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第二节分类突破一、记叙文(2018江苏)Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment.Their savings had been 36 to pay lawyers fees.To make matters worse,Moth was diagnosed(诊断) with a 37 disease.There was no 38 ,only pain relief.Failing to find any other way out,they decided to make a 39 journey,as they caught sight of an old hikers(徒步旅行者) guide.This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and 40 recovery.When leaving home,Raynor and Moth had just 320 in the bank.They planned to keep the 41 low by living on boiled noodles,with the 42 hamburger shop treat.Wild camping is 43 in England.To avoid being caught,the Winns had to get their tent up 44 and packed it away early in the morning.The Winns soon discovered that daily hiking in their 50s is a lot 45 than they remember it was in their 20s.Raynor 46 all over and desired a bath.Moth,meanwhile,after an initial 47 ,found his symptoms were strangely 48 by their daily tiring journey. 49 ,the couple found that their bodies turned for the better,with re-found strong muscles that they thought had 50 forever.“Our hair was f ried and falling out,nails broken,clothes 51 to a thread,but we were alive.”During the journey,Raynor began a career as a nature writer.She writes,“ 52 had taken every material thing from me and left me torn bare,an empty page at the end of a(n) 53 written book.It had also given me a 54 ,either to leave that page 55 or to keep writing the story with hope.I chose hope.”语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。一对夫妻因为投资不当而变得无家可归、穷困潦倒;更糟糕的是,丈夫被诊断出得了严重的疾病。走投无路之时,夫妻俩决定徒步旅行,长途跋涉虽然辛苦,但却使他们慢慢地找到了生活的方向。36A.drawn up Bused upCbacked up Dkept up答案B解析文章开头交代,夫妻俩因投资不当而变得无家可归。由此可推知,为了支付律师费,他们的积蓄被用完(use up)了。draw up起草,(车辆)停下;back up支持;keep up保持,继续。37A.mild BmonCpreventable Dserious答案D解析由空前的“to make matters worse”(更糟糕的是)及后文的提示“only pain relief”可知Moth被诊断出得了重(serious)病。mild温和的,轻微的;mon常见的;preventable可预防的。38A.cure BluckCcare Dpromise答案A解析由空后的“only pain relief”可知,此处是说该病无法治愈(cure)。luck运气,好运;care关怀,照料;promise许诺,答应。39A.business BwalkingCbus Drail答案B解析由空后的hikers可知是徒步旅行,故选walking。business商业;bus公共汽车;rail铁路。40A.expected BfrighteningCdisappointing Dsurprising答案D解析由下文可知这次徒步旅行收到了惊人的(surprising)康复效果。expected预期的;frightening吓人的;disappointing令人失望的。41A.budget BrevenueCpensation Dallowance答案A解析空前提到,他们只有320英镑,空后提到他们以煮面条为食,由此可知他们计划保持低预算(budget)。revenue税收,收益;pensation补偿费,赔偿金;allowance津贴,零用钱。42A.frequent BoccasionalCabundant Dconstant答案B解析因为预算低,他们只能靠煮面条过活,偶尔(occasional)去汉堡店款待一下自己。空后的treat是名词,有“款待”之意。因为预算低,所以去汉堡店不可能是frequent“频繁的”、abundant“充足的”或constant“经常的”。43A.unpopular BlawfulCattractive Dillegal答案D解析由下文的“To avoid being caught”(避免被抓)可知,在英国,野外宿营是非法的(illegal)。unpopular不流行的;lawful合法的;attractive吸引人的。44A.soon BearlyClate Dslowly答案C解析为了避免被抓,他们只好很晚(late)才撑起帐篷并且一早就把帐篷收起来。显然,该空与early相对,只能选late。soon快,不久;early早;slowly缓慢地。45A.harder BeasierCcheaper Dfunnier答案A解析根据常识及下文的Raynor浑身疼痛可知夫妻俩很快发现,他们在50多岁时的徒步旅行比记忆中20多岁时的徒步旅行艰难多了(harder)。easier更容易的;cheaper更便宜的;funnier更有趣的。46A.rolled BbledCached Dtrembled答案C解析通读上下文可知,夫妻俩都50多岁了,每天徒步旅行,Raynor浑身疼痛(ache all over),想洗个澡。