2019-2020学年高二英语下学期开学考试试题 (I).doc

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2019-2020学年高二英语下学期开学考试试题 (I)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the man going to do on Sunday?A.Visit his mother. B. Do some gardening C. Move into a new house.2. What does the man think of the building might be?A. An apartment building. B. A hotel. C. A department store.3. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a store. B. In a bank. C. In a classroom.4. When will the next bus e?A. At 6:35. B.At 6:45. C. At 7:00.5. When does the conversation probably take place?A. At 4:30p.m B. At 5:00p.m. C. At 5:30 p.m. 第二节 (15小题,每小题1.5分,共22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。6. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Friends. B. Neighbors. C.Customer and waitress.7. How will Bill and Mary go home?A. By bus. B. By taxi C. By subway.听第7段材料,回答第8, 9题。8. What does the woman want to buy?A. Desks. B. Chairs. C. puters.9. What discount will be the woman get? A. 15% off. B.12% off. C. 10% off.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题。10. How did the man learn about the house?A. He heard about it from his wife. B. He saw it on South Florida Street.C. He read about it in the newspaper.11. How many bathrooms are there in the house?A. Three. B. Four C. Five12. What is the mans concern about the house?A. The size. B. The price. C. The location.听第9段材料,回答第13-16题。13. What do the speakers both agree?A. People need cars to buy groceries. B. Having a car can make people lazy. C. Cars are bad for the environment.14. Why does the woman drive her car every day?A. Driving is convenient. B. Her city has no subway. C. She think its cheap.15. What can be said about the man?A. He spends a lot on gas. B. He gets to work by bike. C. He needs to get back in shape16. Where will the woman probably go next?A. To a gym. B. To the supermarket. C. To a used car market听第10段材料,回答第17-20题。17. How did Jim feel about going to England?A.Surprised. B Nervous C. Sad18. Where was Shakespeare born? A. In London. B. In Cambridge. C. In Stratford-upon- Avon.19. What was the main job of Shakespeares father?A. He was a writer. B. He was a tour guide. C. He was a glove maker20. Why did Shakespeare write unusual plays?A. He got free education. B. He never went to university. C. He traveled around the world.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)舒中高二统考英语 第1页 (共10页)The Nobel Prize-winning Mexican writer Octavio Paz said, “The art of the festival has been debased(下降) almost everywhere else, but not in Mexico.” Here are several events that would have made him proud:Morelia International Film FestivalThe Morelia film festival really brings this colonial city to life in mid-October. Created as a platform for documentaries and fiction works, the programming offers an up-close look at Mexican society as seen through the eyes of a new generation of filmmakers. Fashionable bars and sidewalk cafes are buzzing with activity around the main square, where crowds gather nightly for open-air screenings and other cultural events.Day of the DeadEach year on November 1st and 2nd, Mexico turns its thoughts to the departed during the Day of the Dead festivities, a colorful tradition deeply rooted in native culture. For Mexicans, death is more a cause for celebration than mourning, and that spirit has been kept very much alive in Ptzcuaro, the Da de Muertos mecca. Prepare yourself to battle large crowds of the living.Carnival in Veracruz &MazatlnMexico hosts many carnival celebrations every year featuring exciting parades, dance performances, live music and of course, big-time partying. The nine-day event in Veracruz, Mexicos biggest carnival, usually kicks off in March, right around the same time when festivities get started on the Pacific coast in Mazatln. You can shake your body with salsa music in Veracruz or the brass band sounds of Mazatln.La MorismaAn all-out war erupts on the streets of colonial Zacatecas, usually around late August. OK, well, its actually a mock battle with well over 2,000 participants re-enacting battles between the Christians and Moors in old Spain. The faux(假的)soldiers attack one another while acpanied on the streets by bands of musicians.21. How do the Mexicans feel when the Day of the Dead es?A. Calm B. AnxiousC. Scared D. Happy22. What can people enjoy in both Carnival in Veracruz &Mazatln and La Morisma?A. Exciting parades B. Dance performances.C. Live music. D. A mock battle23. What is the purpose of the text?A. To tell something about a Nobel Prize-winning writer.B. To introduce some famous Mexican festivals.C. To advise readers