2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练29 Unit 4 Global warming 新人教版选修6.doc

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题组提分练29 Unit 4 Global warming 限时35分钟加黑体小题训练词义猜测题之单词、短语猜测题阅读理解A体裁:应用文话题:旅游与交通难度:If you are looking for a lastminute day trip with the family, heres a list of festivals and fairs happening within a reasonable drive from Charlotte.Hopscotch Music FestivalWhere:Downtown Raleigh (various places)When:TodaySaturday.Highlights:This music festival, started Thursday, features performances by more than 175 national and international bands playing in 15 different places, all within walking distance. Music genres will include rock, hiphop, heavy metal, dance, classical, folk and everything in between.(画线词是include后所举例子的总结词,利用举例猜测词义的标志词还有for example/for instance/such as/like等)Admission:$34$110.Details:.hopscotchmusicfest.Flatwoods FestivalWhere:451 Peach Tree Road, Bennett.When:10 am. Saturday5 pm. Sunday.Highlights: This annual festival, which is in its 15th year, features family fun, food, horse rides and an antique tractor pull. There will also be musical entertainment and a grand parade with cars, trucks, tractors, horsedrawn vehicles, floats, farm equipment and more.Admission: Free Friday; on Saturday,$5 for ages 13 and older.Details: 919-548-5192; .visitpittsboro.NC Mountain State FairWhere: 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher.When: Various times todaySept. 16.Highlights: In celebration of the people, agriculture, art and traditions that make our region great, the familyfriendly fair offers performances and even a man who carves artwork with a chainsaw (链锯). Admission:$7;$3 for kids 6-12 and seniors.Details: 828-687-1414; .mountainfair.org.【语篇解读】文章向人们介绍了几个旅游景点,如:Hopscotch Music Festival、Flatwoods Festival NC Mountain State Fair以及它们的地点和开放时间等事宜。1What does the underlined word “genres” refer to?A. Types. B. Activities. C. Lessons. D. Programmes.答案与解析A词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“包括摇滚、嘻哈、重金属、舞蹈、古典音乐、民歌等”可知音乐包括很多种类,所以画线词是“种类”的意思,故A项正确。2How can you know the detail about Flatwoods Festival?A. By surfing the website: . mountainfair.org.B. By dialing the telephone number:828-687-1414.C. By dialing the telephone number:919-548-5192.D. By surfing the website: .hopscotchmusicfest.答案与解析C细节理解题。根据文中Details: 919-548-5192; .visitpittsboro.可知,如果想要了解Flatwoods Festival更详细的信息,可以拨打电话或者登录网址,故C项正确。3Where can visitors see a special kind of artwork?A. Charlotte. B. Downtown Raleigh. C. Bennett. D. Fletcher.答案与解析D细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词special和artwork定位原文中对NC Mountain State Fair的介绍中的even a man who carves artwork with a chainsaw (链锯),搜寻文章中的地点信息可判断出游客可以去1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher,故选项D正确。词汇微存within walking distance步行可达;in between在中间阅读理解B(2018青岛模拟)体裁:记叙文话题:社会难度:Artist Diala Brisly fled Syria in 2013. She now lives in Beirut but shes well known inside Syria for her works on a childrens magazine that, amazingly, is still printed and distributed inside the country. Heres her story in her own words, followed by some examples of her works.The magazine is called Zayton and Zaytonahlike Olive and Oliver, a boy and a girl. There are a lot of olive trees and olive farms in the north of Syria.They used to print it in Saraqeb but the press was destroyed by shells and they couldnt fix it, so now they are printing it in Aleppo. They are taking a risk by printing it and distributing it.