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Unit1Peoplearoundus Module1Peopleandplaces 第3课时Grammar 广东学导练七年级下册配上海教育版 选择填空 1 Brazil countryinSouthAmerica willhold 31thOlympicGamesinAugust 2016广东 A a aB a theC the aD the the 2 Ilikefastfoodfor breakfast Me too Ialwayshaveitwith cupofcoffee 2016辽宁 A a aB the aC theD a B D 3 WhatcanIdoforyou sir Iwant iPhone6SPlusformywifeas usefulgift 2016呼和浩特 A an aB a anC an theD a a 4 Tianjinis beautifulcityin northofChina 2016天津 A a aB a theC the D the 5 DongGuijunis firstmanofLianyungangtoreachthetopofMountQomolangma Heis prideofus 2016连云港 A the B a theC the theD a A B C 定冠词the的用法定冠词the具有确定的意思 用以特指人或事物 表示名词所指的人或事物是同类中的特定的一个 以区别于同类中其他的人或事物 相当于汉语中的 那个 或 这个 的意思 它可以和单数或复数可数名词连用 也可以和不可数名词连用 现将定冠词the的用法归纳如下 1 当第一次提及单数可数名词时 我们在这些词前用不定冠词a an 当我们再次提到这些词时就要用定冠词the 如 Sarafoundaninterestingphotoyesterday Thephotowashergrandpa s 萨拉昨天找到一张有趣的照片 这张照片是她外公的 2 the 短语用来描述某个特定的人或物 如 Thegirlwithglassesisherbestfriend 那个戴眼镜的女孩是她最好的朋友 ThemanintheblackcoatisourEnglishteacher 穿黑色外套的那位男士是我们的英语老师 3 the用在表示独一无二的事物前 如 theMoon theSun thesky 4 the用在西洋乐器前 如 playtheviolin playthepiano playtheguitar 但运动项目前不用the 如 playbasketball playtennis playfootball 注意 中国乐器名词前不与冠词连用 如 playerhu 二胡 5 the用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前 如 theGreatWall theYellowRiver 6 the 序数词 如 thefirst thesecond 7 the 最高级 如 thebest themostbeautifulone 8 the用在某些固定的表达法中 如 inthemorning在早上intheafternoon在下午intheevening在晚上gotothecinema去看电影gotothetheatre去看戏alltheyearround一年到头onthewayto 前往 去的路上 9 the 表示方位 方向的名词 如 intheeast在东方inthewest在西方inthefront在前面attheback在后面atthebottom在底部atthetop在顶部ontheright在右边ontheleft在左边10 the adj 表示一类人 如 thepoor theold theyoung 11 the 姓 s 表示 夫妇俩 或 一家人 如 theSmiths theWangs 12 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物 如 Openthewindow please 请把窗户打开 13 用在海洋 江河 湖泊 山脉 海峡 海湾等地理名词前 如 thePacificOcean太平洋theChangjiangRiver长江theTianshanMountains天山山脉theTaiwanStraits台湾海峡14 用在表示阶级 政党的名词前 如 theworkingclass工人阶级theChineseCommunistParty中国共产党 15 用在 themore 比较级 themore 比较级 的句式中 如 Themoreyoudrink themoreyoulikeit 你越喝就越爱喝 16 the 单数可数名词可以表示一类人或事物 如 Thehorseisausefulanimal 马是一种有用的动物 注意 像这类句子还有如下两种写法 Ahorseisausefulanimal Horsesareusefulanimals 17 在句型 动词 sb 介词 the 身体某一部位 中要用the 而不用人称代词 如 catch takesb bythearm抓住某人的手臂hitsb intheface打某人的脸beredintheface脸红 18 用在世纪或逢十年份的复数名词前 如 inthe18thcentury在18世纪inthe1960s在20世纪60年代19 用于报刊 杂志 会议 条义 历史 时期 朝代等的名词前 如 theXi anIncident西安事变20 用在表示自然现象的名词前 如 Don tstandintherain 不要站在雨中 Thewindblewdownthetrees 风把树刮倒了 一 用the a an或 填空1 Janecanplay guitarwell butshecan tplay basketball 2 Mantravelledto Moonmanyyearsago 3 WhereisJanet Ithinkmaybesheisin bathroom 4 Physicsis mostdifficultsubjectforme the the the the 5 Theglassonthetableisfullof milk 6 Thisis