to join in the Mexican events.D. To criticize the bad customs of Mexican festivals.BWhen my sister Mertie told me she had put out tomato plants last summer, I was quite impressed.Since she was a garden-beginner, Mertie researched exactly how far apart to space her tomato plants; what kind of fertilizer to use; how to keep away the bugs, etc. Once they were planted, she took care of them daily, anxiously awaiting the juicy tomatoes to appear. But, day after day, her plants were tomato-less while all of her neighbors who had also put out tomato plants were already enjoying the fruit of their labor.Frustrated, Mertie gave in and went to the market to search fresh tomatoes. While paying, Mertie told the farmer her troubles. The farmer paused to think for a moment and then asked, “Well, what kind of tomatoes did you plant?”“I think they were called Big Boy,” Mertie remembered.“Well theres your problem,” the farmer explained. “Big Boy and Better Boy tomatoes have a 95-day growing period whereas regular tomato plants produce fruit in as few as 70 daysyou just have to wait a little longer for the Big Boys.”With that new knowledge, Mertie went home with excitement, knowing they would be worth the wait.Thinking about my sisters gardening experience, I had to smile. She just didnt know that Big Boy tomatoes took longer-neither did I-but once she discovered that information, she was no longer discouraged and upset about the lack of tomatoes on her plants. Instead, she was encouraged and excited to see them a few weeks later.It makes me wonder how many of us have “Big Boy” dreams in our hearts, yet we just dont realize that they are of the “Big Boy” variety so we are discouraged and worn out with the waiting process. Instead of waiting with excitement, we give up on our dreams and figure we must have done something wrong to stop them from ing to pass. Frustrated, we see other peoples dreams ing true, and we wonder why ours havent yet been achieved.24. What is not mentioned in the passage when growing tomato plants?A. Watering them regularly. B. Keeping them well apart.C. Using suitable fertilizer. D. Controlling pests on them.25. Why did Merties tomato plants fail to produce at the expected time?A. Because she grew the wrong kind of tomatoes.B. Because they were destroyed by her neighbors.C. Because they required more time to produce.D. Because she didnt manage the garden well.26. What does the author pare tomatoes to in the text?舒中高二统考英语 第3页 (共10页)A. Experiences. B. Goals.C. Time. D. Imagination.27. What does the text intend to show us?A. Its better late than never.B. Success sometimes needs a little patience.C. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.D. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.CKong Qiu,better known as Confucius, was born in 551 B. C. , in the Lu state of China. His teachings, preserved in Lunyu , focused on creating models for good behavior and setting educational standards. He died in 479 B. C. Confucianism later became the official philosophy of the Chinese empire, and was extremely influential during the Han, Tang and Song dynasties.Little is known of Confucius childhood. Records of the Historian , written by Ssu-ma Chien,offers the most detailed account of Confucius life. However, some modem historians question its accuracy,regarding it as myth, not fact. The book says that Confucius was born into a royal family while others say that Confucius was bom into poverty. One fact is clear, though: Confucius lived during a time of great trouble in China.Over 2 ,500 years ago , China s Chou Empire began to fall apart. Warring Chinese states caused it to break down. Traditional Chinese values then began to decline. Confucius saw this as an opportunity to strengthen the old Chinese values and customs. His ideas were based on the principle of ren or loving others while practicing self-control. He believed that ren could be put into action using the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself. Confucius political beliefs were also based on the concept of self-control. He believed that a leader should stay modest and treat his followers with care. In doing so, he would lead by positive example. According to Confucius, leaders could motivate their subjects to follow the law by teaching them virtue.His philosophy of education focused on the Six Arts. To Confucius, the main objective of being an educator was to teach people to be honest and kind. He tried to encourage people to be more polite to each other.By the second century B. C. , during China s first Han Dynasty, his ideas became the foundation for the state government. Today, he is widely considered one of the most influential teachers in Chinese history.28. Confucius would be MOST likely to agree that the purpose of education is A. to have rich knowledge. B. to live a good moral life.C. to gain wealth and power . D. to learn six core subjects.29. Each of the following affected Confucius ideas EXCEPT .A. the Han Dynasty . B. the Chou Dynasty.C. traditional Chinese values . D. the war time experience.30. