2019高考英语一轮选习练题 模块4 Unit 1 Advertising(含解析)牛津译林版.doc

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模块4U1一、阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The wedding tradition of“something old,something new,something borrowed and something blue”has been around for hundreds of years.The tradition of carrying or wearing one of each item is said to bring luck and fortune to the newly married couple.Have you ever stopped to think what the saying really means?What is its origin and what does each item represent?The original saying dates back to the Victoria times and states,“something old,something new,something borrowed,something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe.”Something old A bride may wear or carry something old to represent her continued ties to her family and her old life.Many brides wear a piece of family jewelry as their old item.Some brides wear the wedding dress worn by their mother or grandmother.In many cases,something old may also be something borrowed.Something new Wearing something new is supposed to represent success and hope in the brides new life and in her marriage.If the bride purchases her wedding dress,it may represent her new item,but any item that is new may be used.Something“new” is usually the easiest kind to fill.Something borrowed The borrowed item should be something borrowed from a friend that is happily married.It is said that their happiness will rub off on you and bring lasting happiness to your marriage.Some brides borrow an item of clothing,a piece of jewelry,a handkerchief or perhaps a beaded(饰以珠子的)purse.Something blue Wearing something blue dates back to ancient times when a blue wedding dress was worn to represent purity,fidelity and love.A silver sixpence Placing a silver sixpence in the brides left shoe is said to be a symbol of wealth.This not only refers to financial wealth,but also a wealth of happiness and joy throughout her married life.Since most brides probably dont even know what a sixpence is,this part of the tradition is not used very often in modern times.However,if a bride would like to include it in her wedding,she can purchase a silver sixpence from many panies that sell bridal supplies such as garters (袜带)and invitations.1Why does the first paragraph end with two questions?ATo invite readers to answer them at once.BTo show the importance of this tradition.CTo have readers interest and attention.DTo test readers knowledge about wedding.2Which of the following statements is TRUE?ASomething old might also be something borrowed actually.BThe part of the tradition“a silver sixpence”is never used now.CThe borrowed item can be something borrowed from any friend.DSomething new is usually the most difficult and expensive kind to fill.3What can we infer from the passage?ANo brides now are not familiar with the silver sixpence.BEvery item represents something good for the new couple.CThe bride will be more beautiful with all these five items.DOf the five items,something blue is the most important one.4Which word can replace the underlined word“fidelity” in the sixth paragraph?ASuccess. BWealth.CLoyalty. DOpportunity.【解题导语】本文是一篇总分结构的说明文,介绍了西方一种传统的婚礼习俗的起源和含义。1C考查推理判断。根据文章内容可知,这两个问句承上启下,引起读者的阅读兴趣和注意力。2A考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“In many cases, something old may also be something borrowed”可知,一些老的物件也可以是借来的。根据最后一段中的“this part of the tradition is not used very often in modern times”可知,B选项错误;根据第五段中的“The borrowed item should be something borrowed from a friend that is happily married ”可知,C项错在“any friend”; D项与文中的“Somethingnewis usually the easiest kind to fill”不符,故排除。3B考查推理判断。通读全文可推测出,这几样新婚佩戴的物件都会给新婚夫妇带来好处。