oldstory butitisinteresting 7 Shespeaksboth Cantoneseand Chinese 8 ladywithbrownhairis Englishteacher 9 Weworkfivedays week 10 Maywehave lookatyourpicture an The an a a 二 语法填空On1 Saturday mymotherandIwenttotheFairyLakeParktotakesomephotos Wedroveacartoaniceplacenearthemountains Weleftinthemorningbefore2 Sungottoohot Afterabouthalf3 hour wecameto4 niceplace Itwasnearalake withsomelargetreesbesideit Wetooksomeinterestingphotosofthemountainsandthelakeaswellassomebeautifulbirds Mymotheris5 goodphotographer 摄影师 Takingpicturesisoneofherhobbies In6 afternoon wewentto7 the an a a the a goodconcertattheCityHall Theviolinistthereisfamousallover8 world Wewerereallyexcitedanditwas9 greatfuntotakephotoswiththeviolinist forhewas10 interestingandhumourousmusician the an 一 选择填空 1 Sisiis Chinesegirl Lucyis Englishgirl A a aB an anC a an 2 Whois onewithlonghair A aB anC the 3 Myhobbyisplaying chessandplaying guitar A the theB the C the C C C 4 DoyouknowwhereLilylivesnow Isshein Canada No sheisin USA A theB the C the the 5 Theywentto SummerPalaceyesterdayandstayedtherefor day A the aB the theC a 6 elephantisbiggerthan horse A B An aC The a A A B 7 Theyhave ricefor luncheveryday A B theC the a 8 Beijingisoneof mostbeautifulcitiesin world A a theB the C the the 9 Howdidyougothere Wewentthereby bus A aB theC 10 Thepictureon leftismorebeautifulthantheoneon right A B the theC a a A C C B 11 Thewomantookthelittlegirlby hand A B theC her 12 Weshouldalwaysthinkof oldand sick A the theB an aC 13 MayIhave lookatthebook A aB anC the 14 Shewasin hurrytowork A B aC the 15 What fineweathertoday A aB theC B A A B C 二 用the a an或 填空1 Sarahas book bookisinteresting 2 girlwithglasseshas lovelyface 3 Ilovelookingat rainon rainyday 4 Ilikeplaying violin butIdon tlikeplaying tennis 5 Tomwentto Beijingandvisited GreatWall a The The a the a the the 6 Heis firstonetogetthere 7 Thisbookisoneof mostinterestingbooks Ican tfind betterone 8 Hegoestoworkin morningandcomesbackhomelateat night 9 Theylivein HongKong HongKongisto eastofMacao 10 Sheis kindgirlandshealwayshelps poor the the a the the a the 三 完形填空OnedayEinstein 1 inthestreetinNewYork Hisfriend 2 himandsaystohim Albert youshouldbuyanewcoat Look how 3 yourcoatis ButEinsteinanswers Itdoesn t 4 Nobody 5 mehere Aftera 6 yearsEinsteinbecomesafamousscientist Buthestill 7 theoldcoat Hisfriendmeetshimagainandaskshimtobuya 8 one ButEinsteinsays Ineedn tbuyanewone 9 knows 10 here 1 A iswalkingB walkC isreading 2 A ismeetingB meetsC see 3 A cleanB longC old 4 A workB meetC matter 5 A knowB knowsC ask 6 A lotB littleC few 7 A putonB wearC wears 8 A goodB newC big 9 A EveryB EverybodyC Nobody 10 A youB IC me A B C C B C C B B C


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