roll滚动;bleed流血;tremble颤抖。47A.struggle BprogressCexcitement Dresearch答案A解析上文提到Moth得了重病,所以旅行开始时他一定是痛苦的,故选struggle“挣扎”。progress进步;excitement兴奋;research研究,调查。48A.developed BcontrolledCreduced Dincreased答案C解析由空前的strangely(奇怪地)及下一段中的“their bodies turned for the better”(他们的身体好转了)可知Moth的症状减轻(reduce)了。develop发展,成长;control控制;increase增加。49A.Initially BEventuallyCTemporarily DConsequently答案B解析最后(eventually),夫妻俩发现他们的身体都有所好转。initially最初;temporarily临时地;consequently因此,所以。50A.gained BkeptCwounded Dlost答案D解析夫妻俩身体好转,发现本以为永远消失(lose)了的强壮肌肉重新出现了。gain获得;keep保持;wound使受伤。51A.sewn BwashedCworn Dironed答案C解析由空前描述的“头发干枯脱落,指甲断裂”可知该空是说衣服被磨损(wear)成线。sew缝;wash洗;iron熨。52A.Doctors BHikingCLawyers DHomelessness答案D解析通读上下文可知,把她所有物质的东西都带走的不可能是“医生”“徒步旅行”或“律师”,而应是无家可归(homelessness)。53A.well BpartlyCneatly Doriginally答案B解析句意为:无家可归带走了我所有物质的东西,我被撕得支离破碎,在人生这本已经写完一部分的书的最后留下空白的一页。Raynor把自己目前的人生比作已经写完一部分的书(partly written book)。well written写得好;neatly written写得整洁;originally written原创的。54A.choice BrewardCpromise Dbreak答案A解析由空后的either.or.及最后一句“I chose hope.(我选择了希望)”可知该处意为“它也给了我一个选择(choice)”。reward奖赏,报酬;promise承诺;break间歇。55A.loose BfullCblank Dmissing答案C解析上文的“an empty page”提示该空填blank(空白的)。给Raynor的选择是“或者留着那页空白或者带着希望继续写故事”。loose松的;full满的;missing丢失的。一、题型解读记叙文完形填空可分为叙事和记人两种形式,它们有几个显著的特点:以一般过去时为主,其他时态为辅;大量使用动词;适当出现直接引语。二、解题技巧1抓住文章中心。 中心思想是文章的灵魂和统帅,其他的写作要素都紧紧围绕这一中心进行。 抓住中心有助于明确做题方向,提高针对性。2明确叙述角度。 通常记叙文有两大叙述角度:第一人称和第三人称。 第一人称就是从“自我参与”的角度进行叙述,考生可从字里行间读出作者对人物、事件或景色的情感态度。 第三人称就是从“旁观者”的角度客观地记人、叙事、状物。 在做题时考生可采用“角色渗透法”,即假设自己就是文中的角色会有什么感受、做出怎样的选择等,这样有助于走进作者的思维,深入理解文章的含义。3理清写作顺序。 根据写作的需要作者往往采用顺叙、倒叙或插叙等方法进行叙述。 理清这些线索有助于了解事情发展的来龙去脉,从而更迅速、准确地理解文意。4明确写作要素。 包括事情发生的时间(when)、地点(where)、事件的内容(what)、人物(who)、原因(why)等。 弄清了这些要素也就基本上抓住了文章的主体,理解了整篇文章。5洞悉写作目的。 同学们要知道就事论事绝不是记叙文的最终目的,而最终目的是借助叙事来阐明一个道理,给人以启迪或教益。 因此,只有在分析具体情节的基础上认真体会文字背后的东西才能洞悉作者的写作目的,抓住文章的主题。 (2018山东德州二模)A few days ago,I 6observed a teenager doing yardwork that his dad had told him to do.Instead of doing the task 1 ,he wandered around there for hours, 2 to himself and doing a bad job.The person he hurt the most was himself.His dad was trying to teach him 3 and how to do a good job.As a result of his 4 attitude,he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task that should have taken one or two hours.And the yard 5 wasnt clean enough when he got through.He 6 his day because of his attitude.And his dad was 7 with him,and the boy s bad mood ended up 8 the whole family that day.A sweet lady was working in a fast-food 9 .The minute I walked in,she weled me 10 .She smiled as she took my 7order,and then as we 11 for the food,she talked with me.As I walked off with my 1tray,she said with a big 12 ,“I hope you have a 2blessed day!” I think the food tasted better because of her 13 .There was a delay,during which I sat there hearing her singing as she 14 her tasks behind the counter.She wasnt making a large salary,and she didnt have a powerful 15 ,either.In addition,she stood on her feet for a long shift each day,often dealing with 16 customers.But she chose to be joyful.I want to 17 from her.I want to do my best,even when theres no 18 or 3glory.Other people are watching me 19 I might not realize it at the time.I want to bring joy to all those around me.A(n) 20 can make a great difference.