filling the pot with water at the 17 ,a beautiful lady appeared and 18 a drink of water from the girl.“I have not e here to serve you,” she 19 replied.The lady, who was the fairy, said,“I will make you a gift to 20 your rudeness. Every time you speak, from your mouth shall e a snake or a toad (蟾蜍)”语篇解读本文主要讲述了两个性格和外表不同的姐妹对给予他人帮助的不同反应及她们得到的相应的结果,彰显了善有善报的道理。1A.goodtemperedBbadtemperedCkindDbeautiful解析:根据下文中的“her ill mother”并结合下文她训斥小女儿可推知,她脾气不好。答案:B2A.daughter BteacherCmotherDfather解析:根据语境中的转折可知,此处与“herself”形成对比。小女儿不像她而是像父亲。答案:D3A.plain BplayCworkDstudy解析:根据下文中的“Among her other 4 jobs,she was forced to carry water every day 5 .”并结合“live upon the leftovers of her elder sister”可推知,小女儿每天要做许多工作,靠吃姐姐的剩饭菜生活。答案:C4A.easy BhardCinterestingDboring解析:根据上文中的“The younger daughter had to 3 hard all day”可推知,小女儿的工作都很辛苦,很累人。答案:B5A.within reach Bwith easeCwithout hesitationDfrom a great distance解析:根据本段的整体内容可知,小女儿过得很艰难。由“she was forced to carry water every day”可推知,小女儿还得每天从很远的地方挑水,这与其艰难的生活境况呼应。答案:D6A.when BwhileConceDbefore解析:此处应用when引导定语从句,在从句中作时间状语,修饰先行词One day。答案:A7A.hesitated BagreedCleftDargued解析:根据空前的“Glad to show a kindness to the old woman”可推知,小女儿答应了老妇人的请求。答案:B8A.boy Bold womanCold manDfairy解析:根据下文的“The lady,who was the fairy”可推知,老妇人是仙女变过来的。答案:D9A.although BbutCwhileDand解析:根据语境可知,空处前后句表示逻辑上的并列关系,故选D。答案:D10A.scolded BpraisedCthankedDforgave解析:与“her ill mother”和“her long absence”呼应并结合下文小女儿的道歉可知,此处表示小女儿受到母亲的训斥。答案:A11A.waist BhairClipsDhands解析:根据上文中的“Every time you speak,from your mouth shall e a flower or a jewel.”可知,小女儿以后说话会口吐花儿或者宝石,故选C。lip“嘴唇”,符合语境。答案:C12A.amused BinterestedCastonishedDfrightened解析:小女儿突然口吐珍珠和宝石,她的母亲自然很吃惊。astonished“吃惊的”。答案:C13A.awarded BcalledCshowedDtaught解析:根据上文中的“What is this I see,child”可推知,寡妇很震惊,对小女儿的态度突然转变,柔和了很多,称她为“孩子”。答案:B14A.difficulty BthoughtCexperimentDexperience解析:小女儿迫切地将自己遇到仙女的经历告诉了母亲。experience“经历”。答案:D15A.advised BgotCforcedDinvited解析:get sb.to do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,符合语境。答案:B16A.slim BtallCelderDpoor解析:与上文中的“The poor girl”呼应可推知,这里指可怜的小女儿。答案:D17A.river BpoolCfountainDwell解析:与上文中的“One day 6 she had just filled her pot at the fountain”呼应可推知,大女儿也来到喷泉那里。答案:C18A.asked for Basked ofCasked aboutDasked after解析:与上文中的“an old trembling woman asked her for a drink of water”呼应可推知,一个漂亮的女士向大女儿讨水喝。答案:A19A.rudely BjokinglyCproudlyDhurriedly解析:与下文中的“your rudeness”呼应可推知,当时大女儿举止很粗鲁,与上文的“the impatient girl”呼应,故选A。答案:A20A.deserve BfaceCequalDrepay解析:结合语境可知,此处表示仙女要送给大女儿一份与她的粗鲁相匹配的礼物。equal“比得上”。答案:C.短文改错The American TV show The Voice is one of my most favorite amusement shows. In the one hand, I can listen to different styles of music. On the other hand, I can see the singers stories, who are so inspiring. I was so impressed by a musical boy who was from the country. If he was very young, he loved to sing while doing the farm work. After work, he learned to play guitar. He liked living on the farm, for the life was simple. The boy brought his guitar to the stage, worn a fashionable hat which made him seem so mysteriously. When the boy sing a song with his guitar, all the judge were astonished by his talent. As a result, he won the game but finally became famous throughout the country.答案:The American TV show The Voice is one of my favorite amusement shows. the one hand, I can listen to different styles of music. On the other hand, I can see the singers stories, are so inspiring. I was so impressed by a musical boy who was from the country. he was very young, he loved to sing while doing the farm work. After work, he learned to play guitar. He liked living on the farm, for the life was simple. The boy brought his guitar to the stage, a fashionable hat which made him seem so . When the boy a song with his guitar, all the were astonished by his talent. As a result, he won the game finally became famous throughout the country.


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