根据最后一段中的“Since most brides probably dont even know what a sixpence is”可知,现在大部分新娘都不知道六便士硬币是什么,故A选项“现在,新娘都熟悉六便士硬币”错误;C选项错误,文中只说这些物件会给新婚夫妇带来好处,并未涉及新娘佩戴这些物件后是否漂亮的问题;这五种物件哪个更重要文中并未提及,因此D项错误。4C考查词义猜测。根据语境并结合画线词前的purity和其后的love可推知,“fidelity”此处意思为“忠诚”,即“loyalty”。二、单项填空1.I didnt want to drive all the way to Shanghai by myself, so I _ Henry, my American friend, to ride with me.A. confirmed B. consultedC. persuaded D. permitted【答案】C2.Good listening can always show respect, _ understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship.A. discourage B. promoteC. balance D. circulate【答案】B【解析】discourage使某人泄气;promote促进;balance使平衡;circulate流传。句意:倾听可以表示尊重,增进理解,改善人际关系。3.The incident caused a hot discussion on the Internet, but the local government had no immediate _ on it.A. adjustment B. mitmentC. ment D. document【答案】C【解析】adjustment调整;mitment承诺,奉献;ment评论;document文件。句意:这件事在网上引起热烈的讨论,但是当地政府并未迅速对它做出了评论。4.Our marketing campaign should _ young working couples.A. be acquainted with B. be worried aboutC. be accustomed to D. be aimed at【答案】D【解析】句意:我们的营销活动应该针对年轻的上班夫妇。be acquainted with 与相识,与熟悉; be worried about为而担心,忧虑;be accustomed to对习惯;be aimed at .目的在于,旨在 针对5.When you _ a new word, youd better _ a dictionary.A. e about, refer toB. e across, consultC. e across, look upD. e up, consult【答案】B【解析】e about发生,产生;e across碰上,遇见;e up被提出;consult=refer to查阅,其宾语是dictionary;look up也有“查阅”之意,但其宾语是word。句意:遇到生词时,你最好查一下词典。6.I have just spent a holiday in Hawaii and would like to _ it to anyone who is expecting one. A. remendB. representC. relieveD. release【答案】A【解析】句意:我刚到夏威夷度过一个假期,因此我愿意把它推荐给任何希望度假的人。remend推荐, 建议;represent代表,表示;relieve解除,减轻,缓解;release释放,发布。7.I tried to _ with the man but he simply told me to take it or leave it. A. argueB. peteC. bargainD. connect【答案】C【解析】argue with与争辩/争论;pete with与竞争;bargain with与讨价还价;connect with和有关,与联系。我试着和那人讲价,但他只叫我干脆地决定买或不买。 8.My grandpa is _ to learn English from a book, which is a surprise to us .A. beneficialB. reliable C. mental D. determined【答案】D9.Why has the bus not arrived? Im really sick of waiting for a bus.Yeah. Especially when you have something _ to do.A. privateB. potentialC. urgentD. available【答案】C【解析】句意:“公共汽车为什么还没有来?我真的很讨厌等车。”“是的。尤其是当你有急事要做的时候。”根据语境尤其是答语中的“Especially”可知,应选urgent“紧急的,急迫的”。10.Instead of blaming others for our failure, we should _ what to do next and try our best to succeed in the future.A. figure out B. carry outC. take out D. put out 【答案】A【解析】句意:我们不要因为我们的失败而责备别人,我们应当弄清楚下一步我们要做什么,并且尽最大努力去实现将来的成功。figure out弄清楚,符合题意。carry out开展,实施;take out拿出来;put out扑灭,熄灭。11. The book written by Mr. Jackson _ people from all walks of life, making it the best seller in England.A. appealed to B. contributed to C. adapted to D. owed to【答案】A【解析】句意:杰克逊先生写的那本书对各行各业的人都有吸引力,使得它成为英国最畅销的书。appeal to对有吸引力;contribute to有助于,捐献;adapt to适应;owe to归功于。12.The teacher felt his explanation of the grammar item was not _ to all the students. A. getting backB. getting acrossC. getting onD. getting over【答案】B【解析】get across(to.)意为“被()所接受/理解”符合语境。句意:老师感觉到他关于这一语法项目的讲解并没有被全体学生所领会。get back回来,找回,get on上车,进行;get over克服,(使)渡过,走完。13.Mr.Green has never smoked any more since his wife _ him to give it up.A. wanted B. persuadedC. advised D. suggested【答案】B【解析】句意:自从他的妻子说服他戒烟以后,格林先生再也不抽烟了。persuade sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事。14.What makes the _ of his new product so successful?Targeting career women as his primary customers.A. election B. protection C. promotion D. proportion 【答案】C15.Over coffee, she lit a cigarette, her eyes daring him to _. A. remend B. mand C. ment D. depend【答案】C【解析】ment评论,表达意见。句意:喝咖啡时,她点燃了一支烟,她的那种眼神谅他也不敢吭声。