2019年四年级英语上册 Restaurant and Market练习 冀教版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Restaurant and Market练习 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年四年级英语上册 Restaurant and Market练习 冀教版.doc_第2页
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2019年四年级英语上册 Restaurant and Market练习 冀教版一、根据提示写出正确的答案。 1. Lets go to the p _ to f _ a k _. 2. Lets go to the m _ to b _ f _. 3. Lets go to the r _ to e _ s _. 4. Lets go to the m _ t_ to w _ a m _. 二、连词成句,注意大、小写和标点符号。 1. it is what _ 2. am tired I _ 3. go lets shopping _ 4. restaurant ice eat cream go a to lets to _ 5. want I do to not ice an eat cream _ 6. 6. you dress this like do _ 7. 7. not am I hungry _ 答 案 一、1. park fly kite 2. market buy fruits 3. restaurant eat supper 4. movie theatre watch movie 二、1. What is this?2. 2. I am tired. 3. 3. Lets go shopping. 4. 4. Lets go to a restaurant to eat ice cream. 5. 5. I do not want to eat an ice cream. 6. 6. Do you like this dress? 7. 7. I am not hungry.

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