2019年高考英语 考纲解读与热点难点突破 专题14 情景交际热点难点突破.doc

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2019年高考英语 考纲解读与热点难点突破 专题14 情景交际热点难点突破.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语 考纲解读与热点难点突破 专题14 情景交际热点难点突破.doc_第2页
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2019年高考英语 考纲解读与热点难点突破 专题14 情景交际热点难点突破.doc_第3页
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专题14 情景交际1How far is it from the mountain top,Dad?I am really tired out._,dear! We are reaching it.AThats all right BMy goodnessCe on DNo wonder解析:选C。考查情景交际。句意:据山顶还有多远啊,爸爸?我真的累坏了。加油,亲爱的,我们马上就到了。e on,加油,表示鼓励。2There wont be anywhere to park.Oh,_Lets try the subway.Athats a real bargainBthats a good pointCthats really somethingDthats all settled3Mum,my coach says Im doing well in the training._?You still have a long way to go.AWhy not BSo whatCHow so DWhere to解析:选B。考查交际英语。句意:妈妈,我的教练说在训练的时候我做得很好。那又怎么样?你还有很长的路要走。why not为什么不呢;so what那又怎么样;how so怎么会这样;where to去哪里。根据语境判断选B。4Shall we offer the new position to Jack?_You are the boss.AYou bet BIts your callCNo problem DIt depends解析:选B。考查交际英语的用法。句意:我们能把新职位提供给Jack吗?那是你的事。你是老板。AYou bet当然;BIts your call由你做主;CNo problem没问题;DIt depends看情况而定。根据题干中的you are the boss判断,应是“由你决定”。所以选B。 络聊天软件呢?你难倒我了。我对它一无所知。A项意为“那对我很合适”;B项意为“不客气”;C项意为“别着急”;D项意为“你难倒我了,我也不太清楚”。根据“I know nothing about it.”可知,应选D。8You couldnt have chosen a better gift for me._ASorry,but forget itBIm glad that you like it that muchCSorry,but Ill choose another for youDIm glad that you have a gift for music9You really appreciate Alices skirt,dont you?_I just like the color of this skirt.ADont mention it BNot a littleCNot exactly DThats for sure解析:选C。考查交际用语。根据回答I just like the color of this skirt可知并不十分欣赏爱丽丝的裙子。句意:你真的欣赏爱丽丝的裙子,是吗?并不确切,我只是喜欢这件裙子的颜色。故选C。10May I ask for three days off tomorrow?_You know,the May Day holiday is just around the corner and every salesgirl is as busy as a bee.AIts out of the questionBNo problemCNone of my businessDI dont care解析:选A。考查日常交际用语的用法。句意:明天我能请假三天吗?这是不可能的。你知道,五一假期近在眼前,每个女售货员都很忙。AIts out of the question这是不可能的;BNo problem没问题;CNone of my business不关我的事;DI dont care我不在乎。由句意可知选A。11Kingsman:The Secret Service is a spy action edy film.Wants to e with me?Id love to,but my best friend is getting married,and I wont_it for anything.Aoverlook BtradeCmiss Dforget解析:选C。考查交际英语的用法。句意:王牌特工:特工学院是一部间谍动作喜剧电影。想和我一起去看吗?我愿意去,但是我最好的朋友就要结婚了,并且我不想错过任何东西。overlook忽视; Btrade贸易;miss错过;forget忘记。根据题意选C。12You cough so badly recently.Give up smoking,please!_I think I am addicted to it.AFar from it BGood ideaCSo far,so good DIt cant be helped解析:选D。考查交际英语的用法。句意:最近你咳嗽地那么厉害。请不要抽烟了。不起作用的。我认为我成瘾了。AFar from it远离它;BGood idea好主意;CSo far,so good越远越好;DIt cant be helped不起作用的。根据下文的be addicted to判断说话人戒不了烟。故选D。13Do you know the newly appointed CEO?_AIll check it BOnly that there is oneCMore often than not DIt will e to me14Sir,you are fined for speeding.Please sign here. Fined?Speeding?_AAre you all right? BYou cant be serious!CIm a foreigner. DIt doesnt matter.解析:选B。考查交际英语的用法。