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2019年小升初英语完型填空专项15This time last week Roy Woods, a bus conductor from Streatham, in South London, was worried about money. He _1_ $ 20 from his landlady(女房东). Today he is _2_, for last Saturday he won $ 120,000 on the football pools(赌注).Last night he was interviewed(采访) on television by reporter Stan Edwards.EDWARDS: Well, Mr Woods, _3_ are you going to do now? Are you going to give up(放弃) your _4_ on the buses?WOODS: Yes, Im going to _5_ at the end of the week.EDWARDS: And what other plans(计划) have you _6_?WOODS: Well, Im going to buy a house.EDWARDS: Have you got a house of your own now?WOODS: No, no, we _7_ in a flat(公寓房间).EDWARDS: Have you got a _8_?WOODS: Yes, Ive got an old Ford, _9_ Im going to buy a new carand my wife says shes going to have _10_ lessons!( ) 1. A. received B. paid C. sent D. borrowed( ) 2. A. poor B. rich C. old D. ill( ) 3. A. how B. when C. what D. where( ) 4. A. job (职业) B. idea C .football D money( ) 5. A. start B. work C. finish D. return( ) 6. A. found B. thought C. seen D. got( ) 7. A. work B. live C. play D. meet( ) 8. A. car B. friend C. class D. television( ) 9. A. so B. but C. and D. for( ) 10. A. teaching B. music C. TV D. driving【解析】1. 根据worried about money,borrowfrom向女房东借钱,选择D。【解析】2. 根据won $ 120,000 on the football pools,知道他现在有钱了,选择B。【解析】3. what are you going to do now?有钱了,你现在准备干什么?选择A。【解析】4. 根据a bus conductor,知道他是否会放弃司机这个工作,选择A。【解析】5. 本周末结束(不再工作),选择c。【解析】6. have you got= do you have,所以选择D。【解析】7. live in a flat,居住在公寓房间,选择A。【解析】8. 下文问的是车,选择A。【解析】9. 有旧车,但是准备买新车,选择B。【解析】10. 妻子准备去学车,两个人开两辆车,选择D。B One day a rich man wanted to sell some goods(物品) in another town and buy some things there. He _1_ to take ten servants(仆人) with him. They would carry the goods and also some _2_ to eat on their way. The rich man said to _3_ of his servants, Ali, you are the _4_ and the weakest one. You may _5_ the lightest load(担子) to carry. Ali thanked him and chose the _6_ load. It was their food bread. The rich man said, How foolish(愚蠢) you are! Thats the heaviest one. But Ali was _7_ to lift it up. And so they set off. Four hours _8_, they stopped for a rest. They all _9_ some of the bread. Then there was _10_ bread for Ali to carry. Each time they ate some, the load became smaller and lighter. At last the clever servant had nothing to carry.( ) 1. A. agreed B. liked C. decided D. refused( ) 2. A. food B. goods C. water D. meat( ) 3. A. all B. both C. none D. one( ) 4. A. tallest B. smallest C. busiest D. fastest( ) 5. A. find B. give C. choose D. carry( ) 6. A. lightest B. smallest C. best D. biggest( ) 7. A. glad B. worried C. sorry D. tired( ) 8. A. early B. later C. past D. last( ) 9. A. loved B. put C. called D. ate( ) 10. A. more B. little C. less D. no【解析】1. decide决定,选择C。【解析】2. food to eat on their way路上吃的食物,选择A。【解析】3. one ofAli是其中之一,选择D。【解析】4. 根据the weakest one,选择B。【解析】5. carry the load,carry有搬重物的意思,选择B。【解析】6. 根据the heaviest one,所以选择D。【解析】7. be glad to do sth ,高兴去做某事,选择A。【解析】8. Four hours later,四个小时之后,选择B。【解析】9. 停下来休息,吃食物,选择D。【解析】10. 比开始要少了,选择C。


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