2018-2019高中英语 Unit 1 Lifestyles 2 Lesson 2 Relaxing习题 北师大版必修1.doc

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Lesson 2Relaxing即时检测一、根据句意和首字母提示填空1Yuan Longping is an e on agriculture.答案:expert2I cant s the noise.Can you turn your radio down?答案:stand3Helen p to stay at home rather than see a boring film.答案:prefers4My aunt has decided to have two meals a day to go on a d.She always plains about her weight.答案:diet5When parents fight with each other,its the children who s most.答案:suffer6She left home to escape the p to conform to(遵从) her familys way of life.答案:pressure7Small businesses will need to r costs in order to keep on running.答案:reduce8The worst thing about working at home is the lack of s contact(联系).答案:social9Students need to learn how to o their study.答案:organise/organize10My father is under s because he has too much work to do in his business.答案:stress二、语法填空1Even today,most Americans prefer coffee tea.答案:to2From then on,he began to read the newspapers and magazines French.答案:in3Studies show that people are more likely to suffer back problems if they always sit before puter screens for long hours.答案:from4Costs have been reduced 20% over the past year.答案:by5Talking to teenagers can be difficult some parents.答案:for6She was pressure from her parents to bee a teacher.答案:under三、选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空do exercisetake placesuffer fromstand forlook uplose weight1No matter what happens,I will you.答案:stand for2The Summer Olympic Games every four years.答案:take place3Youd better get up early and soon youll be back in condition.答案:to do exercise4In order to ,she is on a diet these days.答案: lose weight5Youd better the word in the dictionary if you dont know how to use it.答案:look up6His mother is cancer and the doctor said that she would die soon.答案:suffering from四、根据提示翻译句子1我不是计算机方面的专家,你最好向老师求助。(expert)答案:I am not an expert on/in/at puters.Youd better ask the teacher for help.2他喉咙痛,说不了太多的话。(suffer from)答案:He is suffering from a sore throat and cant talk too much.3有些人喜欢花钱甚于挣钱。(prefer)答案:Some people prefer spending money to earning it.4那个女孩受不了父母的抱怨。(stand)答案:The girl cant/couldnt stand her parents plaint.5去购物前列份清单,这样你就不会买你不需要的东西了。(so)答案:Make a list before you go shopping,so that youll not buy what you dont need.五、阅读理解Whether you are young or young at heart,it is never too late to change,or take in some new and better practices into your daily life.Here are some wise lessons that I wish I knew when I was younger.I used to be worried about what others thought of me.Finally,I came to realize that if youre wasting too much time looking for respect from others,then you will not have time to finish all you desire.Everyone has an opinion,but in fact others opinions about you are based more on their history and perceptions(观念) than anything youre actually doing.So depend on your own assessment(评估) of you rather than others.Enjoy every moment of today.Dont wait to do or enjoy something.Dont tell yourself you will do it tomorrow.If it is important to you,then do it today.Pay attention to what is happening now,the task at hand and to all the choices you make today,big and small.Our future is set by what we decide and do today.What happened yesterday is over.You cannot change it.So let it go.Dont waste your energy considering anger or unhappiness.It only stops you from moving forward in life.Look for the good in people.Celebrate the happy moments,big and small.Search for the chances for growth.Give helpful encouragement rather than unwanted criticism(批评).Be helpful whenever possible.In a word,life is serious but you can still be delighted and hopeful.Otherwise,whats the point?1We shouldnt worry too much about what others think of us because .A.our own assessment is enoughB.their opinions about us may be wrongC.we are improving ourselves every dayD.we dont always need other peoples help解析:细节理解题。第二段主要论述了“不要太担心别人对你的评价”这一观点。根据该段第三句可知,作者认为他人的看法可能并不是基于你的实际情况,也许并不正确,所以不必太担心他人对你的看法。答案:B2In the authors opinion,we should .A.never forget our hard timesB.never look for respect from othersC.change our lifestyles from time to timeD.always plete important work in time解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第四句可知,作者认为我们应该及时完成重要的事情。答案:D3How should we deal with other people according to the author?A.Try to help them.B.Never criticize them.C.Show thanks to them.D.Make friends with them.解析:细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知,作者认为我们应该尽量帮助别人。答案:A4The passage is most probably written by .A.a clever childB.a middle school studentC.an expert on human relationshipsD.an old man with rich experience of life解析:推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句和下文中给出的建议可知,这些建议都是作者通过亲身经历总结出来的,可见作者应该是一位有着丰富生活阅历的长者。答案:D六、语篇填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Dear Diana,Thank you for the 1.(love)day we had with you.It was so kind 2. you to let us bring Annies friend,Gina.3.(unfortunate),the only problem that we had was the journey home.There had been 4. accident on the highway and,as a result,there was a long line of traffic for at least six 5.(mile).In the end,we 6.(drive)to a service station and waited there 7. the road was clear.In the car park Gina nearly got 8.(knock)over as a car drove out far too quickly behind a lorry(卡车).We 9.(final) dropped Gina off at her parents and made 10.(we) own way home.Yours,Helen答案:1.lovely2.of3.Unfortunately4.an5.miles6.drove7.until/till8.knocked9.finally10.our


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