2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 必修4 Unit 10 Money课下作业(一-三)(含解析)北师大版.doc

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必修4 Unit 10 课下作业(一三)课下作业(一) 考点过关针对练.单词拼写1You can tell from his blue eyes that he isnt native (本土的) to China.2I think this is perhaps the most enjoyable (使人快乐的) occasion we have ever had at the White House. 3I felt a great sense of achievement (成就) when I reached the top of the mountain.4Your father has told me of your success, and I am very pleased (高兴的) about it.5There exist (存在) some new problems such as being dishonest.6The greedy (贪婪的) boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.7He removed (移除) the mud from his shoes before he entered the room.8Though he tried several times, he suffered a series of defeats (失败)9The boy can be really annoying (烦人的) at times, but after a while, youll get used to him.10You are an expert in IT industry. Have you any ments (评论) to make on the latest developments?.单句语法填空1The key is to develop a balanced (balance) and varied program that is fun as well as progressive.2They made a bargain with us, but they are trying to break it off.3We appeal to all students and teachers to keep the environment clean.4The poor boy was ashamed (shame) of his ragged clothes.5There were varieties (various) of flowers in the park and many people went to have a look at weekends.6He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing.7He was determined (determine) to get through the difficulties.8It is still under discussion whether the old bus station should be replaced with/by a modern hotel or not.9The milk must be bad, for it is giving off a nasty smell.10His drunken uncle calls him lazy and wants him to drop out of school.单句改错1This pany is more concerning with quality than with quantity.concerningconcerned2Their sudden attack made us more aware about the danger around us. aboutof3I think the girl should feel ashamed for her bad behavior at school. forof4From his determining look, we knew he was sure of winning the game. determiningdetermined5The idea of living abroad doesnt appeal with everyone. withto6On my way home I dropped in on his house last night. 第二个onat7Having been out from work for a few months, mother took up the job of waiting on patients in hospitals. fromof8In that case, well have to put up the sports meeting till next Saturday. upoff9He asked several questions concerned the future of the pany. concernedconcerning10The coat is real bargain at such a low price. real前加a.完成句子1The new film appealed_to many people because of its moving story.这部新电影因其感人的故事吸引了很多人。2I bought a dress for only 10 dollars; it was a_real_bargain.我只用10美元就买了一件衣服,真便宜。3We will adopt his suggestion that_the_leading_body_be_ recognized_ as_soon_as_possible.我们将采纳他的尽快承认那位先驱者的建议。4If youve finished, we can have a coffee; _if_not,_youd better keep working.你要是完成工作了,咱们可以喝杯咖啡;不然的话,你最好继续工作。5The_appointment_was_put_off because of his illness.由于他生病,约会被推迟了。课下作业(二) 话题阅读培优练.根据提示填空As the saying goes, money makes the mare go (有钱能使鬼推磨). Its true that money plays an important part in (在中起重要作用) our life. We cant go without it. Many people are determined (determine) to bee a millionaire. But money is not everything. Owning much money doesnt necessarily bring happiness. Money can buy food but not appetite, medicine but not health, soft beds but not sleep, knowledge but not intelligence, finery (服饰) but not kindness, lustre (光泽) but not cheerfulness (cheerful), fun but not happiness, friends but not friendship, servants but not faithfulness (faithful). So many people take_good_advantage_of (充分利用) their money. Charles Gray is an example.Charles Gray is a real person from the USA. Years ago he was a university professor and a millionaire (百万富翁). However, he grew disillusioned (不抱希望的) with the wealthy (wealth) and fortable life he was leading and started to give all his money away. He thought it was unfair for some people to have so many of the worlds resources, when so many people in the world were living in poverty (poor).