广东省广州市天河区2019高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)03专题训练(含解析).doc

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广东省广州市天河区2019高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)03专题训练(含解析).doc_第1页
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广东省广州市天河区2019高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)03专题训练(含解析).doc_第2页
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广东省广州市天河区2019高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)03专题训练(含解析).doc_第3页
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阅读理解(社会生活类)03七、However wealthy we may be, we can never find enough hours in the day to do everything we want. Economics deals with this problem through the concept of opportunity cost, which simply refers to whether someones time or money could be better spent on something else.Every hour of our time has a value. For every hour we work at one job we could quite easily be doing another, or be sleeping or watching a film. Each of these options has a different opportunity costnamely, what they cost us in missed opportunities.Say you intend to watch a football match but the tickets are expensive and it will take you a couple of hours to get to and from the stadium. Why not, you might reason, watch the game from home and use the leftover money and time to have dinner with friends? Thisthe alternative use of your cash and timeis the opportunity cost.For economists, every decision is made by knowledge of what one must forgoin terms of money and enjoymentin order to take it up. By knowing precisely what you are receiving and what you are missing out on, you ought to be able to make better-informed, more reasonable decisions. Consider that most famous economic rule of all: theres no such thing as a free lunch. Even if someone offers to take you out to lunch for free, the time you will spend in the restaurant still costs you something in terms of forgone opportunities.Some people find the idea of opportunity cost extremely discouraging: imagine spending your entire life calculating whether your time would be better spent elsewhere doing something more profitable or enjoyable. Yet, in a sense its human nature to do precisely thatwe assess the advantages and disadvantages of decisions all the time.In the business world, a popular phrase is value for money. People want their cash to go as far as possible. However, another is fast obtaining an advantage: value for time. The biggest restriction on our resources is the number of hours we can devote to something, so we look to maximize the return we get on our investment of time. By readmg this passage you are giving over a bit of your time which could be spent doing other activities, such as sleeping and eating. In return, however, this passage will help you to think like an economist, closely considering the opportunity cost of each of your decisions.58. According to the passage, the concept of opportunity cost is applied to .A. making more moneyB. taking more opportunitiesC. reducing missed opportunitiesD. weighing the choice of opportunities59. Hie leftover . time in Paragraph 3 probably refers to the time .A. spared for watching the match at homeB. taken to have dinner with friendsC. spent on the way to and from the matchD. saved from not going to watch the match60.What are forgone opportunities?A. Opportunities you forget in decision-making. B. Opportunities you give up for better ones.C. Opportunities you miss accidentally.D. Opportunities you make up for.【考点】考察经济知识类阅读58. 【答案】D 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第一段2,3行Economics deals with this problem through the concept of opportunity cost, which simply refers to whether someones time or money could be better spent on something else.可知opportunity cost是指人们思考自己的时间金钱是否可以更好地被利用在其他的事情上。也就是在衡量自己的选择是否合理。故D项符合。59. 【答案】C 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第三段Why not, you might reason, watch the game from home and use the leftover money and time to have dinner with friends?人们本来是想去看球赛,但是球赛的票太贵了。所以就把本来准备看球赛的金钱和时间用在了别的地方,那么这里的leftover money and time就是指看球赛来回所花费的时间。故C正确。60. 【答案】B 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第三段Even if someone offers to take you out to lunch for free, the time you will spend in the restaurant still costs you something in terms of forgone opportunities.即使有人带你去享受免费的午餐,在这种情况下,你吃饭的时间还是会让你失去某些东西。这是从forgone opportunities的角度来说的,也就是说你还可以用这段时间做更有价值,更有意义的事情,但是你却把他用来享用这段免费的午餐。所以forgone opportunities就是指放弃的机会。故B正确。八、August 1990,BostonDear Maya Shao-ming,To me, June 6,1990 is a special day. My long-awaited dream came true the minute your father cried, A girl! You are more than just a second child, more than just a girl to match our boy. You, little daughter, are the link to our female line, the legacy of another womans pain and sacrifice 31 years ago.Let me tell you about your Chinese grandmother. Somewhere in Hong Kong, in the late fifties, a young waitress found herself pregnant (怀孕) by a cook, probably a co-worker at her restaurant. She carried the baby to term, suffered to give it birth, and kept the little girl for the first three months of her life. I like to think that my motheryour randmotherloved me and fought to raise me on her own, but that the daily struggle was too hard. Worn down by the demands of the new baby and perhaps the constant threat