(利用文章背景结合destroyed可猜测画线词含义)The main purpose is to remind kids about being a human being and keep them away from being a fighter. I think this magazine really gives them hope.I was talking to someone who was distributing the magazine in the north and he told me about a kid who really likes this magazine, but now he has to go to fight. He cant read the magazine any more because the fighters say its “forbidden”Its very important to keep kids on trackbeing human beingsnot just growing up to fight or kill yourself in some war you dont belong to.I remember when we were still in Syriaa girl came to play the guitar for some kids, and when she went to take the guitar out, one of them started yelling and crying. He thought it was a weapon. It took hours to convince him that it was just an instrument.Its very hard for a kid to see his brother with an open head, he wont forget it ever. Perhaps they still laugh, they still smile, sometimes they like to play, but they are not fortable with strangers.Perhaps there are so many things for them to deal with in the future.【语篇解读】文章介绍了一本杂志,这本原来在萨科齐印刷的杂志因为炮火摧毁了出版社而搬到阿乐波印刷发行,这本杂志旨在呼吁和平,为叙利亚儿童描绘希望。4Why was the magazine still popular with kids in Syria?A. Its name attracts kids.B. It really gives them hope.C. It has beautiful pictures in it.D. It was written by Diala Brisly.答案与解析B细节理解题。根据第四段可知杂志的目的是提醒孩子做人并且不要做战士,结合最后一句“这给了他们希望”可知选项B正确。5What is the closest meaning of the underlined word “shells” in the third paragraph?A. Flood. B. Hurricane.C. Earthquakes. D. Bombs.答案与解析D词义猜测题。 根据画线词后文提到的战火、战士等可知是炮弹毁了出版社,故选项D中的bombs与画线词同义。6What is important to kids according to the author?A. Creating many works.B. Keeping kids on track.C. Avoiding being homeless.D. Providing rich magazines.答案与解析B推理判断题。根据第六段第一句可知,作者认为最重要的是让孩子们保持正轨即做人,远离战火,故选项B正确。7What does the author convey by mentioning her experience in Syria?A. Kids live a happy life.B. War still exists in Syria.C. Kids like playing the guitar.D. War casts its shadow over kids.(cast a/ones shadow over .给笼置上/投下阴影/使不快)答案与解析D推理判断题。第七段提到作者在叙利亚时,一个女孩拿出吉他时有个孩子害怕地哭,因为他以为那是武器,作者利用这个经历旨在说明战争给孩子们留下了阴影,故D项正确。词汇微存amazingly adv.令人吃惊的是;distribute vt.发行阅读理解C(2018郴州质检)体裁:说明文话题:社会难度:Theres something about the New Year that always makes me read my horoscope (星象) to see what lies ahead. I dont believe in any of it really but theres fort in being told that the next 12 months will bring health, wealth and happiness. Well, its usually over optimistic, isnt it?There are many other people who are also skeptical about astrology (占星术) and its belief that knowledge of the position of the stars and planets can help us understand our personality or predict human affairs. However, despite the lack of scientific evidence in its favour, astrology has been around for thousands of years, and is believed by millions of people in both the West and the East.The West has its star signs every month and the East has its animals every year. Im a Pig. When I first found out I was a Pig person I was a little disappointed, and my friends (powerful Dragons, friendly Dogs and fierce Tigers) laughed. Pigs have a bad reputationpeople think theyre dirty animals that smell horrible.In the Chinese zodiac (生肖) there are 12 animals and according to one legend, when Buddha left the earth, only 12 animals came to say goodbye to him. As a reward Buddha named a year after each of the animals in the order that they came to him, and the pig came last. So I thought I was unlucky being a Pig but this isnt so.It appears that Pigs are kind people who are helpful and giving. They tend to make good friends as they are faithful, thoughtful and trusting. Pigs are happy, optimistic people and have lots of funthat sounds OK to me! However, Pigs are often naive(幼稚的) and apparently its easy to cheat a Pig. They are also likely to react without thinking, and theyre not that great with money either. Pigs, it seems, get along with Sheep and Rabbits but, interestingly, not other Pigs, who they should stay_clear_of.