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,文章通过对比一个小男孩与一个餐厅女服务员对自己做的事情的不同态度,以及所带来的不同结果,作者告诉我们一种积极的态度可以给人带来很大的快乐。1A.gradually BhappilyCsecretly Dsilently答案B解析gradually渐渐地;happily高兴地;secretly秘密地;silently沉默地。根据本段最后“doing a bad job”可知,小男孩不是开心地做这项工作,而是在那里逛了几个小时,自我抱怨,工作也干得不好。故选B。2A.responding BapplyingCexplaining Dplaining答案D解析respond回应;apply申请;explain解释;plain抱怨。解析参见上题。故选D。3A.goodness BsafetyCresponsibility Dgardening答案C解析goodness善良;safety安全;responsibility责任;gardening园艺。根据“how to do a good job”可知,此处指他的父亲教他要有责任。故选C。4A.poor BpositiveCstrange Defficient答案A解析poor不好的,不佳的,恶劣的,贫穷的;positive积极的;strange奇怪的;efficient有效率的。根据后半句“he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task that should have taken one or two hours”可知,他做事的态度不好。故选A。5A.almost BevenCstill Dever答案C解析almost几乎;even甚至;still仍然;ever曾经。根据上文可知,当他完成任务的时候,院子还不够干净。故选C。6A.lost BruinedCperfected Dchanged答案B解析lose失去;ruin毁掉;perfect使完美;change改变。根据上文“As a result of his attitude”可知,他的不好的态度毁掉了这一天。故选B。7A.upset BpleasedCimpressed Dsatisfied答案A解析upset烦恼的;pleased感到高兴的;impressed印象深刻的;satisfied感到满意的。他父亲对他很生气。be upset with sb.对某人生气。故选A。8A.breaking BbenefitingCaffecting Dcontrolling答案C解析break破坏;benefit有利于;affect影响;control控制。那天这个男孩的坏心情影响了整个家庭。故选C。9A.factory BrestaurantCsupermarket Dshop答案B解析factory工厂;restaurant餐厅;supermarket超市;shop商店。由下文“she took my order”可知,此处指,一位甜美的女士在一家快餐店工作。故选B。10A.warmly BproudlyCseriously Dcoldly答案A解析warmly热情地;proudly自豪地;seriously严肃地;coldly冷淡地。我一走进来,她热情地欢迎我。由后面的smiled也可知。故选A。11A.looked BaskedCwaited Dstruggled答案C解析look看;ask问;wait等待;struggle挣扎。由常识可知,点完菜后,自然要等待食物上来,故可知此处指我们在等饭菜时她和我交谈。wait for等待。故选C。12A.shout BsmileCcheer Ddecision答案B解析shout大喊;smile微笑;cheer欢呼;decision决定。当我拿着我的托盘走的时候,她带着一个大的微笑说:“我希望你有一个幸福的日子!” with a smile微笑着。故选B。13A.experience BtrustCcourage Dkindness答案D解析experience经验;trust信任;courage勇气;kindness善良。根据上文“She smiled as she took my order,and then as we for the food,she talked with me.”可知,这个女服务员很善良。故选D。14A.performed BstartedCdiscovered Dplanned答案A解析perform做,履行,执行;start开始;discover发现;plan计划。我在逗留期间,听见她在柜台后面边工作边唱歌。perform ones task执行任务,做工作。故选A。15A.appearance B4motivationCposition Deffort答案C解析appearance外表;motivation动机,积极性,推动;position位置;effort努力。她没有高薪水,也没有强有力的职位。故选C。16A.ordinary BpainfulCimportant Ddifficult答案D解析ordinary普通的;painful痛苦的;important重要的;difficult困难的。此外,她每天都站着做长时间的轮班,经常和难缠的顾客打交道。但她选择了快乐。故选D。17A.escape BlearnChear Ddiffer答案B解析escape逃脱;learn学习;hear听见;differ不同。我想向她学习。learn from向学习。故选B。18A.applause BregretCsadness Dforgiveness答案A解析applause欢呼;regret遗憾;sadness伤心;forgiveness宽恕。即使没有掌声和荣耀,我也要尽我最大的努力。故选A。19A.5now that Bin caseCeven though Das if答案C解析now that既然;in case万一;even though即使;as if好像。其他人都在看着我,尽管我当时可能没有意识到这一点。由句意可知,此处是even though引导的让步状语从句。故选C。20A.lifestyle BattitudeChabit Dattempt答案B解析lifestyle生活方式;attitude态度;habit习惯;attempt企图。由全文语境可知,一种态度可以起很大的作用。故选B。.障碍词汇突破(一)阅读下列句子,并根据句意猜测画线部分的意思1 .A tray is a flat piece of wood,plastic,or metal,which usually has raised edges and which is used for carrying things,especially food and drinks.