of starvation, she made the painful decision to give away her girl so that both of us might have a chance for a better life.More likely, I was dropped at the orphanage (M JLR) steps or somewhere else. I will probably never know the truth. Having a baby in her unmarried state would have brought shame on the family in China, so she probably kept my existence a secret. Once I was out of her life, it was as if I had never been born. And so you and your brother and I are the missing leaves on a family tree.Do they ever wonder if we exist?Before I was two, I was adopted by an Anglo couple. Fed three square meals a day, I grew like a wild weed and grasped all the opportunities they had to offerbooks, music, education, church life and munity activities. In a family of blue-eyed blonds, though, I stood out like a sore thumb. Whether from jealousy or fear of someone who looked so different, my older brothers sometimes teased me about my unpleasing skin, or made fun of my clumsy walk. Moody and impatient, burdened by fears that none of us realized resulted from my early years of need, I was not an easy child to love. My mother and I conflicted countless times over the years, but gradually came to see one another as real human beings with faults and talents, and as women of strength in our own right. Lacking a mirror image in the mother who raised me, I had to seek my identity as a woman on my own. The Asian American munity has helped me regain my double identity.But part of me will always be missing: my beginnings, my personal history, all the delicate details that give a person her origin. Nevertheless, someone gave me a lucky name Siu Wai. Siu means little, and War means clever. Therefore, my baby name was Clever little one. Who chose those words? Who cared enough to note my arrival in the world?I lost my Chinese name for 18 years. It was Americanized for convenience to Sue. But like an ill-fitting coat, it made me unfortable. I hated the name. But even more, I hated being Chinese. It took many years to bee proud of my Asian origin and work up the courage to take back my birth-name. That, plus a little knowledge of classroom Cantonese, is all the Chinese culture I have to offer you. Not white, certainly, but not really Asian, I try to pave the way between the two worlds and bridge the gap for you. Your name, Shao-ming, is very much like mineShao means little. And ming is bright, as in a shining sun or moon. Whose lives will you brighten, little Maya? Your past is more plete than mine, and each day I cradle you in your babyhood, generously giving you the loving care I lacked for my first two years. When I pat you, I fort the lost baby inside me who still cries for her mother.Sweet Maya, it doesnt matter what you bee later on. You have already fulfilled my wildest dreams.I love you,Mommy65.Why is June 6. 1990 a special day for Mommy?A.Her dream of being a mother came true.B.She found her origin from her Chinese mother.C.She wrote the letter to her daughter.D.Her female line was well linked.66.How does Mommy feel about her being given away?A.It is bitter and disappointing.B.It is painful but understandable.C.She feels sorry but sympathetic.D.She feels hurt and angry.67.What does I stood out like a sore thumb in Paragraph 5 mean?A.I walked clumsily out of pains.B.I was not easy to love due to jealousy.C.I was impatient out of fear.D.I looked different from others.68.What can be inferred from Mommys Anglo family life?A.She used to experience an identity crisis.B.She fought against her American identity.C.She forgot the pains of her early years.D.She kept her love for Asia from childhood.69.Why did Mommy name her daughter Shao-ming?A.To match her own birth-name.B.To brighten the lives of the family.C.To identify her with Chinese origin.D.To justify her pride in Chinese cultare.70. By Your past is more plete than mine, Mommy means .A.her past was pleted earlier than Shao-mingsB.Shao-ming has got motherly care and a sense of rootsC.her mother didnt fort her the way she did Shao-mingD.her past was spent brokenly, first in Asia, then in the US【考点】考察社会生活类阅读【文章大意】本文是一位从小就被母亲送走的母亲写给女儿的一封情真意切的信,信里充满了对女儿的爱以及对自己之前的生活的回想,对自己的母亲的怀念之情。65. 【答案】D 【试题解析】细节题。根据第一段2,3行You are more than just a second child, more than just a girl to match our boy. You, little daughter, are the link to our female line可知这一天她的女儿出生了。更重要的是家族里的女性传承得以延续。故D正确。66. 【答案】B 【试题解析】推理题。根据第二段最后3行Worn down by the demands of the new baby and perhaps the constant threat of starvation, she made the painful decision to give away her girl so that both of us might have a chance for a better life.可知她的母亲把她送走也是万般无奈,要不然两个人没有好的生活。所以她对母亲的选择是可以接受和理解的,但是同时被母亲送走的确是一件很痛苦的事情。故B正确。67. 【答案】D 【试题解析】推理题。根据本句In a family of blue-eyed blonds, though, I stood out like a sore thumb.家里都是蓝眼睛的白种人,而我是一个黄皮肤黑头发的中国人。Though后面这句话说明我和他们是不一样的。故D正确。68. 【答案】A 【试题解析】推理题。根据第四段4,5行Whether from jealousy or fear of someone who looked so different, my older brothers sometimes teased me about my unpleasing skin, or made fun of my clumsy walk.可知在这个家庭里不知道是处于嫉妒还是恐惧我的哥哥们有时会嘲笑我。再根据My mother and I conflicted countless times over the years, but gradually came to see one another as real human beings with faults and talents, and as women of strength in our own right可知我和妈妈经常发生冲突。这些事情让我感觉自己的生活没有安全感,总是很惶恐,缺乏安全感。进而产生了身份危机。故A正确。69. 