三、完形填空Research confirm that performing acts of kindness and sharing thankful thoughts have many positive effects on mood and health. They are among the top five predictors of happiness.When you feel thankful for something.thats gratitude. You never get it out of _1_; you are clear who or what is responsible,whether thats a loved one, a strange, or a higher power.Gratitude is how you _2_ to otherswhen you see yourself in connection with things larger than yourself. _3_, this understanding of our reliance on others is being more _4_ today. With mercial and social media, everythi8ng makes the younger generation feel that they are the _5_ of the universe. If its all about them,why thank others?If true, there would be a disturbing _6_ trend. Canadian researchers found that people who wrote thank-you letters or performed good deeds for a six-week period decreased their pain, upped their energy,and improved their mental health.And you can _7_ these benefits at any age. Old people who choose to be thankful are less likely to worry about their _8_ health.Gratitude tends to be easily spread,as well. Those who are helped are more likely to pay kindness _9_.One study found that when someone is thanked, it more than doubles his or her chances of being _10_ again, likely because he or she enjoys feeling socially _11_.If you arent particularly grateful now,you can learn to be. People who keep a journal of three positive things that happen to them each day _12_ health-including thankfulness. At first, it may be difficult to _13_ the good things that occur. But _14_, your train gets trained into a more appreciative mode. And in the end, the journal bees a book of joyful _15_. Gratitude training certainly es to your aid during the _16_ times because a greater appreciation for life is the_17_you focus on. _18_ your gratefulness directly with the person you feel grateful to, the benefits of happiness _19_.You dont need a scientific study to know that showing and accepting gratitude can ensure you an _20_ life, a much better life than you thought.语篇解读:心存感恩会给你的情绪和健康带来益处,现在的人们越来越缺少感恩之心,作者认为我们应该从日常训练感恩意识开始,培养我们的感恩情怀。做题时,把握作者态度,考虑上下文语境。1.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything.【答案】C【解析】结合空白处上一句,当你为某事感到感激的时候,这就是感谢。接着下一句 You never get it out ofnothing ,这里的意思是,“你绝不会无缘无故明白它”,短语 out of nothing 指“无中生有”,故选 C。2.A. refer B. submit C. subscribe D. relate【答案】D【解析】refer to 参考,涉及;submit to 屈服于;subscribe to 订阅;relate to 关系到。结合语境,感恩就是在和他人建立联系的时候,不只是关注自身。用 related to,表示与他人建立联系。故选 D。3.A. Therefore B. Meanwhile C. Besides D. However【答案】D【解析】therefore 因此;meanwhile 同时;besides 除此之外;however 然而。结合下文,现在的人变得越来越以自我为中心,大家的感激意识变得越来越淡。此处表转折,用 however,故选 D。4.A. beneficial B. difficult C. stubborn D. ridiculous【答案】B【解析】beneficial 有益的,有用的;difficult 困难的;stubborn 顽固的;ridiculous 荒唐的。结合语境,现在的人们把得到别人的帮助当做理所当然的事情,所以这种 understanding 变得越来越困难了,用difficult。故选 B。5.A. master B. center C. survivor D. creator【答案】B【解析】master 大师;center 中心;survivor 幸存者;creator 创造者。结合语境,商业和社会媒体,让年轻的一代认为自己是宇宙的中心。言外之意就是年轻人现在越来越以自我为中心,不懂得感恩。故选 B。6.A. health B. mental C. cultural D. vital【答案】A【解析】health 健康;mental 情绪的;cultural 文化的;vital 极其重要的。结合语境,如果这一切是真的,那么这是一个不健康的趋势。结合文章可知作者持否定态度,故选 A。7.A. continue B. approach C. sustain D. reap【答案】D【解析】continue 持续;approach 接近;sustain 支撑;reap 收获。结合空白处前面一句“Canadian researchersfound that .”介绍了常怀感恩和行善能够得到一些好处,所以这里应该是收获 these benefits,用reap,故选 D。8.A. original B. improving C. failing D. falling【答案】C【解析】original 最初的;improving 提高的;failing 失败的;falling 下降的,跌落的。前一句谈论了任何年龄的人都可以获益,这里形容老年人的糟糕的健康问题,用 failing,故选 C。9.A. upward B. downward C. backward D. forward【答案】D【解析】空白处前一句“Gratitude tends to be easily spread,as well.Those who are helped are more likely to .”感恩很容易传播出去,这些被帮助的人更愿意把善良传下去。pay kindness forward,把善良传递下去。故选 D。10.A. thankful B. respectful C. helpful D. careful【答案】C【解析】结合上一句“one study found that when someone is thanked.it more than doubles his or her chances ofbeing.”