片段选词填空selection, beyond traditional shopping, consumer, at the lowest prices, profit, online purchases, goods, a list of, choice, marketplaceAlibabas original businesstobusiness model now is second to consumer buying.Chinese retail (零售) buying makes up 80% of Alibabas profit,_and leading that group is Taobao, with 800 million items for sale and the most unbelievable selection of things youll never find. Tmall. is Alibabas another big site, where you can find brandname goods from Nike to Unilever almost at_the_lowest_prices.What I have a hard time explaining to friends and family back in the US. is how China has gone beyond_traditional_shopping bigbox retailers especially in favor of online_purchases on Taobao and a few other sites.In smaller towns than Beijing, Taobao will be the first choice when shopping online.I have a_list_of some of my recent purchases on Taobao for a sense of how wide the marketplace is.Almost everything arrived a day or two after ordering with free shopping.Im not even a big buyer, because I need friends to help me search the Chineselanguage site.When I was searching my purchase history on my Chinese teachers iPad, which helps me buy goods,_I looked through with great difficulty about 10 of her purchases for every one of mine.课下作业(三) 高考语篇提能练.阅读理解A(2019广西三市联考)The next generation of artificial intelligence (AI) may be sitting right beneath you, at least if furniture maker IKEA has any say in the matter. The Swedish furniture panys “futureliving” research lab in Copenhagen is conducting a survey to understand what people want when it es to smart furniture.AI is now walking into more aspects of peoples daily lives. Selfdriving cars are just around the corner, and AI robots can play and beat the best players of strategy games. As smart home technologies have bee more ubiquitous,_products ranging from smart electrical outlets (电源插座) to smart smoke alarms are flooding the market. Therefore, its not surprising that IKEA would be moving in the same direction.Exactly why people would want their sofa or bed frame to speak to them, track their daily movements or offer help is not yet clear. Though IKEAs new survey doesnt directly answer that question, it does provide a hint of what people would feel fortable with. Most participants wanted a more humanlike form of virtual (虚拟的) assistants, as opposed to one that is more robotic. In terms of the ideal gender (性别) of the assistants, the most popular choice was neither male nor female. Few wanted a religious form of AI.Just as with human friends, most wanted AI friends that were like them, affirming their own world view. They wanted an AI assistant that was reasonably intelligent that could collect data to predict what a person wanted before he or she asked, and that could prevent someone from making mistakes.This is not the first time that IKEA has set foot in the field of futuristic technologies. In addition to wireless charging tables and chainless bikes that never rust (生锈), the furniture giant has also pictured smart kitchens that can cook the best meal. To decide on how intelligent you want your next sofa or bookshelf to be, you can take IKEAs survey online.语篇解读:本文是一篇科普说明文,主要介绍了瑞典家具公司IKEA涉足的智能家具的情况。随着科技的发展,人工智能产品层出不穷,IKEA公司就顾客对智能家具的期望做了调查。1What does the underlined word “ubiquitous” in Paragraph 2 mean?ABeautiful.Bmon.CNormal. DEnvironmental.解析:选B词义猜测题。根据第二段第三句中的“products ranging from smart electrical outlets (电源插座) to smart smoke alarms are flooding the market”可知,从智能电源插座到智能烟雾警报器等各种智能产品充斥着市场。据此可以判断,智能家居产品已经变得更加普遍,画线词意为“十分普遍的”,故B项正确。