【答案】C 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章倒数第二段That, plus a little knowledge of classroom Cantonese, is all the Chinese culture I have to offer you. Not white, certainly, but not really Asian, I try to pave the way between the two worlds and bridge the gap for you. Your name, Shao-ming, is very much like mineShao means little. And ming is bright可知母亲想给女儿添加一些中国文化的元素,所以女儿的名字为Shao ming,让女儿知道自己的祖先有中国血统。故C正确。70. 【答案】B 【试题解析】推理题。根据下一句and each day I cradle you in your babyhood, generously giving you the loving care I lacked for my first two years.得知母亲一直在照顾着女儿,这和母亲自己的经历是不同的。母亲很小就被送走了,没有享受到母爱。所以该句是指B项含义。九、 It was one of those terribly hot days in Baltimore. Needless to say, it was too hot to do anything outside. But it was also scorching in our apartment. This was 1962, and I would not live in a place with an air conditioner for another ten years. So my brother and I decided to leave the apartment to find someplace indoors. He suggested we could see a movie. It was a brilliant plan. Movie theaters were one of the few places you could sit all day andmost important sit in air conditioning. In those days, you could buy one ticket and sit through two movies. Then, the theater would show the same two movies again. If you wanted to, you could sit through them twice. Most people did not do that, but the manager at our theater. Mr. Bellow did not mind if you did. That particular day, my brother and I sat through both movies twice, trying to escape the heat. We bought three bags of popcorn and three sodas each. Then, we sat and watched The Music Man followed by The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Wed already seen the second movie once before. It had been at the theater since January, because Mr. Bellow loved anything with John Wayne in it. We left the theater around 8, just before the evening shows began. But we returned the next day and saw the same two movies again, twice more. And we did it the next day too. Finally, on the fourth day, the heat wave broke. Still, to this day I can sing half the songs in The Music Man and recite half of John Wayne and Jimmy Stewarts dialogue from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance! Those memories are some of the few I have of the heat wave of 1962. Theyre really memories of the screen, not memories of my life. 46.In which year did the author first live in a place with an air conditioner? A. 1952 B. 1962 C. 1972 D. 1982 47.What does the underlined word”It” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. The heat B. The theater. C. The Music Man D. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 48.What do we know about Mr. Bellow? A. He loved children very much. B. He was a fan of John Wayne. C. He sold air conditioners. D. He was a movie star. 49.Why did the author and his/her brother see the same movies several times? A. The two movies were really wonderful. B. They wanted to avoid the heat outside. C. The manager of the theater was friendly. D. They liked the popcorn and the soda at the theater. 50.What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. The author turned out to be a great singer. B. The author enjoyed the heat wave of 1962. C. The authors life has been changed by the two movies. D. The author considers the experience at the theater unforgettable. 【考点】考察社会生活类阅读【文章大意】作者叙述了在1962年的夏天,我和弟弟躲到电影院里以避开外面的高温。我们连续看了多次那两部电影,直到现在还记得里面的台词。这是我们那个夏天留下的美好的回忆。46. 【答案】C 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第一段2,3行This was 1962, and I would not live in a place with an air conditioner for another ten years.可知在1962年的时候,我们说十年以后我们才居住在一个有看空调的房子里。可知我是在1972年住进了有空调的房子。故C正确。47. 【答案】D 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章最后一段Still, to this day I can sing half the songs in The Music Man and recite half of John Wayne and Jimmy Stewarts dialogue from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance!可知John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart是电影The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance中的演员。所以Mr. Bellow loved anything with John Wayne in it. 这里的it就是指The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance这部电影。故D正确。48. 【答案】B 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第三段最后一句It had been at the theater since January, because Mr. Bellow loved anything with John Wayne in it.可知正是因为这部电影里有John Wayne,所以这部电影才被放映了很长时间,说明Mr. Bellow很喜欢John Wayne 的表演。故B正确。49. 【答案】B 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第一段4,行So my brother and I decided to leave the apartment to find someplace indoors. He suggested we could see a movie. It was a brilliant plan.可知弟弟和我计划去看电影正是为了避开热浪。所以我们才会去一次次看自己看过的电影。故B正确。50. 【答案】D 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章最后一段前3行Still, to this day I can sing half the songs in The Music Man and recite half of John Wayne and Jimmy Stewarts dialogue from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance! Those memories are some of the few I have of the heat wave of 1962. 可知他们清楚地记得这两部电影的内容,这两部电影是1962年给他们留下的很好的回忆。也就是说作者很难忘记这次经历。故D正确。【长难句解析】Movie theaters were one of the few places you could sit all day andmost important sit in air conditioning.【翻译】电影院是那些你可以整天都坐在里面的地方之一,最重要的是里面有空调。【分析】本句中有一个定语从句you could sit all day andmost important sit in air conditioning修饰先行词the few places,在you前面省略了关系副词where,通常做状语的关系副词是不能省略的,但是在一些非正式的情况下可以省略。考生要特别当心这一点。


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