2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Art高考试卷分块专练 新人教版选修6.doc

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2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Art高考试卷分块专练 新人教版选修6.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Art高考试卷分块专练 新人教版选修6.doc_第2页
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2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Art高考试卷分块专练 新人教版选修6.doc_第3页
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Unit 1 Art高考试卷分块专练.完形填空In 1994 I was in the midst of a depression(抑郁症). When I was depressed, I _1_.One day I was clearing up the rooms and found a CD covered with _2_. I wiped it off, put it in the _3_ and started washing dishes. A mans voice, reading poetry, _4_ my house. The sound of the speakers voice and the words of the poems reached something deep inside me. I stopped and _5_.I began to take poems into my _6_, not simply reading them, but developing rich relationships with the _7_. I learned many by heart. They became my therapy (疗法) and _8_.Those poems made me wiser and healthier._9_, in the fall of 2008, poetry _10_ me in a way I had never expected. I had put all my _11_ in a small, local fund (基金). Two months later, the leader of the fund left me a message: “The financial crisis _12_ our fund particularly hard. Weve lost everything.”I stood there, _13_.Suddenly I heard a poem, _14_, called Kindness in my mind. It felt like the poem had been written for me _15_, for this exact moment, like the perfect helper _16_ on the scene at the instant of an accident. Kindness became my _17_. I read it before going to bed, and at breakfast every morning. It reminded me that this was not a _18_, but a path to sympathy, and I was not walking alone. Even now, I _19_ Kindness several times a week to carry me _20_ the heart of what really matters to me.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。“我”患有抑郁症,偶然间爱上了诗歌朗诵,这些诗歌抚慰了“我”的心灵;“我”投资基金,遭遇金融危机,积蓄全都没了,是一首名叫善良的诗歌让“我”重新对生活燃起希望。1.A.ranBsleptCcleaned Dsang解析:选C根据下句中的“One day I was clearing up the rooms”可知,“我”抑郁时便会打扫房间。C项意为“清除,打扫”,符合语境。故选C。2A.dust BpaperCclothes Dbedding解析:选A根据下句中的“I wiped it off”可知,CD上布满了灰尘。A项意为“灰尘”,符合语境。故选A。3A.drawer BplayerCwasher Dfridge解析:选B根据下句中的“A mans voice, reading poetry”可以判断,“我”将CD放进了播放器。B项意为“CD、唱片、录像带等的播放机”,符合语境。故选B。4A.swept BoccupiedCdecorated Dfilled解析:选D根据语境可知,此处指正在朗读诗歌的男子的声音充满了整个屋子。D项意为“(声音、气味或光)充满,弥漫,遍及”,符合语境。故选D。5A.wept BleftClaughed Dlistened解析:选A根据语境可知,朗读者的声音和诗歌的内容触动了“我”的内心深处;据此可推知,“我”停下手中的活,哭了起来。A项意为“哭泣”,符合语境。故选A。6A.home BlifeCclass Dmind解析:选B根据该句中的“not simply reading them, but developing rich relationships”并结合语境可知,“我”开始将诗歌带进“我”的生活。故选B。7A.tunes BrhymesCwords DCDs解析:选C根据第一段倒数第二句中的“the words of the poems”,并结合下一句“I learned many by heart.”可知,此处指诗歌的内容。故选C。8A.medicine BfoodCassistance Dattention解析:选A根据上文中的“I was in the midst of a depression (抑郁症)”和该句中的关键词“therapy(疗法)”可知,此处指这些诗歌成为“我”治疗抑郁症的良药。A项意为“药品,药物,良药”,符合语境。故选A。9A.Still BYetCThen DSoon解析:选C结合第一段第一句中的“In 1994”和该句中的“in the fall of 2008”可知,此处指后来,在2008年的秋天。故选C。10A.surprised BimpressedCwarned Drescued解析:选D根据下文描述的诗歌帮助“我”从钱财损失中恢复过来并成为“我”的精神支柱可以判断,这些诗歌以“我”未曾预料到的方式拯救了“我”。