托盘2I will be forever grateful for,and feel blessed by these treasures.幸福的3Glory is the fame and admiration that you gain by doing something impressive.光荣,荣耀4Your motivation for doing something is what causes you to want to do it.动机(二)同义词语替换5Now that were in Europe we ought to visit the Netherlands.since(三)一词多义 6observe vt.庆祝;观察;遵守(1)Someone who doesnt observe traffic regulations will sweat.遵守(2)Take some time and observe how you value yourself and what you do.观察(3)Tom has returned to his hometown where he will observe Thanksgiving with family members.庆祝7order n命令;条理,顺序;规则;贸易 定单;vt.命令;整理;定购;点食物/饮料(1)The general gave the order to advance.命令(2)Get your ideas into some sort of order before beginning to write.条理,顺序(3)The policeman ordered the drunken man out of the shop.命令(4)He ordered a book from the publisher.定购(5)They got into a restaurant and asked for a menu to order their meal.点食物/饮料.长难句理解1As a result of his poor attitude,he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task that should have taken one or two hours.句式分析本句话是复合句,主句是he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task,为主谓宾结构;that should have taken one or two hours是定语从句,修饰a task。精美译文由于他恶劣的态度,他花了一整个下午才完成本该一两个小时就能完成的任务。2There was a delay,during which I sat there hearing her singing as she performed her tasks behind the counter.句式分析本句话是复合句,主句是There was a delay;during which I sat there hearing her singing as she performed her tasks behind the counter是“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句,在从句中hearing.作伴随状语,singing作宾补;as she performed her tasks behind the counter是时间状语从句。精美译文我在逗留期间,听到她在柜台后面边干活边唱歌。专题强化练(十三).单项填空1Ted couldnt remember the exact date of the storm,but he knew it was Sunday because everybody was at church.A/;the Ba;/C/;a Dthe;/答案B解析第一空填a,表示不确定的某个星期天;第二空不填,at church做礼拜。句意为:特德记不得风暴的具体日期了,只记得是个星期天,因为每个人都在做礼拜。故选B。2The pany and the effect brought about did great good to our business in the market.Ait BwhichCthat Dwhat答案A解析句中的it代指the pany,it brought about为定语从句,先行词the effect作brought about的宾语,故其后省略了关系词which或that。句意为:这家公司及其所带来的影响对我们在市场上的业务有很大的好处。故选A。3Nowadays,more and more young ladies, figures most are fine enough,are going on a diet.Awho BwhoseCof whose Dof whom答案C解析句中先行词ladies在非限定性定语从句中作figures的定语,故用whose。再根据most表示“大部分”,后接介词of表示范围,相当于most of young ladies figures。句意为:如今,越来越多的年轻女士都在节食,其中大多数身材都不错。故选C。4The artist is said during the production and thus a pirated video was sold in every part of Kenya.Ato be cheatedBbeing cheatedCto have been cheatedDhaving been cheated答案C解析“sb.be said to do”表示“据说某人”,再根据后句“and thus a pirated video was sold in every part of Kenya”可知事情已经发生,故用不定式的完成式。句意为:据说这位艺术家在制片过程中被人骗了,因此在肯尼亚的每一个地方都有盗版光碟出售。故选C。5 ,I believe,and you will find Tom is outgoing.AHaving a talk with the studentBOne talk with the studentCGiven a talk with the studentDIf you have a talk with the student答案B解析句意为:和这位学生谈一谈,我相信你会发现汤姆非常友好。本题是“祈使句and陈述句”结构,前面的祈使句也可以是名词(短语)。故选B。6 at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.ASat BSitCSeating DSeated答案D解析本句是一个倒装句,seated为形容词作表语。