一个研究发现,当某人被感谢过,那么他会有两倍的概率去再次帮助别人,being helpful乐于助人,同时符合前文所说的感恩很容易被传播的观点。故选 C。11.A. valued B. influenced C. attracted D. noticed【答案】A【解析】valued 有价值的;influenced 有影响的;attracted 有吸引力的;noticed 注意的。结合语境推理,这些人更容易去帮助别人,因为他们喜欢感受到自己的社会价值。故选 A。12.A. cultivate B. emphasize C. benefit D. possess【答案】A【解析】 cultivate 培养;emphasize 强调; benefit 有益于; possess 拥有。结合前一句“If you arent particularlygrateful now,you can learn to be.如果你现在还缺乏感恩,你可以学着去做”,所以这里应该是要培养(cultivate)health-including thankfulness。13.A. analyze B. recognize C. summarize D. organize【答案】B【解析】analyze 分析;recognize 意识,认识;summarize 总结;organize 组织。结合语境,这里的意思是,首先你也许不能意识到产生好的效果,用 recognize,故选 B。14.A. roughly B. decidedly C. gradually D. accidentally【答案】C【解析】roughly 粗糙地;decidedly 果断的;gradually 渐渐地;accidentally 偶然地。结合前一句说你可能不会一下子获得成效,那么可以推断,这是一个日积月累的过程,用 gradually,故选 C。15.A. essays B. thoughts C. files D. memories【答案】D【解析】 essays 文章; thoughts 思想; files 文件; memories 记忆; 结合前文“keep a journal of three positive thingsthat happen to them each day”可知,经过日积月累,最后都变成了有意义的记忆,故选 D。16.A. dark B. golden C. sharp D. urgent【答案】A【解析】dark 黑暗的;golden 黄金的;sharp 锋利的,激烈的,敏锐的,机警的;urgent 紧急的。结合语境,“Gratitude training certainly es to your aid during the.”感恩锻炼能帮助你,因为帮助你,所以一定是在 during the dark time,故选 A。17.A. scene B. part C. plan D. potential【答案】B【解析】scene 场景;part 部分;plan 计划;potential 潜力,潜能。结合语境,这里说处于生活的最黑暗的时期,感激会帮助你,因为更加懂得感激生活是你聚焦的那一部分。言外之意就是感激训练让你在最黑暗的日子也会感恩生活。故选 B。18.A. Supplying B. Experiencing C. Starting D. Recalling【答案】C【解析】supplying 供应;experiencing 经历;staring 开始;recalling 召回。结合语境,这里说从感谢你认为应该从感谢的人开始,start with 意为“从开始”,故选 C。19.A. disappear B. accumulate C. emerge D. weaken【答案】B【解析】disappear 消失;accumulate 积累;emerge 出现;weaken 变弱。结合语境,这有利于幸福的积累,用 accumulate,故选 B。20.A. enriched B. engaged C. enlarged D. addicted【答案】A【解析】 enriched 丰富的; engaged 投入的; enlarged 扩大的; addicted 上瘾的。 结合下一句“a much better lifethan you thought.”,这里应该是丰富我们的生活,用 enriched,故选 A。四、短文改错。My favorite sport is playing basketball.In the middle school,I joined in the basketball team.All the teammate practised hard after school.Once our team had match against another schools.At the very beginning,we were so nervous which we couldnt cooperate very good.Because this was the first time for us to pete with the school honor.In the half match they fell behind.Our team leader calls us together and said that we must get uniting in order to beat them.Then we tried our best and won the game at last.Play basketball makes me realize the importance of union and teamwork.【答案】My favorite sport is playing basketball.In the middle school,I joined the basketball team.All the practised hard after school.Once our team had match against another schools.At the very beginning,we were so nervous we couldnt cooperate very .Because this was the first time for us to pete the school honor.In the half match fell behind.Our team leader us together and said that we must get in order to beat them.Then we tried our best and won the game at last. basketball makes me realize the importance of union and teamwork.第一处:删除in。考查固定搭配。join后接某个组织,表示加入该组织,此时join为及物动词;join in通常指参加某项活动。由该句中的team可知,该处用join。第二处:teammate改为teammates。考查名词的复数。根据该句中的All可知,该处的可数名词teammate应当用复数形式。第三处:had后加a。考查不定冠词。有一次我们的篮球队和另外一个学校的篮球队进行了一场比赛。该处泛指“一场比赛”,故用不定冠词a。第四处:which改为that。考查固定句型。分析该句结构可知,该句使用了固定句型“so.that.”,表示“如此以至于”。第五处:good改为well。考查副词。cooperate为动词,修饰该动词应当用副词,故用副词well。第六处:with改为for。考查介词。pete for sth.为固定搭配,意为“为竞争”,该处指“为学校的荣誉而战”,故用介词for。第七处:they改为we。考查人称代词。根据语境可知,此处陈述的是我们参加篮球赛的过程,故用人称代词we。第八处:calls改为called。考查动词的时态。根据该句中的“said”,并结合语境可知,该处陈述的是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。第九处:uniting改为united。get在此为连系动词,表示“变得,达到”,后跟形容词united,get united意为“团结起来”。第十处:Play改为Playing。考查动名词。由动词makes可知,该处应用动名词短语作主语,故用Playing。


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