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Confucius led a bitter life in his childhood.B. Traditional values were gone because of the end of Chou.C. Confucius ideas influenced the leadership of the country.D. Confucius devotedly promoted ideas contrary to traditional ones.31. Self-control is central to Confucius philosophy because _ .A. it is the basis of the state government.B. it is the foundation of the Golden Rule.C. it is necessary to be a productive philosopher.D. it helps people be modest and set an example.DNot only does the use of plastic water bottles hurt your wallet, it also increases pollution and wastes energy and water. Only 23% of all plastic in America ends up in a recycling bin, meaning over $ 1 billion worth of plastic is treated as rubbish a year. Recently, Skipping Rocks Lab has invented a kind of water bottle called Ooho.It is a convenient, clear water bottle that can either be drunken or eaten. To drink it, you can either peel off the membrane(薄膜) or tear a hole in the membrane with your teeth to pour the water into your mouth. To eat it, you simply put the whole bottle in your mouth. One problem the scientists have run into is how to ship large amounts of Ooho bubbles(水泡) without arriving with a very wet truck. However, they have attempted to package units of individual bubbles together inside a larger and thicker membrane. It is targeting large outdoor events, such as marathons, music festivals, and sporting events, where tons of plastic bottles are used, and frequently left behind as litter. And too much plastic is sure to do harm to the environment, which could account for their purpose of such a new invention.The team has been working for the past two years to develop the technology and materials needed to produce Ooho; they have recently applied a patent for their new advancements. The price for an individual bubble or a unit of bubbles has not been set yet, but they cost about two cents to create a unit, which is cheaper than plastic bottles. It has appeared at events in London, San Francisco, Boston, at conferences, festivals, and so on.Ooho is catching many peoples attention and has raised over $ 1 million and gained 1,000 investors in only three days. It is mostly being s舒中高二统考英语 第5页 (共10页)old at events at the moment to keep the consumers interest while the production machine is getting up and running. It is quickly making a rise,so keep an eye out this year for these bottles of the future.32. How is most plastic dealt with in America?A. Its sold. B. Its recycled.C. Its buried. D. Its wasted.33. Why did the team invent Ooho?A. To make a profit for a pany. B. To protect the environment.C. To make people eat as they drink. D. To reduce the cost of plastic bottle.34. What can we infer about Ooho from the text?A. It is easy and safe to ship it in large amounts.B. It has bee popular since it began to be sold.C. It might be sold at a lower price than plastic bottles.D. It cost the team a lot of money to develop the technology.35. What does the author really want to say in the last paragraph?A. Ooho is to be a success in the future.B. Ooho is being supported by smart people.C. Ooho is taking the place of plastic bottles now.D. Ooho is being produced to attract more investors.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。There are many ways to fame.Whatever your own recipe(秘诀) is, if you want to make it really big, dont follow anyone elses footprints. 36 1. Do something unusualCelebrity(名人) is all about standing out from the crowd. 37 . Charles Blondin started it all off 150 years ago. He walked a tightrope(钢丝) across the Niagara Falls to the American side, in front of over 10,000 breathless viewers. After his success, Blondin crossed the Falls many more times in a variety of ways: in chains, on a bicycle, and once, blindfolded.2. Discover somethingThe bad news is that there are no countries left to discover. The good news is that in the rainforests of Brazil, there are about three million unnamed types of beetles. One of them could be yours. 