2019高考英语 词汇考查+题型练 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions(含解析)新人教版选修8.doc

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Unit 3 一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1(2015福建龙岩检测改编) Its a motto that we should never remember the benefit we have offered _ forget the favor received. 答案:nor句意为:我们应当永远不要记挂我们所给予的好处也不要忘记我们所受的恩惠。这是一则座右铭。nor为表示否定含义的并列词,never.nor.表示“既不也不”。2(2015安徽黄山检测改编)Ask any Chinese which city in China is famous for ice and snow, _ the answer is sure to be Harbin. 答案:and句意为:(如果)你问任何一个中国人中国的哪座城市因冰雪而出名,答案一定是哈尔滨。此处为“祈使句and/or陈述句”的结构,两个分句之间为顺承关系,故填and。3(2015重庆巴蜀中学第四次月考改编)Stick to what you think is right, _ you will gain a surprising happy ending. 答案:and句意为:坚持你认为正确的,你会拥有一个幸福的结局。此处为“祈使句and/or陈述句”的结构,两个分句之间为顺承关系,故填and。4(2015湖南长郡中学月考改编)Can I lie about seeing a text message because I was too busy or lazy to respond to it? Receiving a text message does not necessarily mean you have to respond. Why waste a perfectly good lie _ the truth will serve?答案:when句意为:当我很累或懒得去答复时,我可以撒谎说没看过短信吗?收到短信并不一定意味着必须回复。为什么非得滥用一个精心编造的谎言而不去说实话呢?对比分析主从句谓语的动作可知是同时发生,因此用时间状语连词when,表示“当时候”。5(2015安徽合肥一模改编)Though it has been one year _ he came to the city, he knows every street here like the back of his hand. 答案:since句意为:尽管他来这座城市仅仅一年,但是他对这儿的每条街道了如指掌。本题考查固定句型“It has been时间段since.”,表示“自从已经多久了”。(二)英汉互译1. amphibious adj. _2. George Stephenson_3. patent n. _4. call up _5. courtyard n. _6. now and then _7. walnut n. _8. distinguish vi. & vt. _9. merciful adj. _10. product n. _11. powder n. _12. set about _13. perfume n. _14. stainless adj. _15. jelly n. _16. cube n. _17. cubic adj. _18. abrupt adj. _19. abruptly adv. _20. convenient adj. _21. caution n. _22. expectation n. _23. passive adj. _24. merry adj. _25. merrily adv. _26. seize vt. _27. recognition n. _28. criterion n. _29. claim n. & vt. _30. valid adj. _31. file n. vt. _32. ripe adj. _33. string n. _34. glue n. vt. _35. rod n. _36. freezing adj. _37. greengrocer n.(pl)_38. identification n. _39. directory n. _40. dial vt. _41. rainfall n. _42. courtroom n. _43. innocent adj. _44. lantern n. _45. bear vt. _46. jam n. _47. Alexander Graham _48. microphone n. _49. forehead n. _50. beaten track _51. occasionally adv. _52. dive into_53. dynamic adj. _54. set out (to do) _55. multiple adj. n. _56. Morse _57. dot n. vt. _58. tap vt. n. _59. wire n. _60. straw n. _61. reproduce vt. _62. current n. adj. _63. helicopter n. _64. triangle n. _65. tetrahedron n. _66. stable adj. _67. invaluable adj. _68. associate vt. n. _69. practical adj. _70. James Dyson _71. refrigerator n. _72. court n. _73. extension n. _74. hang on _75. out of order _76. get through _77. ring back _78. ring off _79. version n. _80. petence n. _81. petent n. _82. jeep n. _83. personnel n. _二、阅读理解AProfessional courses, such as Masters in International Business or MIB, have been taken by many students in the last two decades. They are choosing new-age non-conventional courses that guarantee a better future. MIB is a specialized course that teaches the international business. There are valid reasons for so much popularity of MIB course.The course content and teaching methods of MIB are quite different from a normal MBA or Master of Business Administration. It has been designed with the sole objective of developing professionals with an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the international trade. The course offers various advantages over the conventional MBA degree course.The massive increase in the international business and foreign trade gives excellent job prospects(前景) to the new generation. Acquiring a degree of MIB offers outstanding growth of job opportunities. Those who want to pursue in the field of marketing also have a good future after pleting the degree from a reputed MIB college. Big multinational organizations look for talented people who can handle the job profile of International Marketing Manage, and people with MIB degrees are preferred. The profile needs an in-depth understanding of the overseas markets, because it is the strategic post from the perspective of panys