D项意为“拯救”,符合语境。故选D。11A.faith BsavingsChope Dexpenses解析:选B根据该句中的“local fund (基金)”可知,“我”将“我”所有的积蓄都投进了当地的一个小基金中。B项意为“积蓄”,符合语境。故选B。12A.hit BblewCpushed Dpressed解析:选A根据下文“Weve lost everything.”可知,金融危机重创了“我们”的基金。A项意为“产生不良影响,打击,危害,重创”,符合语境。故选A。13A.fearless BthanklessCbreathless Ddefenceless解析:选C根据上文可知,经济危机使“我”的积蓄打了水漂,故此处指“我”站在那儿,喘不过气来。C项意为“喘不过气来的”,符合语境。故选C。14A.by coincidence Bout of nowhereCin the distance Dby accident解析:选B根据该句“Suddenly I heard a poem . in my mind.”可知,此处应指不知怎么地,“我”的脑海中响起了一首叫善良的诗。B项意为“不知怎么地”,符合语境。故选B。15A.immediately BsincerelyCcasually Dpersonally解析:选D根据该句中“for me”和“for this exact moment”可以判断,“我”感觉这首诗就像是为“我”量身定做的。D项意为“个别地,私人地”,符合语境。故选D。16A.reading BarrivingCwalking Descaping解析:选B根据语境可知,这首诗的出现就如一位合适的施助者抵达了事故现场。B项意为“到达,抵达”,符合语境。故选B。17A.homework BreligionCprayer Dmemory解析:选C根据下文的“I read it before going to bed, and at breakfast every morning.”可知,这首诗成了“我”的祈祷文。C项意为“祈祷文,祷辞”,符合语境。故选C。18A.mistake BlessonCfort Dtragedy解析:选D根据该句中的“but a path to sympathy”以及上文所叙述的受经济危机的冲击,“我”的钱都打了水漂可知,这首诗歌让“我”意识到这件事情并不是悲剧,而是通向同情的道路。D项意为“悲剧,不幸”,符合语境。故选D。19A.reach for Bdream ofCrefer to Dmeet with解析:选A根据该句中的“several times a week”可知,即使是现在,“我”每周还会拿起善良这首诗来读上几次。reach for意为“拿起,触碰,提起”,符合语境。故选A。20A.for BwithCoff Dinto解析:选Dcarry sb./sth. into意为“将某人/某物带至”。此处指这首诗歌带“我”走进对“我”来说什么才是真正重要的东西的核心。故选D。.语法填空(2018葫芦岛高三月考)Glasgow is situated in southwest Scotland along both banks of the River Clyde and has _1_ population of over 590,000 people. It is the largest city in Scotland, _2_ has successful business, finance, tourism and an excellent harbour as well.Glasgow is one of the _3_ (lively) cities in Europe. It has worldfamous art _4_ (collect), the best shopping centres in the United Kingdom outside London and the most _5_ (enjoy) nightlife in Scotland. A mustsee is the works of Scotlands bestknown architecture Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the unique style of whom _6_ (decorate) attractions such as the Lighthouse, Glasgow School of Art and House for an Art Lover.Art and culture are so important in Glasgow life _7_ galleries and museums are great in number. There is a _8_ (choose) of over twenty including the worlds first museums of religion and the outstanding McLellan Galleries. _9_ their credit, the Scots value traditional art and culture in Glasgow and have them well _10_ ( preserve) through a long time.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了英国苏格兰南部的港口城市格拉斯哥的地理位置、人口、文化等情况,特别是它的艺术和文化别具特色。1ahave a population of 是固定搭配,意为“有人口”。2which该句是定语从句,空格处指代前面的先行词city。3liveliest此处表示格拉斯哥是欧洲最活跃和热情的城市之一,故用最高级形式。4collections根据空前的worldfamous“世界著名的”可知空处应填名词。这里的艺术收藏品应该有许多,所以用复数。5enjoyablethe most enjoyable nightlife“最令人愉快的夜生活”。此处用形容词修饰名词。6decorates该句是定语从句,空格处是谓语动词,且根据上下文可知应用一般现在时态。7thatso .that .“如此以至于”。8choicea choice of “的选择”。9Toto ones credit 是固定搭配,意为“值得称赞的是”。10preservedhave sth. done“使某物被做”。此处意为“使它们在很长一段时间里保存完好”。.