句意为:在房间的后面坐着一个害羞的女孩,她有两只大眼睛。故选D。7 if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?AWould you be surprisedBWere you surprisedCHad you been surprisedDWould you have been surprised答案D解析本句考查if引导的虚拟条件句。从句是对过去的虚拟,用过去完成时,主句是对将来的假设,用wouldhave done。句意为:如果昨天没有事先让你知道我到了,你会惊讶吗?故选D。8It is not socially for parents to leave children unattended at that age.Aaccessible BadorableCadaptable Dacceptable答案D解析句意为:让那个年龄的孩子无人照看,父母会受到社会指责的。acceptable可以接受的;accessible可以接触到的;adorable迷人的,可爱的;adaptable有适应力的。9She had experienced many hardships the journeys,but she was amazed at the sight of the beautiful scene.Ain view of Bin terms ofCin case of Din the course of答案D解析句意为:在旅途的过程中她经历了许多困难,但是在看见美景的时候,她很惊奇。in the course of在这里意为“在过程中”,符合题意。in view of鉴于,考虑到;in terms of根据,就而言;in case of万一,如果。10The introduction of modern technique from abroad makes it necessary for skilled workers to unskilled workers.Atake place Btake overCtake down Dtake the place of答案D解析take place发生;take over接管;take down记下;take the place of取代。根据句意可知选D。11That was not the first time he us.I think its high time we strong action against him.Abetrayed;takeBhad betrayed;tookChas betrayed;tookDhas betrayed;take答案B解析根据时间状语the first time可知,从句中应使用完成时态;句中使用的是“That was.”,故应使用过去完成时。在固定搭配its (high/about) time.中,从句应使用一般过去时或“should动词原形”表示虚拟语气。句意为:那不是他第一次背叛我们了。我认为我们是时候该对他采取强硬措施了。故选B。12The countrys chief exports are coal,cars and cotton goods,cars the most important of these.Ahave been BareCbeing Dare being答案C解析英语中两个简单句之间一般不能只用“,”隔开。此句中,分词结构being the most important of these有自己的逻辑主语,即cars,此部分在主句中充当状语,起到对主句进行补充说明的作用。句意为:该国的主要出口产品是煤、汽车和棉花制品,汽车是其中最重要的。故选C。13His strong sense of humor was make everyone in the room burst out laughing.Aso as to Bsuch as toCso that Dsuch that答案B解析因为such that, so that 后只能接从句。而该题在be动词后应是表语,such这里作表语,不定式前面的as跟such搭配,说明such的程度达到了某种结果,不定式作结果状语。句意为:他如此幽默,全屋的人都被他逗乐了。故选B。14Hes as a “bellyacher” hes always plaining about something.Awho is knownBwhom is knownCwhat is knownDwhich is known答案C解析who的先行词一般是人,在定语从句中充当主语或者宾语;whom为who的宾格形式,在定语从句中充当宾语;what在表语从句中充当宾语或表语或主语,也可以用来充当两种成分;which的先行词通常是物或者事,在定语从句中充当主语。句意为:他作为一个满腹牢骚者而出名他总是在抱怨一些事情。此处的空格充当了主句的表语也充当了从句的主语两种成分,故填what。故选C。15A hurricane swept through my village.Just as we were beginning to lose hope,it suddenly stopped.It is really “ ”AAlls well that ends wellBLightning never strikes twice in the same placeCIt never rains but it poursDA friend in need is a friend indeed答案A解析Alls well that ends well皆大欢喜;Lightning never strikes twice in the same place福无双至;It never rains but it pours祸不单行;A friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情。句意为:飓风席卷了我的村庄。就在我们开始失去希望的时候它突然停了。真是皆大欢喜。故选A。.完形填空(2018无锡高三期中检测)Most people need to hear those “three little words”I love you.Once in a while,they hear them just in time.I met Connie on the day when she was 16 to the hospice ward(病房),where I worked as a volunteer.Her husband,Bill,stood 17 nearby as she was 18 from the gurney(轮床) to the hospital bed. 19 Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer,she was optimistic and cheerful.I finished 20 her name on all the hospital supplies she would be using.Connie was a romantic.As we became 21 ,she expressed how 22 it was to be married 32 years to a carpenter who often called her “a silly woman”“Id give anything if hed say I love you,but its just not in his 23 .” she sighed.Bill visited Connie every day.One day,over coffee in the cafeteria,I got him on the 24 of women and how we need 25 in our lives;how we love to get sentimental(富有情感的) cards and love letters.