2What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?AThe differences between robotlike and humanlike assistants.BWhat form of AI assistants people want.CWhat kind of friends people want.DThe popular robots on the market.解析:选B段落大意题。通读第三段可知,该段第三、四句“Most participants wanted a more humanlike form . neither male nor female”点明该段主题;据此可知,大多数参与者想要更人性化的人工智能助手,而不是呆板机械的机器人。故该段主要介绍了人们想要什么样的人工智能助手,故B项正确。3Most people who received the survey wanted an AI assistant that could _.Ahelp them bee smarterBmunicate with them without troublesChave its own world viewDdeal with their problems in advance解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“They wanted an AI assistant that was reasonably intelligent . from making mistakes”可知,人们想要的是能预先帮助他们处理好问题的人工智能助手,故D项正确。4Which of the following products are from IKEA?ASmart sofas that can speak to you.BSmart beds that can track your daily movements.CWireless charging cars.DRustless bikes without chains.解析:选D细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“In addition to wireless charging tables and chainless bikes that never rust (生锈), the furniture giant has also pictured smart kitchens that can cook the best meal”可知,除了无线充电台和无链条的不生锈自行车以外,该家具巨头还设想了能烹饪美食的智能厨房。据此可知,D项正确。BDaniel Lamplugh remembers going shopping with his dad on Black Friday. “Waking up at 6 am. the day after Thanksgiving is what I grew up doing,” says the University of New Orleans film student.A lot has changed since those childhood days. Online retailers (零售商) have forced many chains out of business. Consumers are increasingly shopping with their smartphones. But a funny thing happened on the way to the future:Most shoppers are not going alldigital. Surveys show theyre eager for good experiences at retail stores.This November and December, for the first time ever, retailer websites will get more traffic from mobile users than puter users, predicts Adobe Digital Insights. “We live our lives with a bination of the physical and the digital,” says Kit Yarrow, author of the book Decoding the New Consumer Mind. “Retailers have to understand its not a question of either/or. Its a question of bining the two.”Heather Howe, an MBA student, said, “Consumers like shopping on their phones and online because its more convenient and because there are more options. I went to the Vans store to try on shoes and then I actually purchased them online while I was in the store.”While mobile sales are growing, the widest use of smartphones in stores is researching products or looking up product information (58 percent), closely followed by checking or paring prices (54 percent), according to a survey.“My phone plays a huge role in online shopping, because I am on the email list for all of my favorite brands, so I get many emails daily informing me of sales,” says Rachel Lynch, who works at a Boston PublicRelations Agency. “Also, a store has an app that allows me to chat with other users about the products, and read reviews. Online reviews are one of the first things I look at when I am about to buy a new product.”“Electronics and kitchen equipment are definitely online purchases for me, since theyre heavy to get home on the subway and often cheaper online,” says Michael MillerErnest, a manager in Brooklyn, NY.语篇解读:本文是议论文。文章从消费者的购物习惯讨论商家应该如何应对消费习惯的不断变化。5What do most shoppers tend to do now?ADo shopping alldigitally.BUse puters to do online shopping.CDo window shopping in shopping malls.DGo to physical stores with their smartphones.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Consumers are increasingly shopping with their smartphones”和“theyre eager for good experiences at retail stores”及第五段可知,现今,消费者大都选择在实体店看实物,然后当即用手机在网上下单。6Whats Kit Yarrows suggestion for retailers?AReaching both online and offline consumers.BFocusing on either the physical or the digital.CEncouraging consumers to use smartphones.DProviding more convenience for puter users.