38 Though no one will enjoy hearing your name, you will be famous at least until someone es along and discovers a cure.3. Appear on reality TV 39 The growth of “reality TV” shows like Big Brother which star ordinary people, means that anyone can possibly bee a star. 40 While the show is being broadcast, youre the biggest star on earth, but once it is over, your glamour disappears, and the life of being a nobody is waiting round the corner.A. What will make someone remember you?B. What really counts is to explore a unique path.C. Or discover a deadly disease and give it your name.D. They bring you fame at the speed of light, but it fades just as fast.E. Do something out of the ordinary and youll get your piece of fame.F. Try attending an event that addresses something you dont know much about.G. There have never been more chances for “regular” people to bee famous.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A team is a group of people who have been chosen to work together to do a particular job. Team members have a(n)41 goal and work on similar strategies.To ensure a team work effectively, team munication is42 .Team municationsimply means how the small group of people municate with each other and how this 43 the effectiveness of the team as a whole, by44the personal characteristics of the members.Also team munication can make the team more productive and45make the team operations flawless(无瑕疵的),46 ,and healthy.So what can be done to make team munication47 among the group? Well, teammembers should always be48 and given equal importance. It doesnt 49 whether youare a team leader or a team member. Each one should have a say (决定权) in team decisions.Also make each member of your team 50 about the strategies and51 ofthe particular project the group is working on. Any confusion in the mind of any member may delay the52 ofthe goal. To overe this 53 and make sure that everybody has understood thegoal 54, always wele questions.municate with the members of your team55 and keep on telling them about the latest changes and the most recent 56 about the situation. This could be done through e-mails chat video or telephonic conferences and so on.舒中高二统考英语 第7页 (共10页)Meet your team members on a regular basis, and make the 57 interactive by givingevery team member a58 to speak. In addition, dont forget to show your59 ofteammembers good performance, which can 60them to produce better work.41. A. ordinary B.mon C.usual D.average42. A. obtained B.required C.ordered D.responded43.A. brings out B.breaks out C.brings away D.breaks in44.A. changing B.developing C.forming D.improving45.A. yet B.however C.thus D.still46. A. slow B.smooth C.secure D.stable47.A. enjoyable B.reliable C.sensitive D.effective48.A. served B.reflected C.satisfied D.respected49. A. mean B.ask C.matter D.doubt50. A. clear B.curious C.cautious D.crazy51. A. goal B.plan C.design D.process52. A. settlement B.development C.statement D.achievement53. A. conflict B.disability C.problem D.dilemma54.A. thoroughly B.roughly C.actually D.apparently55.A. specially B.seriously C.regularly D.warmly56. A. business B.affairs C.mands D.information57.A. meetings B.gatherings C.parties D.celebrations58.A. reason B.chance C.possibility D.excuse59. A. happiness B.surprise C.appreciation D.prehension60.A. urge B.encourage C.help D.force第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The best way to get around a city may be driving a car. Indeed, it could be of little 61 (convenient) for you to travel from one point to another if you dont own a car. While you can always use public transport, it can be quite unreliable sometimes. But dont worry. There are car rental panies that can help you with your traveling needs at anytime. If you are planning on a vacation during a major holiday like Christmas, 62 (consider) hiring a car for you and your familys use. The obvious 63 (benefit) of doing so are as follows:Some rental panies even include a driver with every car rented. Imagine yourself with a driver taking you to your destination 64 waiting to drive you back home. In this way, even parking 65 (bee) the least of your concerns.Even if you have to drive the car by yourself, you can benefit from hiring a car because you can take the shortest route 66 (enjoyable) to your destination. If you have planned your holiday in 67 hurry, you might have missed 68 (check) on your cars condition. If this is the case, it is wise to rent a car because it will not break down 69 your way at all.Traveling in your own car is a lot 70 (fortable), to be frank, than riding the train or bus. You can stop at anytime if you need to grab something.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分

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