“Do you tell Connie you love her?” I asked,and he looked at me 26 I was crazy.“I dont have to,” he said.“She knows I do!”“Im sure she knows,” I said,reaching over and touching his 27 hands,“but she needs to hear it,Bill,she needs to hear what she has 28 to you all these years.”Two days later I walked down the hospice ward at noon.There stood Bill,leaning up against the 29 in the hallway, 30 at the floor.I already knew from the head nurse that Connie had died at 11 AM.When Bill saw me,he 31 himself to e into my arms for a long time.His face was wet with tears and he was 32 .Finally,he leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath.“I have to say something,” he said.“I have to say how 33 I feel about telling her.” He stopped to blow his nose.“This morning I told her how much I loved her.and loved being married to her.You 34 have seen her smile!”I went into the room to say my own goodbye to Connie.There,on the bedside table,was a large Valentine card from Bill.You know,the sentimental kind that 35 ,“To my wonderful wife.I love you.”语篇解读有时候,“我爱你”这三个字需要我们用语言来表达。文章描写了作者帮助一位身患癌症的病人在临终前听到了多年来一直想听来自丈夫的那一句“我爱你”。16A.objected BdeterminedCforced Dadmitted答案D解析object反对;determine决定;force强迫;admit准许进入,承认。康尼因患癌症,被接到临终安养院。“be admitted to”意为“被允许进入”。故选D。17A.numbly BcasuallyCimpatiently Dnervously答案D解析numbly失去知觉地,麻木地;casually偶然地,随意地;impatiently不耐烦地,焦急地,焦躁地;nervously神经质地,焦急地,紧张地。根据语境,当把她从轮床移到病床上时,她的丈夫比尔焦虑不安地站在旁边。故选D。18A.transferred BtransformedCprevented Dprotected答案A解析transfer使转移,使调动;transform变换,改变;prevent阻止;protect保护。参见上题解析。故选A。19A.As BSinceCThough DBecause答案C解析as由于,像一样,当时;since因为,既然,自从以来;though尽管;because因为。句意为:尽管康尼处于和癌症搏斗的晚期,但她仍然神智清醒,精神愉快。根据句意可知选C。20A.sculpturing BmarkingCannouncing Dsigning答案B解析sculpture雕塑,雕刻;mark做记号,给打分;announce宣告,通告;sign签名,打手势。作为医院的护理人员,作者在她将要使用的所有用品上都标上了她的名字。故选B。21A.acquainted BconsistentCarbitrary Dconsiderate答案A解析acquainted熟悉的,知晓的;consistent一致的,坚持的;arbitrary随意的,武断的;considerate体贴的,深思熟虑的。根据下文中“她向我表达了她的想法”可知,“我们”越来越熟,符合语境。故选A。22A.crazy BdelightedCsatisfied Dupset答案D解析crazy疯狂的,迷恋的;delighted高兴的,快乐的;satisfied满意的;upset失望的,沮丧的。联系下文she sighed可知,康尼说她跟一个经常叫她“傻女人”的男人生活了32年有多么沮丧。故选D。23A.character BtalentCnature Dvirtue答案C解析character性格,人物,特征;talent才能,才干;nature本性,自然,天性;virtue美德。句意为:她叹了口气, “如果他说声我爱你,我就愿意付出一切,可这根本不是他的性格。” in ones nature天生如此,根据句意可知选C。24A.target BsubjectCpoint Dobject答案B解析target目标,靶子;subject科目,话题;point点,分数;object目标,物体。句意为:一天,在自助餐厅喝咖啡时,我设法和比尔谈起女人这个话题。根据句意可知选B。25A.sympathy BwarmthCfort Dromance答案D解析sympathy同情;warmth温暖;fort安慰;romance浪漫。根据下句“多想收到充满柔情蜜意的卡片和情书”可知,我们谈到生活中多么需要浪漫。故选D。26A.even if Bas thoughCif only Din case


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