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第三段中的“We live our lives with a bination of the physical and the digital . Its a question of bining the two”可知,Kit Yarrow建议零售商要接触线上和线下两个领域的消费者。7What does Heather Howe think of online stores?AThey offer wider choices.BThey sell high quality goods.CThey will replace physical stores.DThey are burning shoppers patience.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第四段可知,Heather Howe认为网络商店提供更多的选择。8What can be inferred about Rachel Lynchs habits?AShe buys heavy goods online.BShe often writes users reviews.CShe is fond of sending producers emails.DShe tries to learn about other users experience.解析:选D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Online reviews are one of the first things I look at when I am about to buy a new product”可知,Rachel Lynch会关注其他用户的体验。.完形填空In her 102 years old, Sally Lepis has been known for helping her family, friends and neighbors, earning herself the name “Mother Teresa” among relatives.So when the old lady couldnt _1_ to replace her decadesold hearing aids and it became increasingly difficult to _2_, a local nonprofit was happy to give a _3_.Last month, Lepis was _4_ hearing aids, worth about $7,500, through Senior Dreams e True, a nonprofit program run by a law firm.“Mrs. Lepis has _5_ so much of herself over the years to friends, family and those _6_ in her munity,” said Jennifer Cona, a managing partner at the law firm.Lepis has long been the _7_ thats kept her family together, her niece, Olivia Schmidt, 73, said.When Schmidt was a teenager, her mother, Lepis twin sister, died at age 42.Lepis _8_ jumpedin and raised Schmidt in her Westbury home.The _9_ depended on Lepis several years later _10_.When Lepis sisterinlaw became sick shortly after giving birth to a daughter, Lepis cared for the newborn in her first six months.After retiring, Lepis _11_ a senior citizen munity, where she became known for driving her neighbors to doctors appointments and taking them grocery shopping.“Its _12_ that she has done so much for so many people and thinks _13_ of it,” said Schmidt, who _14_ to nominate (推荐) her aunt for Senior Dreams e True over the summer.In July, Schmidt and her cousins wrote letters to the nonprofit program, _15_ Lepis for her lifetime of _16_ deeds.Later that month, Lepis learned she would _17_ new hearing aids, replacing the ones she had used for the past 25 years.The _18_ devices (装置) have made talking over the phone much _19_, and will make _20_ that Lepis will again be a lively presence at her familys Thanksgiving dinner.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。102岁高龄的Lepis老人终身为他人奉献。支付不起购买新助听器费用的她,得到了一家非营利组织的帮助。1A.expectBaffordCstop Doffer解析:选B根据下文中的“$7,500”可知,102岁高龄的Lepis无力“支付(afford)”置换助听器的费用。2A.municate BexerciseCexplain Dsee解析:选A根据本句中的“replace her decadesold hearing aids”可知,老人现在所佩戴的助听器已经有几十年了,与人“交流(municate)”变得日益困难,助听器到了需要置换了。3A.suggestion BpromiseChand Dprize解析:选C参见下题解析。4A.lent BsoldCpresented Dremended解析:选C根据下文中的“hearing aids, worth about $7,500, through . a law firm”可知,本地的一家非营利组织向老人伸出了援助之“手(hand)”,上个月老人接受了该组织“赠予(presented)”的新助听器。5A.given BlostCtalked Dhidden解析:选A参见下题解析。6A.with patience Bwith luckCin charge Din need解析:选D根据第一段中的“has been known for helping her family, friends and neighbors”可知,Jennifer Cona说到,Lepis老人经年累月地为了家人、朋友和那些“需要帮助的(in need)”人“奉献着(given)”自己。7A.voice BglueCtradition Dchange解析:选B参见下题解析。8A.gratefully BrepeatedlyCeventually Dimmediately解析:选D根据语境可知,Lepis老人的外甥女Olivia Schmidt说道,长期以来,Lepis扮演着这个家庭“粘合剂(glue)”的角色,将这个家团结起来。Schmidt的妈妈42岁早逝后,Lepis“立即(immediately)”承担起照料Schmidt的责任。9A.pany BhospitalCfamily Dneighborhood解析:选C参见下题解析。10A.still BagainCinstead Dthus解析:选B根据下文中的“When Lepis sisterinlaw . her first six months”可知,几年以后,这个“家(family)”“又一次(again)”由Lepis担起了重任。