【语篇解读】作者介绍了属相的传说以及属猪的人的性格。8Finding out that he was a Pig person, the author felt _.A. a little unhappy B. very excitedC. quite proud D. a little surprised答案与解析A细节理解题。根据第三段第三句中的a little disappointed可知,作者知道自己属猪时,有点不开心,故A 项正确。9What is the legend mentioned in Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. The lonely life of Buddha.B. The features of Pig people.C. The advantages of being a Pig.D. The origin of the Chinese zodiac.答案与解析D推理判断题。第四段主要说明生肖这个传说的由来,故D项正确。10Which of the following is TRUE about Pigs?A. They are innocent.B. They are very lazy.C. They are very smart.D. They are moneymakers.答案与解析A正误判断题。最后一段说明属猪的人性格善良、乐于助人、幼稚而且容易被人欺骗,故选项A正确。11What does the underlined part “stay clear of” in the last paragraph mean?A. Give in to. B. Fight against.C. Keep away from. D. Make friends with.答案与解析C词义猜测题。画线部分所在句说明属猪的人和属兔或属羊的人相处愉快,转折连词but暗示属猪的人和其他属猪的人在一起相处不好,即属猪的人应远离其他属猪的人。阅读技巧14巧用线索猜词义词义(单词或短语)猜测题猜测单词或短语的含义是阅读中的难点,可以利用上下文语境的暗示判断生词的含义。如利用同义或定义解释法,即利用上下文中出现的or、that is to say、in other words、namely等或利用破折号、定语从句、同位语从句等猜测画线词含义。根据语境猜测画线词的含义占猜测词义类试题的大多数,做题时应根据上下文语境信息进行分析推理,从而猜测出生词的含义。词汇微存interestingly adv.有趣的是; be skeptical about怀疑在阅读过程中,不可避免地要碰到一些生词,能利用上下文和句子结构猜测词义是高中生必备的阅读能力之一,也是阅读理解试题考查的一个重要方面。生词处理得好坏,会直接影响到阅读理解题得分的高低。试卷上要求判断词义的单词或短语,基本上是我们不熟悉的,但也有些是学过的,不过往往意思发生了变化。所考查的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,而要根据语境来判断,着重考查利用同义或反义关系、构词法、语法和语篇等理解生词的能力。词汇释义题的命题方式大同小异,例如:What does the underlined word “.” mean in the passage?The underlined part “.” could best be replaced by _.“.” as used in the passage can best be defined as _.The word “.” is closest in meaning to _.By saying “.” the author means _.The underlined phrase “.” (paragraph 6) most probably means _.技巧运用1根据定义或释义推断。在一些文章中,有时作者在使用了一个自己认为读者不太熟悉的单词之后,往往会对该词的词义作一些解释或说明。可以利用上下文的定义或释义来猜测词义,这是最直接也是最简单的方法。例如:The enemy soldiers surrendered,_that is, threw out their weapons and walked out with their hands above their heads.短语that is后面就是对surrender的释义:扔出武器,双手举过头顶走出来,可判断出surrender是“投降”的意思。提示用来表示定义或释义的提示语有mean (意指), refer to (指的是), be defined as (被定义为), be known as (被称为), be called (被称为), be termed (被定义为), that is (即是), or (即)或in other words (换句话说),等等。技巧运用2根据同义词或近义词推断。作者为了使自己的意思表达得更清楚明白,通常用一个同义词或近义词来解释一个比较难的词,也可能在表达同一概念时将多个同义词或近义词或同一范畴的词语排列在一起。例如:Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged. The principal of the school was an older woman, almost as plump as mother, and much shorter.作者把学校的校长和他的母亲相比,母亲是胖的,根据as . as .结构可推断出plump和fat是近义词,也是“肥胖”的意思。提示同义或近义的信号词是or, like, as . as ., the same as等,可以根据已知的词语很容易地推断出其中某个生词的词义。技巧运用3根据反义词或对比、转折关系推断。有时作者在文章中会用一些相互对应、互为反义的词语,使不同事物的特点更为突出。可以通过上下文的逻辑关系,从对两种事物或现象的对比描述中,根据其中一个熟悉的词将它的词义反推出来。例如:Her voice was usually soft and sweet, but now it is hoarse.作者想说的是她现在的状况与过去不同:过去她的声音是soft and sweet,那么现在就是hoarse (沙哑的)了。提示表示对比、转折关系的信号词通常是but, yet, however, otherwise, despite, even though, unlike, instead (of), rather than, on the other hand, on the contrary等。技巧运用4根据作者的举例判断。在行文过程中,作者往往会运用举例的方法使一些专业词汇或抽象概念通俗易懂,这在说明文体,尤其是在科普类的文章中比较多见。例如:Many United Nations employees are polyglots. Mrs. White, for example, speaks five languages.根据for example后面的例证不难推出polyglot是“会说多种语言的人”。提示表示列举关系的信号词有like, for example, for instance, such as, especially, include, consist of, especially等。技巧运用5根据经验或常识推断。结合自己的社会经验和生活常识,往往也能有效地推断出生词的词义。例如:In the old days, when girls from rich families were married to their husbands, they expected to bring with them a large quantity of dowry.根据社会习俗习 惯,有钱人家的姑娘出嫁肯定要带很多“嫁妆”的。