international business growth.Since business finance and economics are covered at length in the curriculum of MIB, students have great job offers in the field of finance as well. Typically, organizations offer the profile of international finance controllers to those who plete MIB with the specialization of finance. The specialization covers aspects of international taxes, accounts, budgeting and so on. People in this field are well-paid, and growth prospects are unlimited. After pleting degree course from a reputed MIB college, there is a good scope in the banking and finance sector as well. International banks appoint people who have an excellent grasp over the international banking policies, currency exchange, and international policies. Thus, MIB is the golden key to success with brilliant job opportunities in national and multinational sectors.1.The second paragraph is mainly developed by _.A. analyzing causes B. listing figuresC. making parisons D. proving definition2.More and more people intend to acquire a degree of MIB because _.A. it is a pulsory course in the collegesB. it offers them conventional economic knowledgeC. it offers them opportunities to do small businessesD. it helps them get good jobs in some organizations3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. The international finance controller is a high-quality job.B. People get higher salary in business field than in finance field.C. MIB holders are more promising in all careers than others.D. International banks only accept employees from MIB colleges.4.Whats the writers purpose of writing this article?A. To make an advertisement for the MIB course.B. To analyze the disadvantages of the MIB course.C. To explain why the MIB course is getting popular.D. To predict the development trend of the MIB course.【文章大意】本文属于说明文,现在MIB课程越来越受欢迎,文章中对其受欢迎的具体的原因进行了分析。1.C【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段第一句The course content and teaching methods of MIB are quite different from a normal MBA or Master of Business Administration.和最后一句The course offers various advantages over the conventional MBA degree course.可知本段中主要通过对比MIB和MBA课程之间的区别来组织全文的。故C项正确。2.D【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第三段第四句Big multinational organizations look for talented people who can handle the job profile of International Marketing Manage, and people with MIB degrees are preferred.可知很多大型国际组织更喜欢聘用有MIB学位人才。这才是越来越多的人学习MIB课程的主要原因。故D正确。4.C【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章第一段可知现在MIB课程越来越受欢迎。本段最后一句There are valid reasons for so much popularity of MIB course.提出了这一课程受欢迎有很多原因,文章接下来三段就对具体的原因进行了说明。故C项正确。BMay Day, the first day of May, is celebrated as a spring festival in many countries. It marks the approach of summer.The English developed their May Day festival from the Roman festival called Floralia. In the festival of Floralia, the Romans gathered flowers to honor the goddess of spring, Flora. In the Middle Ages, May Day became the favorite holiday of many English villages. People gathered flowers to decorate their homes and churches, sang spring songs and chose a king and a queen of May. Villagers danced around a tall pole fixed upright in the ground, called a maypole, each holding the end of a ribbon attached to the top of the pole. They tied the ribbons around the pole until it was covered with bright colors. They collected dew(露水)on May Day morning and washed their faces with it because they believed that the dew on the day had the magic power to regain youth.Nowadays in Britain people no longer attach great importance to the day, but in some towns and villages people still celebrate it by choosing the May Queen and dancing around the maypole. May Queen is a girl selected as the most beautiful girl on May Day. She is usually crowned with flowers and often driven in procession through the street. In the United States, the day has never been celebrated with the same enthusiasm as in Britain. But in many American towns and cities, children celebrate the day with dancing and singing. They often gather flowers in handmade paper baskets and hang them on the doorknobs of the homes of their friends and neighbors on May Day morning. At May Day parties, children select May Queen, dance around the maypole, and sing May Day songs.