句意:先生,您超速罚款了,请在这里签字。罚款?超速?你不会是认真的吧! AAre you all right?你还好吧?B.You cant be serious!你不会是认真的吧!C.Im a foreigner.我是名外国人。D.It doesnt matter.没关系。故B正确。15Linda apologized to me yesterday.Impossible!_I know what kind of person she is.AI wasnt born yesterdayBGood for youCYou can never tellDThats for sure解析:选A。考查交际英语的用法。句意:Linda昨天向我道歉了。不可能!我不是小孩子了。我知道她是什么人。A.I wasnt born yesterday 我不是小孩子了;B.Good for you有你的好消息;C.You can never tell你不能告诉;D.Thats for sure确定无疑。故选A。16I was late for work this morning._You started early,didnt you?AWhy not? BHow e?CSo what? DNever mind.解析:选B。考查情景交际。Why not为什么不;How e为什么会这样;So what那又怎样;Never mind不要紧。句意:今天早晨我上班迟到了。为什么?你起得很早啊,不是吗?故选B。17Everything in my life has fallen to pieces.My life is such a mess!_I know how you feel.ABy no meansBI cant agree moreCIve been thereDI cant find any reasons18Jacks car broke down on the way home and when he finally got home,he found he had left his key in the office._AOh,its not his day. BIt made his day.CThese things happen. DForget it.解析:选A。考查交际用语。选项A意为:今天不是他的幸运日;选项B意为:高兴的一天;选项D意为:忘了吧。根据上文的Jack的车坏了,到家后发现钥匙落在办公室,说明他今天不走运,故选择A。19Mr.Jones isnt at his desk.Where is he?_I have no idea.AYou are wele BTell me about it CLets call it a day DYouve got me there解析:选D。考查交际用语。选项A意为别客气;选项B意为你算说对了;选项C意为今天就到这里吧;选项D意为你难住我了。根据下文的I have no idea,可知他不知道,故选择D。20How do you find the TV series Red Sorghum adapted from Mo Yans novel?_I cant think too highly of it. AIts terrible BIts up to you CIt makes no sense DIts really wonderful解析:选D。考查交际用语。A太糟糕了;B由你决定;C没有意义,讲不通;D真是太棒了。“cant.too.”表示越越好;无论怎样也不为过 。句意:你对由莫言的小说改编而来的电视剧红高粱有什么看法?太棒了!我对此颇为称赞。故选D。21What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the basketball game._Whatever you want to do is fine with me.AIt just depends BIts up to youCAll right DGlad to hear that22How do you want your eggs?_AThey taste goodBI want them very muchCId like some cakesDFried,please解析:选D。考查交际用语。句意:“你想吃怎么做的鸡蛋?”“煎鸡蛋吧。”根据句意可知,应选D。23Have you been wasting time on films again?_Ive been working and I need a break.ANo way BNot reallyCI dont agree DI couldnt agree more解析:选B。考查交际用语。 四个选项的含义分别是:ANo way没门,BNot really不完全是,CI dont agree我不同意,DI couldnt agree more再同意不过了。句意:“你又在电影上浪费时间了?”“不是这样的,我一直在工作,我需要休息一下。”选B。24Tom,could you give me a hand in the following exam?_Mom wont allow me to do such crazy things.ANo problem BIts a pleasureCForget it DMy pleasure解析:选C。句意:汤姆,下次考试你帮帮我可以吗?算了吧。妈妈不让我做那样愚蠢的事。Forget it“算了吧”,常用来告诉对方不要讨论某事。No problem“没关系”;Its a pleasure和My pleasure都是用来回答道谢,意为“不用谢”。25Would you like some more coffee?_AThank you! Its kind of youBGreat! Well doneCWell,it doesnt matterDOK.Its up to you26Hey,do remember were going to Mr.Smiths tomorrow.Oh,Ive almost forgotten,but_Ano problem Bnever mindCnot really Dno doubt解析:选A。考查交际用语。句意:“嘿,千万记住我们明天要去史密斯先生家。”“哦,我差点就忘了,但是没问题。”从四个选项看,A项“没问题”,符合语境。27Fancy meeting you here._ASo youre going.BThats very kind of you.CHave a nice time!DYes,what a coincidence!解析:选D。考查交际用语。句意:“真没想到在这里碰到了你。”“是的,真是太巧了。”根据“Fancy”可知,这次碰面是原本没有想到的,所以选D项。