提示在猜测生词时,要注意看看同一生词是否在文章中其他地方出现,并把两处的语境相比较,更准确地猜出词义。技巧运用6根据上下文推断。可以根据上下文的语境暗示,运用逻辑推理来猜测生词的词义。例如:He is a resolute man. Once he sets up a goal, he will not give it up easily.作者用含once引导的从句的主从复合句描述了“他”的个性:一旦树立了目标就不会轻易放弃。由此推出,resolute应该是“坚决的、有决心的”之意。技巧运用7根据因果关系推断。有怎样的原因就会导致怎样的结果,反之,知道了结果也能够分析出其原因来。例如:Since I could not afford to buy the original painting, I bought a replica. An inexperienced eye could not tell the difference.根据since引出的原因状语从句来看,因为作者买不起原画,结果买了“replica”,后一句又进一步说“没有经验的人是看不出差别的”,所以很容易推断replica应是“复制品,赝品”的意思。提示表示因果关系的信号词有because, so thus, due to, result in/from, as a result (of)等。技巧运用8根据语法知识推断。有些语法知识,如定语从句和同位语等,有时起着解释或进一步说明的作用,可以帮助推断生词的词义。例如:He was a prestidigitator who amused the children buy pulling rabbits out of hats, swallowing fire, and other similar tricks.用who引导的定语从句给出了生词的意思,可判断prestidigitator是“变戏法的人”。提示定语从句对被修饰的名词加以修饰、限制和解释说明,同位语或同位语从句对被修饰的名词进行补充说明,两者都能对所修饰的名词给出非常清楚的定义。技巧运用9根据标点符号推断。有时作者借助标点符号直接为生词提供定义或解释。例如:One of the tourists has just been bluejackedsecretly sent a text message using short-range wireless technology called Bluetooth.通过破折号后面的内容可以看出bluejack意思是“运用蓝牙这种短程无线技巧秘密发送手机短语”。提示文章中解释生词常用的标点符号有括号、冒号和破折号等。阅读七选五体裁:说明文话题:语言学习难度:How to Remember What You ReadReading is important. But the next step is making sure that you remember what youve read! _1_ You may have just read the text, but the ideas, concepts and images (形象) may fly right out of your head. Here are a few tricks for remembering what you read._2_(利用同源词和标题句特点(疑问句或祈使句)判断If the plot, characters, or word usage is confusing for you, you likely wont be able to remember what you read. Its a bit like reading a foreign language. If you dont understand what youre reading, how would you remember it? But there are a few things you can do. Use a dictionary; look up the difficult words.Read it; hear it; be it!Read the lines. Then, speak them out loud. And, put some character into the words. When he was writing his novels, Charles Dickens would act out the parts of the characters. Hed make faces in the mirror, and change his voice for each character. _4_How often do you read?If you read frequently, youll likely have an easier time with remembering what youre reading and what youve read. _5_ As you make reading a regular part of your life, youll make more connections, stay more focused and understand the text better. Youll learn to enjoy literatureas you remember what you read!A. Are you confused?B. Practice makes perfect.C. Whats your motivation?D. Memory is sometimes a tricky thing.E. Marking helps you remember what you read.F. But other books require a bit more work on your part.G. You can do the same thing when you are reading the text!答案与解析【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文,给我们介绍了几种记住阅读内容的方法。1D前句大意为“要记住所读的东西”,而后句则讲述的是“所学的概念,思想和形象被遗忘”,据此可知中间的过渡句与记忆有关,故D项符合语意。2A根据“If the plot, characters, or word usage is confusing for you, you likely wont be able to remember what you read.”可知,本段讲述的是“怎样解惑”,故A项可作本段的主题句。3F前句“With some books, you may feel a connection right away.”讲的是“有些书上的知识是很快建立联系的”,而后句“How willing are you to make the connections happen?”意为“怎样使知识联系起来”,故中间的过渡句大意为“另一些书是难以建立联系的”,F项符合语意。4G根据前文列举“狄更斯写作时的故事”可知,G项“阅读时你可以效仿他”可作为本段的总结句。5B根据前后句表示“提高阅读频率”大意可知,所缺句大意应该与其和谐一致,故表示“熟能生巧”含意的B项(Practice makes perfect.)符合语意。难句微析原文If the plot, characters, or word usage is confusing for you, you likely wont be able to remember what you read.译文如果你对故事情节,人物或词汇的用法有疑惑,你就可能不能记住所读的内容。分析这是个主从复合句。If the plot, characters, or word usage is confusing for you是条件状语从句;what you read是宾语从句,what在从句中充当宾语。词汇微存focused adj.全神贯注的; act out表演

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