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了欧洲国家的传统节日“五朔节”。1What do we know about the May Day in Britain in the Middle Ages?APeople dressed in bright colors.BPeople celebrated it with enthusiasm.CPeople presented flowers to the goddess of spring.DPeople stayed at home instead of going to churches.B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段内容特别是第三、四句可知,在中世纪,英国人通过举行各种活动,热情地庆祝五朔节,故B项正确。2Why did people wash their faces with dew on May Day?ATo bring good luck.BTo bee prettier.CTo get magic power.DTo get young again.D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,人们在五朔节用露水洗脸,是因为他们相信露水在当天有恢复青春的魔力,故D项正确。3Paragraph 3 is mainly developed Aby parisonBby spaceCby processDby classificationA解析:写作方法题。根据第三段可知,该段是通过比较美国和英国如何庆祝该节日展开的,故A项正确。4Nowadays, many American children celebrate May Day with lots of activities EXCEPT Ahanging flowers on the doorknobs of their friends homesBselecting May Queen and dancing around the maypoleCgathering flowers in handmade paper baskets and singing May Day songsDcollecting dew on May Day morning and washing facesD解析:细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第一、二句可知,如今在美国,孩子们通过将花篮挂在邻居家或朋友家的门把手上、选择“五朔节女王”、围绕五月柱跳舞、演唱五朔节的歌曲来庆祝这一节日,故排除A、B、C项;根据第二段最后一句可知,用露水洗脸是中世纪英国人的做法,而不是现在美国儿童的做法,故选D项。三、七选五4 Key Strategies for Running to Lose WeightAs one of the most active exercises out there, running is an extremely efficient way to burn calories and lose weight. A 150-pound person will burn approximately 100 calories per mile when running. 1 1. Healthy Eating is the First StepIf you want to lose weight by running, keep in mind that youll only lose pounds if you burn more calories than you consume. To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3500 calories. 2 Runners do have special nutrition needs, but the basic principles for healthy eating still apply. Try choosing smaller portions of high-fat and high-calorie foods and eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.2. Follow a training scheduleSticking to a training schedule is a simple way to stay motivated to run. 3 So its much harder to postpone or skip workouts. Following a schedule can also help you avoid a running injury by not increasing your mileage too quickly.3. Run regularlyIf you dont want to follow a schedule, you still need to have some consistency with your running because you wont lose weight by running once a week. Its best to get some activity every day. 4 If you find that your motivation to run is suffering, follow some necessary tips to get inspired.4. 5 Incorporating speed work or interval training (running at a very fast speed for short intervals of time) into your running routine can also help your weight loss efforts. Speed work burns a great amount of calories in a short period of time. Youll also increase your muscle mass, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day.A. Keep it challengingB. Eat for PerformanceC. Youll know exactly what you need to do every day and each run builds on the next.D. So youll need to bine running with a healthy diet.E. If youre hoping to use running to lose weight, heres some advice on how to be successful.F. Here are ways to improve your running motivation.G. But if thats not possible, try to shoot for at least 34 times per week.【语篇解读】跑步是很好的减肥的方法,但是怎样才是正确的跑步方法,文章给出一些建议。1.E 【解析】根据上文A 150-pound person will burn approximately 100 calories per mile when running.150磅的人跑步的时候大约燃烧100卡路里。可知这里是:如果你想通过跑步减肥,这里有些关于怎么成功的建议。故选E。2.D 【解析】根据下文Runners do have special nutrition needs, but the basic principles for healthy eating still apply.可知这里是:你需要将跑步和健康饮食结合起来。故选D。3.C 【解析】根据上文Sticking to a training schedule is a simple way to stay motivated to run.可知这里是:你将知道你每天要做什么,每次跑步给下一次奠定基础。故选C。4.G 【解析】根据上文Its best to get some activity every day.可知这里是:如果那样不可能,每周至少锻炼三四次。故选G。5.A 【解析】根据下文Incorporating speed work or interval training可知这里是:要保持有一定挑战。故选A。


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