11A.moved to Bsearched forCthought over Dcleaned out解析:选A退休后,Lepis“搬到了(moved to)”老年社区,在这里,她又一次奉献了爱心,因为时常载人看病、购物而闻名。12A.pitiful BchallengingCnatural Damazing解析:选D参见下题解析。13A.nothing BsomethingCeverything Danything解析:选ALepis老人为他人做出如此多的奉献,自己却认为这些奉献之事只不过是稀松平常之举,Schmidt认为Lepis老人让她十分“惊叹(amazing)”。think nothing of sth.意为“认为(做)某事很平常”。14A.asked BdecidedCmanaged Dcontinued解析:选B参见第16题解析。15A.forgiving BthankingCadmiring Dpraising解析:选D参见下题解析。16A.good BcreativeCbasic Dwise解析:选A根据“Schmidt and her cousins wrote letters to the nonprofit program”可知,Schmidt“决定(decided)”向Senior Dreams e True推荐她的姨母Lepis。在推荐信中,Schmidt“称赞了(praising)”了姨母毕生所做的“高尚的(good)”事。17A.produce BbuyCreceive Dfind解析:选C参见第20题解析。18A.important BnewCplex Dsimilar解析:选B参见第20题解析。19A.longer BslowerCeasier Dquieter解析:选C参见下题解析。第一段中的“it became increasingly difficult”是提示。20A.necessary BimpossibleChelpful Dcertain解析:选D根据语境可知,七月末,Lepis得知自己将“收到(receive)”新的助听器,“新(new)”助听器使得打电话交流变得比原来“更容易(easier)”了,无疑,Lepis老人又会生气勃勃地出现在今年的家庭感恩节聚会上了。make certain that .意为“确保”。.语法填空Twentyfive years ago, most young British people wanted a career in law, to be a doctor, or to take up singing.But today, things stand _1_ (different)According to a recent survey, the “dream job” of young people aged between 16 and 25 in the UK is a video blogger, or “vlogger (视频博主)”The survey, _2_ (carry) out among 1,002 people, found that over 40% of them put vlogger as their number one choice on a list of dream _3_ (career)The change is largely due to the rapid development of information technology (IT)The Internet and social media have made it easier and more _4_ (convenience) to reach a global audience, without having to enter a career in show business in the traditional way.“In the past, the biggest stars _5_ (make) by the Hollywood studios; now, anyone with a puter camera may bee a star,” said Phil Samuels, _6_ expert from UK.“From fashion _7_ edy, these selfmade stars interact (互动) online with their fans about everyday life.”However, what people see _8_ (be) only the bright side of being a vlogger and they ignore the fact that only those who are successful can gain fame and fortune.Actually, for every success there are a hundred others _9_ never get off the starting block.This is why some young people still show _10_ (prefer) for traditional jobs.语篇解读:本文是说明文。你的理想职业是什么?25年前,不少英国年轻人的答案或许会是律师、医生或歌手。而如今的英国年轻人的理想职业却是视频博主。1differently空格中所填单词在句中修饰谓语动词stand,因此需用different的副词形式。2carriedcarried out among 1,002 people是过去分词短语在句中作定语,修饰The survey, 分词动作carry out与逻辑主语The survey之间是被动关系。3careersa list of后接可数名词时,名词需用复数形式。4convenient空格中所填单词在句中作宾补,需用convenience的形容词形式。5were made主语stars是谓语动词动作make的承受者,需用被动语态;时间状语in the past与一般过去时连用。6anPhil Samuels是一位英国专家,expert以元音音素开头,故用an。7tofrom .to .“从到”是习惯搭配。8is这里说的是一般性道理,用一般现在时;主语从句what people see是单数概念,谓语动词用单数。9who/that关系代词who/that指代先行词a hundred others, 引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。10preference空格中所填单词在句中作show的宾语,需用prefer的名词形式。.短文改错My friend Tom likes shopping online and he always spends much money buy clothes.Yesterday, he received the coat he has ordered online.He felt extreme happy before opening the box.He thought he would look handsome in them.However, at the sight of the coat, he felt disappointed and angrily.The coat was too large and it didnt look the same as describing online.He got in touch of the salesgirl and told her that she should exchange it free of the charge.The salesgirl didnt think that she had made a mistake.But she agreed change the coat if he paid a fee.Tom did so and he decided that he should think twice before doing anything from now on.答案:第一句:buybuying第二句:hashad第三句:extremeextremely第四句:themit第五句:angrilyangry第六句:describingdescribed第七句:ofwith; 去掉第二个the第九句:agreed后加to第十句:nowthen

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