28Sweetheart.You will never believe this.I just won a car!_!I dont believe it!ACheer up BGood workCGood heavens DThats awful解析:选C。考查交际用语。句意:亲爱的。你绝对想不到我赢了一辆车!天哪!我简直不敢相信!Good heavens(表示惊奇或气恼)天啊,我的天。 45Congratulations!You have been admitted to Oxford.?I cant believe my ears. AWhy not BSo whatCHave I DWhats up答案C46Would you mind moving over one seat so my wife and I can sit together?AWhy not? BNo,not at all.CThats right. DMy pleasure.答案B解析句意为:你介意往那边挪下座位吗?这样我和我妻子就能坐在一起了。没问题(我不介意)。No,not at all.没问题,不介意,符合句意。47James has something to do and cant e tonight.Well,for he is a wet blanket.Aits very kind of you to say soBthats a relief Cthats a problemDits none of your business答案B解析句意为:杰姆斯有事要做,今晚不能来了。太好了,可解脱了,他是个扫兴的人。Thats a relief可解脱了,可松口气了,那样就放心了,符合句意。48I want to go shopping with my best friend.Could I use your bike,Mum?.Its just over there.ASounds great BGo aheadCTake care DNever mind答案B49Arent you interested in the new flat?.It is noisy near the sports center.ANot especially BNo wonderCNot a little DNo doubt答案A解析句意为:你对这个新公寓不感兴趣吗?不怎么感兴趣。它位于体育中心附近,非常吵。not especially不怎么;no wonder难怪;not a little非常,很多;no doubt毫无疑问。根据答句中的“It is noisy near the sports center.”可知,回答的人对这个新公寓并是特别感兴趣,故选A项。50Frank,Ive learned about your plan.May I make some suggestions?.AJust for fun BTake it easyCWith pleasure DGo right ahead答案D解析句意为:Frank,我已经了解你的计划了。我能提些建议吗?尽管提。just for fun只是为了好玩;take it easy别着急;with pleasure很乐意(帮忙)。go right ahead尽管做,此处表示尽管提建议,符合语境。故选D项。51Have you got any paper on you?,but I have none at all.AI mean it BI wouldnt say noCI beg to differ DI hate to say this答案D解析句意为:你身上带纸了吗?很抱歉我不得不说,我根本没带。I hate to say this我不得不说,符合语境。I mean it我是说真的,我就是这个意思;I wouldnt say no我不会拒绝;I beg to differ我不敢苟同,恕我不同意。52Yesterday,I read White Night by Higashino Keigo.Such a good book!.No one can match Higashino Keigo in artistic talent.AYou said it BYou dont sayCYou cant be serious DYou set me up答案A53Why didnt you e back last night?I waited long!.You were playing games the whole night.ADont give me thatBDont lose your headCDont trust to chanceDDont dream away your time答案A解析句意为:你为什么昨晚不回来?我等了好久!别给我来这一套,你整晚都在打游戏。dont lose your head不要失去理智;dont trust to chance不要碰运气;dont dream away your time不要虚度光阴。dont give me that别给我来这一套,符合题意,故选A项。54Wont Terry be upset??He never thinks about anyone but himself.AGuess what BNow whatCWho cares DWho knows答案C解析句意为:难道特里不会难过吗?谁在乎呢?他除了自己从来不为任何人考虑。who cares谁在乎呢,谁在意呢,符合句意。guess what猜猜看,你猜怎么着;now what又怎么了(表示感到厌烦),现在该怎么办;who knows谁知道,天晓得。55Marys new dress looks funny on her. It looks fine to me.AWho cares? BI wouldnt say that.CWhats wrong? DYou are telling me.答案B56Ive heard this basketball player is due to retire at the end of the season.,because he is currently having the worst performance.AIt all depends BIts no surpriseCIt takes no time DIts very unwise of him答案B 解析句意为:我听说这位篮球运动员在本赛季结束就要退役了。这没什么奇怪的,因为他目前表现得最差。It all depends 看情况;Its no surprise这没什么奇怪的;It takes no time这不太花时间;Its very unwise of him他太不明智了。


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