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2019年新版小学六年级英语下册Unit1单元测试卷2带答案一、【四会词汇】根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词或短语。(50分)1更高的_2更矮的_3更强壮的_4年龄更大的_5更年轻的_6(体型)更大的_7更重的_8更长的_9更瘦的_10(体型)更小的_二、【三会词汇】根据所给英文单词及音标写出相应的汉语意思。(10分)1little/lItl/_2tail/teIl/_3think/Ik/_4size/saIz/_5wear/we/_三、【二会词汇】写出下列英文的汉语意思。(16分)1cm(centimeter)_2than_ 3.funnier_4kg(kilogram)_5feet_ 6.meter_7ton_8.each_9squid_10.lobster_11shark_12.deep_13seal_14sperm whale_15killer whale_16.even_四、【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(24分)()1.Youre taller than your brother!()2.Yes!Im 160 cm tall.()3.Hes 159 cm tall.()4.His tail is longer.()5.His head is smaller.()6.How tall are you?()7.Im 164 cm tall.()8.Youre shorter than me.()9.Youre 4 cm taller than me.()10.How heavy are you?()11.Im 48 kg.()12.Im thinner than you,and shorter.A你多高?B你多重?C我一百六十四厘米高。D我四十八千克(重)。E我比你更瘦更矮。F你比你的弟弟高!G他一百五十九厘米高。H他的尾巴更长。I他的头更小。J是的!我一百六十厘米高。K你比我矮。L你比我高四厘米。综合全练全测听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(10分)()1.A.tall Bsmall Chow()2.A.short Byoung Cthin()3.A.seal Bsquid Clobster()4.A.heavier Bstrong Cfunnier()5.A.door Broom Cbed二、听录音,选出正确答案。(15分)()1.Who is younger than me?AMike. BAmy. CAlice.()2.How tall is she?A160 cm. B155 cm. C120 cm.()3.Who is heavier than Mike?ANobody. BAlice. CMu Lan.()4.Is Sarah taller than Amy?AYes,she is. BNo,she isnt. CNo.()5.How old is Lily?A13. B11. C15.三、听写句子。(15分)1_ _is your brother?2The monkey is_ than the rabbit.3Im _ than you.4My fish is smaller than _5Her _ are longer.笔试部分(60分)四、快乐连线。(6分)1sperm whale A.2shark B.3seal C.4killer whale D.5lobster E.6squid F.五、你能找出不同类的一项吗?(10分)()1.A.tall Bfunnier Cthin()2.A.kg Bm Ccm()3.A.foot Bshark Cseal()4.A.stronger Blonger Cbig()5.A.father Bsmaller Cthinner()6.A.pen Bman Cpencil()7.A.banana Bapple Ctomato()8.A.tall Bwhat Cwhere()9.A.tiger Blonger Clion()10.A.Amy Bmy Cyour六、火眼金睛,选一选。(10分)()1._you taller than Mike?AIs BAm CAre()2.Mu Lan _ taller than Amy.Aam Bis Care()3.How _ is your mother?Aolder Bbig Cold()4.Im taller than _Ayour Byou Cyours()5.She is 170_ tall.Acm Bm Cmm()6.The tiger is _ than the cat.Abiger Blarge Cbigger()7.My legs are longer than _Ayou Byours Cyour()8.The coat is 50 yuan cheaper _ hers.Athen Bthan Cthat()9.He is older than _Ame Bmine Cmy()10._ is eleven.Ashe BHer CShe七、按要求完成下列各题。(20分)1who,taller,is,you,than(?)(连词成句)_2bigger,some,dinosaurs,houses,are,than(.)(连词成句)_3Sarah is 160_cm(就画线部分提问)_4Wu_Yifan is taller than John.(就画线部分提问)_5I like the yellow monkey.(变为一般疑问句)_6I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall.(变为否定句)_7Is his head smaller?(作肯定回答)_8His brother is 50_kg(就画线部分提问)_9I am 160 cm.She is 158 cm.(变成一句话)_10He can catch the ball.(变为一般疑问句)_八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)Mike is an American boy.He is my new classmate.He is 10 years old.Mike has a brother. His name is Nick.Nick is 163 cm.Mike is 165 cm.Mike often goes to school on foot.Nick often goes to school by bus.They are very different.Mike likes flying kites.Nick likes listening to music.()1.Mike is an American boy.()2.Mike is 11 years old.()3.Nick is 165 cm.()4.Nick often goes to school on foot.()5.Mike likes flying kites.九、书面表达。(9分)请仔细观察一下周围的人,比较一下他们的身高、体重等,用比较级写几句话。要求:1.字迹工整。2.语句通顺。3.不少于6句话。_听力录音原文一、1.how2.young3.lobster4.heavier5.room二、1.Amy is younger than me. 2She is 160 cm.3Alice is heavier than Mike. 4Sarah is taller than Amy.5Lily is 15 years old.三、1.How tall is your brother? 2The monkey is heavier than the rabbit.3Im shorter than you. 4My fish is smaller than yours.5Her arms are longer.答案全析全解第一单元基础全练全测一、1.taller2.shorter3.stronger4.older5.younger6bigger7.heavier8.longer9.thinner10.smaller 二、1.小的2.尾巴3.想;思考4.号码;尺码5.穿三、1.厘米2.与相比较3.更滑稽的4.千克 5脚6.米7.吨8.各自;每个9.鱿鱼10.龙虾 11鲨鱼12.深的13.海豹14.抹香鲸15.虎鲸 16甚至四、1.F2.J3.G4.H5.I6.A7.C8.K9.L10.B11.D12.E第一单元综合全练全测一、1.C2.B3.C4.A5.B二、1.B2.A3.B4.A5.C三、1.How tall2.heavier3.shorter 4yours5.arms四、1A2C3D4B5F6E五、1.B2.A3.A4.C5.A6.B7.C8.A9.B10.A六、1.C2.B3.C4.B5.A6.C7.B8.B9.A10.C七、1.Who is taller than you?2.Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses.3.How tall is Sarah? 4Who is taller than John?5.Do you like the yellow monkey?6.I dont think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall.7.Yes,it is.8.How heavy is his brother?9.I am 2 cm taller than her.10.Can he catch the ball?八、1.T2.F3.F4.F5.T九、范例:I have two friends.They are Mike and Sarah.Mike is 165 cm tall.Sarah is 160 cm tall.I am 162 cm tall.Mike is taller than Sarah.Sarah is shorter than me.I am shorter than Mike.Mike is 60 kg.I am 5 kg thinner than him.科目一考试 http:/km1.jsyst.cn 科目一模拟考试 仿真考试 最新试题

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