语法填空(2018曲靖市高三质检)Over 2,200 years ago, Emperor Qin Shihuang, the first Emperor in Chinese history, established the official Chinese writing characters. The new, simplified characters made writing calligraphy (书法) less _1_ (plicate). It allowed people to use characters with more straight strokes, thus _2_ (make) it easier to write with brushes. This _3_ (create) the Li genre(体裁). Over time, other variations were also developed, _4_ eventually led to the formation of the five genres in Chinese calligraphy. As _5_ result, calligraphy became _6_ (wide) accepted. Calligraphy also had its practical values because it was a good way to make friends and was more presentable as a gift rather than jewelry or money. Does calligraphy still have these practical functions now? Yes. Many people practice calligraphy as a way _7_ (raise) their cultural acplishment. Older people use calligraphic writing as a method to keep fit. They believe that when a person concentrates on _8_ (write) calligraphy, his inner wellbeing (幸福) is inspired. I had thought puter would lead to the _9_ (disappear) of Chinese calligraphy. Now I understand thats not likely to happen. How can you give your boss puterprinted calligraphy as a gift? You dont, _10_ you want him to fire you!语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了中国书法的发展简史,最后文章指出练好书法的重要性。1plicatedmake sth.adj.“使某物”。此处意为“使书法变得不再复杂”。2making此处是现在分词作结果状语。3created根据上下文可知,此处叙述的是过去发生的事情,故应用一般过去时态。4which此处是非限制性定语从句,且空格处的关系代词指代前面所说的内容,故用which。5aas a result 是固定搭配,意为“结果”。6widely书法被广泛接受。副词widely修饰动词accepted。7to raise修饰抽象名词way要用动词不定式。8writingconcentrate on doing sth.“集中精力做某事”。此处用动名词作介词on的宾语。9disappearancelead to中的to是介词,故其后用名词作它的宾语。10unless根据语境“除非你想让他开除你”可知,应填unless。.短文改错(2018昆明教学质量检测)Im a huge book lover but like sharing my love for books!So Ive been bought books constantly. Finishing reading one book, I placed it in or around my school so that some of my schoolmate can treat themselves to the book. I especial like placing it on a stone table in the little garden in that students might have time to take a rest. I was delighted an other day when I saw a card left on the table to say thanks. And from the card, I knew my book turned out of to be a birthday gift for a strange girl. It was so lovely find out that my book could bring anyone pleasure!答案:第一句:butand第二句:boughtbuying第三句:placedplace; schoolmateschoolmates第四句:especialespecially; thatwhich第五句:anthe第六句:去掉of第七句:find前加to; anyonesomeone/somebody.书面表达假如你叫李华,你想邀请你的美国朋友Mr. Smith与你一起参观画展。请你根据以下要点给他发一封email。要点:1.介绍画展中外名画展期:本月25日30日地点:艺术博物馆2约定会面的时间和地点。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Smith, Yours,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Mr. Smith, There will be an exhibition of paintings from 25th to 30th this month in the Art Museum of our city. A lot of famous Chinese traditional paintings by top artists will be exhibited there. Additionally, there are great works from around the world,which, I think, will certainly attract visitors eyes. Whats more,we will see famous painters drawing on the spot. Would you liketo go to the exhibition with me on the 25th? If so, Ill pick you upat your home at 8 oclock in the morning. Please reply to me byemail as soon as possible.Yours,Li Hua

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